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​Abrego 1

Alaini Abrego
English 1
Ms. Chiodini
10 May 2019

Alcohol Abuse

“Over 4,300 youth deaths occur each year from abuse of underage drinking in the united

states”(“Underage Drinking Center”). Compared to other countries where drinking is legal at 18.

It is not untouchable it is used for family celebrations, food pairings, and it is not considered

glamorous or the “in” thing to do from ads, tv/media, and music. If this issue is not addressed

teen deaths are only going to increase. Americans tend to glamorize drinking in America the

legal drinking age is 21 Underage teenagers look at drinking as “untouchable” and the “in” thing

to do. It is believed this is the leading cause for the high number of underage drinking in the

United States. This essay will be about the causes of teenage drinking, the effects, and the steps

needed to take to create a solution.

Underage drinking begins with the positive endorsement of alcohol on television and

social media, and the pressure put on them from peers. “More than $25 billion per year is spent

on advertising for tobacco, alcohol, and prescription drugs, and such advertising has been shown

to be effective”(Strasburger). If so much money is spent on advertising alcohol, and many other

types of substances that are to harmful teens, it makes sense that teens are going to want to

experiment when they are being advertised in such positive ways. The amount of money given to

media and television medias to advertise alcohol gives a greater exposure of this dangerous

substance to young children. In addition to the amount of money used to advertise on T.V and

media, another reason teens want to drink is because of peer pressure. “​Drinking games may be
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very common at this age, and can help to foster the impression that drinking alcohol is not a

serious matter​”(“Teen Problems with”). Peer pressure into fitting in at the party, or the fact that

they want to play and their friends keep telling them to join them, it leads to drinking

irresponsibly. In the minds of teens it is not a serious matter, it is not being treated as serious as it

should be, it is to accepted now. The pressure put on teens for acceptance creates such a big

problem the not even they can tell it is gonna lead to such a greater problem. In conclusion

underage drinking is such a big issue in the United States is because it is positively portrayed on

television and social media.

Glamorization of alcohol on media, music, and advertising gives many types of negative

effects on teenagers and society itself. For example, “School problems, such as higher absence

and poor or failing grades, social problems, legal problems, physical problems, disruption of

normal growth, physical and sexual assault, higher risk of suicide and homicide etc”(“Underage

Drinking Center”). Alcohol affects both teenage brains and their physical appearance. The effect

it causes brings them to a point of weakness in which if they are in danger there is not much

strength to fight off. Who does abuse affect? Teens! Not society, not their friends, it affects them

mentally and emotionally, leading to more drinking. Besides just main effects on teenagers it has

a great effect on society. For example, “Although alcohol’s social effects are often less visible,

the effects on on society, in general, are not. From an increased chance of being involved in

crime, to drink driving, or to be sexually irresponsible, alcoholism creates dangers” (“The Social

Effects”). Crime, drunk driving, sexual irresponsibility, the effects on society which people don’t

see how great the problem is. When one walks out their home they should not be scared an

intoxicated person will commit a crime on them or near them. Alcoholism is now so glamorized
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that the media does not realize it is great effect on society and teenagers, this is a problem that

must be addressed.

To create a solution for all the underage drinking there are many steps that can be taken

but here are two. For instance, “There is value in entertainment, and there are probably a lot of

positive messages. However, the problem lies not just in media content, but in one's ability to

DIFFERENTIATE. Ultimately, our teens must be taught to differentiate and identify the

techniques that advertising and media have on their emotions and attitudes so they will not be so

easily manipulated” (“What is the”). Once teenagers are educated on the substance and the many

different reactions is when teens will actually think before doing it, it starts a solution. Before

just start saying “do not drink” explain why because teens see the opposite from T.V, friends,

even adults and then they hear a whole difference from their parents, it confuses them, a reason

to start educating teenagers before just telling them what to do. To add onto just educating

teenagers, limiting many television sights is a way to start another solution. For example,

“Pediatricians should encourage parents to limit access by children and young adolescents to

television venues with excessive substance use depictions (eg, MTV, HBO, Showtime, Comedy

Central)” (Strasburgers). Pediatricians should have to encourage parents to limit the access to

those television medias, not only because it influences them to do the same but because they

have no idea their true reactions to alcohol and the consequences it brings along. It is a point of

either parents can open their eyes to see what the children are watching or medias change but

everyone knows medias will not change so this is up to the parents. Two steps taken to create a

solution for such a great problem can create such a huge difference in this society.
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The more alcohol is glamorized among the media, the pressure for teens to drink will

only cause more deaths. Underaged drinking begins wit their exposure at a young age of medias

and the amount of peer pressure put on them. The negative effects alcohol has on teens are

various, starting with lack of strength that can cause sexual and physical abuse, and self

destructive behavior. Educating and influencing teens to not drink alcohol will keep so many

teens from the effects. Society must begin viewing the great impact of underage drinking as a

issue and stop motivating it in this society and in the medias. Future teenagers will be exposed to

great addiction, dangers and deaths.

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