My Shirts! Business Plan: Name of Student (Pick The Date)

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My Shirts! Business
Proposing a Business Plan

Name of student
[Pick the date]
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................ 3

Product ............................................................................................................................................ 3

Competitive Edge............................................................................................................................ 3

Objectives .................................................................................................................................... 4

Mission ........................................................................................................................................ 4

Company summary ..................................................................................................................... 4

Company Ownership ............................................................................................................... 4

Start-up summary ........................................................................................................................ 4

Product and Services ................................................................................................................... 6

Summarizing Analysis of Market ............................................................................................... 7

Competition and Buying partners ............................................................................................... 7

Strategy and implementation strategy ......................................................................................... 8

Strategy for Sale .......................................................................................................................... 8

Sales Forecast .............................................................................................................................. 9

Marketing strategy....................................................................................................................... 9

Management Summary ............................................................................................................. 10

Financial Plan................................................................................................................................ 10

Significant Assumptions ........................................................................................................... 10

8.5. Balance Sheet projection ................................................................................................ 13

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My shirts Business Plan
Executive Summary
“My Shirts” is a new business which is quite exhilarating because it allows the customers to have
their own shirts, not only the shirts but customized ones with specific designs and colors. My
shirts will be going harness the supremacy of computer redirection will allow the shirts to be
printed as one unit in production runs. The founder of company is NAME OF STUDENT. The
setup of company is in NAME OF CITY. The store of My Shirts is at NAME OF STREET

Even the imagination of having a custom shirt is too exciting; it tends to bring a sense of
creativity in clients. Customers would be going to choose the color, style and material of the shirt
and then they would choose the graphics, images or calligraphic quotes in order to have a print of
them on custom shirts. Shirts can also be a way of communication while walking through a street
or attending someone at any place. This opportunity will boost the urge for fans as well, as they
can have pictures of their favorite sports man or musician on the shirts. Printing social massages
on shirt is also a way of expressing your thoughts to any one and without limits

Competitive Edge
In order to penetrate in a market My Shirts have two competitive edges which can be sustainable
in long term as well. First is that My Shirts have a wide range of graphics catalogues, because the
company has established a partnership with graphic companies that have extensive libraries of
images. It leads to an extraordinary offer of multiple options to customers. Secondly, My Shirts
is providing the sublimation of highest quality offered. From the experience and efforts
STUDENT NAME has made good ties with the division of HP printers, they will exclusively
provide services while using prototype technology. Prototype technology gives an extraordinary
resolution sublimation process for prints on shirts.

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 To end up known as the chief custom shirt sublimation service provider.

 To gain profit with in the duration of a year

 Implement and design exact monetary controls to help guarantee success.


Mission of My Shirts is to offer the supreme in premium shirt division generation. My Shirts
would propose consumers the finest value product at the best price. Consumer's desires and
expectation will continuously be surpassed.

Company summary

My Shirts is a beginning connotation. It has been formed as a CITY NAME enrolled by

STUDENT NAME. The development was picked as a way to deal with restrain singular
commitment issues for the proprietor and evading the twofold expense accumulation found in
traditional enterprises.

Company Ownership


Start-up summary

My Shirts will acquire the accompanying costs for startup:

 Two HP computers - These will be top of the line prototypes and use the succeeding
programming: Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, Microsoft Office, FreeHand,
Macromedia and QuickBooks Pro.
 HP XX Laser Printer - It’s a prototype printer un-approachable towards general buyers.
 In Store Computer Stand - It enables consumers to see multiple possibilities for shirts and
existing pictures and graphics.
 Website – It’ll be utilized for data payment and also requesting.

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 Internet Broadband Connection.
 Dual working tables/seat/office equipment sets.
 Heat Application Unit – To Influence the sublimation to relocation
 Small Size Shirt Stock – Inventory will be kept down little to bring down overhead. It’ll
be done by using a shirt seller who is one delivery day away, adequately utilizing a Just-
In-Time framework for the management of inventory.

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Product and Services

My Shirts is a T shirts business which uses customized designs chosen by customers using the
process of sublimation association which is bring new trend for clients to make a choice of
imagery in order to get a print on shirt both at back side and front side.

Sublimation is a technique which uses warmness to trade (embed) ink onto the surface of a shirt.
The elective methodology in order to make customized shirt arrangements is known as a silk
screening process; a system that is made with a photo on a screen and in order to transfer the
photo on shirt. As the cost for set up is high, the process of silk screening is not insightful for
unobtrusive amount of creation would occur. The strategy of sublimation avoids the matter as the
surface is not being covered by ink, although, ink is embedded in the surface. With late
imaginative developments has sublimation advanced toward getting to be useful in small
formation runs?

Although distinctive venders can propose sublimation in sole era runs, PC based sublimation
procedure yields cut down image quality. My Shirts creates one walk progress by making the
reasonable pictures at an advanced assurance than other current advances. Hence a key
relationship, My Shirts approaches the latest model sublimation extraordinary assurance printer
providing My Shirts a basic favored perspective.

My Shirts is offering their client’s to get well known with the principle of customized
sublimation onto the shirts although My Shirts would also be offering other style of shirts.
Customers may peruse standard fiber cotton shirts or cotton blend shirts.

Customers will also be enabled to browse customized work of art or previous illustrations.
Previous outlines are browsed on a wide-ranging list. My Shirts have formed vital connotations
with several firms which propose a great range of picture and wallpapers. The prior relationships
of founder enabled My Shirts to also include the illustrations of other firms in the inventory. The
customers can request on web to view pictures, this will allow customers to be satisfied and feel
accommodated. My Shirts spine has a total URL that will allow asking for a client's natively
constructed, or wherever they may be. Besides, My Shirts will have a PC corner in the client
confronting veneer as an in-store index.

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My shirts would also be going to propose realistic style of sublimation. The clients may attain a
natural semi contracted designer and tailor in order to get and understand the vision of customer
clearly. The crafts man of My Shirts take a pencil sketch for printing and will also be able to
understand verbal instruction regarding a shirt design from each customer.

My Shirt's will propose an extent of different shirt choices. As appeared by the name, there will
be a compliment on T-shirts. Short sleeves, long sleeves, normal surfaces, and a variety of polo,
rugby and diverse styles will moreover be publicized.

Summarizing Analysis of Market

My Shirts has divided the market into two social occasions, dealt with by the sort of thing that
they purchase. The chief cluster is clients that need a starting at now made sensible picture to be
put on the shirt. The second social occasions are those that lean toward custom artistic work to be
determined to their shirt. My Shirts has divided the market by the things that they purchase since
it offers a characteristic, basic strategy for concentrating on the two unmistakable social affairs.
An additional clarification behind assigning the market in perspective of the two things is in light
of the fact that the socioeconomics for the buyers of the two things are adequately unmistakable
to total them autonomously.

Competition and Buying partners

My Shirts has 3 different competitors among which one has internet based store while the other
two are nearby competitors.

1. The world of T shirts – this competitor has a competence because of his involvement in

a trait which My shirt is lacking for a time being and that is “silk screening process”.

They follow only 30 percent of sublimation while remaining 70 percent of business is

surrounded by silk screening. They need a basic demand of 10 shirts minimum with two

to three weeks of delivery time. This firm uses previous plans for sublimation and silk

screening only.

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2. Shirts show – this retailer is involved in the bulk delivery and make shirts for groups

with whom they have contracted. Their firm start delievery with minimum 20 shirts in doubt their work is genuine and quality is good but their trends are not up to date

particularly if it’s about customization.

3. House of Designs – it is an Internet-based seller which essentially proposes PC

sublimations. They are keeping atleast 200 pictures for sublimation design from which

customers can choose. They also motivate their clients to be creative and practical. Their

sublimation is also averagely good. The idea of the sublimations is normal, most ideal

situation since they can simply use off the rack advancement.

Moreover slight wellspring of competition begins through home units which change the stream
of ink to print into a machine of making t shirts. Whereas these units also propose resistance, the
photo quality isn't extraordinary, along these lines this will simply intrigue kids or the home
authority, some person not extraordinarily stressed over picture quality.

Strategy and implementation strategy

My Shirts will use their 2 focused edges to quickly get bit of the overall industry. The focused
advantages are an exceptional rundown of practical pictures and the idea of their personal
computers created sublimations, an element of utilizing model HP sublimation innovation. The
showcasing effort will stress the capacity to totally shirt’s customization. Youth occasions and
understudy gatherings will be focused on. The business crusade would emphasize to manufacture
the practice as satisfactory as conceivable to empower repeat consumers and verbal referrals.

Strategy for Sale

The corporate framework will highlight the process in which asking for a shirt from My Shirts is
basic and fulfilling information. Corporate effort would tackle steady headway of the site, the
major gadget used for would be extremely basic to have a friendly, accessible interface
for both central reasons. Firstly, there are little substantial enormous options open that it might
wind up overpowering to the consumer. The Other purpose is that a wide piece of proposals will

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be placed on the web. It’s crucial to impact it so characteristic that to people does not end part
way through asking for in view of ambling or troublesome rules. The site gets a handle on the
rationale of developing the skills so regular and fulfilling that the consumer return back to
purchase more.

Sales Forecast
The business evaluate is wisely traditionalist along the objective that goals will be attainable.
Arrangements will be direct at initial; a segment of how My Shirt is a startup association and it
will expect speculation to develop a satisfactory foundation. The going with table and diagram
exhibit deals estimates by both month and year.

The business figure is isolated result, delineations or artistic work. "Delineations" demonstrates
the client will use a past reasonable, potentially one those are getting or one those are obtaining
consent to use from My Shirt "Gem" implies that the consumer is using a sensible which is being
made for them especially. All customers will buy their shirts from My Shirt.

Marketing strategy

The elevating exertion will endeavor to assemble perceivability for My Shirt emphasizing the
limit of the client to thoroughly redo their plan. My Shirt will use a couple of one of a kind scene
to pass on this message.

 Advertising - My Shirt will run advertisements in a limited high schooled/youthful

grown-up magazines whose readership socioeconomics are like My Shirt.

 Youth events - Many diverse circumstances will be braced as a technique for growing

perceivable. These incorporate though are not limited to music festivities and wearing

circumstances together with the new course of outrageous brandishing events.

 Students- My Shirts would try to prefer familiarity with diverse alternate groups which

efficiently purchase individual shirts for their group members. These thoughts and ideas

would be achieved by a mix of funding of different firms.

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Management Summary
My Shirt has been founded and will be driven by STUDENT NAME. STUDENT NAME got his
college degree in book keeping/showcasing from NAME OF UNIVERSITY. STUDENT NAME
put in three years with HP as an item showcasing authority, giving promoting help at a national
level and also being in charge of more grass roots, occasion particular advertising.

When working for HP STUDENT NAME ended up being extremely extraordinary sidekicks
with a couple of the unit pioneers. It was these associations that outfitted STUDENT NAME
with the opportunity to use cutting edge development for his shirts. HP had been wearing down
sublimation advancement for a long time, reliably trying to manufacture the assurance quality.
HP saw STUDENT NAME'S business thought as an incredible promoting undertaking to test the
advancement and the arrangement of activity. STUDENT NAME and HP went into an
understanding where STUDENT NAME would get HP's latest apparatus and thus STUDENT
NAME would give HP a plenitude of thing and publicizing feedback. This had every one of the
reserves of being a win-win condition.

STUDENT NAME'S idea of working up with a customixed printing dhirt business was just a
contract to enter in market his past shirt contribution, the using of particular forefront
development and his creative ability. The more he considered it the more he was convinced that
this idea would satisfy his necessity for a testing yet pleasing work/business.

Financial Plan
The accompanying segments plot vital financial data.

Significant Assumptions

The following tables are giving details of vital financial assumptions.

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8.5. Balance Sheet projection

Balance sheet for My Shirts is given in the following table;

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