Supplementary Information For: Nunn, C. L. 2003. Behavioural Defences Against Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Primates. Animal

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ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR, 2003, 65, 000–000


Supplementary information for: Nunn, C. L. 2003. Behavioural

defences against sexually transmitted diseases in primates. Animal
Behaviour, vol 66,
Data on Genital Inspection, Grooming and response or intermediate values provided by respondents
Postcopulatory Urination (e.g. ‘sometimes’, ‘occasionally’, or ‘rare’). Some respond-
ents replied to the survey in collaboration with other
The occurrence of putative behavioural counterstrate- researchers, and in such cases, both names are listed in
gies to sexually transmitted disease is coded for each the table. In other cases two or more respondents replied
species based on survey data (see published article for independently to the survey. Blank cells indicate that no
details). ‘Yes’ indicates that the behaviour was docu- assessment was possible based on the survey responses.
mented, and ‘No’ indicates that the behaviour was not
documented. The terms ‘Var. or Int.’ refer to variable

0003–3472/03/$30.00/0  2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.

Data used in comparative tests
Male Female Male post- Female post- Male manual Female manual Female
genital genital copulatory copulatory Oral self-grooming self-grooming Male post- post-
inspection inspection oral self- oral self- groom and and copulatory copulatory
Species of females of males grooming grooming wounds inspection inspection urination urination Source

Alouatta caraya Yes No No No Yes No No No No Julio Cesar Bicca-Marques

Alouatta palliata Yes Var. or Int. No No Yes No No No No Ken Glander, Clara Jones
Alouatta pigra Yes No No No No No No No Katie Eckert
Alouatta seniculus Yes Yes No No Yes Var. or Int. Var. or Int. G. Agoramoorthy
Aotus trivirgatus Yes Yes No No Yes No No Alfonso Gozalo
Ateles bezlebuth Yes No No No Yes No No Scott Suarez
Ateles geoffroyi No No Yes Laura Vick
Callicebus donacophilus Yes No Ann Reams
Callicebus moloch Yes Var. or Int. No No No No No No William Mason
Callimico goeldii Yes Yes Var. or Int. Var. or Int. Yes Yes Var. or Int. No No Mike Jurke
Callithrix jacchus Var. or Int. Var. or Int. Yes Var. or Int. Yes Var. or Int. Var. or Int. No Yes Leslie Digby, Andreas Koenig,
Wendy Saltzman
Cebuella pygmaea Yes Yes Var. or Int. Var. or Int. Yes Var. or Int. Var. or Int. No No Chuck Snowdon
Cebus apella Var. or Int. Var. or Int. No No Yes Yes Yes No No Mario Di Bitetti
Cebus capucinus Var. or Int. Var. or Int. No No Yes No No No No Joseph Manson
Cercocebus albigena Yes Var. or Int. No No Yes Yes Var. or Int. No No Tammy Windfelder
Cercocebus torquatus Yes Var. or Int. No No Yes Var. or Int. Var. or Int. No No Margaret Buck, Daniel Stahl
Cercopithecus aethiops Yes No No Yes Yes Var. or Int. No No Lynne Isbell
Cercopithecus ascanius Yes No Yes No No Tammy Windfelder
Cercopithecus mitis Var. or Int. Var. or Int. No No Yes No No No No Marina Cords
Cercopithecus neglectus Yes Var. or Int. No No No No No No No Joseph Muriuki Wahome
Chiropotes satanas Yes No Yes Yes No No Marilyn Norconk
Colobus badius Yes Var. or Int. No No Yes Var. or Int. Yes No No Amanda H. Korstjens
Colobus kirkii Yes Var. or Int. No No Yes Var. or Int. Var. or Int. Kirstin Siex
Colobus polykomos Var. or Int. Var. or Int. No No No No Estelle Nijssen
Colobus vellerosus No No No No Yes No No Julie Teichroeb
Daubentonia Yes Yes No Var. or Int. Yes Yes Yes Yes Eleanor Sterling
Erythrocebus patas Var. or Int. No No No Yes Var. or Int. Var. or Int. No No Anne Carlson, Janice Chism,
Lynne Isbell
Eulemur fulvus Yes Yes Yes No No Vick & Conley 1976
Eulemur mongoz Yes Yes No No Deborah Curtis; Perry et al. 1992
Galago moholi Yes Var. or Int. Yes Yes Yes No No No No David Lipschitz
Galago senegalensis Yes Var. or Int. Yes Yes Yes No No Var. or Int. Var. or Int. Leanne Nash
Galagoides zanzibaricus Yes Var. or Int. Yes Yes No No Leanne Nash
Gorilla gorilla Var. or Int. No No No Yes No No No No Richard Byrne, Alexander
Harcourt, Martha Robbins
Hapalemur griseus Yes Yes Christina Grassi
Hylobates lar Var. or Int. No No No Yes No No No No Thad Bartlett, Ulrich Reichard
Lagothrix lagotricha Yes No No No No No No Yes Var. or Int. Anthony di Fiore, Pablo
Leontopithecus chrysomelas Yes Yes Yes Var. or Int. Yes Yes Var. or Int. No No Kristel De Vleeschouwer
Lemur catta Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No No Charles Nunn, Joyce Parga,
Michelle Sauther
Male Female Male post- Female post- Male manual Female manual Female
genital genital copulatory copulatory Oral self-grooming self-grooming Male post- post-
inspection inspection oral self- oral self- groom and and copulatory copulatory
Species of females of males grooming grooming wounds inspection inspection urination urination Source

Lepilemur leucopus Yes Yes No No Leanne Nash

Loris tardigradus Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Helena Fitch-Snyder
Macaca cyclopis Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes G. Agoramoorthy
Macaca fascicularis Yes Var. or Int. No No Yes Var. or Int. Var. or Int. Var. or Int. Var. or Int. Liesbeth Sterck,
Maria van Noordwijk
Macaca fuscata Yes No No No Yes Var. or Int. Var. or Int. No No Michael Huffman, Joseph Soltis,
Ruth Thomsen
Macaca maurus Var. or Int. No No No Yes No No No No Shuichi Matsumura
Macaca mulatta Yes Var. or Int. Var. or Int. No Yes Var. or Int. Var. or Int. No No Melissa Gerald, Joseph Manson
Macaca radiata Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Gottfried Hohmann
Macaca silenus Yes Var. or Int. Var. or Int. No Yes Var. or Int. Var. or Int. No No Helena Fitch-Snyder,
Gottfried Hohmann, Ajith Kumar
Macaca sinica Yes No No No Yes Yes Var. or Int. No No Wolfgang Dittus
Macaca sylvanus Yes No No No Yes Var. or Int. Var. or Int. No No Stuart Semple
Macaca thibetana Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No No Jin-Hua Li
Mandrillus sphinx Yes No No No No No Var. or Int. No No Joanna Setchell
Nycticebus coucang Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Helena Fitch-Snyder
Nycticebus pygmaeus Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Helena Fitch-Snyder
Otolemur garnettii Yes Var. or Int. Yes Yes No No Leanne Nash
Pan paniscus Var. or Int. Var. or Int. No No Yes No Yes Yes Gottfried Hohmann
Pan troglodytes Yes Var. or Int. No No Yes Var. or Int. Var. or Int. No No Michael Huffman, Janette Wallis
Papio anubis Yes Var. or Int. No No Yes Yes Var. or Int. No No Shirley Strum, Janette Wallis
Papio cynocephalus Yes Var. or Int. No No Yes Var. or Int. Var. or Int. No No Susan Alberts, Janette Wallis
Papio hamadryas Yes No No No No Var. or Int. Var. or Int. No No Dietmar Zinner
Papio ursinus Yes Var. or Int. No No No Var. or Int. Var. or Int. No No Russell Hill, Janette Wallis
Pithecia pithecia Yes No Yes No No Marilyn Norconk
Pongo pygmaeus Var. or Int. Var. or Int. No No Yes Var. or Int. Var. or Int. No Var. or Int. ElizaBeth Fox, Maria van Noordwijk
Presbytis entellus Var. or Int. Var. or Int. No No Yes Var. or Int. Var. or Int. No No Carola Borries, Gottfried Hohmann,
Stanislav Lhota, Andreas Koenig
Presbytis johnii Yes No No No Yes No No Gottfried Hohmann
Presbytis potenziani Yes No No No Yes Yes No No No Agustin Fuentes
Presbytis thomasii Var. or Int. Var. or Int. No No Yes Var. or Int. No No No Serge Wich
Procolobus verus Var. or Int. No No No Yes No No No No Amanda H. Korstjens and
Melanie Krebs
Propithecus verreauxi No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No Diane Brockman, Rebecca Lewis
Saguinus fuscicollis Yes Var. or Int. Var. or Int. Var. or Int. Yes Var. or Int. No No No Filomeno Encarnación, Eckhard
Heymann, Tammy Windfelder
Saguinus imperator No Tammy Windfelder
Saguinus mystax Yes Var. or Int. Var. or Int. Yes Yes Var. or Int. Var. or Int. No No Filomeno Encarnación,
Eckhard Heymann
Saguinus oedipus Yes Yes Var. or Int. Var. or Int. Yes Var. or Int. Var. or Int. No No Chuck Snowdon
Saimiri sciureus Yes Var. or Int. No Var. or Int. Yes Var. or Int. Var. or Int. No No Deborah Bernhards and
Joseph Soltis
Simias concolor Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No No Agustin Fuentes

Varecia variegata Yes Yes Yes No No Foerg 1982


References mortality in captive Lemur mongoz (mongoose lemur). Zoo

Biology, 11, 81–97.
Foerg, R. 1982. Reproductive behavior in Varecia variegata. Folia
Vick, L. G. & Conley, J. M. 1976. An ethogram for Lemur fulvus.
Primatologica, 38, 108–121.
Primates, 17, 125–144.
Perry, J. M., Izard, M. K. & Fail, P. A. 1992. Observations on
reproduction, hormones, copulatory behavior, and neonatal

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