A. Listen and Repeat After Your Teacher.: Note (Catatan)

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Jenjang : SD
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/ Semester : IV/1
Waktu : 4 x 35 menit

A. Standar Kompetensi :
Speaking : 2. Mengungkapkan instruksi dan informasi sangat sederhana dalam konteks
B. Kompetensi Dasar:
2.4 Mengungkapkan kesantunan secara berterima yang melibatkan ungkapan : would
you please…. and May I….

C. Indikator:
Speaking: 1. Melafalkan ungkapan would you please and May I
2. Mendemonstrasikan ungkapan would you please and may I


Note (catatan):
Berikut contoh ungkapan bahasa Inggris yang dipakai untuk meminta dengan sopan
seseorang untuk melakukan tindakan,
- Would you please to open the door!
- Would you please to turn on the lamp!
- May I borrow your book
- Etc.

A. Listen and repeat after your teacher.

Teacher: Would you please to open the door.*)
Students: OK, mum.
*) - Clean the blackboard.
- Turn off the lamp.
- Put your ruler in the bag.
- Put your book in the bag.
- Put your bag on the chair.

B. Do in pairs like the example below!

Student A: Would you please to open your bag .
Student B: Ok. Now, put out your book from the bag .

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