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INC150S Inorganic Chemistry II 24 October 2018

Sick Test

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COURSE: ND: Analytical Chemistry

ND Chemical Engineering

SUBJECT: Inorganic Chemistry 1


DATE: 24 October 2018


MARKS: 60 marks

EXAMINER: Mrs S Adonis / Dr S Le roux

MODERATOR: Dr M Hearshaw



Periodic Table

INC150S Inorganic Chemistry II 24 October 2018
Sick Test

Question 1

1.1 Use reaction equations to briefly discuss the energy changes in the formation of
solid barium chloride from solid barium and chlorine gas. (5)

1.2 Calculate the lattice enthalpy of silver chloride from the following data.
Sublimation energy = 284 kJmol-1
Ionization energy = 731 kJmol-1
Dissociation energy = 122 kJmol-1
Electron affinity = -349 kJmol-1
Lattice formation energy of silver chloride = -127 kJmol-1 (3)

1.3 The structures below represents 3 types of lattices:

1.3.1 Name each of the 3 types of lattices,(a), (b) and (c). (3)
1.3.2 Determine the number of atoms per unit cell for each lattice type. (3)


Question 2
2.1 Draw Lewis structures for the following molecules/ions:

2.1.1 PF3
2.1.2 HCN
2.1.3 NH4+ (3x2)

2.2 Determine the electron geometry (EG) and molecular geometry for the following

2.2.1 XeF4
2.2.2 ICl2-
2.2.3 H2S (3x2)

INC150S Inorganic Chemistry II 24 October 2018
Sick Test

2.3 Consider the following molecular ion and molecule:

O2+ and CO

2.3.1 Draw the molecular orbital diagram for each. (6)

2.3.2 Determine the bond order for each (4)

2.3.3 State what type of magnetism will be applicable for each molecular ion (2)


Question 3
3.1 Complete the following equations for the extraction of aluminium from bauxite:

(a) + OH- + H2O (b)

(b) Al(OH)3 + OH-
Al(OH)3 (c) + H2O (3)

3.2 Explain why aluminium is corrosion resistant. (2)

3.3 Give two uses of aluminium. (2)

3.4 Write down the name and the formula of the main compound which

contains boron. (2)

3.5 Write down a balanced equation illustrating the reaction of amorphous

boron with sulphur. (2)


INC150S Inorganic Chemistry II 24 October 2018
Sick Test

Question 4
4.1 Use reaction equation(s) to explain the Acheson process for the manufacturing
of graphite. (4)

4.2 Write balanced equations to show how methanol can be produced from
carbon monoxide. (2)

4.3 What is silica glass? Give two advantages and one disadvantage of silica

glass over ordinary glass. (4)

4.4 Briefly describe the preparation of silica gel and also state the main use of

silica gel. (2)


Total Marks = 61

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