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Mathematics (ewwareeersienyanas) (Chapter - 3) (Matrices) (Class 12) Miscellaneous Exercise on Chapter 3 Question 1: Leta=[} Gj] show that (al + bA)" = a*1 + na*“*bA, where Is the identity matrix of order 2 andn€N. €. Answer 1: Here, P(n): (al + bA)" = a"! + na™1bA, ‘Therefore, P(1): (al + bA)* = al + bA Hence, the result is true for n = 1. Let the result is true forn = k, therefore, P(K): (al + bA)* = a + na®-1bA We have to prove that itis true forn = k + 1 also. That is PCk +1): (al + ba) = a4 + (k + Da*bA LHS = (al + bA)*** (al + bA)(al + bA) (ak -+na**bA)(al + bA) — [* (al +bA)E* = a1 + na bd] = a"1/? + a*IbA + naXIbA + na*1b2A® =al11 4 (k + a*ba [= AA RHS: Therefore, the result is true for n = k + 1. Hence, by the Principle of Mathematical Induction, (al + ba)" = a"! + na"-*bA is true for all natural numbers n. eo y/o oy. Question 2: ete d gpa gut A=]1 1 trove tnt ar =| 3 gee gra gat € Answer 2: Here, P(n):A" = ]3"-1 3r-1 grt grea nat grea ao a8 34) a 3° 3° 39)=|1 1 1J=A 3° 3° 39) 1 1 Hence, the result is true for n = 1. gna gn =| Therefore, P(1):A* = ght gkea ket Let the result is true for n = k, therefore, P(k): AX =|3K-1 3-1 3-1 pea gk-a 3k ‘We have to prove that it is true for n = k + 1 also. That is at 3F ae P(k +1): Ae? = ]13k 3k 3k a* Be Bt. LHS = AR = Aka set ga BTVET 1 “fe get get gly 11 Bk BRAG RT gk-1 kT y ghd gk1 4 gkay gk “SSS Ree Sn Bet g get gk gla kay ghd kt 4 gkea 4g gla ‘ AA Free web support in education — 1 Mathematics feweatvertarsienyann (Chapter - 3) (Matrices) (Class 12) Baht 3gh1 33h 3get 3gkt 3gk-1 st gt Bt =]3k 3k 3k 3k 3k 3k = RHS ‘Therefore, the result is true for n = k + 1. Hence, by the Principle of Mathematical get gnel mw Induction, A” =|3"-1 3-1 3"-1/ is true forall natural numbers n. grt gra grt [is 3.3h4 3c] Question 3: _B -4# " IfA= E cil then prove that 4’ integer. € Answer Here, P(n): A" a [i a —4n J) where n is any positive 1=2n ene n 1-2n! 1 f1+2) -44) ]_ 3 -47_ Therefore, P(i):at=[P* PO ONO |= ff ci]=a Hence, the result is true forn = 1. Let the result is true for n = k, therefore, P(k): A® = pazk ate ko 1=2k We have to prove that itis true forn = k + 1 also. Thatis, gker — [1+ 2(k +1) ak + 1) PRD AP ge | MEF 1) LHS = a¥#1 = aka pte tee W4] ko anaklly =. _[B46k—4k -4—-8k + 4k ~WBk+1-2k —4k—-142k [t+ @k+2) —4k-4 =[ k+t egal afit2k+y -4@e +1) =[ k+l 1-2(k +1). Therefore, the result is true for n = k + 1. Hence, by the Principle of Mathematical = [ite om nn 1-2nl ] = Ris Induction, A” is true for all natural numbers n. Question 4: IFA and B are symmetric matrices, prove that AB ~ BA is a skew symmetric matrix. € Answer 4: (AB — BA)! = (ABY' - (BAY’ Ie &-nt=x’-¥)] = Bia’ — A's’ [> (By = B'4)] =BA ~ AB [= Given A’ = 4, B’ = B] =~ (AB -BA) = (AB - BA)’ =-(AB — BA), ‘Therefore, AB - BA is a skew symmetric matrix. ‘A Free web support in education — 2 Mathematics (Grane tiwarlacanmy con) (Chapter - 3) (Matrices) (Class 12) Question 5: Show that the matrix B'AB is symmetric or skew symmetric according as A is symmetric or skew symmetric. €. Answer 5: If Ais a symmetric matrix, then A’ = Here, (8'AB)' = (AB)'(B'Y’ (ABY = B'A’) = (AB)'B = (BY =B) = BAB » (ABY = B'A’) = BAB '» Given A’ = A] = (B'ABY' = B'AB, Hence, the matrix B’AB is also symmetric, If A is skew symmetric matrix, then 4’ Here, (B'AB)' = (AB)'(B')’ (ABY = BA’) [: = (ABY'B le BY =B) BAB [> (ABy = B'4'] = —B'AB [+ Given A’ = —A] => (B'ABY' = —B’AB, Hence, the matrix B’AB is also a skew-symmetric matrix. Question 6: 0 2y 2 Find the values of x,y,z if the matrix A = [: y + satisfy the equation 4’A =I. Py € Answer 6: Given that: A'A = I es 0 2y re x > alle > 1 | x O14 oe bea +42 +27 042)? 22 o- nil f 0 | = = |0+2y?-2? x+y? +2? x?-y?-z2]=]0 1 01 O-2y2 +22 x?@—y?-2? x@+y24+z2?] lOO 1 Iftwo matrices are equal, then their corresponding elements are also equal. So 4ytez2=1, 2y?=2?=0 and x? +y? +77=1 and z = On solving, we get x = 4 th 2 tRy Question 7: 1.2 0 For what values ofx:[1 2 1]]2 0 1||2]}=07 10 2 € Answer 7: 12 0770) 1 0 ile. ‘A Free web support in education ee 3

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