The Collapse of The Sella Zerbino Gravity Dam

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The collapse of the Sella Zerbino gravity dam

The construction of large started dams at the end of XIX century in Italy, when the second
industrial revolution was just starting (Anidel 1961). The Gleno dam collapse occurred
1923 was considered as the first dam failure happened in Italy, it is believed to have been
caused by weak foundation and combined with changes in the construction stages (Pilotti
et al. 2011).
The primary driver of gravity dams are foundations deficiencies and inadequacy to
discharge excess water through spillways and outlet works. Poorly designed spillways are
often causing dams failures (ICOLD 1991).
The lessons gained from the catastrophic events happened over the past 150 years were
responsible to somehow into the new guidelines. A significant viewpoint that is currently
completely perceived is the need to properly recognize from the beginning of the design
procedure that hydrological, hydraulic, geological, geotechnical and seismic processes are
carefully analysed.

After a few alteration Sella Zerbino dam. On August 13, 1935 the last state of Sella
Zerbino Dam was as per the following: height 14.5m, length 109m,, shoulders made as
strong dividers 3.5m wide. The slope of the faces of three central block of the dam were
10% upstream and changing from 75% to 55% downstream (Figure 1). Unfortunately, the
secondary dam had no spillways at all.

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