Jennifer Short Stories

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Deja Vu

​In the beginning many people would go seek those who can see visions
about the future.They would search and search but would only be met with the
typical fortune teller with a globe,long nails,nappy hair and long rope.Little did
they know that in the city of Avignon,France was a man named “Deja Vu” who has
been kept away from civilization all 20 years of his lifetime,for a reason he himself
doesn’t understand.He was a tall,thin young man with dirty blond hair and has
never interacted with anyone in any type of way.One day he found himself trying
to wonder into the city, when he came across a boy whom he can see was hurt due
to the bleeding from his knee.He rushed over to the little boy and as soon as he had
touch the boy he had felt a sudden pain in his knee and saw that blood had stained
his pants.As he looked into the boys eyes he had not only seen how he had fallen
but felt every emotion this boy had felt and lived that every moment he had lived
as if it was his own.
After that encounter he couldn’t come up with words of what had happened.Not
knowing his way around the city all he could do was run and he ran like never
before until he had reached,for what looked to be the center of Avignon.The streets
were all crowded,Deja Vu was trying to be careful not to touch anyone to not
repeat what had happened a while ago.He then saw what all the excitement was
for, the king of France, E’mile Boirac was in the city along with what looked like
about 15 guards.The same people who were looking for people like Deja
Vu.Without looking Deja Vu had slipped and fell right in front of the main
guard.The guard held out a hand to help him up but Deja Vu knew better not to
touch him in fear of what will happen.The guard; however, was angered by the fact
that he had not taken his hand.
The angered guard then grabs him by the collar,as soon as they interacted a
sudden flash past through Deja Vu’s eyes.The guard wore a masked face of
confusion and was quickly replaced by realization.The king was asking what the
holdup was all about,the guard then turns and responses to the king.
“​we’ve found one at last!”” said the guard in a surprised tone.
The king’s eyes lit up and quickly replied “”Bring him to the castle””.
Throughout the whole journey to the castle Deja Vu was beyond terrified of what
they were going to do him. First time he leaves home and this is what happened, all
under the span of maybe an hour.
He was then seated in a nice ,elegant,spacious room. In walks the​ king whom was
then staring at him like he was made of gold, which in reality was what the king's
intentions of having Deja Vu where, he just didn’t know it.
The king had lost his memory and had forgotten where he had put 2 billion euros
worth of gold so it was in his best interest to keep Deja Vu and please him.At last all his
searching has come to an end.But he would have to wait for the right moment,for he
didn't want Deja Vu to to run off with his gold.
Days later and word as gotten around to the city of Avignon that the king is hiding a
“person of the past” as often referred Deja Vu as.
The kingdom then had hundreds and hundreds of people line up to meet Deja Vu in
hopes of them seeing something that they have forgotten.Seeing all those people made
Deja Vu scared of what was to come.For he knew he was going to be roused with
emotions that would overwhelm him,along with pasts that can be frightening to see for
even a split second, for that second can felt like a lifetime. He didn’t know how many
more lifetimes he can handle.
Deja Vu had found himself light headed after he had just finished up with helping a
person restore some of their memories. Alone in the room he almost fell to the floor but
caught himself.He then heard his name being called from a guard.
“Deja ! Deja!” called out the guard.
“I’m in here”, he had called back meekly.
Once the guard had came inside the room, Deja noticed that he was looking around the
“Are you looking for something?Do you need me for something?” He had asked but was
met with no response.
The guard now looking a bit anxious murmured
“Where is this boy hiding”
“Hiding? I'm right here”
“ aren’t I”, Vu said more to himself this time.
He then starts to feel a little uneasy.He looks around the room and goes to a mirror. He
was stunned at what he was seeing, or rather what he couldn’t see.
Which was nothing, he was completely gone.He hears his name being called again this
time by the king himself. He walks in with the same guard that was there earlier.
“Ahh there you are,didn’t you say he wasn’t nowhere to be found “,the King addresses
the guard.Confuse Deja looks at the mirror again and finally caught sight of himself.
Relieved for a short second until he looked down at his hand slowly fading again,
instantly he settle his hand in his pocket.
“May I speak with you in private your majesty”
“I see why not”, the king curiously answered.
When they were alone , Deja Vu was nervous with trying to explain what was
happening, he,himself couldn't comprehend it either. After a moment of silence he let it
all out and showed the King himself,careful not to touch the king in the process. The
king was panicking due to the fact that after having Deja Vu at his disposal he hadn’t
found the right moment to stall him away.
“I need to leave”,said Deja Vu snapping the king from his inner thoughts.
“Leave he can’t leave “ thought the king.
Deja Vu had realized that the reason he was disappearing was due to all of the people
that he had been forced to help with their own needs.
“I can’t risk touching another person for the sake of saving myself.” He quickly added.
This worked perfectly for the king,he has been trying to find a way to get rid of him
once he knows where all his gold is hidden. He came up with a plan to deceive Deja Vu
with having him think that he was going to help him leave.
Quickly leading Deja Vu through a chamber in the castle, the King launched
towards Deja Vu. Stunned with the the King’s actions,Deja Vu was then seeing
why the king was being so “nice” to him.He was using him.The King then smiled a
sinister smile as he was watching Deja Vu vanished into thin air.Once the king
thought that he was gone forever.He sensed someone near him,Deja Vu was gone
in appearance but his spirit was still around and he was angry that the king had
betrayed him.
He then past by where the king was standing in all his glory,for he now has
become the wealthiest king there ever was, for a short second. Deja Vu had
managed to erase everything that the King has seen and make it a part of Deja Vu’s
life forever, almost as if they all belonged to him.The king was left with no
memory of where his gold was expect for the fact that he had Deja Vu so close to
telling him where it was and then disappearing.
Everyone around the city had heard what had happen to the king and Deja Vu,his
soul then roam the city of Avignon.Once his spirit passes you, you would be hit
with a tedious familiarity.You would be reminded of a forgotten dream that you
were meant to live in the past. Deja Vu’s name from then on now had a
meaning,that meaning meant “already seen”. Every person would then pronounced
his name when they had a feeling of having lived that moment for they knew that
Deja Vu was close by.

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