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R. Mittra* and R. Yang M . Itoh and M.Arakawa

Electromagnetic Communication Laboratory Matsushita Electric Work
University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801 San Jose, CA 95134

I. Introduction
It is well known that the antennas are a key component in the GPS receiving
system and that they are currently receiving wide attention because of
proliferating applications of GPS systems. Much has been written in the literature
on the subject of microstrip patch antenna designs for conformal and low-profile
applications, and this subject area is considered to be somewhat of an 'old hat' by
many workers in the field. Nonetheless, new demands for microstrip antennas
with enhanced performance, brought about by the challenging requirements of the
GPS and wireless communication systems, have sparked renewed interest in
developing novel designs for these antennas that attempt to respond to these
challenges. In this paper, we describe the preliminary designs of two different
types of microstrip antennas, viz., those providing: (i) dual-frequency C.P.
operation; and, (ii) enhanced low-angle radiation.
II. Antennas for Dual-Frequency GPS Operation
This group of antennas was designed to operate at the GPS frequencies of 1.227
and 1.575 GHz, and was fabricated by using a novel combination of recessed
cavity and patch type of resonators. The concept of using two stacked microstrip
patch resonators tuned at the individual frequencies of interest to achieve a dual-
frequency performance is not new, and was introduced by the Ball corporation in
a patented design about a decade ago. However, the present antenna configuration
provides improved isolation between the two resonators, and, hence, is less
critical to design. Furthermore, its design is relatively compact, and the above two
features make it easier to manufacture for mass production.
The mass production model of the antenna evolved through various stages of
development, as discussed below. The first model of the antenna, shown in Fig. 1,
consisted of an open cavity resonator with a small flange for the lower frequency
(1.227 GHz), and a conventional microstrip patch antenna stacked above for the
higher frequency (1.575 GHz). Enhanced isolation between the two resonators
was achieved by letting the feed for the upper resonator protrude through the
lower cavity near its center, close to the null of the cavity mode distribution in the
lower resonator. While the impedance as well as C.P.characteristics of this
model, shown in Figs. 2 and 3, were excellent, the antenna geometry itself was
not mechanically suitable for mass production. This led us to develop the
improved version, shown in Fig. 4, which replaced the coaxial feed line on top of
the upper resonator with a microstrip feed line. Again, the performance of this
antenna was quite satisfactory, though it was not as well-suited for mass
manufacturing as the model shown in Fig. 5, in which a coplanar line was used in
place of the microstrip line, and the flange in the lower cavity was replaced by
blind through-holevias.

0-7803-1246-5/93/$3.00 0 1993 IEEE.

The antenna was constructed by using a low-loss substrate material (R-4726),
manufactured by Matsushita. Its had a thickness of 3.12 mm and a relative
permittivity of 3.6. Eleven design parameters were identified, as shown in Fig. 6,
and a systematic approach was developed for varying these parameters to arrive at
a design that met all of the specifications for input VSWR, C.P. and gain. The
realized performance of the antenna in Fig. 5 are summarized in Table 1.
m. Antennas for Enhanced Low-angle Radiation
For certain communication applications, enhanced radiation at low angles, i.e.,
close to the horizon, is desired. Typically, the gain loss of a conventional
microstrip patch antenna is approximately 10 dB relative to the zenith, the
direction of the maximum radiation. Achieving enhanced gain at lower angles
without sacrificing the C.P. performance turned out to be a difficult challenge
indeed. After many unsuccessful attempts, a preliminary design that employed a
pyramidal configuration, shown in Fig. 7,appeared to exhibit good promise and
favorable potential for further improvement. A sample radiation pattem of the
pyramidal antenna is plotted in Fig. 8. Additional results for this antenna, and for
the improved models derived from this basic design, will be included in the
M a ” d Characterillllcs of ProductionModel
GPS Antenna of Fig. 4
Physical dmensbn 80 x 80 x 5 mm
Antenna Qain (ai 90”)1, : 4.44 dBi f2 : 5.37 dB#
VSWR (1 : 1.627 f2 : 1.355
Axis Ralw 1, :1.1 dB f2 :0.7dBi

All data were measured ai 1.57542 and 1.22760

GHZ. imcated by 1I and f2 , respectively.

Fig.1 Dual band CP antenna model-1

with coaxial fecd for top patch.

(1)1.552GHz,(2)1.562GHz, (3) 1.575GH2,
(4) 1.61OGHz. (5)1.623GHz
Fig.Za CPpattem of antema model-1
( n m fi). Fig.2b Impedance chmteristics of
model-1 (ncsrfl).

Q1 4s o u m
Azlmulh ( d q )
(1) 1.203GHz,(2) 1. 121GHz, (3) 1.225GHz,
(4)1.25OGHz, (5)1.258GHz
Fig.3a CPpattem of antenna -1-1
(neu f2). Fig.3b Impedance characteristics of
model-1 (nearfi).

Fig.4 Dual band CP antenna model-2 Fig.5 Dual hand CP antenna model-3
with microstrip line feed for top with coplanar line feed fortop
patch. patch.





F.B a 1 o

Fig.6 The production model and the design


-- - a a a a
a a
(a) (b) (4

Fig.7 Pyramidal patch antenna designs for enhanced low mgle radiation.

lr1.746 OH2
...... ...................
_ ; !


-15t ' ' ' ' ' ' '

-180 -90 0 90 180
AAmuIh (dog)

Fig.8 Radiation pattern of pyramidal antenna in Fig.'l(a).


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