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Umar bin Abdul Aziz – Saviours of Islamic Spirit

Rasulullah SAW nubuwwah 23 years - 13 years after Hijrah

Then 30 Years Khulafaa Ar-Rashideen


Banu Ummayya Rule (under 90 years)

1. Sayyiddina Muawiyya RA 41-64 AH

2. Yazid bin Muawiyyah 61-64 AH

3. Muawiyya ibn Yazid few months

4. Marwan Ibn Al-Hakam 64-66 AH

5. Abdul Malik bin Marwan 66-86 AH

6. Walid bin Abdul Malik 86-96 AH

7. Sulayman bin Abdul Malik 96-99 AH

8. Umar bin Abdul Aziz 99-101 AH

9. Yazid bin Abdul Malik 101-105 AH

10. Hisham bin Abdul Malik 105-125 AH

11. Walid b. Yazid b.AbdulMalik 125-126 AH

12. Yazid b. Walid b.AbdulMalik 126 AH

13. Ibrahim b. Walid. AbdulMalik 126 AH

14. Marwan b. Mohamed b. Marwan127 - 132

Banu Ummayyah continued Ruling Spain during A'bbasi Times Starting with

Abdur Rahman b. Muawiyyah b. Hisham b. AbdulMalik 139 - 898 AH

Rule of Bani A'bbas 133 AH- 640 AH Rule in Baghdad, then came the rule of Abbasi name being
used .

Rule of Othmaani Khilaafah 923 Hijri (1517) - 1342 (1923)

1. Umar Rahmatullah Alayhi was grandson of Marwan and his mother was Umm Asim was a grand
daughter of Umar Farooq RA.

2. He was born in 61 AH. He was a cousin of Sulayman ibn Abdul Malik and was posted as a
governer of Madina since the time of Walid ibn Abdul Malik.

3. As a governer he lived in luxury and had refinded tastes. He was the standard for fashion of the
youth but was descent and noble.

4. Sulaiman Ibn Abdul Malik accepted Reja' ibn Haiwah's suggestion him for succession as the
Caliph's children were too small. This suggestion was accepted.

5. When he became Khalifa he was a changed man.

- He dismissed cruel and unjust governers

- All gifts brought to him on accession were deposited in Baitul Maal.
- His wife's jewellery were also returned.
- He had one cloth because of it drying he was late to Jumuah.
- He was very scrupulous about state funds.

6. One of his famous statements was that "Mohammed was sent as a Prophet not as a tax collector".

7. His efforts can be summarised in the following :

- He was considered about the deen of his governers and the general public and used to
encourage for salaah and fear of Allah.
- He ordered the scholars to write down the hadeeth so they may be saved
- He directed the Arabs to stop their trek back into jaahillliyah
- He invited nations (Rajas of India and the Maghrib to Islam)
- He reformed the financial system. Redistributed the wealth until no one could receive

8. He ruled only for 2 years and 5 months. He was poisoned by a slave who was promised freedom
from one of the Khalifa's own family.

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