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Myocardial Infarction With Nonobstructive

Coronary Arteries (MINOCA)
The Past, Present, and Future Management

Article, see p 1481 Sivabaskari Pasupathy,

BSc(Hons), PhD

yocardial infarction with nonobstructive coronary arteries (MINOCA) is clini- Rosanna Tavella,
cally defined by the presence of the universal acute myocardial infarction BSc(Hons), PhD
(AMI) criteria, absence of obstructive coronary artery disease (≥50% steno- John F. Beltrame, BSc,
sis), and no overt cause for the clinical presentation at the time of angiography (eg, BMBS, PhD
classic features for takotsubo cardiomyopathy).1 With the more frequent contempo-
rary use of coronary angiography in AMI, clinicians have been regularly confronted
with this puzzling problem and seeking guidance in its management. An article by
Lindahl et al2 in this issue of Circulation represents a major step forward in MINOCA
and thereby warrants taking stock of the past, present, and future management
strategies of this intriguing condition.
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The pioneering early angiography studies of DeWood et al demonstrated that ST-seg-
ment–elevation myocardial infarction was often associated with an occluded epicar-
dial artery, but this occurred less frequently in non–ST-segment–elevation myocardial
infarction, although in both conditions obstructive coronary artery disease was evi-
dent in >95% of patients.3 These findings underscored the importance of the underly-
ing atherothrombotic process and provided the impetus for major advances in AMI
management over the next 35 years. However, when angiography failed to reveal the
presence of obstructive atheroma or thrombosis in patients with clinical criteria for
ST-segment–elevation myocardial infarction, some clinicians labeled these patients
The opinions expressed in this
as having a false-positive ST-segment–elevation myocardial infarction diagnosis.4 article are not necessarily those
Such a label implies that an AMI has not occurred (despite the clinical presentation) of the editors or of the American
and therefore no further diagnostic investigation or cardiac therapy is required. Heart Association.
To avoid such diagnostic complacency, the diagnosis of MINOCA was coined5 Correspondence to: John F.
with an emphasis on investigating these patients to identify the underlying cause Beltrame, BSc, BMBS, PhD,
of their AMI presentation. Providing a label for this clinical syndrome was the first Discipline of Medicine, The Queen
key step in improving the management of these patients because MINOCA was Elizabeth Hospital, University of
Adelaide, 28 Woodville Road,
promoted as a working diagnosis that necessitated the identification of an underly-
Woodville South, Adelaide, South
ing cause, much the same as a diagnosis of heart failure or anemia requires such Australia, Australia 5011. E-mail
action.3 This was further emphasized in the first position statement on this disorder,1
although it has yet to be incorporated into AMI guidelines.
Key Words: Editorials ◼ coronary
angiography ◼ coronary artery
disease ◼ myocardial infarction ◼
THE PRESENT myocardial ischemia ◼ secondary
With the concept of MINOCA established, the next key step in its management prevention angiography
was to identify the potential underlying causes and optimal diagnostic pathway © 2017 American Heart
in evaluating these patients. Potential underlying mechanisms include coronary Association, Inc.

1490 April 18, 2017 Circulation. 2017;135:1490–1493. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.117.027666

MINOCA: The Past, Present, and Future Management

causes such as coronary spasm, coronary microvas- of statins (hazard ratio=0.77; 95% confidence interval,
cular dysfunction, plaque disruption, spontaneous 0.68–0.87) or angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors/
coronary thrombosis/emboli, and coronary dissec- angiotensin receptor blockers (hazard ratio=0.82; 95%
tion; myocardial disorders, including myocarditis, ta- confidence interval, 0.73–0.93) with a trend observed in
kotsubo cardiomyopathy, and other cardiomyopathies; β-blocker therapy (hazard ratio=0.86; 95% confidence
and noncardiac causes, for example, pulmonary em- interval, 0.74–1.01) and (2) no associated benefit with
bolism. Multiple diagnostic pathways have been pro- the use of dual antiplatelet therapy but a trend toward an
posed to evaluate patients with MINOCA,1,6,7 with early increased bleeding rate.
cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMRI) being a Although a nonrandomized study with important limita-
central investigation in most pathways because of its tions (see below), this study is a game changer because
ability to detect common causes.8 Indeed, recent re- for the first time there are data (rather than opinion) on
ports claimed that CMRI identifies the underlying cause potential beneficial therapies to reduce MACE in patients

in as many as 87% of patients with MINOCA.9 Other with MINOCA. Accordingly, clinicians can no longer dis-
investigations include provocative spasm testing, miss patients with MINOCA as having false-positive AMIs
screening for thrombophilia disorders, and intravascu- but need to consider the potential benefit of statins and
lar ultrasound1; however, routine screening for pulmo- angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin re-
nary embolism with computed tomographic pulmonary ceptor blockers in these patients. Hence, the study is a
angiography is of very limited value.10 major step forward in the recognition and management
Contemporary research studies of MINOCA have of MINOCA.
evaluated the prognosis of these patients, reporting a As indicated by the authors, important limitations in
12-month all-cause mortality of 4.7% (95% confidence this retrospective cohort study are the heterogeneous
interval, 2.6–6.9),3 with comparative studies consistent- nature of MINOCA and that no investigations to identify
ly demonstrating a better prognosis than for those who the underlying causes were routinely performed in this
experience AMI associated with obstructive coronary ar- cohort. Although clinically overt causes were excluded
tery disease.3,11 Moreover, Kang et al12 confirmed that because study inclusion was based on discharge di-
12-month major adverse cardiac events (MACE; death agnosis, less conspicuous presentations may have
and myocardial infarction) in patients with MINOCA were been overlooked. For example, in a meta-analysis of
comparable to patients with AMI associated with single- 5 studies involving 556 patients with MINOCA, Tornvall
or double-vessel coronary artery disease. In addition to et al14 demonstrated that 33% had CMRI evidence of
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these MACE outcomes, Grodzinsky et al13 demonstrated myocarditis despite fulfilling the diagnostic criteria for
that 25% of patients with MINOCA continued to experi- AMI. Hence, in the above analysis, up to one third of the
ence angina 12 months after AMI, which is equivalent to patients treated with statin or angiotensin-converting
the rate in those with AMI associated with obstructive enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin receptor blockers may
coronary artery disease. have had myocarditis, for which the benefits of these
Considering the guarded prognosis of patients with therapies are unclear. If CMRI were performed on all pa-
MINOCA, the next beckoning question is, What therapies tients and the therapies were targeted to those patients
should be recommended? Currently, there are no ran- with MINOCA with evidence of true myocardial infarc-
domized trials addressing this question. However, the tion, perhaps the observed benefits would have been
article by Lindahl et al12 published in this issue of Circu- even greater.
lation provides the first insight into potential long-term
medical therapy in the management of MINOCA. Using
the strength of the internationally acclaimed SWEDE- THE FUTURE
HEART Registry (Swedish Web-System for Enhancement The Lindahl et al12 study has provided direction for the
and Development of Evidence-Based Care in Heart Dis- next key step in the management of MINOCA, namely
ease Evaluated According to Recommended Therapy), a multicenter randomized controlled trial confirming the
the authors have garnered a large cohort of consecu- benefits of these conventional therapies on MACE. With
tive patients with MINOCA (n=9466) and used a strati- a prospectively designed trial, there is an opportunity
fied propensity score analysis approach to examine the for a more targeted therapeutic approach by identify-
effect of 4 conventional postinfarct therapies (statins, ing the underlying cause with screening investigations.
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin Confirmation of the above findings would mandate the
receptor blockers, β-blockers, and dual antiplatelet ther- evaluation of patients with MINOCA and the initiation of
apy) on long-term MACE (defined as all-cause mortality, secondary prevention therapies. This would not only be
AMI hospitalization, ischemic stroke, and heart failure). A paradigm shifting in relation to the treatment of MINOCA
secondary objective was to examine the impact of these but also provoke a re-evaluation of the mechanisms for
therapies on bleeding events. The key study findings in- these beneficial agents in the context of minimal or no
clude (1) a reduced hazard ratio of MACE with the use atherosclerotic disease.

Circulation. 2017;135:1490–1493. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.117.027666 April 18, 2017 1491

Pasupathy et al

Figure.  Troponin-positive nonob-

structive coronary arteries.
MINOCA indicates myocardial infarction
with nonobstructive coronary arteries.

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uses of the term. In the position paper,1 the term MI- Circulation is available at
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all patients fulfilling the universal criteria for AMI with-
out obstructive coronary artery disease and no clinically REFERENCES
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