Multipurpose Active/Passive Motion Compensation System - Sullivan 1984

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OTC 4737

Multipurpose Active/Passive Motion Compensation System

by R.A. Sullivan, Woodward C/yde Oceaneering; IvI.R. Davenport, Techwest Enterprises
Ltd.; and R.E. Clements, Remote Systems Technology Inc.

Copyright 1984 Offshore Technology Conference

This DaDer was Dresented at the 16th Annual OTC in Houston, Texaa, Mav 7-9, 1984, The material ia subject to correction by the author. Permission to
copy’ is’restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words.

ABSTRACT There is a geotechnical engineering for

a light-weight heave compensa~ion system, capable
A microprocessor–controlled active/passive of holding a drillstring stationary with respect to
motion compensation system has been developed for the seafloor while in-situ testing devices are
deploying a variety of geotechnical in–situ testing deployed. The required system would be used with
devices with mobile drilling rigs from low-cost mobile drilling equipment operating from low-cost
service vessels. The light-weight rotary heave” service vessels. Conventional passive heave
compensator incorp~rates a hydraulic motor as the compensators require substantial load to activate a
compensator actuator and a servo–controlled closed hydropneumatic tension spring system using large
loop pump to reduce the air storage and power compressed air storage tanks. Such compensators
requirements. Unique features of the system are are not suitable for this application because they
the use of inertial sensors to measure three cannot effectively maintain the load fixed relative
components of boat motion, the ability to run the to the seabed unless part of the weight can be
system in active/passive or passive modes, and the transferred to the soil.
ability to automatically lower the drillstring at a
constant velocity while maintaining motion This paper presents the development of a
compensation. microprocessor–controlled drillstring motion
compensation system which measures, with inertial
Quantitative measurements made-during sea sensors, the vertical motion of a ship, and raises
trials offshore California yielded motion or lowers the drillstring in response to the ship
compensation accuracy approaching 98 percent which heave to hold the drillstring stationary. Quanti-
is much better than the compensation achieved with tative observations of drillstring heave are
passive systems. Results are presented from reviewed. These observations show that the level
offshore in-situ testing with a cone penetrometer, of compensation is considerably higher than the
a vane ahear device, and a suspension PS logger. accuracy of an efficiently operating passive system
The system can also be used for other offshore and that the level of motion compensation is satis-
applications. factory to deploy sensitive measuring devices
within a boring. The potential use of the system
INTRODUCTION for other applications is described briefly.

Vessel motion caused by rough sea conditions SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT

can severely affect offshore operations,
particularly when it is so severe to cause delaya Development of the active/passive compensation
in work completion and subsequent escalations in system was based partly on experience gained from
costs . Weather–related downtime can be reduced by earlier microprocessor–controlled motion compen-
minimizing the response of deployed equipment to sation systems, such as was developed for the US
the roll, pitch, and heave of the ship. Roll and Navy’s Surface Towed Search System (Spink et al,
pitch need not be a serions problem, because it is 1982) . The developed system combines elements of
usually possible to deploy equipment through a simple actively-driven winches with elements of
centerwell near the center of motion of the ship passive heave compensators, a tactic which has been
rather than over the side or stern. Vertical used effectively on a number of earlier systems
motion remains the major operational problem and is (Stricker, 1978).
generally accommodated by some form of heave
compensation system.

References and illustrations at end of paper.


Mechanical System. The heave compensator was and the accumulators. In the Active/Passive mod-e,
iesigned to~-e a portable package for use with the accumulators still hold the weight of the bad,
iifferent drilling rigs. It consists of a winch so that, a relatively small amount of power is
unit, a hydraulic power unit, a control console and required to drive the compensator.
an inertial sensing package. The winch uni~=is
attached to the dead end of the kelly or elevator Calculation of Ship’s Position. The most
drilling l~nes and works independently of the kelly difficult and most critical problem was calculating
or elevator winches. This.simple installation of the absolute vertical position of the ship at each
the compensator system permits drilling operations instant. By “absolute vertical position” is meant
to continue if the heave compensator is switched the instantaneous vertical displacement of the ship
off. from its “average” position. This calculation is
the core of the motion compensation system, because
In order to make the hardware as compact as the control system hauls in or pays out cable
possible, a small winch drum, rather than a solely on the basis of the ship’s apparent position
hydraulic ram, is used to haul in and pay out cane and velocity. Because oilthe high accuracy
as required. This drum is driven by a low-speed.... required, and because the frequencies being
high-torque motor, and connected to it are instru– processed are very low, the calculation is done
ments for measuring the cable scope and position. numerically in a microprocessor.
The rotary heave winches and t~e hydraulic power
unit are mounted on a skid, as shown on Fig. 1, Earlier active/passive compensation systems
which is positioned at the back of a mobile were designed to remove up to 90% of ship heave
drilling unit. Fig. 2 shows the control consQle. motion over a relatively narr~w bandwidth (8 to 10
mounted on the side of a drill rig at a convenLmL sec periods). The requirements for geotechnical. =
height for the driller. The complete.assembly =is applications are more stringent, making it
termed a Rotary Heave Compensator (RHC). necessary to calculate the ship’s position and
velocity very accurately to achieve a drillstring
Although the RHC system is rated far 6 ft o-.. maximum velocity goal of 0.1 cmlsec. This per-
vessel heave, it can be readily modified to formance goal applies to conditions where ship
compensate over larger amplitudes by minor heave is ~3 ft (6 ft double amplitude), where roll
alterations to the hydraulic power unit. The and pitch are ~10 degrees, and for waves with
system can also be upgraded for deepwater drilling periods ranging from 8 to 16 seconds.
on the continental slope by enlarging the hydraulic
power unit and the rotary drum motor. The ship’s heave position is calculated on the
basis of measurements taken .at 37 millisecond
Active/Passive Hydraulic System. ._The REC ._.. intervals of the acceleration, roll rate, and pitch
system combines zn actively-driven ti.nchwith cDm– rate of the vessel. The motion sensing package
ponents used in passive heave compensators. An which makes these measurements is positioned aS .
important factor in reducing the size of the RHC close as possible to the drillstring in a separate..:
system was the ability to combine the active and enclosure. It consists of a single axis accelero-
passive functions in a single hydraulic motor. The meter and a dual-axis solid state angular rate
resulting hydraulic system worked well in the sensor. Because of its insensitivity to horizontal
field, and the combination of active and passiv.c accelerations, an angular rate sensor was chosen
components, in particular, was successful. over an inclinometer.

The RHC system can be operated in either It became obvious during testing that the cal-
“Passive” mode or “Active/Passive” mode. Passive culation of ship’s position is extremely sensitive.
mode is used ..whenthe drillstring is resting on the to any false fluctuations of these signals. If the
bottom of the hole, for example, while drilling. accelerometer output shifted erroneously by 1
When the Passive mode is selected, nitrogen-over.- millivolt, after 3Clseconds the error in talc.ulaLed
oil accumulators are connected directly to both the ship’s position would be 1.6 feet. To prevent SUCkI
high and low pressure sides of the hydraulic motor. problems, the sensor package now houses ultra-high
The pressures in these accumulators are preset by precision analog/digital conversion equipment.
the driller and then automatically maintained by
the control system, thereby, enabling the driller Extensive research was devoted to the task of
to control the weight offloaded onto the drill bit. calculating the ship’s heave position from the
three measurements. The calculation proceeds
When the_Active/Passive mode is-selected, a following the steps shown in Fig. 3, and each step
servo-controlled closed loop pump is connected presents its own set of problems.
directly between the high-pressure accumulators and
the winch motor. The swashplate of the pump is One of the most difficult problems was the
driven directly by the microprocessor control_ removal of low–amplitude steady-state and very low
system which is monitoring the motion of the ship. frequency offsets from the signal at each stage of
An important aspect of the system is the direct the calculation. Such offsets do not reflect , .-
coupling between the pump and the winch motor. actual motion of the ship, but tend to creep into
This coupling permits-the system to have direcL the calculations as a result of horizontal motion
control of a dangling load, and thus removes the of the ship and small drifts in the electronics.
risk of encountering a resonance between the l~ad Very small offsets must be removed or they will be
Tc 4737 ,—-

strongly amplified by the integrators. This OFFSHORE SYSTEM TESTING

problem was solved with a digital filter which
would reliably differentiate between actual wave– Initial testing of the RHC system was conducted
generated heave, with periods as longas 16 in the Gulf of Mexico in the summer of 1983. This
seconds, and erroneous long-term “drift” signals, field trial was conducted to evaluate installation
with periods typically of 60 seconds or longer. time onto a boat and operating procedures, and to
gain experience with the system to plan a test
During sea trials in the summer of 1983, the program to quantitatively measure the system
digital filtering was done us~ng phase:cgrnpensated response. After initial connector problems, the
Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters. The phase compensator performed satisfactorily over a period
compensation was necessary to ensure that the cal- of three hours. As a result of this trial, the
culation yielded the position of the ship “right rotary heave winches and the hydraulic power unit
now,” but it made the filter ineffective at were skid mounted to reduce mobilization time.
remoti-ngthe long–term drift problem. The result Before skid mounting, the hydraulic system had to
was that the drillstring, although isolated from be reconnected, refilled, and purged at each
the heave motion of the ship, would occasionally installation.
drift slowly up relative to the seabed, then down
again.’ The IIR filte_rshave now been replaced by A second test of the system was performed off
Finite_Impulse Response (FIR) fi”lters. The_FIX the coast of California in the fall of 1983.
filters have the advantage of being able to respond Mobilization time onto a 185-ft boat was about two
much more quickly if the input signal begins to hours and considerably quicker than the six hours
drift. needed at the initial trial. The arrangement of
the system on board the boat is shown in Fig. 1 and
Control Systems. Once the position of the-ship Fig. 2.
has been calculated, the task of the control system
ia to drive the winch drum in such a manner that String pots were used to make quantitative
the drillstring exactly counteract? the ship’s measurements, and the motion observations were
motion. Because the System must respond over a recorded on a strip chart recorder. A seafloor
wide range-of frequencies,-the control signal is reference was made by weight compensating a light
modified by a phase compensation filter which helps line attached to a hammer soil sampler driven into
to counteract the phase lag inherent in the the bottom of the borehole. One string pot
mechanical equipment. Fig. 4 is a plot of the measured drillstring motion relative to the sea-
theoretical frequency response of the complete floor . The second string pot measured drillstring
system, including the phase compensator, and illu– motion relative to a point on the ship adjacent to
strates the high-frequency capability achieved with the centerwell. Observational.records were
the aid of the motion compensator. It was observed gathered over several hours in sea conditions of 2-
during testing and sea trials thaL the position of ft waves on a 3-ft swell.
the drillstring relative to the ship was
consistently close to the calculated position of During the series of tests offshore California,
the ship, and part of this success can be the system would sometimes take up to two minutes
attributed to th~ phase compensators. for active compensation to switch on. This delay
was caused by transients occuring due to actuation
The use of the–microprocessor “made-it possible of front panel switches. Optical isolation of all
to automate many peripheral functions of the such functions has now been incorporated.
control system and thus to reduce the amount of
time spent by the driller in running the motion Fig. 5 presents a representative record of
compensator. When active compensation is switched drill pipe motions to show the operational accuracy
“on,” the system runs through a series of checks, of the RHC system and the efficiency of the auto–
adjusts the accumulators to miniml~e the power matic payout feature. Heave of the anchored vessel
requirements, and re-centers the winch drum before and uncompensated drill pipe was 1 to 2.5 ft, and
active compensation actually begina. A few seconds the drill pipe motion was reduced to less than 1.0
are required to accomplish these tasks. A number in. when the active/passive RHC system was
of safety checks are run during each cycle, and the activated. As shown in Fig. 5, during the settling
microprocessor is capable of safely shutting down phase after transient upset, motion compensation
compensation if the equipment begins to behave was 60% to 80%. After the transient effect
incorrectly. decayed, motion compensation was 95% to 98% through
automatic payout. This response is much better
A unique feature of the system is the Automatic than with a passive system, which, in our
payout function. Once compensation has begun and experience, is typically in the 60% to 65% range.
the drillstring is stationary relative to the ocean As discussed earlier, the replacement of the IIR
floor, the driller can, by selecting a switch on filters by FIR filters to overcome the long–term
the control console, lower the drillstring at drift problem will also tend to enhance the level
precisely 2 cm/sec relative to the~.eabed. Full of compensation.
motion compensation .ismaintained during automatic


The trials were successful-and revealed that: surrounding soil while the test is being
conducted. Any relative movement during
o The RHC system can be mobilized and a test can obscure the accuracy of the
demobilized rapidly on different vessels results.
and with different drill rigs.
2. Instruments which record a continuous
o Motion compensation is much better than profile or log of stratigraphic
can be achieved with a passive system. information. These instruments include
tools which must be pushed at a steady
o Active/Passive compensation mode switches rate through the soil or raised at a
on and otf softly, and the RHC system is constant velocity through an open boring.
safe to operate. If the rate varies slightly, the results
will still be meaningful provided the
o When used for rotary drilling, there is absolute location of the instrument is
no equipment in the derrick or close to known.
the centerwell to obstruct drilling
personnel. Cone Penetrometer. This test has been used for
more than a decade in the North Sea for strati–
o The RHC system can be easily operated by graphic profiling and inferring soil properties
the driller and requires only a short from correlations with laboratory testing programs
learning time. (de Ruiter, 1971). Sea trials offshore California
%n about 125 ft of water used Woodward Clyde
o The automatic payout feature simplifies Oceaneering’s hydraulically–operated cone penetro-
the operation and decreases the meter which has a 10-ft stroke. The tool was
complexity of many geotechnical tools. lowered through the drillpipe on its hydraulic
umbilical and latched into the drillpipe at the
GEOTECHNICAL APPLICATIONS drill bit. Each 10-ft cone push was performed
while the drillpipe was supported by the RHC system
Rotary Drilling and Coring. In “drilling geo- at the drill rig.
technical borings, which seldom penetrate deeper
than 600 ft below the seafloor, the drilling bit A 30–ft section of the boring is presented on
should maintain continuous contact with the bottom Fig. 6 showing the cone point resistance and sleeve
of the boring, and the drill bit load should noE_ friction profiles for two 10–ft pushes. Ttiecone
exceed the bearing capacity of the soil in order LO penetrometer was pushed through predominantly
minimize potential disturbance to the soil below inorganic, non-plastic silts with plasticity
the bottom of the boring. The active/passive indices less than 4, interbedded by seams of sandy
rotary heave compensator is well suited to mini- silt and low plasticity clayey silt. The computed
mizing disturbance to soils and rocks during friction ratio (sleeve friction to cone point
drilling or sampling operations. resistance) is typically less than 1 percent.

The system has been used successfully in Vane Shear. Another device that has been used
drilling several borings in more than 200 ft of in the Gulf af Mexico for overa decade is the vane
water offshore California. These borings pene- shear to measure the undrained shear strength of
trated interbedded strong clay and siltstone. cohesive soils (Doyle, et al., 1971). A field
Sampling of the strong clays, having”undr ined trial with Woodward Clyde Oceaneering’s vane shear
shear strengths between 2.5 and 7.5 kg/cm , was was performed in shallow waters of the Gulf of
achieved with a wireline punch coring system. Core Mexico. The wireline vane shear operated
recovery was good varying generally from 85 to ‘!35 by latching into the bottom of the drillstring
percent. which is held stationary during a test by the
active/passive rotary heave compensator, or with an
In-Situ Testing. It is recognized today that” uncompensated drillstring using a telescoping
soil samples obtained either by pushing or by slide.
hammering suffer some disturbance from the marine
drilling and sampling operations, and particularly The results from a 50-ft section of the boring
from stress relief during sample recovery. A more are shown in Fig. 7. The top portion of the boring
accurate representation of soil properties and was interbedded layers of sand and clay overlying
behavior can be obtained by conducting downhole normally consolidated high plasticity clay.
tests using proven onshore in-situ testing Because of the shallow water depth, sample distur-
techniques. In-situ testing-equipment bance from stress relief was minimal and
divided into: consequently the in-situ vane shear test results
were not significantly greater than the shear
1. Instruments whfch determine geotechnical strength determined from laboratory tests.
information at discrete positions in_._a__
borehole. Instruments of this type must Suspension PS Logger. An important soil para-
be held stationary relative to the meter in dynamic analyses of offshore soil–
structure systems and seafloor instability is the
shear modulus of the soil. It has been established

that low–amplitude shear moduli measured in the selected depths through the water column, and
laboratory are less than moduli determined in the delicate monitoring systems can be placed gently on
field by measurements of shear wave velocity. The the seafloor. By expanding the onboard inertial
magnitude of this difference between laboratory and package to include sensors to record sway and
field values in onshore studies is a factor varying surge, the motion compensation system can be used
from 2 to 4, and even greater differences might be for towing geophysical devices.
expected with offshore soils because of the effects
of significant-hydrostatic stress relief. Another application of the motion compensation
system is the launching and retrieving of remotely-
A suspension geophysical logging system has operated vehicles (ROV) for construction and main-
been developed to measure the propagation velocity tenance inspection (Thomas and Davenport, 1983),
of P and S waves by a single probe, suspended and hydrographic surveys. The RHC system will
freely in the borehole without attachment to the permit an ROV to be deployed in harsher sea states
borehole wall, which contains the seismic source than is possible to operate with a passive
and seismic receivers (Kitsunezaki, 1980). After compensated winch.
completing a geotechnical boring, the drillpipe is
raised off the bottom of the boring to remove one CONCLUSIONS
or two 20–ft joints, and the suspension logger is
run on a wireline over a sheave mounted on top of A light–weight active/passive motion compen-
the drillpipe suspended by the RHC system. sator has been developed to remove drillstring
motions to tolerable limits for geotechnical in–
The suspension PS logger built by 0% situ testing. The weight and size was minimized by
Corporation was deployed offshore California in incorporating a hydraulic motor as the compensator
borings filled with drilling mud. Fig. 8 shows a actuator and by using a servo-controlled closed
typical set of mutually reversed shear wave records loop pump to reduce the air storage and power
from the upper and lower receiveri responding to requirements needed for a conventional passive
the reversing exciting forces. T~e low-amplitude system.
shear modulus is computed from the measured shear
wave velocities. The developed active/passive rotary heave
compensator (RHC) system includes three unique
Other Devices. In recent years, several types features:
of instruments have been developed to measure in-
situ soil stresses, stress-strain properties, soil o inertial sensors to measure three comp-
pore water pressure, soil temperature, and other onents of boat motion;
soil parameters. These tools include stress cells
of flat, spade–shaped, and stepped–blade shapes, o ability to run the system in
pressuremeters, and piezocone, resistivity and active/passive or passive modes; and
temperature probes. These devices were seldom used
in offshore investigations because of the lack of a o precision payout of drillstring while
cost effective push them into the maintaining full motion compensation.
bottom of a boring and then to maintain the
drillstring stationary while an in-situ test is Successful ~ea trials with the system offshore
performed. Offshore testing with these devices California demonstrated a superior level of compen-
will become more feasible with an active/passive sation over other active/pasaive systems as well as
RHC system: conventional passive systems. The high degree of
drillstring heave compensation enablea a variety of
Profiles of soil lithology and several physical in-situ testing devices to be operated with mobile
characteristic can be obtained by electrical, drill rigs from low-cost service vessels.
acoustic or radiometric measurements. Acoustic and
electrical logging tools should preferably be run The RHC system is light, compact, and air
through an open hole while radioactive sources transportable. It can be easily mobilized onto any
should be run through the drillstring to minimize type of vessel, and it can be interfaced with most
the risk of losing a radioactive-source downhole. types of mobile drilling rigs or with the drawworks
The accuracy of geophysical profiles depends upon of an exploration drilling unit.
raising the logging tool.through the boring at a
constant velocity that can be achieved through a While the system has only been used in geo-
sensitive_motion compensation system, such as the technical investigations, there are other offshore
RHC system. applications for which the RHC system can be
effectively used from stationary vessels. These
OTHER APPLICATIONS applications are deploying electrical cables for
geophysical and oceanographic measurements, and the
An active/passive motion compensator; launching and retrieving of remotely-operated
responding to the roll, pitch and heave displace- vehicles.
ments of a ship, can be used to deploy electrical
cables from a stationary vessel for geophysical and
oceanographic measurements. Aco.uaticreceiving
devices can be supported by the RHC system at

6 ... ——-- -. .---— ...——
ACTTW, ..—.--.— MOTION

aCKNOWLEDGEMENTS Kitsunezaki, C.: “A New Method for Shear-Wave

Logging,” Geophysics, SEG, Vol. 45, No. 10,
The feasibility study for developing an ““”” (October 1980), pp. 1489-1506.
~ctive/passive motion compensator for geotechnical
investigations was supported by Woodward–Clyde Spink, P.G., Stevens, W.E., and Thomas, W.D.R.:
consultants, and fabrication of the optimum system “Computation and Control in a Towed Vehicle
tiasfunded by Oceaneerlng International. Thanks System,” Proceedings, Second International
~re extended to these organizations for their ——. Computer Engineering Conference, ASME,
cooperation and support. Development of the system (August 1982), pp. 21-26.
~enefited much from the many discussions with J: R.
{ooper of Woodward Clyde Oceaneering and W. D. R.- Stricker, P.A.: “Active/Passive Motion Compensating
Ihomas and J. E. Breeze of Techwest Enterprises. Crane for Handling a Remote Unmanned Work System,”
The authors would like to thank the-r their Proceedings, Tenth Offshore Technology
constructive-suggestions amd i~te~est. Conference, Vol. III, (1978), pp. 1599-1608.

REFERENCES Thomas, W.D.R., and Davenport, M.R.: “A Motion

Compensating ROV Handling System for Deep-Water
de Ruiter, J.: “Electric Penetrometer for Site Applications,” Proceedings, ROV ’83,
Investigations,” Journal.of the Soil Mechanics-and Marine Technology Society, (1983), pp. 223-229. -
Foundations Division, _ASCE~Vol_. 97, .._ -
No. SM2, (February 1971), pp. 457-472.

Doyle, E.H., McClelland, B., and Ferguson, G. H.:

“Wire-Line Vane Probe for Deep Penetration Measure-
ments of Ocean Sediment Strength,” Proceedings,
Third Offshore Technology Conference;_
Vol. 1, (1971), pp. 21-32.

Fig. 1 — Skid Mounted Rotary Heave


Fig. 2 — Control Console

housing Microprocessor

-. ..
Pipe Motion
fi~ Relative to Ship

steady stale offset steady stato

r@moved fmm - + removed from +
velocity signal p051ti0n signal

Fig. 3 — Signal Processing Block Diagram Fig. 5 — Measured Rotary Heave Compensator Performance
during Sea Trials
0.01 0.03 0.10 0.30 1.00 3.00
100.00 33.30 10.00 3.3’0 1.010 0.33
1 , ,1 Resistance, kglcmz Friction Ratio, ‘1,
, , 1 I
30 430 25 50 75 100 f25 150012345
30° I I

i 1 20

-- -= Cone Point q=
I r“-730

10 -. -
i A ~. ---
------ --
0- -0 I ------ —--

~- #@ ---
-1o- --10
{< 5 v%
-20- --20 _Sleeve Friction, f, x lW
--- ~-
-30- i:~ - -~
g 50~ ‘=;. —
-40- --40

I , ,,I I , , i 1 --50
0.01 0.03 0.30 1.00 3.010Hz
100.00 33.30 10.00 3.30 1.00 0.33 Sec
Frequency & Period
60~ ~60
Fig 4 — Bode Plot of Theoretical Drillstring Response Fig. 6 — Results of Cone Penetrometer Tests
Moisture Content, o/o Undrained Shear Strength, kg/cm2

~“\ Laboratory
- 25
\ ‘,~Miniature Vane

\. ‘o> UU Triaxial

– 35
– 45 g
In Situ Vane
– 55 2

– 65

I o/

75- I ___ 1 I I ! 175

Fig. 7 — Results of Vane Shear Tests

Second ~1’w u
Receiver n


Receiver A

Fig. 8 — Shear Wave Records from Suspension PS Logger

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