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Jaden Edmunds


Period 4

Realistic ACE Paragraph:

In the story and film “WD” and “TGG”, the characters Dexter Green and Jay Gatsby have

similar situations dealing with being poor and trying to have happiness with women that are in a

higher class than them. In the film “TGG”, Gatsby came from a dirt poor family, and he ran away

from home as a teen, because he was worth more. In the story “WD”, Dexter was a caddy for

the Sherry Island Golf Club. In the paragraph 6, he said “I don’t want to caddy anymore” and

“I’m too old.”. Dexter wanted to do more than being a caddy, so he left and opened up a laundry

store. In the film”TGG”, Gatsby became a millionaire and bought a house that was directly

across the water from Daisy house to be close to her. In the story “WD”, Dexter opened many

other laundry stores and became rich and he was invited to the golf club, where he met Judy

Jones. Dexter said Judy “I‘m probably making more money than any man my age”, to her know

that he has money. Dexter and Gatsby both had the similar dreams of being in love, but both

women moved on with their lives and families.

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