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By: Sara Hamri 
I am homeless 
Do you not hear my ​screams​? 
Where is all of the s​ upport​? 
My exact thoughts as I lay on the ​rusted​ park bench 
Where will my son get his e​ ducation​? 
I think as my brittle and weak fingers run through his hair 
He looks up at me with his bright blue i​ nnocent​ eyes, 
I try not to shed a tear. 
Am I safe? 
I look for a little spot to breastfeed while my eyes ​wander around​, 
Looking for any s​ uspicious​ activity 
Will I sleep soundly or will I have to f​ ight for our lives​, 
Just like the other night. 
It’s that time of the month 
Will I have money​ to eat for the next couple of days, 
If I choose to spend money on my f​ eminine needs​? 
I decide to tear off a piece of my sweater. 
Do you not hear my ​screams​? 
Where is all of the ​support​? 
I need help. 

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