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Create universal goodbye signal

Explain most common or other ways to say goodbye

Different goodbye video. Variety of goodbyes from different things with people saying goodbye
underneath of it. Music cuts out and my new goodbye come on that are a lot longer and then
goes back to the other goodbyes again. 3 minutes.

Sayounara, Lā k̀xn, Totsiens, ​Maa assalama, ​Bom dia, and ​chau.

Japan​: ​Greetings in Japan are very formal and ritualized. It is important to show the
correct amount of respect and deference to someone based upon their status relative to
your own. It is considered impolite to introduce yourself, even in a large gathering. While
foreigners are expected to shake hands, the traditional form of greeting is the bow. How
far you bow depends upon your relationship to the other person as well as the situation.
The deeper you bow, the more respect you show. The Japanese rely on facial
expression, tone of voice and posture to tell them wha-t someone feels. They often trust
non-verbal messages more than the spoken word as words can have several meanings.
Frowning while someone is speaking is interpreted as a sign of disagreement. It is
considered disrespectful to stare into another person's eyes, particularly those of a
person who is senior to you because of age or status. The Japanese believe that
turning down someone's request causes embarrassment and loss of face to the other
person. The Japanese prefer to have some distance, at least arms-length in their
personal space(​Resources).

Thailand: The ‘wai’ is the traditional form of greeting, given by the person of lower status
to the person of higher status. The wai is the common form of greeting and adheres to
strict rules of protocol. Raising both hands, palms joined with the fingers pointing
upwards as if in prayer, lightly touching the body somewhere between the chest and the
forehead, is the standard form. The wai is both a sign of respect as well as a greeting.
Respect and courtesy are demonstrated by the height at which the hands are held and
how low the head comes down to meet the thumbs of both hands. The wai may be
made while sitting, walking, or standing(​Learn How).
South Africa: When dealing with foreigners, most South Africans shake hands while
maintaining eye contact and smiling. Some women do not shake hands and merely nod
their head, so it is best to wait for a woman to extend her hand. Men may kiss a woman
they know well on the cheek in place of a handshake.Greetings are leisurely and
include time for social discussion and exchanging pleasantries(​Learn How).

Libya: Greetings are enthusiastic and warm. Handshakes can be long affairs and
extended as long as the verbal niceties take to cover. Smiling and direct eye contact is
important although the eye contact should be intermittent rather than constant. Men
shake hands. A man must wait for a woman to extend her hand first. The most common
greeting is "Asalaamu alaikum" ("Peace be with you") to which one would respond with
“wa alaikum salam” (“and Peace be with you”)(​Learn How).

Brazil: Men shake hands when greeting one another, while maintaining steady eye
contact. Women generally kiss each other, starting with the left and alternating cheeks.
Hugging and backslapping are common greetings among Brazilian friends. If a woman
wishes to shake hands with a man, she should extend her hand first(​Learn How)​.

Argentina: Initial greetings are formal and follow a set protocol of greeting the eldest or
most important person first. A standard handshake, with direct eye contact and a
welcoming smile will suffice. Maintaining eye contact indicates interest. When leaving,
say good-bye to each person individually(​Learn How)​.
New Goodbyes

If you’re sitting, stretch out your legs and toe bump the person you’re talking too or are
If you are standing, lock pinkies, stare intensely, and then with the right hand tap the
other person’s right shoe.
In a group setting, you must say goodbye to everyone with spinning in a circle.
If you’re with a business person, you have to give a hand hug.

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