Start-Up - Lu: Succeed in Establishing Your Innovative Company in Luxembourg

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Succeed in establishing your innovative
company in Luxembourg
Brochure published by Luxinnovation, the National Agency for Innovation and Research

Luxinnovation is a partnership that regroups 6 different bodies representing the public and the private sector: the Ministry
of the Economy and Foreign Trade, the Ministry for Higher Education and Research, the Ministry of Small and Medium-
sized Businesses and Tourism, the Fedil – Business Federation Luxembourg, the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce,
the Luxembourg Chamber of Trades
Succeed in establishing your innovative company in Luxembourg 5

01 Where to Make Enquiries :

Luxinnovation, your one-stop shop for creating
an innovative company 6

02 How to find your way : 

The key players 8

03 How to proceed :
A 7-step process 11

04 How to prepare : 
The Business Plan 12

05 How to finance :
Specific Financial Aids 14

06 How to launch the Project  :

Authorisations and legal structures 20

07 How to protect : 
Intellectual Property 22

08 where to set up your business :

Incubation 25

INTRODUCTION : Succeed in establishing your innovative
company in Luxembourg
You have invented an innovative product, developed a new technology, or imagined an
opportunity that has never occurred to anyone else. You are excited about bringing your
brilliant idea to market. You are entrepreneurial and confident that your innovation can
be a huge success. Don’t let the adrenaline rush make you skip the necessary steps.
Remember that if you fail to plan you plan to fail.

In order to succeed in establishing your innovative company it is important that you

clearly define your goals and strategies, identify your start-up costs and funds required
for setting up the business, examine the value proposition of your innovation and develop
your business plan for the next two, three, five years. Proper planning prevents poor

Luxinnovation will guide you through the whole process of launching your innovative
company in Luxembourg. The Agency helps to find the right partners, assists in
developing your business plan and keeps you informed on national and European
funding opportunities. Participation in the Luxembourg Cluster Initiative, that is
animated by Luxinnovation as well, will allow you to establish links to future clients,
R&D providers and business partners in Luxembourg.

“ ” contains all the useful information you will need to turn your idea into a
successful enterprise. It shows how to benefit from the existing networks, tools and
support schemes in Luxembourg.

Enjoy reading and have a great start!

Gilles Schlesser
Managing Director
Where to Make Enquiries : Luxinnovation, your one-stop shop
for creating an innovative company
Luxinnovation, the National Agency for Innovation and Research, is your key point of contact for launching an
innovative start-up in Luxembourg.
Working in close partnership with the Ministry of the Economy and Foreign Trade, the Ministry for Higher
Education and Research, the Ministry of Small and Medium-sized Businesses and Tourism, the Luxembourg
Chamber of Commerce, the Luxembourg Chamber of Trades and the Fedil - Business Federation
Luxembourg, Luxinnovation is operating at the heart of the national R&D and innovation system.

Have a business idea ? Looking for partners ?

Luxinnovation can facilitate the process Luxinnovation is a member of various
of establishing contacts with different networks and has developed many
key players in business creation such as partnerships in Luxembourg and
the services “ Espace Entreprises ” at the internationally from which you can
Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce or benefit- whether you are looking for a
“ Contact Entreprise ” at the Luxembourg technology, industrial or commercial
Chamber of Trades. Luxinnovation seeks partner.
to put entrepreneurs in contact with the
relevant partners, including Ministries,
administrative bodies, public research Searching for financing ?
centres, intellectual property advisors,
etc. The Agency supports you, among Luxinnovation helps you with the
other things, with the drafting of a necessary requests for national and
business plan suitable to your company international public financing and
and analysing the viability of your project. informs you about the different types of
private financing opportunities ( banks,
business angels, venture capital, etc. ).

Useful links :
Luxinnovation :
Luxembourg Portal for Innovation and Research :
De Guichet - Luxembourg Business Portal :
Need to protect and evaluate your Your contact at Luxinnovation
research results ? Marc Ferring
Luxinnovation helps you define your Senior Executive Advisor
needs and keeps you informed on Head of National Funding and
the processes of intellectual property Start-up Support Services
protection and technology transfer.
+352 43 62 63-1
7, rue Alcide de Gasperi
Looking for a host site ? L-1615 Luxembourg
Luxinnovation informs and advises you on
the possibilities of hosting your activities
within an incubator ( Ecostart in Foetz
and Technoport in Esch-sur-Alzette ).
how to find your way : the key players
One key to success for an innovative company is the ability to create synergies.

Benefit from the capacities and equipment from public research laboratories
The University of Luxembourg and four public research organisations are in charge, among
other things, of structuring the technological and scientific environment in Luxembourg
and providing entrepreneurs and companies with advice. They can assist you in :
Fundamental and applied research ;
Development of tools, methods, labels and norms ;
Technological assistance.

Initiating collaborative projects with these different actors means accessing high-tech
equipment that could be useful for tests or for prototypes.

Environment / Civil Engineering

Environment & Agri-biotechnologies ( EVA ) ;
Resource Centre for the Environment
Technologies ( CRTE ) ; Information and Communication
Human and Social Sciences Resource Centre for the Civil Engineering Technologies
CEPS / INSTEAD ; Information Technologies ( CRTI-B ). Service for Science and Innovation ( SSI ) ;
Faculty of Humanities, Human Sciences, Arts Computer Science and Communications
and Education. ( CSC ) ;
Informatics, Systems and Collaboration ( ISC ) ;
Security, Reliability and Trust ( SnT ).


Life Sciences
LAW AND finance 
Research laboratories : Cardiovascular
Faculty of Finance, Economy and Law.
diseases, Immunology, Oncology, Public
Health, Virology-Allergology-Immunity ;
Competence Centres : Clinical and
Automotive / Engineering / Epidemiological Investigation Centre ( CIEC ),
Materials Luxembourg Biomedical Research Resources
( LBRR ), Methodology and Statistics ( M&S ) ;
Engineering Sciences Research Unit ;
Integrated Biobank of Luxembourg ( IBBL ) ;
Advanced Materials and Structures ( AMS ) ;
Cancer Cellular and Molecular Biology
Science and Analysis of Materials ( SAM ) ;
Physics and Materials Research Unit. Laboratory ( LBMCC ) ;
Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine
( LCSB ) ;
Life Sciences Research Unit ;
Research Centre for Healthcare Technologies

Legend : CRP Gabriel Lippmann / CRP Henri Tudor / CRP – Santé / CEPS / INSTEAD / University of Luxembourg : Benefit from a Luxinnovation manages five thematic
dynamic network technology clusters :
Luxembourg BioHealth Cluster ;
A cluster is a grouping of actors
( companies, public research Luxembourg EcoInnovation Cluster ;
centres, private laboratories, etc ) ; Luxembourg ICT Cluster ;
who share common interests and Luxembourg Materials Cluster ;
develop cooperations in one or more
technological domains. Luxembourg Space Cluster.

For young innovative enterprises, the Logistics and maritime activities

clusters can help to identify companies represent other innovation sectors in
and researchers within the same sector. which cluster activities have been set up:
Luxembourg Cluster for Logistics and
Advantages of the Luxembourg Cluster Cluster Maritime Luxembourgeois.
Initiative :
Promote competitiveness through
synergies among participants ;
Enable discussions and exchange of
ideas on technological problems and
solutions ( knowledge exchange ) ;
Contribute to the development of
innovative products and services ;
Create access to new markets ;
Provide easy access to information on
innovative, emerging technologies.

Useful links :
Luxembourg Cluster Initiative :

Luxembourg BioHealth Cluster :


Luxembourg EcoInnovation Cluster :

Luxembourg ICT Cluster :
Luxembourg Materials Cluster :
Luxembourg Space Cluster :
Luxembourg Cluster for Logistics :
Cluster Maritime Luxembourgeois :
Acquiring or Commercialising In Luxembourg, the Enterprise Europe
Technologies Network is run by Luxinnovation, the
Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and
Have you developed a technology but the Luxembourg Chamber of Trades.
do not wish to use it yourself ? Are
you interested in acquiring technology
developed in another country ?

The Enterprise Europe Network is a

European network that groups together
more than 600 local partners across
more than forty countries. The network
can support you during the various steps
of the transnational technology transfer
process :

Support during the process of

technology transfer ( defining needs,
finding partners, negotiating licence
agreements, joint venture or spin-off,
etc. ) ;
Analysis and targeted distribution of
your technology offers and requests on
the European level.

Useful links :
Detailed information on innovative companies and Luxembourg public research centres
can be found at :
Information on the technology market can be found on the Luxembourg Portal for
Innovation and Research :
How to proceed : A 7-step process
In order to turn your innovative idea into a successful enterprise, the following steps should be
followed on your road to success :

1 5 Choice of Statutes

Idea and Procedures
How do I precisely define the idea ? What legal structure should I choose ?
Is it technically feasible ? What authorisations do I need ?
Am I capable of developing it myself ?
Who are my potential clients ?
Why will a client purchase my
product/service ?

2 6

Project Starting Up
Is it viable ? What team should I build up ?
What are the innovative aspects ? What technologies do I need in order
What added-value does it bring to the to be operational ?
market ? How can I access these technologies ?
What are the opportunities on the What technologies do I hold and what
market ? others do I have to acquire ?
How do I conduct a market study ?
How do I write a business plan ?

3 Looking for
7 First Years of


Financing Operation
How much should I invest in my How much time will it take to be
project ? operational ?
Where can I find funding and the What are the expected results in the
required capital ? first 3 to 5 fiscal years ?
How can I ensure the sustainable
existence of my company ?


Setting Up
Where am I going to set up my business ?
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How to prepare : The Business Plan
The business plan is an essential document for the future entrepreneur as it lays out various elements
including your idea, the market you are targeting, the necessary means for launching your activity, how the
project will be financed and what the expected results should be.

Why should I develop a Business Plan? The business plan is not a static
document ; changes occur on a constant
First of all it is a benefit to you ! It is the level. It is like a dashboard that allows
tool that validates the feasibility of your you to steer your company in the right
project, allows you to evaluate the market direction. Keeping the business plan up
potential and to verify that a demand to date requires having a clear, precise
in fact exists for what you are offering. vision of ones strategy.
The business plan has to highlight the
strategy of your company. Luxinnovation is at your disposal in case
of any questions and in need of an in-
It is also an important communication depth look at your business plan.
Your business plan is a tool for all potential partners of your
confidential document. Although future company :
it is intended for all potential
partners, be careful when Financial partners : banks, business
selecting those whom you choose angels, capital risk funds, government ;
to grant access to the details of
your strategy. Industrial partners ;
Commercial partners ;
1, 2, 3, Go is a business plan
Technological partners.
competition on the scale of
the Greater Region : it allows
project owners to benefit from
personalised follow-ups by
volunteer coaches, experienced
entrepreneurs or certified

Useful links :
1, 2, 3, Go :
Help in setting up a business plan can be found at :
How to write a business plan
Section Objectives Questions to consider

Executive Summary Make the readers curious to read the entire What interest does the business project invoke ?
business plan by giving them key How can you summarise the project idea and the key
information and figures points ?

Idea, Ensure that people understand what your What is your idea ?
Product, company would like to do and what you are What is your product or service ?
Service offering ( including those who are not in the What differentiates you from the current market ?
business ) Why should the client choose your solution ?

Market Present the market in which you wish to What customer needs are you satisfying ?
operate What is your market ?
What market segments are you targeting ?
What is the current market situation ?

Competition Identify direct and indirect competitors Who are your direct and indirect competitors ?

Team Present the capacities of the project Who are the members of the project team ?
initiators What competencies do the members have ?
In what way are the members complementary and
indispensable ?

Marketing Plan Present your marketing strategy What is your strategy ? ( the 4Ps : product, price, place,
promotion )

Business Model & Present the manner in which the activity of What will your activities be ?
Organisation the company will be structured What activities will you undertake internally ? What will
you subcontract ?
How will you organise the company internally ?

Operational Plan Present the development perspectives of At what rate will you grow ?
your company What resources ( human, material, financial, etc. ) will
you need ?
How and when will these resources be employed ?

Risks Present the risks of your project What are the risks you might need to face ?
What is the worst-case scenario ? The best-case ?
What will you do to minimise the risks ?

Financial Plan Define the feasibility and financing needs of What are your financing needs ?
What are the financing sources ?
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your company
What are the forecasted expenses and revenues for the
first five fiscal years ?
>Present this data in three tables : balance sheet,
income statement and cash flow statement forecast
for at least the first three years.
What is the expected return on investment ( ROI ) ?
How to finance : Specific Financial Aids
Every project needs financing. It is most often the funding principle of the “ three thirds ” that applies : one
third of your own ( private ) equity, one third from borrowing and one third from financial aid. Innovative
companies can benefit from various specific financial aids.

What sources of private equity exist Where can you borrow from ?
and how can you raise the necessary From commercial banks ;
funds ? If necessary, pledge societies and
Being an entrepreneur means also lodging security can allow you to satisfy
taking risks : it is quite often the entre- the guarantee requirements set by the
Financing is not guaranteed ! preneur’s personal resources that bank.
Do not forget to present a constitute the first source of private
complete and detailed report. equity. This is also a way for the entre-
preneur to prove to other investors that What public financial aids can you
he himself believes in the project ; benefit from ?
Investors, mostly private at this level, We distinguish between public aid
contribute with their own funds : per- for investment and public aid for
sonal networks, business angels, capital research and innovation. Specific aid
risk funds, etc ; for exportation and for professional
The “ Société luxembourgeoise de development also exists.
capital-développement pour les PME
S.A. ( CD-PME ) ” addresses companies
that have already developed their
first product or service and need to
strengthen their own equity funding to
finance their development.

Investment Aids
Investment aid from the Ministry of Small and Aid for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises ( SMEs2 )
Medium-sized Businesses and Tourism 1
from the Ministry of the Economy and Foreign Trade
For whom ? Skilled Craft and commercial companies Industrial and services companies
How much ? Up to 10 % for SMEs2 and up to 20 % for small companies2 of Up to 10 % for SMEs2 and up to 20 % for small companies2 of the cost
the cost of tangible and intangible assets. The amount of aid of tangible and intangible assets, in the form of capital subsidies
can be increased by 10 % in the case of first establishment

Start up Loan3 Equipment loan 3
For whom ? Entrepreneurs engaging in their first business venture All companies
For what ? Co-financing of tangible and intangible expenses necessary To finance tangible and intangible assets, with the exception of
for the realisation of a business plan ( buildings, tools, short- and long-term inventories ( rolling stocks and inventory )
licenses, start-up expenses, inventory, working capital, etc )
How much ? Between € 5,000 and € 250,000 ; cannot exceed 40 % of the From 25 % to 60 % ( up to 75 % for a start-up ) of the eligible amount,
eligible amount to a maximum of € 2,5 million
How ? Upon presenting the National Society for Credit and Invest- Through an intermediary of your regular bank
ment ( SNCI ) with a business plan and a complete financing
plan, of which personal investments represent at least 15 %
of the eligible amount
Aid for Research, Development and study must permit an identification of the
Innovation ( RDI ) 4 technological risks, the advantages of a
product compared to competing products,
Young innovative enterprises that meet or an assessment of the potential of a
the requirements of a small enterprise 2 technology for the development of a new
can benefit from several RDI aids : application. The maximum allowable aid
intensities vary according to the type of
Aid for research and development study.
( R&D ) projects or programmes :
For a study prior to an industrial research
Up to 100 % of the eligible amount for activity :
fundamental research projects ;
75 % of the eligible costs for SMEs ; Besides national funding
Up to 70 % of the eligible amount for
65 % of the eligible costs for large opportunities, innovative start-
industrial research projects ( Ministry
enterprises. ups in Luxembourg can also
of the Economy and Foreign Trade ) ;
benefit from European RDI
Up to 45 % of the eligible amount for For a study prior to an experimental
programmes (FP7, Eureka, ESA,
experimental development projects development activity :
CIP, etc.). Luxembourg is the
( Ministry of the Economy and Foreign 50 % of the eligible costs for SMEs ; National Contact Point (NCP) for
Trade ) or precompetitive projects 40 % of the eligible costs for large these programmes and assists
( Ministry of Small and Medium-sized enterprises. you during the whole application
Businesses and Tourism ) ; process.
In the case of an actual cooperation Aid for the Protection of Technical
with a Luxemburg public research Industrial Property
organism or EU company, an increase This aid is reserved for Small and
can be granted. Medium-sized Enterprises ( SMEs )
and private research organisations
Aid for Technical Feasibility Studies ( meeting the SME criteria ) established in
This relates to a study conducted Luxembourg.
prior to a Research and Development Up to 100 % for expenses following a
( R&D ) project or programme in order fundamental research activity ;
to determine the technical feasibility of Up to 50 % for expenses following an
the project or programme. This type of
industrial research activity ;

1. Act of 30 June 2004 establishing a general framework of aid schemes for the middle class sector.
2. The category of small companies is made up of companies employing less than 50 persons and whose
turnover or annual report does not exceed € 10 million.
The category of SMEs is made up of companies employing less than 250 persons, whose turnover does not

exceed € 50 million and whose annual report does not exceed € 43 million.
However, the concerned companies can, under certain conditions, lose their position as a small or medium
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enterprise if they are not autonomous.

The complete Grand Ducal regulation of 16 March 2005 amending the definition of micro, small and medium
enterprises can be found on the Luxembourg Portal for Innovation and Research under the category
“ Financial support for your projects ”, “ Financing R&D and innovation projects in a company ” :
3. Amended act of 2 August 1977 concerning the creation of a SNCI ( National Society for Credit and Investment )
4. Amended act of 5 June 2009 relative to the advancement of research, development and innovation.
Up to 25 % for expenses following Innovation advisory services and
experimental development activities ; innovation support services :
A bonus of 15 % can be added for This scheme encourages SMEs to
technical intellectual property expenses make use of external services in order
incurred at the end of an effective to initiate and support their innovation
Caution : collaboration with at least one public activities.
The information presented in research organisation in Luxembourg The maximum intensity of the aid
this chapter is meant for first or one enterprise in Luxembourg
corresponds to 75 % of the eligible
orientation and is not exhaustive. or in another EU member state.
costs and is limited to € 200,000 over
The Law of 5 June 2009 Subcontracting is not considered to be
three years.
includes other aids in particular effective collaboration.
for companies developing Temporary secondment of highly
organisational innovations in the Aid for young innovative enterprises : qualified personnel :
service sector. Ask Luxinnovation This aid aims to help covering the funding The intention of this measure is to
to identify which aids can apply to needs of young innovative enterprises, facilitate access to highly qualified
your project ! with high growth potential, during their human resources from public research
development phase. organisations or large enterprises who
This aid targets small enterprises or can contribute knowledge and expertise.
small private research organisations This aid is reserved for SMEs established
established in Luxembourg that were in Luxembourg.
created less than six years before the aid Up to 50 % of the eligible costs during
is granted and : three years, for the secondment
in the foreseeable future, will develop of personnel coming from a large
new products, processes or services enterprise or from a research centre,
that involve a significant risk of assigned to a new function, having
technical or industrial failure ; worked at least two years in a research
OR centre or a large enterprise, performing
that have used at least 15 % of their RDI activities with the aid recipient.
operating expenses for R&D over at
least one of the three years preceding Innovation in processes and organisation
the granting of the aid, or over the within the field of services
current year.
The aid is open to all companies on the
All expenses are eligible. This aid understanding that large enterprises
is therefore particularly suitable for must collaborate with at least one SME.
supporting the company’s commercial The following conditions must be met :
development or for setting up its
organisational innovation must be
related to the use and exploitation
Up to € 1 million for young innovative of Information and Communication
enterprises. This aid must be matched Technologies ( ICT ) ;
with private funding. the project or programme must be
managed by an identified and qualified
project manager, and the costs of
the project or programme must be
budgeted ; Aid for promotion, exhibition and export
the project or programme must lead training expenses
to the development of a standard, Created by the ODL, the Luxembourg
a business model, methodology or Export Credit Agency, and the Luxembourg
concept that can be systematically Government, the Committee for the
reproduced ; promotion of Luxembourg exports
the innovation must be a novelty or a ( COPEL ) supports Luxembourg exports
significant improvement on the state- through a partial participation in
of-the-art in the relevant sector within promotion, exhibition and export training
the EU ; expenses. This financial support complies
with the European regulations relative to
the project or programme must involve
public aids in the area of export goods, in
a genuine risk of failure. particular with the “ De Minimis ” measures
( which is capped to € 200,000 per period of
Eligible costs include :
three fiscal years ).
personnel expenses ;
You can request financial support for :
costs for the use of instruments,
Design and translation of promotional
equipment, machines, tools,
support ( brochures, CD-Roms… ) :
installations, land and buildings ;
The design and translation of quality
materials and other consumables ; promotional materials, implemented by
subcontracting costs ; third-party service providers and intended
overhead expenses ; for prospecting of export markets may be
granted official support ;
any other type of costs directly
Trade fairs, specialised shows abroad,
associated with the project.
seminars and conferences : The annual
The maximum aid intensities are as ceiling for co-financing of participation
follows : in trade fairs and specialised shows is
limited to € 40,000 per company.
15 % of the eligible costs for large
enterprises ; The eligible costs are divided into two
25 % of the eligible costs for medium- broad categories, namely the site
sized enterprises ; rental costs and the booth development
expenses ( design aspect ) :
35 % of the eligible costs for small
Site rental costs : Expenses spent
on the lease area including those
automatically charged by the
Other Aids organisers ( e.g gross price of the

Be aware that other funding tools rented space, registration for the
appropriate for start-ups exist, such as official catalogue of the exhibition ) ;
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aids for promotion, exhibitions and export Booth development expenses

training, as well as aids for continuous ( design aspect ) : infrastructure costs
vocational training. of the stand, the basic techniques
connections ( connection to water and
electricity ), the expenses associated
with transportation of material Consultancy services, etc. ( legal,
exposure. Regarding the acquisition tax, marketing, etc. ) provided by third
costs or rental of multimedia parties are eligible up to a maximum
equipment, the COPEL intervention of 50 % of incurred expenses, provided
is limited to € 1,000 per event. those services are required for the
Participation in on-site promotional launch of a new product or service, or
costs is limited to expenses of the of an existing product on a new market ;
design of brochures / posters for the Opening of representation offices
purpose of the event ; outside the EU : The opening of
The support of the COPEL for the site individual or collective representation
rental costs is limited to : offices outside the EU in order to
> 50 % for the first 3 participations develop market positions. It must
be a branch where the concerned
> 25 % starting from the 4th companies will be able to explore more
participation easily the targeted market( s ). The
> 10 % starting from the 11th market( s ) in question must be new.
participation Condition :
> No support of the COPEL after SME with a workforce in Luxembourg
the 20th participation. between 10 and 100 employees.
Financial support for maximum 50 % of
Eligible costs :
the registration fees for 2 representatives
may be granted to Luxembourg Salary of local employees ( secretary or
companies taking part in seminars and assistant ) ;
conferences with a direct and irrefutable Office rent ;
link to the promotion of foreign trade.
Rental charges ;
Export training : Maximum financial
Rental of furniture and equipment ;
support of 50 % may be granted for
registration fees of training with Supplies ( stationery,
a direct and irrefutable link to the telecommunications, etc.. ) ;
promotion of foreign trade ; Legal assistance.
Advertising costs : Following expenses
Intervention :
may be co-financed up to 25 % with a
ceiling of € 10,000 per company : The operation costs of the first year
only are be taken into account ;
> Advertising costs for guides,
magazines, catalogues, CD- Individual office : max. 50 % with a
ROMs and websites of a ceiling of EUR 32.500 per company ;
professional and international Collective office : max. 75 % with a
nature, ceiling of € 65.000. The financial
> Application fees for specialised support will be distributed among
websites as well as for SMEs in proportion to their
advertising mailings, participation in the common costs of
the office. However no relationship can
> Costs for the creation of
exist between SMEs.
Refund based on the following Intervention :
documents : > maximum 2 per year,
Invoices and supporting documents
> action level : 75 % of expenses
relating to the operation of the office, incurred
collected by type of cost allowed,
numbered and accompanied by a Payment of the refundable advance on
summary table ; the basis of the following documents :
Report of activities of the office for Proof of submission of the offer ;
each company concerned. Supporting documents for expenses
International call for tenders from non- actually accepted ( invoices and proof of
EU countries payment ) ;
Any individual or collective initiative If the studies were conducted within
for participation in international call the company, they must have been kept
for tender from outside the EU may be under detailed benefits and payroll
subject to a refundable advance ; records of the concerned expert,
accompanied by a summary table.
Condition :
Reimbursement of the refundable
The market( s ) in question must be new advance :
and each individual market shall not
The company must publish the results
exceed 25 % of the company’s annual
turnover. of the market attribution within 30 days
from the date of appointment of the
Eligible costs : successful tenderer ;
Travel expenses and accommodation In case of market attribution : total
costs of the concerned country ; reimbursement of the refundable
Fees of internal or external studies advance.
provided that these studies have a
direct link with participation in the
concerned request for proposal ;
Fees of purchase of the tender

Useful links :
Capital Development for SMEs ( Capital-Développement pour PME – CD-PME ) :
The National Institute for the Development of Continuous Vocational Training ( INFPC ) :
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The Ministry of Small and Medium-sized Businesses and Tourism :

The Ministry of the Economy and Foreign Trade :
Mutualité d’Aide aux Artisans :
Mutualité de Cautionnement et d’Aide aux Commerçants :
ODL - Luxembourg Export Credit Agency :
National Society for Credit and Investment ( SNCI ) :
How to launch the Project : Authorisations and legal structures
It is necessary to deal with authorisations and legal issues as early as possible since these elements are
crucial factors in the launch of your activity and the demand for financial aids.

What do I need to launch my business Authorisations to operate ( Commodo /

activities ? Incommodo )
A special operating authorisation
Business Permit : relevant for all production companies ;
It is a systematic pre-condition to the It corresponds to rules and strict norms
launch of your business activity ; ( environmental protection and worker
It is individual and attached to the safety ) and requires a highly detailed
person in charge. In case of any report of your business.
changes a new authorisation of
establishment will become necessary ;
It is necessary to include a detailed
description of the company’s future
activities as the legal requirements will
vary accordingly ;
The applicant has to justify his standing
and qualifications. The documents vary
depending on the activity ;
It is systematic, regardless of the type
of activity sector the company chooses
to engage itself in : commercial trade,
handicraft, industry, liberal professions.

Useful links :
De Guichet - Luxembourg Business Portal :
Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce – Espace Entreprises :
Luxembourg Chamber of Trades :
What structure should I choose for my company ?
In order to make the right choice, you should first ask yourself a few questions : What
business activities will your company engage in ? What company size are you aiming
for ? What is the source and the nature of the investments ? What impact will the
entrepreneurial activitiy have on your private life ?

Legal structures for companies :

There are six different legal structures that exist in Luxembourg. The two most commonly
used are :
Société à responsabilité Société Anonyme ( S.A. )
limitée ( Sàrl )

Minimum Capital € 12 500 € 31 000

Incorporation Notary-drawn deed Notary-drawn deed

Liability Limited to Contributions Limited to Contributions

Unconditional transfer of No Yes


In Luxembourg, you may benefit

from a lot of flexibility when
organising your company : you
will receive quick and competent
feedback tailored to your specific
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How to protect : Intellectual Property
Every innovative company will be confronted with the challenges of intellectual property ( IP ) at some point ;
whether it is a matter of protecting the company’s own IP or ensuring that the company does not violate the
IP rights of another firm. The Luxembourg Government supports the protection of IP in companies allowing
them to increase their competitiveness.
Therefore, a tax regime that favours the use of IP has been put in place. It allows net revenues generated
from the use of an intellectual property right ( IPR ) to receive an exemption of up to 80 %.


intellectuAL PROPERTY



Why protect your intellectual Who is the owner of an Intellectual

property ? Property Right ( IPR ) ?
RDI is worth cash : if you don’t protect Luxembourg law foresees that the
the results, your competitors are free to employer is the owner of IPR, unless
copy them ; agreed otherwise.
What is intellectual property ?
By protecting the results of your
According to the World Intellectual
company’s RDI, you can ensure a certain
Property Organisation ( WIPO ),
monopoly on a given territory ;
IP can be defined as “ creations
of the mind : inventions, literary By protecting your company’s IP, you
and artistic works, and also can organise the relationships with your
symbols, names, images, designs partners ( for example, in the licensing
and models as they are used in framework agreement ).
business. ”

Useful links :
Intellectual Property Office :
Benelux Office for Intellectual Property :
European Patent Office :
Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market :
World Intellectual Property Organisation :
Technology Watch Centre – CRP Henri Tudor :
What does Industrial Property This request should include :
include ? An application form for issuance of a
patent ;
Patent A description of the invention ;
What is it ? Patent claims ;
It protects an invention and offers the Drawings and a summary that the The Technology Watch Centre
exclusive right of use in one or more description or claims refer to ; at CRP Henri Tudor can provide
national territories, during a maximum preliminary research to assess
An abstract.
period of twenty years, depending on the novelty of your invention.
the payment of annual instalments. The
A unique European filing procedure
patent can also be applied to product or
( through the European Patent Office ) as
process improvement.
well as International ( through the WIPO )
is used. Once the taxes relating to the
In order for a patent to be issued, the
procedure and the administrative charges
invention in question must satisfy three
are paid, the patent can be published.
essential criteria :
This publication occurs 18 months after
Present a new element : the invention the registration of the patent request. A
cannot already exist in the state-of-the- patent filed in Luxembourg is only valid
art ; in Luxembourg. To protect an invention in
It must involve an inventive phase : other countries, parallel requests must be
a person competent in the domain, filed in the necessary countries.
starting from the state-of-the-art,
should not be able to easily develop the Brand
invention ; What is it ?
It must present an industrial application : The brand corresponds to all the likely
in other words, it must be a technical signs of a graphical representation,
solution to a technical problem. provided that the signs are appropriate
in distinguishing the firm’s products or
Before starting the protection process, it services from those of another company.
is necessary to verify that all three criteria It cannot be similar to something that
are fulfilled. already exists. A brand can be verbal
( i.e. a name ), figurative ( i.e. a logo ) or a
How does it work ? combination of the two ( even a sound ).

The patent request must be filed with the Also, think about protecting the domain
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Intellectual Property Office of the Ministry name for your website !

of the Economy and Foreign Trade.
How does it work ? What does literary and artistic
There is no national procedure in property include ?
Luxembourg : the protection covers
all three Benelux states ( Belgium, the Copyright and RELATED Rights
Netherlands and Luxembourg ). Requests What is it ?
are to be filed with the Benelux Office It protects works in the literary, artistic
for Intellectual Property ( BOIP ) or the or scientific domains, including computer
Intellectual Property Office of the Ministry programmes and databases, as long as
Ideas, methods, and concepts of the Economy and Foreign Trade. they demonstrate originality.
cannot be protected ! The Office for Harmonisation in the
Internal Market ( OHIM ) allows filing to How does it work ?
If you have a business idea,
occur on a community level while the The rights exist from the moment of
be careful about sharing
World Intellectual Property Organisation creation and do not require a specific
information ! Let any potential
( WIPO ) is involved on an international registration procedure. In case of
partner sign a confidentiality
level. litigation, it is necessary, however, to have
act. Once your IP has been
Regardless of the geographic region proof of the date it was created. Services
filed, ensure it is upheld and
covered by the protection request, it like i-DEPOT, proposed by the BOIP, can
take action against any form of
is generally valid for ten years and be a simple, inexpensive way to obtain
renewable indefinitely, as long as the such a proof for a period of five years
necessary taxes are paid. ( renewable ).
The filing of an intellectual
property right can prove to be
Design or Model
long and somewhat tedious.
You may consider asking advice What is it ?
from an IP representative or a It protects the appearance or visual
specialised lawyer. aspect of a product or a part of a product
( the visual or esthetical aspects, two-
dimensional design or three-dimensional
model ).

How does it work ?

As in the case of the brand, there is no
national procedure in Luxembourg : the
protection is effective either in Benelux
( through the BOIP ), on a community level
( through the OHIM ), or on a world-wide
level ( through the WIPO ). Overall, the
protection is valid for five years, renewable
a maximum of four times.
WHERE to set up your business : Incubation
Whatever the domain in which you are starting an innovative business, your company will need space
to flourish and grow. Luxembourg presents an interesting solution for future entrepreneurs and young
innovative start-ups : incubation.

what is Incubation ? What are the advantages of

A temporary base for innovative project incubation for you ?
leaders ; Integrates a pre-incubator phase in
Accommodation to help in the start-up order to accompany you from idea to
phase of young innovative enterprises ; creation ;
Temporary premises for foreign Provides advantageous renting
companies in the development phase conditions for a limited period of time ;
looking for a solution in Luxembourg ; Enables personalised monitoring ( visits
Solutions adapted for all types of need : at regular intervals, tailored services,
industrial halls, workshops and well- etc. ) ; Ecostart

equipped offices in Foetz and Belval’s Allows networking ( actions to encourage

City of Sciences. communication between hosted
companies, organisation of events on the
spot, etc. ) ;
What are the criteria ? Provides visibility for the business
The project must be innovative and ( media coverage of hosted companies,
press coverage, representation at fairs ) ;
preferably oriented towards the
development of technologies ; Offers benefits from training sessions
The project must be based on a solid intended for entrepreneurs as well as
employees ( project management, start-
business plan.
up financing and activity development, Technoport
Luxembourg language training ).

It is the innovative character

of your project and not the
sector of activity that counts.
In Luxembourg, it is possible
to benefit from incubation
regardless of the area in which
you are active. The National Incubator in Esch-Belval.
Image by the Fonds Belval.
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Useful links :
Ecostart :
Technoport :
Luxinnovation - Your first-stop shop for creating innovative companies :
National Agency for Innovation and Research

Portals dedicated to innovation and entrepreneurship :

De Guichet- Luxembourg Business Portal

Luxembourg Portal for Innovation and Research

State aid and funding :

Capital-Development for SME’s ( CD-PME )

Ministry of Small and Medium-sized Businesses and Tourism

Ministry of the Economy and Foreign Trade

Mutualité d’aide aux artisans ( aid mutuality for skilled crafts )

Mutualité d’aide aux commençants ( aid mutuality for merchants )

National Institute for the Development of Continuous Vocational Training :

ODL: Luxembourg Export Credit Agency

Société Nationale de Crédit et d’Investissements ( SNCI )
Main public research organisations :

Virtual Resource Centre for Knowledge about Europe ( CVCE )

Integrated BioBank of Luxembourg

Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust ( SnT )

Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine ( LCSB )

Public Research Centre for Health

Public Research Centre Gabriel Lippmann

Public Research Centre Henri Tudor

University of Luxembourg


Chamber of Commerce

Chamber of Trades

Fédération des Artisans ( craftmans’ federation )

Fedil – Business Federation Luxembourg

Luxembourg Trade Confederation ( CLC )
SUPPORT for Business Plan :
1,2,3,GO interregional business plan contest

Assistance tool for the setting-up of a Business Plan

Intellectual Property / Technology Watch :

Benelux Office for Intellectual Property

European Patent Office

Intellectual Property Office, Ministry of the Economy and Foreign Trade

Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market

Technology Watch Centre - CRP Henri Tudor

World Intellectual Property Organisation

Networks :
Entreprise Europe Network – Luxembourg

Luxembourg Cluster Initiative

IncubatorS :

Luxinnovation, National Agency for Innovation and Research
7, rue Alcide de Gasperi L-1615 Luxembourg – Kirchberg
T + 352 43 62 63 - 1 F + 352 43 81 20

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