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BAHUJAN VISION Ramdev, Hazare stir

A Vision To Succeed in Ambedkarism In 21st Century
against Corruption - an
visit us on :
'Extra Constitutional
Contents Method' Experimented by
 Ramdev, Hazare Stir-an'
extra constitutional brahmanical forces to
Subvert Constitution and
method' 1
 Gandhi's - Sexual

Ambedkarism and
Parliamentary Democracy.
reconstruction of Laws are welcome but more fundamental premise is that corruption
globalization 8 can be 'rooted' out from society both 'Public' and 'Private' by
 News & Views creation of an 'ideal society' which is just, moral, humane &
AIMBSCS National enlightened that Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar envisioned. The 'Civil
 Office Inaguarated 9
Society' has to be necessarily a 'Democratic Society' with 'Public
Conscience' - that which it is not today due the social system of
 Book on Ambedkarism
caste. Only Social & Economical Justice will solve the posing ills
& Globalization of Indian Society. Anything less would be only cosmetic.
Inaguarated 12
 Tribes of Dooars & Terai in Recently following the footstepsof Anna Hazare,
W .B. say no to inclusion Ramdev Baba started his fast unto death from 4th June
with a cry to bring back black money, declare it as na-
in 'Gorkha Hill Council' 17
tional wealth and the guilty be punished by severe pu-
nitive laws. Before him Anna Hazare started his stir for
Edited By Lokpal Bill from Jantar Mantar evoking Gandhi and him-
Vijay Mankar, National self as the 'moral representative' of society.All these
Organiser, AIMBSCS were done in the name of 'civil society' with a rhetoric to
represent the 'nation' at par with the 'parliamentary de-
mocracy' viz the legislature (Parliament & Executive
Published By
Usha B. Meshram
The UPA govt. after conceding to Anna Hazare's
Organiser, AIMBSCS
fast in view of elections in five states agreed to form a
drafting committee for Lokpal Bill with the members of
Managment Team government 'civil society'. But soon it realised its mis-
Balwant B. Meshram take and took on Ramdevbaba squarely by laticharging
Organiser, Karyanvan his supporters at Ramlila Maidan, evoking response
Sangh, AIMBSCS from all over the country.
(09422915119) Baba had to unsuccessfully break his fast in
Dehradhun on the 11th day under the advise of allopathy
L. G. Kamble, Organiser, doctors though he himself believes in ayurved. Scientific
AIMBSCS (09423109173) view prevailed over the myth of yoga & ayurveda when it
came to one's life. Neither yoga nor ayurveda could make
Baba supernatural and he started crumbling from the 5th
day of his fast like any other common man.
Bahujan Vision Bulletin 1 July - Sept. 2011
Amidst this controversy the important as- culture' of equality,liberty, fraternity, justice; of
pect which requires to be considered is that dignity, oneness, well-being & wisdom. The real
whether the members in the name of 'civilsociety' freedom of all people (without castes) is nec-
can force 'extra constitutional' views on an demo- essary for the development of feeling of 'cor-
cratically elected govt. by coercive and blackmail- porate sentiment of oneness' - of nationalism
ing methods like fast unto death? Who is behind to make us feel kith & kin. This is our real na-
this extra Constitutional experiment? Why this is tion. Such a nation as envisioned by Phooley,
being experimented aftertact fully suspending the Shahu Maharaj, Iyothee Thass, Periyar and
Parliament for months together in 2G case? created by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar is
No doubt the brahmanical forces who do "PraBuddha Bharat or Enlightened India"
not believe in the Democratic Constitution and (with a great ancient history from Nag-Sindhu
have been persistently trying after 26th Nov. 1949 Culture to Constitutional India). This
either to change the Constitution or to ensure "PraBuddha Rashtra" is to be build upon 'Con-
that it is not implemented in its true letter & spirit stitutional India' based on the life principles &
are behind it. Both the RSS & Co. and Cong. values of E-L-F-J + Dhamma [where man &
are 'hand in gloves' in this conspiracy. Whereas morality (GN) is the centre and welfare of hu-
the former has propped up Ramdev & Hazare man beings the end. Dhamma is universal hu-
as proxy for these extra - Constitutional experi- manism & morality; truth, science, reason and
ments trying to bypass the Parliament. The lat- wellbeing of all humanbeings].
ter is just paying lip service to the Constitution Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar cautioned us
without implementing its principles & provisions on 26th Nov. 1949 while delivering His histori-
enshrined in the Preamble, Directive Principles cal speech in the Constituent Assembly. He
& Fundamental Rights. Social & economic jus- advised us to adopted the "Constitutional
tice, equality of status & opportunity and dignity methods" for achieving our 'social and eco-
of individual which alone can make fraternity real nomic objectives' and 'not to lay our liberties at
are far from achieved even after 60 yrs. of im- the feet of even a great man, or to trust him
plementation of the Constitution. Human Rights with powers which enable him to subvert their
are blatantly violated due to caste & ethnic dis- institutions'. The third thing that 'we must do is
crimination and 'welfare state' is being relegated not to be content with mere political democ-
for market by liberalization, privatization & glo- racy but make it a social democracy as well'.
balization (LPG) in the name of 'growth' & de- Only by these three ways we can maintain de-
velopment. The Congress being in power for mocracy not merely inform, but also in fact
past 5 decades either in Centre of States is by (BAWS, Vol. 13, pp. 1215-6). Not only did
and large responsible for this non-implementa- Babasaheb told us to hold fast to 'Constitutional
tion of the Constitution. methods' but He advised to abandon the bloody
The RSS & Co. on the other hand wants methods of revolution, the Gandhian methods
to create a 'system' where 'extra-constitutional' of civil disobedience, noncooperation and
& 'non-constitutional' methods would be made satyagrah. He was of the opinion that where
to work for realizing 'Hindu Rashtra' based on Constitutional methods are open, there can be
caste & dharma. This is what they exactly mean no justification for these "unconstitutional meth-
by rashtra, rashtrvad or sanskrutik rashtrwad. ods" [like those of Hazare & Ramdev].
The nation as conceived by Savarkar in
'Hindutva Who is a Hindu' (anonymous by Parliament is supreme, sovereign
published from Nagpur, 1923) or Golwalkar in institution but Parliamentarians
'W e or Our Nationhood Defined' (1939, with must realise their responsibilities
a forward by M. S. Aney) or Gandhi's of the welfare and good of the peo-
'Ramrajya' all are based on varnashram
dharma. This nation is a nation of brahmanical
ple to avoid utter public contempt:
supremacy based on the roots of Hinduism, Secondly Dr. B. R. Ambedkar - 'Father
varna & caste. The nation must be of 'equal of Constitutional India' considered that the
socio-political community' with a "humanitarian Parliament is supreme. His debates in the
Bahujan Vision Bulletin 2 July - Sept. 2011
Constituent Assembly and later in Parliament through free & fair elections and opposition -
clearly establish this thought. Rather He orches- two pillars on which the parliamentary democ-
trated the Parliamentary supremacy due the racy functions. Whereas 'We the People' of
belief in Republican and Democratic principles India are sovereign & supreme but that has to
& institutions. Dr.Ambedkar wanted the Parlia- be exercised through the Parliament. The Con-
ment to be 'truly representative' for every class stitution in turn guides upon the principles &
of people [which it is not today due to communal politics and provisions which enlightens and binds sover-
sealed number of MP's at 543 and 'whip system' due to Consti- eignty & supremacy of the people through 'in-
tutional amendment 84th & 52nd resp.]. Meanwhile He also stitutional morality' of the legislature, executive
cautioned the Parliamentarians "If this Govern- & judiciary.The Parliament today has however
ment will not produce results within a certain been made non-representative by the 84th &
time, long before the people become so frus- 52nd amendments to the Constitution of India
trated. So disgusted with Government as not brought by Congress led govt. in 2001 and 1985
to have any Government at all, a time will come respectively. Whereas the 52nd amendment
when I suppose unless we in Parliament real- dealing with disqualification of MP's and MLA's
ise our responsibilities and shoulder the task [Art. 102(2) and 191(2)] has made them
of looking after the welfare and good of the 'bondsmen' by the 'whip system' which ensures
people within a reasonable time. I have not the their disqualification if they vote against the
slightest doubt in my own mind that this Parlia- party's whip. 84th amd. has sealed the increase
ment will be treated by the public outside with in the number of MP's & MLA's upto 2031
utter contempt. It would be a thing not wanted inspite of the fact that their is 1 MP on 20 lakh
at all." (BAWS, Vol. 15, pp. 515 & 838, Also see CAD people and 1 MLA for 4 Lakh people making
Vol. I to XI, BAWS Vol. 14, Pat 2, pp. 1306-7, 1168, 883- Indian's parliamentary democracy highly un-
4) representative comparing that with USA
In a similar situation which Hazare & (1:6,40,000), SA (1:1,20,000) and UK (1:
Ramdev are exploiting, Dr. Ambedkar com- 90,000) and 1 representative in China for 4
menting on Vinoba Bhave's bhoodan move- Lakh people.
ment, reiterated that Parliament is supreme and The electoral system in 'first-past the
advised that Vinoba be elected to the Parlia- post-system' also ensures victory of minority
ment, become Prime Minister and solve the votes. Thus 'first-past the post system',
'land problem' of India. (BAWS, Vol. 18, part 3, p. 536) 'whip-system' and 'ceiling of 543 MPs' along
with lack of 'constitutional morality' has made
W e The People of India are
our Parliament dysfunctional to fulfil the objec-
sovereign & supreme and this is tives laid in our Constitution. Dose that permits
guided by the 'Constitutional the self appointed non-representatives of 'civil
Enlightenment' in the form of society' to usurp the role of Parliament?
Principles Provisions and Is their a 'civil society' in India?
Institutions of Parliamentary Evolution in Western Democracies has
Democracy: now evolved the concept of 'state', 'market' and
'civilsociety'. The civil society is considered as
Thus it is clear that Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
body of citizens playing role of preserving
wanted the supremacy of Parliament in our
citizens rights and interests outside the
democratic polity.This Parliament according to
Parliament; as the elected government after
Him must be truly representative and work
coming to power may not abide by the
for the welfare and good of the people; or
Constitutional objectives or its own
else it may be treated with 'utter contempt' by
commitments laid in the manifesto. This
the people outside.
apprehension has arisen as the body polity of
In todays scenario no doubt that our
representatives through party system vests
Constitution has made our Parliament su-
enormous powers in the system, and inspite of
preme, which is an institution enabling the ex-
Constitutional mechanism of 'checks and
ercise of sovereignty of the People of India,
Bahujan Vision Bulletin 3 July - Sept. 2011
balances' and other Parliamentary and legal by the immoral sleaz of 'market' &
provisions, makes defacto, the elected
representatives and those in office immune
the 'anti-civil' society of caste:
from accountability and punishments. The 'civil Finally corruption is a problem which this
society' is generally represented by NGO's or country is facing that requires institutions &
other associations. The pertinent question here laws. But unless an 'ideal society' which is just,
is,is their a 'civil society' in India? Why not? moral, humane & enlightened is created that
What should be the prerequisite for the cannot be completely uprooted. Corruption in
formation of a 'Civil Society'? India is largely responsible for indignity, exclu-
The Indian social system of graded in- sion & exploitation created due to caste sys-
equality is based on caste + adharma (i.e. tem which does not allows fellow feeling and
brahmanism/Hinduism). Isolation & exclusion welfare of all to be a natural sentiment. Cor-
(also exclusiveness of purity & superiority) is ruption is rampant not only in public life but also
inherent in the caste system which is anti-so- private life. Religious & charitable institutions,
cial, that is to say that it does not enables the corporate & business houses are also the in-
formation of a society.Thus in todays context stitutions where corruption is rampant. Any anti-
their is no 'civil society' but only 'a-civil' or 'non- corruption law must deal with this. Ramdev,
civil' society; or 'anti-civil society' if to put the Hazare & Co. do not seem to see this because
things straight. Castes are anti-social, anti- they do not want to disturb the 'caste economy'
democratic, anti-national and anti-humane is of b3s. They do not see the fact that 20 lakh
what Dr.Ambedkar propounded. Thus if at all crores worth temple property, the bribes and
the 'civil society' is to be made a reality the pre- unbridled profit made by caste corporates
requisite to it is that their must be a 'Demo- (MCCS) of b2s are problems servere than cor-
cratic Society with public conscience'. This ruption. Corporates usually manage 'business
can be a reality only by annihilation of caste & profits ' by paying 'grafts'. Why then they
and making the golden principles of E-L-F-J a should also not be under the purview of 'Lokpal'.
reality.This democratic society must be made In fact India has signed a treaty to prevent cor-
an 'ideal society' based on these golden princi- ruption in business and it is high time that it
must be implemented.
ples of E-L-F-J and Dhamma. (B AWS, Vo. 1, pp.
223-3; BAWS Vol. 17, part 3, pp. 517-23, pp. 475-84; Also Is this not corruption by the market ?
see BAWS Vol. 1 for Castes in India, Annihilation of Caste,
States and Minorities; Vol. 3 for Philosophy of Hinduism, Those who donate hefty amount to tem-
Essential features & Principles of Hindu Social Order; Vol. ples must also be investigated and the funds
3 for problems of Untouchability. Books I, II & IV to under- of religious institutions must also be monitored
stand Caste & Untouchability its problems and solutions) in ambit of the laws strictly. People are not paid
Thus unless we build up a 'democratic even 'minimum wages',' denied 'social secu-
society' in which the attitude of mind, respect rity', uprooted from their land; their resources
& equality towards fellowmen is created and a being usurped in the name of development,
social organization free from rigid social barri- prices inflated due to 'caste capitalism' and
ers (i.e. a casteless society) is ensured with the toiling & common masses economically ex-
'public conscience', which becomes agitated at ploited. Is this not 'corruption' by the 'market' in
every wrong, no matter who is the sufferer their the name of growth & development. Why then
cannot be a 'civil society' in India. Thus even they should also not be brought under anti-cor-
sincere activists can become a part & parcel of ruption law or anti-exploitation economic poli-
'anti--civil society' or 'caste interests' due to this cies to be more just, practical.
social & cultural reality of India. Similarly the procrastinating judicial sys-
tem leading to 'justice delayed is justice denied'
Corruption by 'corporates & [and to be precise 'a delayed justice is injustice
temples' also requires to be dealt done' ] is affecting defacto justice not only to
by law. Or else Lokpal will be only the victims of corruption but also the 'public
servants'.The public servants are forced to face
another means to weaken the 'State' the trauma of society & law for decades to-

Bahujan Vision Bulletin 4 July - Sept. 2011

Western Scholars Critically Evaluate Gandhi's
Mahatmahood. Before Lelyveld, Adams has
Written on the Sexual Depravity of Gandhi.
In the last couple of years Western Scholars have written important critics on Mr. M. K. Gandhi.
Joseph Lelyvelds 'Great Soul - Mahatma Gandhi and His Struggle with India' (Harper Collins
Pub. India, 2011) raised much hue & cry due to its euphemism of homosexual relationship of Gan-
dhi with his German-Jew friend Hermann Kallenbach. The Congressites and even Gujrat CM cried
for a ban on the book. The real reason for such a cry was not that the New York Times Editor, and
Plutizer Prize winner Lelyveld had brought out of the homosexual relationship of Gandhi euphe-
mistically, but for other reasons like questioning his credentials against racism.This book also
includes two chapters on Dr.Ambedkar - Gandhi dissent during 1931-33. Lelyveld has also re-
ferred exhaustively to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar's writings and speeches, including my book on
Poona Pact published in 2007. Apart from this he has also exposed the sexual depravity of Gandhi
with fellow women colleagues which was so explicitly written by Nirmalkumar Bose in 'My Days
W ith Gandhi' (Indian Associated Pub. Co. Ltd. (NISHANA), 1953, Calcutta, India).
Before Lelyveld, another British author Jad Adams has written 'Gandhi Naked Ambition' (Quercus,
2010, London, Great Britain). This book severely criticises Gandhi's experiments with truth particularly
with lady colleagues- young and teen. Adams systematically narrates Gandhi's experiments with sex
in the name of 'brahmacharya' which was nothing but to cover up severe criticisms by the Congress-
men and those close to Gandhi (p. 225, ibid).The book also contains Gandhi's son, Harilal's criticisms
on his father - "Thanks to that early marriage, Gandhi had become tainted by carnality before he
knew his own mind. Before he could reject it, he was burdened by those things of this world - his wife
and children. Later he developed an indifference to the product of sex, his children, as if they tied him
to the earthly world as living symbols of his carnal nature, and were of no import - whey the became
sexual being themselves, his revulsion was almost palpable. " (p. 114-5) (contd.. on next page)
contd.. from page 4 levels. This new change has also carried the
gether, for a law which envisages a maximum black money to the doorstep of 'temples' and
of 7 yrs. punishment. Their must also be com- other 'charitable institutions' of the b2s.
pensation and automatic provision of penalties Only when we will achieve 'socio-eco-
& criminal defamation against those who falsely nomic justice' & 'equality' along with the 'frater-
implicate the others due to vested interests. nity' enabling a 'Democratic Society', corrup-
Both the Citizens of India & Parliamen- tion would be a non-entity.All this requires the
tarians must understand these dimension of implementation of 'Dr. Ambedkar Plan' that
democracy & democratic society than just my- Sangh [AIMBSCS] is committed to do from 14th
opic 'Lokpal-Obudsman' which at present is April 2012 onwards.
only targeting the 'public servants' and giving a
'free scot' to the businessmen, corporates and Abbreviations
those in charitable institutions, NGOs to make B AW S - Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings and Speeches
b3 - so called brahmins, baniyas & badajamindars
illegal & immoral money. b2 - so called brahmins & baniyas
The 50 yrs. of Gandhi-Nehru Plan have CAD - Constituent Assembly Debates
E-L-F-J - Equality, Liberty, Fraternity, Justice
led to the deepening of socio-economic inequal- GN - Gender neutral
ity & injustice in Indian society contrary to what MCC - Multi Caste Corporates of India.
our Constitution envisages. The new economic NGO - Non Governmental Organisation
policy of LPG has opened new channels of pri- RSS & Co.- Rashtriya Swayansevak Sangh & Company
vate economy leading to corruption not only by - Vijay Mankar,
public officials but also by the corporates to new National Organiser,AIMBSCS
Bahujan Vision Bulletin 5 July - Sept. 2011
On the event of Poona-Pact the author highlights the Gandhian blackmail
Resistance to "pressure was now being applied to Ambedkar, who was aware that Gandhi's
the charms of death would result in a massacre of untouchables throughout India" (p. 205,
one naked ibid). But the most critical comments in the book are on Ghandhi's 'mental
tennage girl preoccupation' with sexual experiments even after his vow of brahmacharya
was not taken at the age of 38 yrs. Adam names the women in his book with whom
sufficient - Gandhi 'often slept', 'massaged his body'. He goes on to narrate the eventsin
perhaps two 'Gandhi's entourage' and records severe criticism of those like C. R.
would provide Ramaswami Iyer, Prime Minister of Travancore who told Lord Mountbatten
the necessay that Gandhi was 'a most dangerous, semi-repressed sex maniac." (p. 281,
power in these ibid)
difficult days. It The author also narrates some events.
is hard timing "Eighteen year old Abha, the wife of Gandhi's grandnephew Kanu Gandhi,
what sexual rejoined his entourage in July, and by the end of August he was sleeping with
experiment both girls (i.e Manu & Abha) at the same time. Abha had been sleeping with him
might have since she was sixteen, though less willingly than Manu. Abha later recalled.
thought of 'He did ask me to take my clothes off. But, as far as I remember, I usually kept
next." my peticoat and choli (bodice) on.'. The men from Ghandhi's entourages, in-
cluding Kanu, asked him to stop, but he continued. It may have been that he

felt, he required added spiritual strength for the challenges of the times. Re-
sistance to the charms of one naked teenage girl was not sufficient - perhaps
two would provide the necessary power in these difficult days. It is hard timing
what sexual experiment might have thought of next." (p. 263, ibid)
Adams (a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, a visiting Research Fel-
low of the School of Advanced Study, University of London and an independ-
ent historian who has also authored a composite biography of the Nehru fam-
ily - 'The Dynasty' also cities how Gandhi's mental preoccupation with sex
distanced Jinnah and forced him to form an opinion of Gandhi being a Hindu
leader.In April 1938 before an important meeting to recover Hindu-Muslim
unity Gandhi underwent 'involuntary ejaculation' twice. This event forced Gan-
"Later on, dhi to write to press 'I do not consider myself fit for negotiations or any such
when people thing for the moment. I ask the public not to attain any exaggerated impor-
started asking tance to the interview'. With such forebodings he approached the three hours
questions oftalk with Jinnah and the very important meeting came to nothing. This made
about his Jinnah to conclude "He is the one responsible for turning the Congress into an
physical instrument for the revival of Hinduism. His ideal is to revive the Hindu religion
contact with and establish Hindu Raj in this country." (pp. 223-4, ibid)
women - with Even Nehru disapproved of Gandhi's experiments with sex. He stated "unnatu-
Manu [his ral and shocking... I think Gandhiji is absolutely wrong in this matter. His advice may
grandniece], fit in with some cases, but as a general policy it can only lead to frustration, inhibition,
with Abha neurosis and all manner of physical and nervous ills". (p. 213, ibid)
[another grand Adams discloses that how Manu was convinced not to disclose about sex
neice], with me experiments that she underwent with Gandhi :
- the idea of "Though she wrote five books about Gandhi (or were they ghost-written
brhmacharya from her recollections?), she was never to disclose her side of the
experiment's brahmacharya experiments". (p. 270, ibid)
were devel- Adams also records the secret revealed by Sushila Nayar who when ques-
oped" tioned in the 1970's stated the physical contact with women was a partofalife
style of Gandhi and the elevation of it to a brahmacharya experiment was a
Bahujan Vision Bulletin 6 July - Sept. 2011
response to criticism of this behaviour. She told any but sex industry moguls and rich
"Later on, when people started asking ques- sybaritedo. The honest Sushila, whose concept
tions about his physical contact with women - of truth corresponded more closely to an ac-
with Manu [his grandniece], with Abha [another cepted norm than did Gandhi's, made the point
grand niece], with me - the idea of brhmacharya that his sleeping with women came first, while
experiment's were developed". (pp. 225-6, ibid) the notion that it was some kind of a spiritual
The author concludes on the legacy of Gan- experiment emerged after his behaviour had
dhi by stating : "Had Gandhi spent more time been challenged." (pp. 282, ibid)
understanding sex rather than suppressing it Joseph Lelyveld has also narrated the
he might have noticed that for men in their later sexual misadventure of Gandhi in his book
years, with declining testosterone production, 'Great Soul'. Both Adams & Lelyveld have
sex tends to became more diffused. Where for painted the darker side of the personality of
a young man penetration and ejaculation are Gandhi conforming to Dr. Babasaheb
imperative, a less specific erotism seems suf- Ambedkar's view who refused to consider &
ficient for elderly men - the sound of women call Gandhi a mahatma - 'not even from the
voices, a female touch, the sight of nakedness. point of view of morality'. This is what Dr.
One could, of course argue that it is because Ambedkar stated to an interview to BBC Lon-
old men have less opportunity for active see don in 1955. (pp. 456-7, Vijay Mankar, Chronol-
that they have to be satisfied with less. How- ogy of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, 2009, Blue World Se-
ever it is viewed, Gandhi certainly maximised ries, Nagpur, India)
his sexual opportunities in his terms, he did so Speaking for Myself I would not like to go
in order that his renunciation might be all the into the personal life of Gandhi, however darker
more pronounced to the disdain of Congress it may be; but to reiterate my conviction once
colleagues who were more men of the world again; I can say that "Gandhi is father of
than he. Gandhi in his sixties and seventies, which nation, I do not know. But the father
with his daily naked massages, joint bathing of PraBuddha Bharat, of Constitutional In-
and young women bedfellows, was getting a dia is none other that Dr. Babasaheb
good deal more intimate female contact than Ambedkar". - Editor

Bahujan Vision Bulletin 7 July - Sept. 2011

In view of the 'universal ideology' of representations is largely absent in that. Thus
Ambedkarism and the ‘world view’ as stated the governing arrangements of the 4
above it can now be concluded that globalization international institutions UN (and its
as an ideology and organising of economy, law, organizations), IMF, WTO & WB constitute a
technology & culture must be reconstructed on typical oligarchy and enable ‘the rule of few over
the principles of E-L-F-J; with democracy and many’. The ‘few’ are the elities & powerful
human rights and building up the moral order states whereas the ‘many’ are the people by
of the world is to be build up. Such a and large. All these ‘democratic deficits’ are
reconstruction would entail not the reversal of required to be restructured for making
the process of globalisation but making the globalization just, democratic & humane to
process & terms of functioning of its benefit the people & nations in an equitable
institutions (WB., IMF, WTO, TNCs, MNCs, way.
Markets) more democratic. Such Whereas in IMF, WB and WTO the
democratisation of these institutions must position of all states must be made
involve not only the nation -states but the constitutionally equal. The voting in UNSC
people as well. There is a serious ‘democratic must be allocated according to the size of
deficit’ not only in these institutions but also in population, not wealth or military power. The
UN (and its organizations) and other international human rights regime can be
governing arrangements of the nations. As an strengthened by granting UNHRC the powers
institutional arrangement, representative & of fully-fledged international court. Human
participatory democracy is required both at rights must not remain mere declarations but
national and international level. From a become governing principles of human life in
democratic point of view, the problem with the new millennium. Cultural, economic,
these international organizations lie not just in religious & scientific rights of humanbeings
the imbalance of power and representation however require to be more radically
between states by which they operate. It is that formulated. Justice (social, economic &
they act as the agents of states, and not distributive) must be the principle for putting
necessarily the peoples. A number of states are an end to discriminations, deprivations,
not democratic themselves; and those which exclusions & exploitations of all forms to make
are democratic, lack truly representative & HRs real & meaningful. The HRs must also be
participatory character due to various principle implemented through constitutional, legal &
and institutional reasons [as in India their is only 1 policy measures in the countries for their ‘full’
MP on 20 lakh people & 1 MLA on 4 lakh being elected realizations.
by ‘first-past-the-post system’ and controlled by ‘whip’ Whereas the NGOs as representatives of
system which makes the government a (non)
‘civil society’ can be allotted role in the process
representative of both minority opinion & people. The
judiciary is also not representative with negligible number of domestic legislative scrutiny of the
of judges from SCs, STs, DTs, NTs, OBCs & RMs. In proceedings of international organisations
fact the judges are appointing themselves by a including MNCs & TNCs through a
collegium, without any National Judicial Commission,
consultative and observer status. There is an
and All India Judicial Services]. urgent need either for a World Parliament or
The decision making at the international at least ‘Peoples Assembly’ at the UN. Such an
level is defacto a privilege of the elites, status assembly could be elected directly by the
quoist & policy experts in the name of ‘interest
of state & world’. The peoples opinion & (Contd..on page 14)
Bahujan Vision Bulletin 8 July - Sept. 2011
V iew
AIMBSCS "National Office" Inaugurated In
The 'Capital of Movement' - Nagpur on 26th
June - Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj Jayanti
Nagpur (Capital of the Movement) - National increasing day by day and 'Sangh' [AIMBSCS]
Office of All India Mulnivasi Bahujan Samaj is gradually becoming the 'Central Organisa-
Central Sangh [AIMBSCS] is inaugurated on tion' of Bahujan Samaj.
the eve of 'Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj Jayanti'- Hence forth important communications
26th June. The office is situated in Nagpur - can be made on the office address as under :
Capital of Movement. Ever since the declara- AIMBSCS, National Office,
tion of 'National Plan To Succeed In 26, Bhoslewadi, Near Avdebabu Square,
Ambedkarism' and birth of AIMBSCS on 14th Laskaribagh, Nagpur - 440017.
April 2007 need was felt for the a national of- Telephone No. 0712-2655660
fice to coordinate the activities of the move-
ment at national level. We were focused to build All those interested to meet the National
not only a office for 'nation' but also the 'world'. Organiser can do so after confirming his sched-
Therefore we are in advanced stages of for- ule from the Organisers responsible for the of-
malities for 'World Centre of Ambedkarism' fice administration. The literature of AIMBSCS-
which may take a couple of years more to take Blue World Series will also be available for
concrete shape & form. In the meantime to ful- purchase in the office.
fil the need of office for the nation we have came All those concerned must take note of
up with an office in Nagpur. the responsibilities for the management of the
The office will facilitate to make the fol- National Office to make 'Ambedkarism' suc-
lowing great & successful : cessful. Lest we forget "Great heights require
1. Ideology of Ambedkarism. Great efforts and Great sacrifices!"
2. National Liberation Movement of With optimism & confidence let us now
Mulnivasi Bahujan Samaj & also resolve to build 'World Centre of
W omen. Ambedkarism' by all efforts - physical, legal,
3. Bahujan Samaj. financial so that we can realise the concept of
4. Sangh [AIMBSCS & its wings] 'Capital of Movement'.
5. Committed & Proficient 'World Centre of Ambedkarism' has also
Ambedkarites. become necessary of fulfil 4 important plans
Apart from all the above it will also un- of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar that He envisaged
dertake coordination of various wings of but those remain still incomplete. They are
AIMBSCS; Regions & States. The office will 1. Social Centre (that was conceived at
also enable some constructive activities for the Dadar, Mumbai);
society. 2. Political School (that was conceived at
W ith the opening of National Office of Pune);
AIMBSCS the active people of Bahujan Samaj 3. Buddhist Seminary (that was conceived
have started perceiving that the 'Movement of at Banglore);
Bahujan Samaj' based on 'Ambedkarism' can 4. Knowledge centre for truth, humanism
be made successful by Sangh. Thus accept- and putting end to human suffeirngs (that
ance of 'National Liberation Movement of was conceived as a main purpose behind
Mulnivasi Bahujan Samaj' & Women' under the the formation of 'Peoples Education Soci-
'National Plan To Succeed in Ambedkarism' is ety'. The concept of 'study circles' that He

Bahujan Vision Bulletin 9 July - Sept. 2011

propounded on 17th Sept. 1943 while de- W e have to make strong 'institutional
livering speech on 'Labour and Parliamen- efforts' to build up all the above and I am confi-
tary Democracy' etc.) dent that with the 'World Centre of
The non-completion of all the above has Ambedkarism' we would be able to accomplish
also been one of the major 'institutional rea- all the above four plans envisioned by
son' for the non-success of Bahujan Movement Babasaheb Ambedkar as institutional neces-
after the demise of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar sities for making our Movement successful.
on 6th Dec. 1956; apart from the biggest rea- The inauguration function was attended
son that the Dalit & Bahujan Movement after by hundreds of important personalities amidst
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar did not adopted cheer, optimism, credence & confidence.
"Ambedkarism" and hence became a victim of Vijay Mankar
'lota age'. National Organiser,

Glimpses of inaguration function of 'National Office- AIMBSCS'

Bahujan Vision Bulletin 10 July - Sept. 2011
Glimpses of the 'National Office- AIMBSCS'
Bahujan Vision Bulletin 11 July - Sept. 2011
ws Ambedkarism in the era of globalization and beyond...
s& Published on the eve of 'Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj Jayanti'

Nagpur [Capital of Movement] - intellectuals and a shorter version of this would

'Ambedkarism in the era of globalization and be published late this year by 'Tata Institute of
beyond...' authored by Vijay Mankar, National Social Sciences', Mumbai through a major na-
Organiser,AIMBSCS was inaugurated amidst tional publisher.This is expected to initiate a
cheers, joy and a 'new vision' of a 'New World' "new debate" in academic, intellectual & gov-
based on Ambedkarism. This Book is of 108 erning circles not only in India but across the
pages, with reference of 110 books, supported world on globalization and beyond.
by rich notes & extensive index. The Book is The book can be obtained from
one of its own kind as it sets the 'discourse' of AIMBSCS - Blue World Series
reconstruction of globalization and the creation C/o. G. G. Bhasme, Flat no. T-1, Sai
of a 'New World' and 'New Human Order' which A partment, Banerjee Layout, Post -
is just, moral, humane & enlightened based on Bhagwan Nagar, Nagpur - 440027.
Ambedkarism - a 'Universal Ideology of hu- Price Rs. 100/- (excluding postage charges)
man liberation & reconstruction of world'. - G. G. Bhasme
The book is widely appreciated by many Organiser,AIMBSCS, Mob. 9422810394

Bahujan Vision Bulletin 12 July - Sept. 2011

Hundreds of
Professionals and
masses of
Bahujan Samaj
listen to the
speech on
'Ambedkarism in
the era of
globalization and
delivered by Vijay
Mankar, National
AIMBSCS on 26th
June at
Buti Hall, Nagpur.

National Training To Succeed In Ambedkarism To Be

Conducted In The Last Week of October.
'National Training To Succeed In Ambedkarism', 7 days Foundation Course is to be con-
ducted tentatively from 22nd or 23rd of October. Organisers of all the States, Regions to take note of it and
get the cadres (who have undergone 1 day or 2 days cadre camp) enrolled for this national training.
For details of Schedule & fees please contact Balwant Meshram, Organiser, Karyanvan Sangh,
- National Organiser,AIMBSCS
Bahujan Vision Bulletin 13 July - Sept. 2011
Ambedkarism and reconstruction... Whereas ‘stomach’ may require food,
(cont.. from page 8) clothing & shelter; the ‘nose’ requires honour,
citizens of the world from 700 constituencies dignity & development. The ‘mind’ wants
(representing 10 million people). Such principles, values & institutions. Both
assembly could have a dual role : deliberation capitalism & Marxism in a way or other don’t
on trans-national issues, and as a decision go beyond the ‘stomach’ in viewing man (GN)
making body at par with General Assembly predominantly an ‘economic animal’. Only
acting as two houses of UN - like our Ambedkarism gives a philosophy of
Parliament. The finance for such an assembly humanbeing with the trinity of ‘mind’, ‘nose’
can be collected by international taxes levied and ‘stomach’. This trinity requires a new
directly on international financial transactions economics - Ambedkarite economics with
like air line fuel, and not be necessarily significant role of ‘state’. (for allocative &
contributed by the national goverments. The distributive functions of economy), ‘market’
above stated model of ‘world democracy’ (fair, social markets) and ‘civil society’ (only a
would not replace democracy at national levels democratic society with public conscience can
but only supplement it. The ‘social contract’ be a free & fair civil society). Only Ambedkarite
would remain at the level of nation_state with economics can guarantee growth with equity,
a ‘new contract’ between peoples, nations & development & dignity. Only 'Ambedkarite
world institutions at the world level can be economics' can guarantee wellbeing of all
based on the principles of E-L-F-J, humanbeings and a sustainable biosphere. A
acknowledging HRs, democracy and wellbeing preliminary model of Ambedkarite
of all human beings and our mother earth. Economics is given on next page.
MNCs & TNCs must be made to This trinity of human being (mind, nose
acknowledge ‘corporte social responsibilities’ for & stomach) is required to be translated into a
the societal & environmental costs that are ‘New Human Order’ which is wise, thinking,
never taken in account in the cost-benefit just, reasoned, rational, truthful, scientific,
calculus. Affirmative actions must be sustainable, egalitarian, compassionate, modern,
implemented both in public & private moral, ethical and welfaristic. But such a ‘New
institutions for social & economic justice. Human Order’ would require more than the
Distributive justice has to be a major policy democratization of national & international
measure to correct historical injustices. institutions of human governance. It would
Organising of real economy, taxation, buget & require the acknowledgment of State, Market
finance must be arranged on the basis of justice & Civil Society as Dr. Ambedkar did in His
& equity. These MNCs & TNCs should be views on ‘States and Minorities’ [state socialism
subjected to national & international justice or economic democracy - both envisage the prime role
system. The wage-slavery system must be of ‘state’ for development & welfare. The pursuit of
abolished and enable all the exploited, ‘private enterprise’ (markets) in a democratic order with
excluded, discriminated & deprived to rise constitutional morality and public conscience is well
with dignity to become owners of factors of integrated in it].
production, distribution and organising of It would require more than just
economy itself. restructuring globalization, that to the creation
Here challenging the doctrine of of a new ‘world mind’, a new ‘world view’,
globalization as advanced by libertarianism, ‘world order’, which cultivates the
Darwinism (of all types), at all levels with fundamentals of common good of humankind
Ambedkarism (=E-L-F-J+ Dhamma) as the & biosphere. It would require nothing less than
‘new philosophy of world’ becomes absolutely a ‘humanitarian revolution’. Such a revolution
necessary. Man (GN) is not only would ‘deconstruct’ undesirable priciples, values &
homoeconomics. Whereas he has ‘stomach’, she systems (orders, institutions) and ‘reconstruct’
also has ‘nose’ and ‘mind’. universal principles, values & systems. Such a
Bahujan Vision Bulletin 14 July - Sept. 2011
Ambedkarite Economic Model of Human

[Equitable distribution of wealth for

‘common good’ through state
intervention. Realization of justice &
equity by national & global policies
and institutions, for ‘public good’.] [Welfare State/
Social State for
Distribution Social Progress &
Social Justice]

human & Democracy
(social, economic, political,
moral & intellectual)
must ensure a
decent &

life to all.
It should
people to

owners of New Human Order

Development [which is -
with clean Just, Moral,
technologies Humane &
& practices Enlightened]
for a ‘climate Growth <
smart world’.]
[Labour intensive, sustainable growth with equity. Creation
of ‘Human Capital’, technology & other factors of production.
Domestic savings & investment for economic growth.
Institutions (local, national, regional, global) of economy &
finance based on democratic & economic considerations.]

‘humanitarian revolution’ is required to end deprivation; habitable cities; care of elderly; hygiene;
the sufferings of humankind and also to solve financial instability; war & terrosim, infringement
the glaring ‘new problems’ that we as a of personal integrity.
humanity would face due to the ‘globalization
Human society has to collectively act
of disaster’. These challenges before us are - upon these challenges to make world a better
population & migration; poverty & inequalities; & safe place to live in56.
malnutrition & starvation; infectious diseases;
Such a ‘humanitarian revolution’ based
scarcity of food & water; climate change; natural
on Ambedkarism can be brought by 4 changes
disasters; depletion of natural resources; educational
Bahujan Vision Bulletin 15 July - Sept. 2011
as told by Dr. Ambedkar as under : Vaicharik African part of Islamic World (Egypt, Tunisia,
Parivartan (change in thoughts, thinking, Libya etc.) is a glimpse of what would be the
understanding, vision), Achar Parivartan future of history. European Enlightement is
(change in conduct, morals, ethics & bound to stay and Dewey’s, Rawl’s, Sen’s,
sociability), Mansik Parivartan (change in Zelliot’s, Omved’s, America can be a 'new
notion, belief, view) and Vyavsta Parivartan America' as Afro-Americans, Hispancis, Red
(change is systems, institutions & orders). Such Indians & Asian immigrants would constitute 1/
a revolution would deconstruct caste, class, 3rd of its population in a couple of decades to
race, gender, ethnic, cultural & knowledge come. Never before history of the ‘modern
discriminations and build up a ‘ New Human world’, is offering such a ‘turning point’. The
Order’ & ‘New World’ - which is just, moral, doctrine of neo-classical economics has already
humane & enlightened. It will be a kingdom of been debased after the crash of Lehman
righteousness on earth i.e. permanent goodness Brothers and the great depression of 2008
for humankind & mother earth. which started from America itself. We are on
Who has to do this becomes more the ‘right side of history’. History has not
ended, but has began a new journey. History
relevant and practicable a question to can only offer alternatives but it will be our
be answered. thought & action that will make a new history.
My answer to this is all those who are Before concluding let Me state that I have
‘wise enough’ and ‘worthy of humanity’ shall take written the above thoughts keeping in mind
the lead. Those who suffer the most by that the ‘function of philosophy’ is to ‘reconstruct
inhumanity of casteism (Dalits, Backwards); the world’ and make it happy. I have therefore
racism (Negros); ethnicism (Indigenous adhered to a non-pedantic & non-theoretical
People); gender discrimination (women); discourse without ignoring the issues &
economic exploitation (workers, toilers) and perspectives; though Dr. Ambedkar has
even scientists, socialists, environmentalists, propounded a unique philosphy of logic &
democrats, humanists have to work together metaphysics. He also has a 'unique moral &
for this great & noble cause to liberate political philosophy' if I go by the classification
humankind from sufferings and make our of philosophy by Will Durant57.
mother earth a better place to live. Such Therefore I can now say that, 1 Billion
enlightened human beings will be more than 3/4 Bahujans (15% of world population) by
of 7 billion humanity today. They can be all Ambedkarism will be committed to make India
‘Ambedkarites’ if they live for the above and World - Humane & Enlightened. We in
principles, values and order that has been Sangh [AIMBSCS] are planning to buildup a
envisioned by Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar __ is ‘Global Ambedkarite Movement’ for an all round
a ‘new moral & humane philosophy’ of human success of Ambedkarism, while already
beings & the world - Ambedkarism. It is more leading the ‘National Liberation Movement of
than just political, economic, social or scientific Mulnivasi Bahujan Samaj & Women’ under the
& religious philosophy. It is a new thought & ‘National Plan To Succeed In Ambedkarism’. A
action - a new way of life. ‘New History’ is in making in 21st century for
We have entered into a ‘multipolar a new millenium - by Ambedkarism. Thus
world’. In the decades to come the world will Ambedkarism will take the world beyond
be less influenced by Anglo-Saxon nations and globalization to an ‘Enlightened World’ and a
more affected by what is happening in India & ‘New Human Order’.
China. Asia (India, China, Japan, South Korea, Jai Bhim ! Jai Bhim Humanity ! Jai PraBuddha Bharat ! Jai
North Korea, Iran, Pakistan and others) and PraBuddha World ! Jai PraBuddha Universe !!!
Africa (South Africa, Uganda, Rawanda,
This article is an extract from the book 'Ambedkarism
Nigeria, Egypt & others) will play a major role in the era of globalization and beyond...' authored by
in global affairs. The urge for democracy in Vijay Mankar, National Organiser, AIMBSCS.
Bahujan Vision Bulletin 16 July - Sept. 2011
Indigenous Tribes of Doors & Terai in
Jalpaiguri District of West Bengal Do
Not Want to Be a Part of Proposed
Gorkha Hill Council Territory.
AIMBSCS- Mulnivasi Adhikar Gana guides these Tribes to protect
their rights, identity & development.
The draft memorandum of understand- Tamang, Limbu, Sherpa, Galmo, and other
ing for the creation of a new autonomous Nepalis. The Nepali Community which is also
'Gorkha Hill Council', territory envisaging to affected by caste system and the trivarnikas
give enormous administrative, executive, finan- amongst them may maintain their supremacy
cial & even legislative powers to the proposed and statusquo by the new arrangement of the
council on the demands of Gorkha Janmukti 'Gorkha Hill Council'. As such the 'indigenous
Morcha (GJM) lead by Bimal Gurung (an OBC tribes' of the Dooars & Terai are not ready to
from Nepali Community but in fact remote con- join the council. On the contrary since the
trolled by the so called brahmin, kshtriya & Gorkha population is very less in this region
vaishya leaders of the Nepalis) is rapidly under they have no right to claim the inclusion of
way after badralok 'b1Didi' came to power un- Dooars & Terai in the council is the stand taken
der an illusion created over 'Dalits & Muslims' by the indigenous tribes.
of West Bengal, who constitute over 50% of its
Are the Provisions of the Fifth Sched-
Though the original draft of the govt. ule for the Administration and Control
spoke about only Kalimpong, Darjeeling, of Scheduled Areas being by passed
Kureong sub-divisions of hill areas and some by the Mamata Government?
parts of Silliguri. The govt. is now budging un-
Their is also one Constitutional question.
der the pressure of GJM and agreed to form a
The majority of Dooars & Terai areas are
'Joint Committee' of non-representatives of
'Scheduled Areas' under the fifth schedule Art
GJM and the govt. to decide upon the inclu-
244(1) of the Constitution of India. The admin-
sion of 421 mouzas (191 of Terai & 230 of
istration of these scheduled areas is the respon-
Dooars region including more than 250 gar-
sibilityofthe Governor of the state. The 'Tribes
dens) of the Dooars & Terai region in which the
Advisory Council' constituting of 3/4th repre-
indigenous Adivasis, Santhals, Orans, Mundas
sentatives (of elected ST MLAs from Assem-
etc. reside in majority. These subdivision of
bly) and other such representatives of tribes
Dooars & Terai in the foothills of Himalayas are
have an advisory responsibility for the 'Wel-
at present 'Scheduled Areas' under the V
fare and advancement' of the STs.
Schedule of the 'Constitution of India' where
The Governor is also empowered to
majority of indigenous tribes reside. Whereas
notify that any Act of the Parliament or the
as the indigenous mongoloid stock of tribes like
Legislature of the State shall not apply to a
Bhutia, Durkpa, Tibetan and Lepucha reside in
Scheduled Area. The Governor is also
the hills (who mostly follow Buddhism) the 'black
empowered to make regulations for the 'peace
tribes' form a majority in the Doors & Terai. The
and good government' of a Scheduled Area with
Nepalis who are mostly concentrated in the hills
an assent by the President of India. The
also have some percentage of tribes like
Governor is however obliged to take advise of
Bahujan Vision Bulletin 17 July - Sept. 2011
the 'Tribes Advisory Council' before making any 'non-tribes'; so that they can be enslaved in the
such regulations. Hindu Social Order (HSO). In W.B. according to
Similarly the 'Panchyat (Extension To us their is no change. The b3s of the bhadralok
Scheduled Areas) Act 1990 (PESA, 1996) leg- exploiters have transferred the power from b1
islated under Art. 243 (M) empowers the 'Gram team of Communists to b2 team of Trinamool to
Sabhas' of the Panchayat on various matters befool the Bahujans. Banerjee's government is
of social, cultural, economical and developmen- non-representative as most of her ministers &
tal significance. It also empowers these sabhas secretaries are from b2s. The Tribals, Dalits,
"to be consulted" for 'acquisition of land' in such Muslims & Backwards are still out of power,
areas. unrepresented, exploited and enslaved, is an
The question here, is the Trinamool Gov- important fact which is to be understood.
ernment by passing the 'Gram Sabhas' of the Ambedkarism The Way Out :
sub-divisions Dooars & Terai Regions? It is
'Tribes Advisory Council' advise been seeked Bengal is the 'great land' of Nagvanshis
(the Chandals/Namoshudras & indigenous tribes, Pal
by the Governor of W.B. for which no reference
kings etc.) which has fought against aryan inva-
of the govt. of Mamata Banerjee is required?
sion & brahmanism all through ages. In mod-
Are the 'representatives' of indigenous tribes
ern India the quest for political & social rights
from these regions taken in the consultations &
was initiated simultaneously in Bengal &
decision making process, which is so necessary
Maharashtra in the last decade of 19th century.
as these tribes are socially & economically dis-
It was again Bengal which ensured the victory
criminated, excluded, exploited and hence back-
of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar in the Constituent As-
ward. How is the Tribal sub Plan (TSP), Forest
sembly in 1946 from Jaisur & Khulna; which
Dwellers Act being presently implemented in the
'paved way' for the Constitutional rights & safe-
Scheduled Areas of W.B. The Tribes are socially,
guards of SCs, STs & OBCs under the aegis of
educationally & economically backward in these
Great Constitutional Philosopher & Our Libera-
regions with the tea gardens being owned by
tor 'Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar'. The Dalits,
the b2s. The tribal land is being systematically
Muslims & Tribals secured 7 votes for Dr.
transferred to non-tribes, they are paid low
Ambedkar [whereas their was only 1 MLA Mr.
wages, their jobs being snatched and the im-
Jogendranath Mandal of All India Scheduled Caste
plementation of STP not made in totality. Federation] and ensured victory of Babasaheb
All these are the pertinent questions Ambedkar.The Namoshudras of Bengal were
which must be raised by the Santhals, Oraons, severally punished by the bhadraloks for this
Mundas and other Indigenous Tribes of the historical endeavour for the Liberation of
Dooars, Terai & Hill Regions of W.B. They must Bahujans, and Bengal was partitioned. The
ask all these questions to the W.B. govt. by Namoshudras were uprooted and those from
RTIs and prepare their 'Charter of Rights and East Bengal forced to the jungles of
Demands' of Tribal rights, safeguards and de- Dandakaryna with a crisis of citizenship. In W.B.
velopment in consonance with the 'Constitu- the Namoshudras & Muslims were subjected
tion of India' and 'Draft Declaration of Rightsof to 'mental slavery' and 'ideological diversion'
Indigenous People 1994' of United Nations; to by asking not to fight against caste &
be represented with the govt. of W.B. and In- brahmanism = Hinduism, but 'class' that. This
dia before any decision is taken in the matter has totally confused and enslaved them. The
of proposed 'Gorkha Hill Council'. fight against class ensured the b3s to maintain
Our Colleagues their in W.B.,particularly their caste statusquo.Neither the class nor
in the Dooars & Terai Region would be guided the caste withered away. Only Marx & Lenin
by AIMBSCS for safeguarding Tribals rights, were belittled by these bhadralok communists
identity & culture, as the conspiracy to include & their brahmanism.
the Tribal Scheduled Areas of Dooars & Teraiis W .B. the 'great land' of the Nagas there-
another 'brahmanical mis-effort' to make them fore requires "Ambedkarism" for vision and lib-
Bahujan Vision Bulletin 18 July - Sept. 2011
eration. Only a Movement of Mulnivasi Bahujan and this wave fades away the red & tricolour
Samaj based on Ambedkarism an liberate the represented by the Communists & Trinamool.
Bahujans of W.B. develop it and make it pro- Lets do it now.
gressive, modern & humane. - Vijay Mankar, National Organiser,
Is time that a 'blue wave' rides Bengal AIMBSCS

Glimpses of National Organising of 'Dr. Ambedkar -

Mahatma Phooley Jayanti - 2011', Angul, Orissa.

Bahujan Vision Bulletin 19 July - Sept. 2011

Glimpses of 'National Organising of
Dr.Ambedkar - Mahatma Phooley Jayanti'
organised by Angul, Orissa on 13th & 14th
April 2011

Bahujan Vision Bulletin 20 July - Sept. 2011

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