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May 27-31, 2019

Here is what we learned this week:


-students learned about spatial awareness this week (in front, behind, beside,
under, on, over, in, etc.). They were asked to place various objects in front, beside,

Home Connection

Hide objects around the house and have your child go on a search. When they find
the item, have them tell you where they found it (e.g. under the chair, in the
cupboard/drawer, etc.). If your outside, have your child run in front of a
tree/slide, beside, etc.

-students working with Ms. Gurney are continuing to work on rhyming words. These
are words that sound the same at the end (e.g., see, bee, me, knee, sea, flee, etc.).
We also focused on different reading strategies. The students do well at making
the sounds of each letter in the word when they’re trying to decode as well as
looking at the picture for clues. We are working on other strategies such as
looking for a word you know inside a larger word, and recognizing that if you can
read ‘day’, you can also read ‘say, way, may play,’ etc.

-students working with Mrs. Smyth have been learning about the word ‘look’.

Home Connection

When reading a story with rhyming words, try and have your child chime in and
guess the rhyming word coming up. There are many songs that contain rhyming
words. Here are some that we have sung in class, but there are many more:
Down By The Bay
There Was a Moose
Magdelina Hagdelina (but we left out the ending)
If your child is stuck on a word help them but covering up part of the word so they
can see a smaller word that they know and then work from there to decode what it
is saying. Once they read the word, read it back to them and ask them if it makes
sense or not. If not, look at the word and try again.

If you find your child is struggling to recognize sight words, here are some fun
activities you can do at home:
-spread word ring cards around the room and have your child run and jump on a
specific word
-write words with sidewalk chalk and have your child throw a ball to try and hit a
certain word
-build words using magnetic letters
-hide words in the house and go on a word hunt
-make words out of play doh
-write a word on your child’s back with your finger and have him/her guess what
word you wrote. Then have them write one on your back
-post words up on the fridge and read 3 words together before each meal
-create word art by writing the word in one colour and tracing along beside it with
another colour and continue with various colours until you have made a rainbow
-spray whipped cream on a tray and have your child write and read words in there

-students brought language outside with chalk and wrote and drew pictures
outside. We were also looking at living and non-living things outside.

Home Connection
Go on a scavenger hunt to find 3 living and 3 non-living things in your

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