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100 Idioms And Phrases For AFCAT 1 2019

1. In a jiffy – Very soon or suddenly

2. Up to the hilt – Completely fully or entirely
3. Man of letters – A literary person
4. Sangfroid – The ability to remain calm in difficult situations
5. A curtain lecture – A private scolding of a husband by his wife
6. Square peg in round holes – People in the wrong jobs or places
7. In weal and woe – In both good and bad times
8. Globetrotters – Travel around the world
9. Tickled pink – Greatly pleased
10. Split one’s side – To laugh a lot
11. Building castles in the air – Making impossible plans
12. At the drop of the hat – Willingly and immediately
13. Airy – fairy – Not practical
14. Be given the axe – To lose job
15. To go like a bomb – To move fast
16. Bolt from the blue – Unexpected
17. Able to use both hands alike – Ambidextrous
18. A written account of the life of an individual – Autobiography
19. The identification of a disease by its symptoms – Diagnosis
20. Prolongs inability to sleep – Insomnia
21. A style in which a writer makes a display of his knowledge – Pedantic
22. All agog – Full of interest and excitement
23. To the manner born – Place of one’s birth
24. Lose one’s marbles – Lose something dear to you
25. Bolt from the blues – Complete surprise
26. Be like the bear with the sore head – Powerful and Arrogant
27. A snake in the grass – Hidden enemy
28. Rain cats and dogs – Rain heavily
29. A man of straw – Mean person
30. To break the back of – To make anything weaker
31. A mare’s nest – False invention
32. Black and blue – To beat mercilessly
33. Dime a dozen – Very simple
34. Jumped out of my skin – Surprised
35. Turn up one’s nose – To reject
36. To pull off pieces – To rebuke/scold
37. Faux pass – Mistake
38. A gala day – A day of happiness
39. Summer friends – Friend of good days
40. Elbow room – To give freedom
41. To make a fortune – To be rich
42. From pillar to post – To make efforts
43. Jack of all trades – To have knowledge of all areas/ subjects
44. Fire and fury – With full enthusiasm
45. Rat race – Boring task
46. Hang in balance – Undecidable situation
47. Set teeth on edge – To irritate someone
48. Out and out – Totally
49. In a jiffy – Suddenly
50. All geek and Latin – Hard to understand
51. Narrow circumstances – Days of poverty
52. Break up – Terminate or stop
53. Call off – Suspend
54. Call up – To contact
55. Look on – To see like a spectator
56. Pull down – To demolish any structure
57. See off – To escort
58. Run into – Come across
59. Stand by – To support
60. Take after – Similar or resembling
61. Talk over – To discuss
62. Round up – To arrest
63. Makeover – Convert
64. Outset – Beginning
65. Back stair influence – By unfair means
66. Over head and years – Excessively or heavily
67. Odds and ends – Scattered things
68. Once cup of tea – Thing of one’s liking
69. Live in fool’s paradise – In a false hope
70. Mend one’s fence – To bring peace
71. Pay off old scores – Taking revenge
72. Pell Mell – Big confusion
73. Queer fish – Strange person
74. Rank and file – Common man
75. Red herring – To distract
76. Show white feather – Showing cowardice
77. Shot in the arm – To encourage
78. Up and doing – To be active
79. Writing on the wall – Warning
80. Wear and tear – Damage caused by using something
81. Throw cold water – Discourage
82. Upkeep – Maintenance
83. In a tighter corner – Difficult situation
84. Off and on – Occasionally
85. Fits and starts – Irregular
86. Fall through – To fail
87. Hold up – Delay
88. At sea – In a loss
89. Stick to guns – Stay on own opinion
90. Wind up – To complete or to bring to the end
91. Send for – Summon
92. Put off – To postpone
93. Look into – To investigate
94. Carry by – To lose control
95. Spill the beans –To give information
96. Wary face – Disappointed look
97. Wee hours – Dawn hours
98. Take to heels – To run away
99. Lion’s share – A large part or portion
100. At stone’s throw – Very close

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