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Joy Academy Practice Test - 01

Class - VIII
Subject – English
School – ODM Public School

Time: 90 Mins. F.M.: 40 Marks


1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the related questions accordingly:
(16 Marks)
A Nigerian Airways plane with 130 people on board crashed on landing in Northern
Nigeria today morning and at least 50 people were feared dead, the Government News
Agency reported. Emergency Medical Vehicles were at the scene transferring corpses and
injured passengers to hospitals, the Nigeria News Agency said. Police cordoned off the airport
and no further details were immediately available.
Ms. Tina Abia, a spokesperson for Nigeria Airways, confirmed the Boeing 737
crashed at Kaduna Airport at about 7:00am in the morning local time but she refused to give
further details. “We have reports of injuries but are still waiting for details”, she said. Initial
reports said150 were aboard the plane. There was no immediate explanation for discrepancy.
The plane was flying from the Central Nigerian City of Jos to Kadura, 650 kilometres
Northeast of Lagos, the country’s commercial capital.
The plane was the fourth Nigerian Airliner to crash since June. The crashes have
raised serious concern about the condition of Nigeria’s aging aircraft. Many of the West
African country’s airport facilities and runways are not considered up to International
Aviation Safety Standards.

Complete the table below after reading the Newspaper Report carefully: (8x1 Marks)
(a) Name the country to which the plane belonged –
(b) Place of the accident –
(c) Date & Day of the accident –
(d) Time of the accident –
(e) Name of the airways –
(f) Name of the aircraft –
(g) Approximate number of deaths-
(h) Destination of the flight –

Answer the following questions appropriately: (a-f=6x1 Marks / g=1x2 Marks)

(a) In which part of Africa is Kaduna Airport situated?
(b) At what stage of flight, did the accident take place?
(c) What discrepancy or difference do you notice between the Government News Agency
Report and the Nigerian Airways Report?
(d) Where was the aeroplane coming from?
(e) What was the distance in between the sourcing point and the destination point of the
(f) What was the name of the Nigerian Airway’s spokesperson?
(g) What could be the possible causes of the aircraft accident? Enlist at least two reasons for
the same.


2. Write a debate on the topic “Life beyond Studies”. (6 Marks)


Write a letter to your friend describing about your city. (6 Marks)


3. Do as directed: (8x1Marks)
(I) Ravi has bought a new bike. (Change the Voice)

(II) “3 Mistakes of My Life”______ (was/were) one of the beautiful creations of Chetan

Bhagat. (Use the correct form of the ‘Verb’)

(III) I am teaching English to Class – VIII students.

(Change the voice)

(IV) They _____ (is/are) playing basketball in the school ground.

(Use the correct form of the ‘Verb’)

(V) I _____ (can/could) have hard to achieve good marks in my exams.

(Use the correct ‘Modal Verb’)

(VI) He _____ (must/ought to) start revising his lessons for the upcoming exams.
(Use the correct ‘Modal Verb’)

(VII) _____ must not disturb _____ while he is teaching in the class.
(Use the correct ‘Pronoun’)

(VIII) _____ is the raw material used in the paper industry?

(Use the correct ‘Pronoun’)


4. Read the extract carefully and answer the questions that follow:
“A silly young cricket, accustomed to sing;
Through the warm, sunny months of gay summer and spring;
Began to complain when he found that, at home;
His cupboard was empty, and winter was come;
Not a crumb to be found,
On the snow covered ground;
Not a flower could he see,
Not a leaf on a tree;
“Oh! What will become”, say the cricket “of me?”
At last, by starvation and famine made bold,
All dripping with wet, and all trembling with cold;
Away he sat off to a miserly ant,
To see if, to keep him alive, he could grant;
Him shelter from rain,
And a mouthful of grain.”

Answer the following questions appropriately: (5x2 Marks)

(I) What was the lifestyle of the cricket?
(II) Why was the cricket worried?
(III) What did the cricket start complaining?
(IV) Why did he go to the ant?
(V) How did winter affect the cricket and its life?


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