1) Pspo - Process Spawner

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Oracle Background process

*We can see the oracle background process through in database(V$view).

· SQL> show parameter diagno

· SQL> select SID,PROGRAM from v$session where TYPE='BACKGROUND';

· SQL>select pname, program from V$process;

To findout background processes from OS:

$ ps -ef|grep ora_|grep SID

NOTE: PMON ,SMON,DBWR,LGWR,ARC,CKPT those background process are explained oracle

database architecture

Let us we see some of the background processes


*It is the first background process that will be started when we start the instance and it is
responsible for creating and managing other oracle background processes.

2)CJQ - Job Queue Process

*this process is used for Job scheduler includes the main program (the coordinator) and slave
programs that the coordinator executes.

*The parameter job_queue_processes controls how many parallel job scheduler jobs can be
executed at one time.

3)CQJ0 - Job queue controller process

*this process wakes up periodically and checks the job log. If a job is due, it spawns Jnnnn
processes to handle jobs


*The database communicates with the mapping lib files provided by storage vendors through an
external non-Oracle Database process that is spawned by a background process called FMON.

*It is responsible for storage managing mapping information

5)LMON-Lock Manager Process

*It manages instances lock that are used to share resources between instances.

*it also handles deadlock detection and remote lock requests

6)MMON-Memory Monitor

*It used to monitor SGA and performs various manageability background tasks

*from the oracle 10g onwards this background process used to collect statistics for the
AWR(Automatic Workload Repository)

7)MMNL-Memory Monitor Light

*This background was introduced in 10g

*It performs frequent and lightweight manageability-related tasks

*Such as session history capture and metrics computation.

*This process will flush the ASH buffer to AWR tables when the buffer is full or a snapshot is
8)MMAN-Memory Manager

*It was introduced in 10g, Its a part of ASMM

*this process is responsible for ASMM in 10g and AMM in 11g which manages memory
allocation to SGA and PGA

*It 'll dynamically adjust the size of The SGA components

*The components of SGA like the large pool, Java Pool, Stream Pool and Shared Pool.It serves as
an SGA memory broker.


*OPtional ParallelQuery slavesare started and stopped as needed to participate in parallel query

10)RBAL- Re-Balance

*This process is related to ASM process that performs rebalancing of disk resources controlled
by ASM.

11)WMON-Wakeup Monitor

*This process was available in older versions of Oracle to alarm other processes that are
suspended while waiting for an event to occur.

*This process is obsolete and has been removed.

12)RVWR-Recovery writer

*It is responsible for writing flashback logs

13)RECO -Recoverer

*The distributed transaction recovery process finds pending distributed transactions and
resolves them.

*All in-doubt transactions are recovered by this process in the distributed database setup.

*RECO will connect to the remote database to resolve pending transactions.

*RECO will either commit or rollback this transaction.

New BackGround Process In oracle 11g

ACMS - Atomic Controlfile to Memory Server

DBRM - Database Resource Manager

DIA0 - Diagnosability process 0

DIAG - Diagnosability process

FBDA - Flashback Data Archiver

*Background process fbda captures data asynchronously

*Every 5 minutes (default), more frequent intervals based on activity.

GTX0 - Global Transaction Process 0

KATE - Konductor (Conductor) of ASM Temporary Errands

MARK - Mark Allocation unit for Resync Koordinator (coordinator)

SMCO - Space Manager

VKTM - Virtual Keeper of TiMe process

W000 - Space Management Worker Processes

ABP - Autotask Background Process

New background processes in Oracle Database 12c

LREG (Listener Registration)

SA (SGA Allocator)


Dataguard /replication /streams Background Process

14)DMON-The Data Guard Broker process

15)MRP - Managed Recovery process

*In dataguard this background process that applies archived redologs to standby

16)SNP - The snapshot process.

17)RFS - Remote File Server process -

*In Data Guard, the remote file server process on the standby database receives archived redo
logs from the primary database.

18)ORBn -

*It performs the actual rebalance data extent movements in an Automatic Storage Management

*There can be many of these at a time, called ORB0, ORB1, and so forth.

19)OSMB -

*It is present in a database instance using an Automatic Storage Management disk group.

*It communicates with the Automatic Storage Management instance.

20)QMN - Queue Monitor Process (QMNn)

*it Used to manage Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing.

RAC Background Process

1)DIAG: Diagnosability Daemon

*It monitors the health of the instance and captures the data for instance process failures.


*This process manages the global enqueue requests and the cross-instance broadcast.

*The workload is automatically shared and balanced when there are multiple Global Cache
Service Processes (LMSx).

*The Global Enqueue Service Monitor (LMON) monitors the entire cluster to manage the global
enqueues and the resources.

*LMON manages instance and process failures and the associated recovery for the Global Cache
Service (GCS) and Global Enqueue Service (GES).

*In particular, LMON handles the part of recovery associated with global resources. LMON-
provided services are also known as cluster group services (CGS)


* The Global Enqueue Service Daemon (LMD) is the lock agent process that manages enqueue
manager service requests for Global Cache Service enqueues to control access to global
enqueues and resources.

* The LMD process also handles deadlock detection and remote enqueue requests. Remote
resource requests are the requests originating from another instance.


*The Global Cache Service Processes (LMSx) are the processes that handle remote Global Cache
Service (GCS) messages.

* Real Application Clusters software provides for up to 10 Global Cache Service Processes.
The number of LMSx varies depending on the amount of messaging traffic among nodes in the

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