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Inorganic Chemistry

Tutorial 1

1. Arrange, WITH REASONS, the following atoms/ions in order of:

1.1 decreasing ionic radius Na+; Mg2+, Al3+

1.2 decreasing electronegativity Li, C, Si

1.3 Increasing ionic radius K+; Se2-; I-; Sr2+

2. Provide the noble gas core electron gas configuration of the following elements:

2.1 Arsenic (As)

2.2 Silver (Ag)

3. Indicate, with reasons, which compound in each of the following pairs have the higher
boiling point

3.1 HBr or HF

3.2 NO or O2

3.3 SiO2 or CHI3

3.4 MgO or NaCl

4. What does electronegativity have to do with bond polarity?

5. Why is the bond length of nitrogen much shorter than the bond length of chlorine?

6. List three differences between ionic and covalent compounds:

7. Briefly explain what is meant by the coordination number of an ionic compound.

8. Associate each of the solids: CsI, SiO2, Ni, and SiCl3H with one of the following sets
of properties:

8.1 A very hard solid subliming at 2900oC.

8.2 A yellowish solid having a melting point of 40oC and is a nonconductor of

electricity when molten (in the liquid state).

8.3 A lustrous solid melting at about 1600oC. This substance conducts electricity
in both the solid and liquid states.

8.4 A white solid melting at about 700oC. This substance conducts electricity in
the liquid state, but not in the solid state


9.1 Use reaction equations to briefly discuss the energy changes in the formation
of solid silver chloride from solid silver and chlorine gas.

9.2 Calculate the lattice enthalpy of silver chloride from the following data.
Sublimation energy = 284 kJmol-1
Ionization energy = 731 kJmol-1
Dissociation energy = 122 kJmol-1
Electron affinity = -349 kJmol-1
Lattice formation energy of silver chloride = -127 kJmol-1

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