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Revised Project Proposal

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Final Project

“Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Problem

Solving Skills”

A report Submitted to the department of management sciences, virtual

university of Pakistan In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of master in business administration

Submitted By

Zuaigham Hussain
Department of Management Sciences
Virtual University of Pakistan

“To my beloved parents”


“I would first like to thank my thesis advisor Mr. Saleem Ahmad. He consistently allowed this
paper to be my own work, but steered me in the right the direction whenever he thought I needed

I would also like to thank the experts who were involved in the validation survey for this
research. Without their passionate participation and input, the validation survey could not have
been successfully conducted.

I would also like to acknowledge Mr. Pasha of the Management at B.Z.U Multan as the second
reader of this thesis, and I am gratefully indebted to his/her for his/her very valuable comments
on this thesis.

Finally, I must express my very profound gratitude to my parents and to my Father and my
Friend Mr. Qadir Khalil for providing me with unfailing support and continuous encouragement
throughout my years of study and through the process of researching and writing this thesis. This

accomplishment would not have been possible without them. Thank you. ”

“This paper explores preference to the style of decision making (managerial, analytical,
conceptual and behavioral), management styles (relationship-oriented leadership and
management by objectives), and personality traits.

Results show that schools lean towards directive style of decision making with a combination of
democratic-participatory style that includes subordinates in the process of decision making. The
results also demonstrate that school principals prefer management style motivated by
relationships; they are more introverted and emotionally stable.

The findings indicate a necessity for a new generation of managers who will be different from
the traditional managers. Given that the school is a basic organizational cell on which the
educational system of the country is based, the proposed findings present an occasion for
developing new ideas and practices that may yield great results.

This would increase the flexibility and adaptive capacity of the school as a modern organization.
Thus, these findings have practical implications as they may direct special training of principals
in order to apply the best management style, or style that is most appropriate for certain
situations, certainly through coordination of the desired profile of the principal and the business
strategy, development and maturity of the organization.”
Table of Contents

Title Page
Letter of Under Taking

Chapter 1 Introduction 00

1.1 Back Ground of Project 00

1.2 Objective 00
1.3 Significant 00

Chapter 2 Literature Review 00

Chapter 3 Research Methodology 00

3.1 Data Collection Sources 00

3.2 Data Collection Tools/Instruments 00
3.3 Subjects/Participants 00
3.4 Data Processing, Analysis Techniques and Interpretation 00

Chapter 4 Data Analysis 00

4.1 Summary 00

Chapter 5 Conclusion, Recommendations & Limitations 00

5.1 Conclusion 00
5.2 Recommendations 00
5.3 Limitations 00
List of Illustrations
(Important diagrams, graphs, tables & pictures with page numbers)

Figure 1.1 00
Figure 1.2 00
Figure 1.3 00
Figure 2.1 00
Figure 2.2 00
Figure 2.3 00

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