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Verb List for Resumes & Letters Freshman Resume

Use strong actions verbs to describe your experience and skills. Choose words from the lists below to express yourself.

Administrative/ Analytical/
Organizational Research Communication Creative Financial Analyn Ocampo
approved analyzed addressed acted administered
arranged characterized arranged brainstormed allocated Davis, CA 95616  |  (559) 555-5683
catalogued clarified authored composed analyzed Email:
centralized collected collaborated conceived appraised
charted consulted composed conceptualized audited
classified critiqued convinced constructed balanced
collected diagnosed corresponded created budgeted
compiled evaluated drafted customized calculated OBJECTIVE Work study eligible undergraduate student seeking an on-campus job
composed examined edited designed charted opportunity.
delivered extracted enlisted directed computed
executed identified formulated displayed developed
finalized inspected influenced envisioned estimated EDUCATION
generated interpreted interpreted established forecasted
implemented interviewed lectured founded managed Intended Major: Communication, Bachelor of Art Degree
inspected investigated mediated illustrated marketed University of California, Davis
issued isolated moderated initiated planned Expected Graduation: June 2021
minimized optimized negotiated instituted projected
monitored organized persuaded integrated reported
operated reported promoted introduced researched RELATED COURSEWORK
organized reviewed publicized invented secured
prepared studied recruited modeled tailored Beginning Composition, Precalculus, Freshman Seminar: Ethnographic Performance,
processed summarized spoke originated updated General Psychology, Children in the Garden (Enrolled Spring 2018)
purchased surveyed translated performed
recorded tailored updated planned
retrieved verified verified tailored SKILLS
revised wrote visualized
Computer: Intermediate in Word, use of Internet search engines, Outlook and email in both
specified PC and Mac platforms
updated Language: Fluent in spoken Tagalog (minimal written ability)
Resumes and Correspondence

Resumes and Correspondence

Helping Leadership Management Instructing Technical
assessed achieved administered adapted assembled Receptionist, T & T Electronics, Sanger, CA 6/17-8/17
brainstormed coordinated analyzed advised built   • Created a welcoming atmosphere for mid-sized manufacturing firm.
clarified delegated assigned authored calculated
coached directed attained clarified charted   • Used proactive communication to effectively manage Outlook calendars for four
consulted enlisted chaired coached computed full-time sales staff.
counseled executed conducted communicated constructed   • Kept office clean and organized.
demonstrated expanded consolidated coordinated debugged
diagnosed expedited contracted correlated designed   • Ensured packages were mailed in a timely manner using the most cost effective carrier
educated founded coordinated developed devised for the transaction.
enhanced improved delegated enabled engineered
estimated initiated designated encouraged fabricated
expedited mentored developed evaluated finalized Child Care Provider, Self Employed, Sanger, CA 6/15-9/17
facilitated recruited directed explained formatted
guided reduced (losses) empowered facilitated isolated   • Provide safe, reliable care for children (infant to12 years) in their homes.
motivated resolved (problems) evaluated guided maintained   • Effectively adapt communication style and planned activities to meet the developmental
referred restored executed informed modified
rehabilitated transformed hired instructed operated needs of children and create a positive experience.
represented improved mentored optimized   • Partnered with parents to ensure consistency and clear boundaries with children.
served increased persuaded programmed Rapport building and reliability resulted in extensive referrals.
validated interviewed reported remodeled
verified led served repaired
organized stimulated secured ACTIVITIES
oversaw studied solved
planned trained streamlined   • Member, UC Davis Intramural Volleyball 9/17-Present
prioritized upgraded   • Member, Sanger High School Marching Band 8/13-11/17

18  University of California, Davis  19

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