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How the Temperature of Hydrogen Peroxide Affects the

Rate of Catabolism
Meghan Scott, Ari Levin, Rebekah Choi
16923 Norwood Rd, Sandy Spring, MD 20860

● Filled three test tubes with hydrogen peroxide

Although hydrogen peroxide is dangerous to humans, our ● Placed each tube in different temperature situations •Our data did not reflect our hypothesis.
bodies naturally produce it. In order to break down peroxide our ● Put one test tube in double boiler for 10 minutes •We hypothesized that the rise in temperature
body has an enzyme called catalase. Enzymes are a type of would increase the rate of catabolism, but in fact
● Put one in the fridge for 10 minutes
protein that speeds up reactions in our bodies. We wanted to the rise in temperature slowed down the rate of
● Let the room temp one sit for 10 minutes
see if the temperature of the peroxide affects the rate of catabolism.
catabolism. Catabolism is the breaking down of the enzyme. ● Repeat three times for each times for each temperature
● Hole punch a piece of filter paper and soak in catalase solution •As a result, we found that maintaining room
for 25 seconds temperature of hydrogen peroxide increases the
● Drop the paper in the test tube rate of catabolism.
● Observe the rate of catabolism ( how long it takes for the paper
to float to the top)

•With more time in the future we would do more trials

rather than three.
How does the temperature of hydrogen peroxide affect the
•In the future, we would also control the temperatures
rate of catabolism?
better for the different trials by setting exact
We took the temperatures for the different trials.
To start off the procese peroxide filled Then we soaked the •Next time we would also like to heat the tubes with
we dipped a piece of test tubes in catalase papers and peroxide more effectively by using a different source of
filter paper in the put them in the test
To determine the effect of the temperature of hydrogen different heat rather than a warm water bath.
catalyce solution temperature tubes and watched the
peroxide on the rate of catabolism. papers float to the top.

The increase in temperature of hydrogen peroxide increases We would like to thank our teacher Alice Chmil for
the rate of catabolism. guiding us throughout our experiment and for being a
wonderful source for any questions that arose. We
would also like to thank Sandy Spring Friends School
for providing us a space to use for our experiment
and supplying us with necessary materials such as
The increase in temperature of hydrogen peroxide does not increase tubes and filter paper.
the rate of catabolism.

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