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1. Describe the attraction-selection-attrition (ASA) framework.

How does it help to

explain the “maintenance of homogeneity” in organizations?

The attraction selection attrition model is like the similarity-attraction paradigm, yet it contends
that no individual contact is essential for homo-social multiplication to occur. People will be
pulled in to firms in which workers take after themselves and will decide to, or be compelled to,
leave in the event that they enter the association and locate that such desires of similarity don't
remain constant. Moreover, self-classification hypothesis, it is additionally conceivable about the
presence of attraction angle to this, as in the attraction-selection-attrition model, which is
depicted straightaway. It is conceivable that particularly people with minority are not like the
prevailing social gathering, may incline toward enterprises in those they might achieve the most
astound various hierarchical levels.

Schneider (1987) contends that firms advance toward a condition of relational homogeneity as a
component of procedures, for example, attraction-selection-attrition. People are pulled in to the
firms, whose members they believe are like them, instigating them to look for participation in
such an organization. At the point when the new part has entered the organization, another
procedure happens, as the new and the more tenured individuals come to know each other better,
something that on account of real similarity will prompt acknowledgment of the new part. On
account of dissimilarity, it will rather prompt the new part leaving, or being compelled to leave
the firm. Stafsudd, A. (2006)

The concentration, or level of analysis, of what takes after is on the firm as an area for human
action; it isn't on the person. Consequently, the audit of interactional psychology yielded the
possibility that environments and individuals are not distinct and that the general population in a
domain makes it what it is. We are, at that point, unconcerned with the individual contrasts
inside an association; our look movements to understanding the contrasts between associations
through an emphasis on the qualities of individuals. I am will demonstrate that it just looks like
associations decide conduct; it looks that way since we ordinarily just examination associations
after they have been in presence for some time. The point where an organization has been in
presence for general population there are acting as they do in light of its non-individual
properties. As a general rule the way it looks is a consequence of the general population there
carrying on the way they do? They bear in transit they do in light of the way that they were
pulled in to that condition, picked by it, and stayed with it. Different kinds of firms pull in,
select, and hold different sorts of people, and it is the consequence of the ASA cycle that chooses
why affiliations look and feel remarkable in connection to each other. Schneider, B. (1987)

Word count: 448


Stafsudd, A. (2006). People are strange when you're a stranger: Senior executives select similar
successors. European Management Review, 3(3), 177-189.

Schneider, B. (1987). The people make the place. Personnel psychology, 40(3), 437-453.

2. How does role congruity theory help to explain why women are under-represented
in leadership roles?

A role congruity theory of prejudice toward female leaders suggests that apparent incongruity
between the female sexual orientation role and leadership roles prompts two types of prejudice:
(a) seeing ladies less positively than men as potential tenants of leadership roles and (b)
assessing conduct that satisfies the remedies of a pioneer role less positively when it is ordered
by a woman. One outcome is that states of mind are more negative toward female than male
pioneers and potential pioneers. Different outcomes are that it is more troublesome for ladies to
end up pioneers and to make progress in leadership roles. Confirmation from changed research
paradigms substantiates that these results happen, particularly in circumstances that elevate view
of incongruity between the female sexual orientation role and leadership roles.

When all is said in done, bias may emerge from relations whom an individual see among the
qualities of individuals from a social gathering and the necessities of the communal parts which
gathering individuals involve or try to possess. A prospective for partiality exists when social
perceivers embrace a generalization about a social gathering it is dissimilar to ascribe which are
believed to be required for accomplishment in specific classes of social roles. At the point when
a stereotyped gathering part and an incongruent social role end up participated in the psyche of
the perceiver, this irregularity brings down the assessment of the gathering part as a genuine or
potential tenant of the role. As a rule, prejudice toward female pioneers takes after from the
incongruity that numerous individuals see between the qualities of ladies and the necessities of
pioneer roles. To present this theory, we initially clarify how sexual orientation roles speak to
consensual convictions about men and ladies, at that point think about the ordinary level of
congruity between the female sex role and pioneer roles, lastly introduce the two types of
prejudice that take after from this investigation. Eagly, A. H., & Karau, S. J. (2002)

In our society stereotypes female gender roles have included mutual roles, which incorporate
sustaining, mindful, and affectability. Male roles are more agented, with men often being viewed
as more forceful, goal-oriented, confident and coordinate. People who act in ways that are
incongruent with their gender role have a tendency to be assessed contrarily Empirical
confirmation of inclination against female pioneers is blended, and is often reliant on whether the
investigation approach includes real supervisors in a work environment. Studies utilizing genuine
supervisors normally uncover practically zero predispositions, while those that utilization
speculative directors or research facility made pioneers uncover more inclination against female
pioneers. Elsesser, K. M., & Lever, J. (2011)

Word count: 438


Eagly, A. H., & Karau, S. J. (2002). Role congruity theory of prejudice toward female
leaders. Psychological review, 109(3), 573.

Elsesser, K. M., & Lever, J. (2011). Does gender bias against female leaders persist?
Quantitative and qualitative data from a large-scale survey. Human Relations, 64(12), 1555-

3. What motivates employers to avoid hiring disabled workers? Are these motivations
justified by empirical evidence?

Late research by Scope demonstrates that 74% of disabled grown-ups learn about they have lost
on an opportunity for work due to their hindrance or health condition and three out of four U.K.
workers report having felt awkward when managing a disabled associate since they are
concerned they will cause offense.
Business states of mind are one of the real boundaries for disabled individuals in the working
environment, comments Melanie Wilkes work approach lead for Scope. "Employers can feel that
disabled individuals are unsafe contracts and consider the potential cost that can be related with
them. We would bring up that we realize that minimal effort or no cost arrangements can leave
thinking imaginatively. For instance, enabling a worker to arrive in a hour later to maintain a
strategic distance from the surge hour."

Different experiments have uncovered that the greater part of sampled firms are abandoning
themselves open to potential legitimate activity by giving inadequate data about the procuring
procedure for disabled applicants or lacking availability includes that make it feasible for
disabled individuals to apply successfully. Thus, just a single in five organizations was appraised
as some place disabled competitors felt they would be cheerful to report an incapacity or long
haul health condition. George Selvanera, executive of system and outer undertakings at BDF
trusts that dynamic employers need a more differing workforce yet this is regularly not the
involvement of disabled competitors. "Our own particular research of disabled graduates found
that just a single in four of them thought employers had an enthusiasm for contracting them.
They didn't see an obvious sense of duty regarding employing individuals with disabilities. All
things considered, disabled grown-ups may think the association isn't keen on enlisting them."

Formal observational research investigating employing works on including disabled occupation

candidates is by all accounts a current wonder. Conflicting discoveries exist in the few
distributed examinations looking at employers' responses toward procuring disabled people,
notwithstanding the command of governmental policy regarding minorities in society enactment.
While a few agents have painted a positive picture concerning business states of mind toward
work of physically disabled different investigations propose that a more hostile inclination exists
against disabled candidates. Two late investigations additionally confuse our comprehension of
business predisposition toward disabled specialists in that the nature of the preference seems, by
all accounts, to be incapacity particular. For instance, Stone and Sawatzki (1980) had 90 MBA
understudies assess work candidates speaking to three handicap gatherings (no inability,
physically disabled, and mentally disabled) based on taped meetings and announced work
history. They additionally controlled the candidates' capabilities and, not surprisingly, the
candidates with a more positive work history got higher assessments than those candidates with
poor past execution. The creators likewise announced that candidates with a background marked
by psychological sickness had a lower likelihood of being employed than nondisabled or
physically disabled occupation applicants. Bordieri, J.E. and Drehmer, D.E., 1986

Word count: 477


Bordieri, J.E. and Drehmer, D.E., 1986. Hiring decisions for disabled workers: Looking at the
cause. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 16(3), pp.197-208.

4. According to the rational actor model of hiring decisions, employers will change
their stereotyped beliefs about minority job applicants after having positive
experiences with members of that minority group. According to Pager and
Karafin’s (2009) study, what do employers do in real life?

Financial models of factual discrimination recommend that race offers a valuable intermediary
for hard to-watch attributes. Since profitability is hard to watch specifically, especially for new
hires, bosses depend on aberrant data derived from aggregate enrollment. Rational actor model
can speak to rational action with respect to businesses, gave that the data they have about
gatherings is precise, and given that there is an instrument for refreshing evaluations of gathering
qualities after some time. The model begins with data about known gathering attributes: for
instance, managers might know about racial contrasts in graduation rates, test scores, detainment
rates, and other pertinent variations. Businesses may likewise have guide related involvements to
which they allude in forming their own convictions. These forerunner wellsprings of data at that
point shape the businesses' general convictions about blacks—about their profitability,
unwavering quality, insight, and other pertinent attributes. Once hiring choices are made,
businesses are presented to a scope of dark representatives and to the degree that these
encounters with dark workers don't fit the suppositions of the business about individuals from
that gathering, bosses will overhaul their convictions in a kind of Bayesian refreshing procedure
to mirror a more exact arrangement of desires.

This harmony model of factual discrimination depicts the components by which managers can
join their immediate perceptions into more broad evaluations of gathering attributes. This input
circle gives productive methods for adjusting desires, perceptions, and conduct. Steady with such
a model, some research does in reality point to confirmation of business refreshing. In any case,
this line of research applies particularly to finding out about individual specialists, whereby
bunch based evaluations are supplanted with the watched attributes of people. It stays indistinct,
nonetheless, regardless of whether a business' finding out around an individual representative
influences the business' assumptions about the more extensive gathering to which that individual
worker has a place. Without a doubt, Farmer and Terrell (1996) give an exquisite hypothetical
investigation of business learning and factual discrimination in which beginning manager
convictions are reconsidered through a refreshing procedure like that depicted previously. As
indicated by the creators, be that as it may, the refreshing procedure may apply just to the
particular workers under perception, as opposed to individuals from the bigger gathering.
"Higher than anticipated yield of one laborer gives much data about individual capacity,
however, just a solitary information point to gauge the normal capacity of a populace of millions.
Notwithstanding perception of laborers, a business gets a wealth of data all things considered
gathering capacity from different sources. The procedure by which bosses produce assessments
of gathering attributes and refresh those evaluations after some time in this way stays obscure. In
the accompanying investigation, we try to make progress in understanding this dynamic

Word Count: 438


Pager, Devah, and Diana Karafin. 2009. “Bayesian Bigot? Statistical Discrimination,
Stereotypes, and Employer Decision Making”. Annals of the American Academy of Political and
Social Sciences 621 (January):70-93.

5. What are the main differences between an ‘equal opportunities’ approach and a
‘diversity management’ approach?

The principal meaning of managing decent variety is: "identify that the employees contain a
different populace of individuals. The decent variety involves perceptible and non-evident
differences that will fuse factors, for instance, sex, age, establishment, race, inability, and
character and work style. It is set up on the start that furnishing these refinements will make a
beneficial space in which everybody feels regarded, where their blessings are generally speaking
totally utilized and in which various leveled destinations are met. The key complexity between
overseeing assorted diversity and equal opportunity is the decided energy of performance.
Square with circumstance is separate begun and determined by authorization and cultural
traditions like sensibility, value and assembling correspondence and rights of human. While
overseeing decent variety is inside begun and driven by business-needs. Firms fixate on
extending sufficiency by totally utilization of laborer's aptitude and prospective. Nonattendance
of affirmation of these aptitudes, as general rule regard isolation, is costly. Subsequently totally
affirmation and usage of agents with assorted variety establishment address break even with
openings, is pressing for corporate to upgrade sufficiency and give association an engaged
advantage. Additional complexity among supervising diversity and equal opportunity is the
objective of two approaches. The goal of Equal Opportunity method is to display societal value,
rights of human and rights that have been made as of now previously: "to modify unevenness, an
awful frame, a mistake". While compared to, the goal of overseeing decent variety is to outlook
delegates as people and perceiving that every individual has fascinating prerequisites and
hereafter would need specific kind of help with claim to succeed depicts Geber, 1992. In like
manner, overseeing assorted variety and equivalent open door have key difference. Overseeing
decent variety approach is about business and fiscal inside the affiliation. While meet open door
is about society ethnic case to treat everyone evenhandedly.

Overseeing decent variety is driven by all chairmen since all boss are responsible for full
reworking and utilization of their subordinate's capacity. Remembering the true objective to
supervise assorted variety, including molding multicultural workshop; surrounding 'focus shop'
with a particular ultimate objective to set up a bit of social occasion of caution; cautioning loads
offering an explanation to top administration; remunerating head for good execution; snappy tack
headway programs. All agents have square with chance to improve and be compensated. On the
other hand, rise to open entryways is simply controlled by HR/work constrain chairman.
Recognize the authorization and use suitable measure of agents, through this approach, just
impediment accumulate is benefitted. Finally overseeing decent variety is changing association's
sanity while break even with circumstance is changing structures and practices.

Word count: 408


Essays, UK. (November 2013). Key differences between equal opportunities and managing
diversity. Retrieved from

6. Under what circumstances are diverse teams likely to out-perform homogeneous


Examinations showed that ethnic diversified group emphatically influences group

innovativeness. Its distinctive ethnic foundations would invigorate colleagues' cognizance
and which builds group imagination However, the impact of ethnic assorted variety on group
execution is still in dubious. Since ethnic contrasts may prompt poor social participation
among colleagues and may subsequently contrarily affect group procedures and execution.
Van Knippenberg and Schippers (2007) require a possibility approach that consolidates
important arbitrators and go between in concentrate the impact of ethnic decent variety on
group execution. The arrangement elaboration show was produced to clarify this mechanics.
It calls attention to that the social order because of group's ethnic decent variety would
diminish group's joint elaboration of assignment data from others whom are 'out-of-class' to
themselves. In that capacity the potential advantage originates from group decent variety on
information sharing and joining would neglect to accomplish. Together, researchers trust that
with a specific end goal to get a large portion of ethnic assorted variety group the principle
challenge the group director confronting is that how to enable the group to do great social

Refresh, the effect of group ethnic decent variety on group inventiveness principally talked
about from the viewpoint of group participation, strife and trust .It is initially brought up
group ethnic assorted variety is a wellspring of group attention stacking. In this examination
the group critical thinking process was controlled. That is, all the brief groups tackled
inventive issue with a similar conceptualizing strategy. The conceptualizing technique helped
the groups keeping away from social clash and it gave every one of the groups a same
collaboration methodology to take care of the inventive issues. The consequences of this
investigation propose that the social diversion in ethnic diversified groups cause a
consideration stacking impact and therefore keep the ethnic diversified groups from taking
full preferred standpoint from the information assorted variety of the group on account of ill-
defined assignments. In view of the discoveries, we can point some viable proposals towards
ethnic diversified group administrators: to begin with, transitory ethnic diversified groups
will be better at fathoming all around defined imaginative assignments than settling ill-
defined innovative errands. Group building and culture preparing activities may enable these
groups to spend less consideration on the socio-social contrasts. Another technique might be
to build up a group personality to keep their consideration part. A last proposal might be to
part up the errand into a few littler less mind boggling undertakings, which will diminish
consideration prerequisite by requesting that the groups complete them one by one. Tang, C.,
& Byrge, C. (2016)

Word count: 422


Tang, C., & Byrge, C. (2016). Ethnic Heterogeneous Teams Outperform Homogeneous
Teams on Well-defined but not Ill-defined Creative Task. Innovation, 2.

7. Organizations use images of diversity or information about diversity initiatives in

their recruitment advertising to attract job candidates from under-represented
groups. Drawing upon Avery (2003), Martins & Parsons (2007), and Williamson et
al. (2008), identify three factors that have been shown to influence job applicants’
reactions to this type of advertising, and explain how they do so.

Although racial contrasts are imperative, the fluctuation inside regularly surpasses that
between racial gatherings along these lines restricting the prescient legitimacy of race. One
factor that is probably going to represent some level of this inside gathering fluctuation is
other-assemble introduction, which relates to how an individual contemplates and identifies
with individuals from other racial or ethnic gatherings. Those with high other-gather
introductions appreciate collaborating with, and in this manner have a tendency to effectively
look for chances to mix with, individuals from other racial or ethnic gatherings. Since it
relates to states of mind toward other racial gatherings, other-assemble introduction is
probably going to anticipate a person's inclinations with respect to racial work environment
creation. This recommends the impact of advertisement assorted variety may rely upon the
watcher's other-bunch introduction. For instance, advertisement assorted variety ought to pull
in White candidates with high other-assemble introductions since they want contact with
individuals from other racial gatherings. This could clarify why in one examination White
candidates selected more elevated amounts of racial assorted variety while assessing
potential managers. It is additionally impossible that all Black activity seekers look for racial
assorted variety in a planned manager. Numerous Black specialists involve token or even
solo status consistently. After some time, these people likely move toward becoming adjusted
to such environment and may even build up an inclination for bunches containing few or no
minorities (high other-amass introduction). In this way, White employment searchers with
higher other-bunch introductions should respond to advertisement assorted variety in a way
like that proposed for Black occupation searchers in the initial two theories. Besides, Black
occupation searchers with higher other-bunch introductions ought to be less pulled in too
diverse than to homogenous (all greater part) advertisements.

A few discoveries have demonstrated that racial prompts are less remarkable to White than to
Black candidates. For example, Black candidates allotted more prominent significance to
decent variety and spotter attributes than did their White partners. Blacks (however not
Whites) exhibited racial coinciding impacts when seeing enlistment commercials and when
settling on kinship decisions. Such discoveries drove these creators to recommend that race is
more notable to Blacks since they are always looked with the recommendation of being in
the numerical minority or even a token. On the other hand, Whites are once in a while, if at
any point, looked with such a circumstance. The subsequent error in racial notability should
deliver Black– White contrasts in the impacts of promotion decent variety. The former
discourse proposes that Black occupation searchers will be more pulled in to associations that
present Black workers in their promotions. While, since race is less striking to them, White
occupation searchers ought to be more averse to be affected by promotion assorted variety
insofar as White workers remain the numerical greater part. In any case, it is of down to earth
significance to show that the potential upside of advertisement decent variety in drawing in
Blacks does not at the same time prevent White candidates. Avery, D. R. (2003)

Word count: 499


Avery, D. R. (2003). Reactions to diversity in recruitment advertising--are differences black

and white?. Journal of applied psychology, 88(4), 672.

8. How can resistance to diversity be reduced in organizations?

The process of promoting diversity and ending discrimination includes to keep away from
liabilities or basically to stay competitive , is a troublesome test looked by numerous
organizations. It requests a nearby take a gander at the adequacy of the inside basic
leadership and specialist structures of the firm. Two late papers aroused my enthusiasm for
the association between corporate administration and diversity activities. One, by Devon
Carbado and Mitu Gulati, claims that basic race hypothesis has much to pick up from
assessing the administrative writing on the associations amongst productivity and
homogeneity inside the firm, and that law and financial matters, thusly, should consider more
important the dynamic social development of race inside the working environment. As it
were, the two types would profit by helpful exchange. The other is Susan Sturm's insightful
article on "second-age" segregation in hierarchical settings. At the danger of over
disentanglement; her point is that more unpretentious types of business segregation can't be
killed effectively utilizing old-style lawful orders and controls. Or maybe, courts and others
needing to elevate diversity need to change hierarchical structures, getting under way intra-
firm 'procedures that spot and tackle issues inventively and agreeably. She indicates
encounters at organizations, for example, Deloitte and Touche, Intel, and Home Depot as
positive illustrations. Carbado and Gulati are cynical about countering the unobtrusive
weights toward homogeneity with the exception of by genuinely forceful and vocal means.
By differentiate; Sturm's article strikes a hopeful note about conceivable methods for tending
to second era separation. While I trust Stunn is correct, my instinct is that we have to
comprehend the feasible purposes of protection from diversity activities all the more
completely before making any certain judgment about what leader may not work in a bigger
universe. Learning of hierarchical conduct ought to be valuable here in light of the fact that,
albeit a few reason for protection will have unmistakable racial or sexual orientation
suggestions, others may fall into the more bland classifications well-known to the individuals
who consider how firms try to advance any type of progress or redirection among its
workers. What's more, the tone of a significant part of the exploration about "best down"
endeavors to change the inserted practices and headings inside an association is a long way
from idealistic. We need to comprehend the idea of the predictable authoritative protection
before we can manage it. Langevoort, D. C. (2004)

Here are some proven strategies that can make you more successful at overcoming resistance
to change. Marker, A.

1. Address Personal Concerns First

2. Link the Change to Other Issues People Care About
3. Tap into People’s Desire to Avoid Loss
4. Tailor Information to People’s Expectations
5. Group Your Audience Homogeneously
6. Take Advantage of People’s Bias—Buy Now, Pay Later!
7. Make the Change Local & Concrete
8. Appeal to the Whole Brain
9. Beware of Overloading People
10. Know the Pros and Cons of Your Change

Word count: 485


Langevoort, D. C. (2004). Overcoming resistance to diversity in the executive suite: Grease,

grit, and the corporate promotion tournament. Wash. & Lee L. Rev., 61, 1615.

Marker, A. (10). 10 Strategies You Can Use to Overcome Resistance to Change.

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