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Carlos Pech A01450954

Self-diagnosis table

Behavior Yes No

1. I seek adequate blocks of time to engage in peaceful dialogue to solve conflicts in a productive way.


2. I usually communicate clearly, directly, and respectfully with my bosses and/or directors.


3. I usually communicate clearly, directly, and respectfully with my co-workers.


4. I usually listen carefully and respectfully to understand my managers and/or directors.


5. I usually listen carefully and respectfully so I can understand my co-workers.


6. At work meetings, I try to listen carefully, with understanding and respect for all involved.


7. I set aside periods of time to establish my goals and evaluate my performance.


8. I dedicate sufficient time to establish goals and evaluate my collaborators’ performance.


9. If I need to bring a matter to a colleague’s attention, I do so in a clear, direct, respectful way.


10. I give positive recognition to my colleagues well done activities to motivate them to keep improving.


Total number of answers

Interpretation of self-diagnosis results:

6 to 8 answers checked “yes” indicate you have good communication, but it could improve. Remember
that the work environment is characterized by peace and the assurance of achieving results.
Questions for reflection:

What positive behaviors could you identify in the way you communicate?

I consider myself a good listener, specially in situations in which the information that is given to me is
relevant. Furthermore, I enjoy working in teams and being collaborative in a work environment

What behaviors of yours do you feel need improving?

I believe that sometimes I don’t put enough attention to the ideas of other coworkers as I stick with
mine without receiving any feedback. I should be more attentive with others and listen to ideas as my
coworkers are also able to share relevant information.

How do you think your way of communicating affects people and results?

I believe that a teamwork environment is necessary for sharing ideas and challenge ourselves to perform
better. This can result in better communication and performance in general.

What factors do you think influence the way you communicate with others?

I believe the most important factor is listening. Being able to properly listen, help you to properly
capture more information as well as being able to provide feedback. Also, it is necessary to be
empathetic as it helps to better comprehend what other people are saying.

What conclusions can you make based on these observations that will allow you to improve your
communication as a leader, both in the work environment and in your

Communication and listening are the biggest drivers of productivity and performance in the workforce.
People perform better when they are challenge by their teammates and have and empathetic attitudes
towards others.

Identify at least 3 concrete actions that you can do to improve the behavior you chose.

 Be more empathetic to better comprehend others feeling and ideas and being able to better
collaborate with other.
 Be able to provide constructive feedback to others as feedback is the best way to challenge
others and perform better.
 Being able to carefully listen to others as this is the best way to gather information and being
able to provide opinions.

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