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Request for Comments

The Commission hereby requests all interested parties to comment on the




You may submit your comments on the exposure draft of the Amendments
to the Enforcement and Investor Protection Department (EIPD) of the Commission
on or before 14 JUNE 2019, addressed to EIPD Director Jose P. Aquino at the
following email address:


Issued on 30 May 2019. Pasay City.

Series of 2019





By the authority vested in the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under Republic Act No.
11232 otherwise known as the Revised Corporation Code of the Philippines (RCC) and pursuant
to its mandate to assist in the implementation of the Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA), as
amended, and the Terrorist Financing Prevention and Suppression Act (TFPSA) and their
respective Implementing Rules and Regulations, the Commission En Banc in its Resolution No.
_________ dated _____________ approved the amendment of SEC Memorandum Circular No. 17, Series
of 2018 on the Revision of the General Information Sheet (GIS) to Include Beneficial Ownership

SECTION 1. Coverage. This Memorandum Circular shall apply to all SEC registered stock and
non-stock domestic corporations required to submit the GIS under existing rules and regulations.

SECTION 2. Definition of Terms. –

2.1. “Beneficial Owner” refers to any natural person who ultimately owns or controls
the corporation or has ultimate effective control over the corporation.

2.2. “Beneficial Ownership Information” refers to the identification documents

and/or information of the beneficial owner of the corporation.

2.3. “Direct Ownership” refers to the ownership by a natural person through

ownership of shares of the corporation in question and not through another
corporate shareholder nor any intermediate layers of corporate shareholders.

2.4. “Dominant Influence” refers to a situation in which the instructions or directions

given by any natural person, who may or may not be a stockholder of the reporting
corporation, on the management or policies of the corporation, are always or
almost always followed or carried out.

2.5. “GIS” refers to the General Information Sheet.

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2.6. “Grandfather Rule” refers to the "method by which the percentage of Filipino
equity in a corporation engaged in nationalized and/or partly nationalized areas
of activities, provided for under the Constitution and other nationalization laws, is
computed, in cases where corporate shareholders are present, by attributing the
nationality of the second or even subsequent tier of ownership to determine the
nationality of the corporate shareholder." 1

2.7. “Indirect Ownership” refers to the type of ownership by a natural person through
percentage of ownership in a corporate shareholder of said corporation or
through layers of corporate shareholders.

2.8. “Legal Owners” refers to the natural or legal person who owns at least twenty
percent (20%) of the corporation.

2.9. “Multiple Layers” refers to the layers of corporations comprising the ownership
structure of the reporting corporation. A corporation with more than one (1) layer
of ownership shall be deemed to be owned through multiple layers.

2.10. “Reporting Corporation” refers to the corporation submitting the GIS to the

2.11. “Senior Managing Official” refers to the natural person who exercises executive
control over the daily or regular affairs of the legal person through a senior
management position, such as a chief executive officer (CEO), chief financial officer
(CFO), managing or executive director, or president.

2.12. “Ultimate Effective Control” refers to any situation in which ownership/control

is exercised through actual or a chain of ownership or by means other than direct
control. This may be achieved through, but not limited to, any of the following

a) direct or indirect ownership of at least twenty percent (20%) of any

category of voting shares or capital of a legal person, arrangement,
understanding, relationship or otherwise has or shares voting power, which
includes the power to vote, or to direct the voting of, such security; and/or
investment returns or power, which includes the power to dispose of, or to
direct, the disposition of such security; Provided, that a person shall be
deemed to have an indirect beneficial ownership interest in any security
which is:

(i) held by members of his/her immediate family sharing the same


(ii) held by a partnership in which he/she is a general partner;

(iii) held by a corporation of which he/she is the controlling shareholder;


1Villanueva, Cesar Lapuz, Philippine Corporate Law p. 54, cited in Narra Mining and Development Corp., et al. vs.
Redmont Consolidated Mines Corp., G.R. No. 195580, January 28, 2015.

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(iv) subject to any contract, arrangement or understanding which gives
him/her voting power or investment power with respect to such
securities: Provided, however, that a person shall not be deemed to be
a beneficial owner of securities held by him/her for the benefit of third
parties or in customer or fiduciary accounts in the ordinary course of
business, so long as such shares were acquired by such person without
the purpose or effect of changing or influencing control of the issuer.

b) the ability to elect a majority of the board of directors, or any similar body,
of a legal person or arrangement; or

c) any situation in which:

(i) a person has the ability in fact to exert a dominant influence over the
management or policies of a legal person or arrangement; or

(ii) a majority of the members of the board of directors of a such legal

person or arrangement, or any equivalent body, are accustomed or
under an obligation, whether formal or informal, to act in accordance
with a given person’s directions, instructions or wishes in conducting
the affairs of the legal person or arrangement.

SECTION 3. Disclosure of Beneficial Ownership Information. – To ensure timely access to

adequate, accurate and current information on the beneficial ownership and control of SEC
registered corporations, all SEC registered corporations are required to disclose their beneficial
owners as defined herein. Accordingly, the GIS is hereby revised to include such information.

The following information on the beneficial owner shall be provided, to wit:

a. Complete name which shall include the surname, given name, middle name and name
extension (i.e., Jr., Sr., III);
b. Specific residential address;
c. Nationality;
d. Tax identification number; and
e. Percentage of ownership, if applicable.

SECTION 4. Identification of Beneficial Owner. The following guide shall be used in

determining the beneficial owner of a corporation.

A. Natural person who owns, directly or indirectly or through a chain of

ownership, at least twenty percent (20%) of the voting shares or capital of
the corporation.
B. Natural person who has the ability to elect a majority of the board of
directors/trustees, or any similar body, of the corporation.
C. Natural person who has the ability to exert a dominant influence over the
management or policies of the corporation.
D. Natural person whose directions, instructions or wishes in conducting the
affairs of the corporation are carried out by majority of the members of the
board of directors of such corporation who are accustomed or under an

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obligation to act in accordance with such person’s directions, instructions
or wishes.
E. Natural person who exercises control through positions held within a
corporation (i.e., responsible for strategic decisions that fundamentally
affect the business practices or general direction of the corporation such as
the members of the board of directors or trustees or similar body within the
corporation; or exercises executive control over the daily or regular affairs
of the corporation through a senior management position).
F. Natural person who ultimately owns or controls or has ultimate effective
control over the corporation in any other manner.

SECTION 5. Determination of Beneficial Owner of Corporation with Multiple Layers. Where

a corporation is owned through multiple layers, any intermediate layers of the company’s
ownership structure should be fully identified. Such information shall be declared in the GIS and
illustrated in an ownership chart to be attached thereto clearly showing the intermediate layers
with their respective ownership amounts.

In determining the Beneficial Owner of the corporation owned through multiple layers, the
percentage of ownership shall be computed using the methodology applied in the “Grandfather
Rule”. The natural person who ultimately owns at least twenty percent (20%) of the voting
shares or capital of the reporting corporation shall be considered as its Beneficial Owner. Should
the reporting corporation have reliable information indicating that the authority to vote such
shares belongs to another person and not to the legal owner, such person shall likewise be
considered as the Beneficial Owner.

To guide reporting corporations in determining ownership through multiple layers, an example

is attached to this Circular as Annex “A.”

SECTION 6. Senior Managing Official as Beneficial Owner in Exceptional Cases. In

exceptional cases where no natural person is identifiable who ultimately owns or exerts control
over the corporation, the reporting corporation having exhausted all other means of
identification and provided there are no grounds for suspicion, may consider the senior managing
official of the reporting corporation to be the beneficial owner/s.

If another corporation ultimately owns at least twenty percent (20%) of the voting shares or
capital of the reporting corporation applying the methodology used in the Grandfather Rule, the
senior managing official of such corporation may be considered as the beneficial owner/s of the
reporting corporation.

SECTION 7. Updating of Beneficial Ownership Information. – The SEC shall be timely

apprised of relevant changes in the submitted beneficial ownership information as they arise. An
updated GIS shall be submitted to the SEC within seven (7) calendar days after such change
occurred or became effective.

For publicly listed companies whose shares are traded in the stock exchange, updating of
beneficial ownership information arising from the change in the ownership of exchange traded
shares is required only if the change in the ownership of shares results in any person, natural or
juridical, acquiring at least twenty percent (20%) of the voting shares or capital of said

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SECTION 8. Validating Information. – The Commission may, at any reasonable time, check the
validity of the beneficial ownership information provided in the GIS through an on-site inspection
of the books and records of the corporation and/or through other means available which may
include but not limited to information that may be obtained from other sources such as the books
and records of other corporate entities and data gathered from investigations conducted by law
enforcement agencies and the AMLC.

SECTION 9. Modifications in the GIS. For purposes of incorporating the modifications as

provided for and adopted in this Circular, the Beneficial Ownership Declaration Page and the
Attestation Page in the GIS shall be in the form as appearing in the corresponding pages in
Annex “B” (GIS for Stock Corporations) and Annex “C” (GIS for Non-Stock Corporations)

SECTION 10. Penalties.

i. Failure to Disclose. Failure to disclose the Beneficial Owner of the reporting

corporation in accordance with this Circular is tantamount to non-filing/non-
submission of the GIS and the erring corporation shall be penalized accordingly.

ii. Willful Certification of Incomplete, Inaccurate, False or Misleading

Statements or Reports. Any person who willfully certifies the GIS knowing that
the same contains incomplete, inaccurate, false or misleading information or
statements shall be punished in accordance with Section 162 of the RCC without
prejudice to the filing of criminal charges against the individuals responsible for
the violation.

iii. Liability of the Members of the Board of Directors/Trustees or Any Similar

Body and Officers of the Corporation. The obligation to disclose beneficial
ownership information and ascertain the truth of such disclosure devolves upon
the members of the Board of Directors/Trustees or any similar body of the
corporation and its Officers. The said Directors/Trustees and members of a
similar body of the corporation and its Officers may thus be held liable for non-
compliance with this Circular as a violation of the rules and regulations of the
Commission and penalized in accordance with the provisions of Section 158 of the

SECTION 11. Submission of GIS in Electronic Format. The submission of the GIS in electronic
format pursuant to SEC Memorandum Circular No. 6, Series of 2006 is hereby suspended until
further notice.

SECTION 12. Submission of the GIS with the Required Beneficial Ownership Information.
The GIS as provided for in this Circular shall be used by corporations whose GIS are due for
submission beginning 30 June 2019.

SECTION 13. Amendment/Repeal. All rules, regulations, orders, circulars and issuances of the
Commission that are inconsistent with this Memorandum Circular are hereby amended and/or
repealed accordingly.

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SECTION 14. Separability Clause. If any portion or provision of this Circular is declared
unconstitutional or invalid, the other portions or provisions hereof, which are not affected
thereby shall continue in full force and effect.

SECTION 15. Effectivity. This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately after its
publication in two (2) national newspapers of general circulation and its posting in the
Commission’s website.

Pasay City, Philippines, _________ May 2019.



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1% (P5)

1% 100%
(P1) 35%
100% Indirect
Owner 100%
(28%) (C5) (C2)

100% 25%


30% 20%


PERSON 1, PERSON 5 and PERSON 6 are the beneficial owners of COMPANY 1.

 PERSON 1 indirectly owns 28% of COMPANY 1 computed as follows:

%P1 x %C4 x %C3 x %C2 = 35% x 100% x 100% x 25% = 8.75% +
%P1 x %C4 x %C3 x %C7 = 35% x 100% x 100% x 30% = 10.50% +
%P1 x %C4 x %C5 x %C6 = 35% x 100% x 100% x 25% = 8.75%
TOTAL 28.00%

 PERSON 5 indirectly owns 49.60% of COMPANY 1 computed as follows::

%P5 x %C4 x %C3 x %C2 = 62% x 100% x 100% x 25% = 15.50% +
%P5 x %C4 x %C3 x %C7 = 62% x 100% x 100% x 30% = 18.60% +
%P5 x %C4 x %C5 x %C6 = 62% x 100% x 100% x 25% = 15.50%
TOTAL 49.60%

 PERSON 6 directly owns 20% of COMPANY 1.



1. Identify the Beneficial Owner/s of the corporation as described in the Categories of Beneficial Ownership in items A to
F below. List down as many as you can identify. You may use an additional sheet if necessary.
2. Fill in the required information on the beneficial owner in the fields provided for.
3. In the “Category of Beneficial Ownership” column, indicate the letter/s corresponding thereto. In the event that the
person identified as beneficial owner falls under several categories, indicate all the letters corresponding to such
4. If the category of beneficial ownership is under letter “E”, indicate the position held (i.e., Director/Trustee, President,
Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer, etc.).
5. Do not leave any item blank. Write “N/A” if the information required is not applicable or “NONE” if non-existent.
6. Where a corporation is owned through multiple layers, attach an ownership chart clearly showing the intermediate
layers with their respective ownership amounts.

“Beneficial Owner” refers to any natural person who ultimately owns or controls the corporation or has ultimate effective
control over the corporation. Such beneficial ownership may be determined on the basis of the following:

Category Description
A Natural person who owns, directly or indirectly or through a chain of ownership, at least twenty
percent (20%) of the voting shares or capital of the corporation.
B Natural person who has the ability to elect a majority of the board of directors/trustees, or any
similar body, of the corporation.
C Natural person who has the ability to exert a dominant influence over the management or policies
of the corporation.
D Natural person whose directions, instructions or wishes in conducting the affairs of the corporation
are carried out by majority of the members of the board of directors of such corporation who are
accustomed or under an obligation to act in accordance with such person’s directions, instructions
or wishes.
E Natural person who exercises control through positions held within a corporation (i.e., responsible
for strategic decisions that fundamentally affect the business practices or general direction of the
corporation such as the members of the board of directors or trustees or similar body within the
corporation; or exercises executive control over the daily or regular affairs of the corporation
through a senior management position).
F Natural person who ultimately owns or controls or has ultimate effective control over the
corporation in any other manner.

Extension or OWNERSHIP3
[i.e., Jr., Sr., III]) Indirect (I)

1 Not applicable to Non-Stock Corporations.

2 Not applicable to Non-Stock Corporations.
3 For Non-Stock Corporations, Category “A” is not applicable.
I, ___________________________________________, Corporate Secretary of _________________________________________
declare under penalty of perjury that all matters set forth in this GIS have been duly verified by me
and to the best of my knowledge and belief are true and correct.

I hereby attest that all the information in this GIS are being submitted in compliance with the rules
and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) the collection, processing, storage
and sharing of said information being necessary to carry out the functions of public authority for the
performance of the constitutionally and statutorily mandated functions of the SEC as a regulatory

I attest that the members of the Board of Directors and the other Officers of the corporation have
knowledge of the information submitted in this GIS and I have been authorized by said Board to file
this GIS with the SEC.

I understand that the Commission may place the corporation under delinquent status for failure to
submit the reportorial requirements three (3) times, consecutively or intermittently, within a period
of five (5) years (Section 177, RA No. 11232).

Done this _______ day of ________________, 20 _____ in _____________________________.

(Signature over printed name)

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me in _______________________ on ____________________ by affiant who

personally appeared before me and exhibited to me his/her competent evidence of identity
consisting of _____________________ issued at ____________ on ___________________.


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