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Proposal for SEO

Why SEO is Required

There are over 694,000 searches conducted every second on Google. Even if you have a website,
it is useless if it does not show on the first page of Google. Over 90% of people prefer to change
their keyword rather searching on the second page.

What We Provide

Research: We conduct a thorough analysis of Content of the website and check for any
duplicity. We understand and analyze search queries of customers which help us in choosing
right keywords.

Analyze: We analyze your current position in various SERP (Search Engine Result Page) by using
different analytics tool. A few factors that a search engine algorithm may consider when
deciding what information to show in the SERP include:

• Geographic location of the searcher

• Historical performance of a listing (clicks, bounce rates, etc.)
• Link quality (reciprocal vs. one-way)
• Webpage content (keywords, tags, pictures)
• Back end code or HTML of webpage
• Link type (social media sharing, link from media outlet, blog, etc.)

Evaluate: We evaluate design and architecture of the website. We will amend the mentioned if
it helps from the perspective of our SEO requirement.

Optimize: We optimize the website as per the requirement and customer behaviour on Internet.
On Page Optimization Includes:

• Page Load Optimization

• Internal link structuring
• Pages H tags optimization
• Images & links Optimization

Onsite- Offsite and Local Search Optimization: Onsite SEO includes Keywords. We choose some
specific keywords and do SEO for them throughout the whole process.

Offsite SEO deals with backlinks and directory submission. We create backlinks to direct traffic
and we also post links on different relevant directories for re routing internet traffic on your
website. We also follow authoritative link building as our SEO strategy.

Local search engine optimization analysis includes:

• Structured data integration
• Local business listing
• User reviews for your business
• Classified Submissions

While sometimes only one form of SEO suffice for the time being, but to remain at the top both
onsite and offsite SEO play a vital role.

Besides SEO, we will also create profile of company on different social media such as
Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, Twitter etc for basic Social Media Optimization. We will also
update the content on these profiles on a regular basis.

 Up to 20-25 keywords according to your need
 Primary focus will be given to On-Page SEO and Quality content development
 Blog writing will be done only if we are provided with Integrated CMS for blog by your
web developer.
 Minimum 3 months commitment required for the result

What we need from You

All credentials of your website for making necessary changes.
 All the user ID and Passwords
 Access of Facebook and other social media Pages.

Payment Process for SEO

We will charge Rs 50,000 for three month event cycle.

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