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Design environment overview

02.Design Environment Overview

Getting Familiar with the Smart Plant P&ID GUI

As any other computer application, Smart Plant P&ID also has its own application interface;
in this chapter you will be presented with it so you can gain familiarity with it:

There are 4 main parts in the Smart Plant P&ID application environment:

1. Design Window (Drawing Space)

2. Catalog Explorer

3. Property Window (Properties Palette)

4. Engineering Data Editor (EDE)

Design Window

Design window has 3 parts.

a) Menu bars

b) Tool bars
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02.Design Environment Overview

c) Design Area

1. View Menu and its Commands

On the View menu, you can select a variety of commands for zooming in and out on items in the
Drawing view. You can also right-click anywhere in the Drawing view to access many of these

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02.Design Environment Overview

Activity: Open a P&ID and go to View menu and use the commands like Previous, Zoom Area,
Zoom In, Fit, Pan, Show Grid, Snap Grid, Show inconsistencies and Display.

(Note: Show Typical, Show Primary, Show both, will be explained in detail in Edit menu at later part of this

2. Working with Display Set Command


1. Open a drawing

2. Create a new display set to display only nozzles in the P&ID and apply this display set to your

a. Select View>Apply Display Set


1. Select your plant name on the Apply Display Set dialog box.

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02.Design Environment Overview

2. Select the Add Display Set command.


Define a name for your Display Set, e.g.Nozzles.


Select the Add Filter command to add a filter used to display only nozzles on the

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02.Design Environment Overview


1. Select the Plant Folder>Filters for Rep [orts>Active Nozzles filter from the Select
Filter dialog box.

2. Select OK on the Select Filter dialog box.

3. Select Apply and OK on the Apply Display Set dialog box.


Fit your drawing view and notice only nozzles are displayed.

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02.Design Environment Overview


Select View>Clear Display Set to display all items on the drawing.

(Hint: If you want to display active nozzles and equipment alone in display set, repeat the step 1-
2(f) for nozzle and again select Add filter command and make a filter for equipment in the same
way and select Apply and OK on the Apply Display Set dialog box. Fit your drawing view and
notice only nozzles and equipments are displayed.)

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02.Design Environment Overview

Note: if you want to create a new filter other than those listed in filter for reports, below steps
can be followed.

For instance if you want to highlight active nozzles of NB 400 alone, having rest of the drawing
shown in default format itself


1. Repeat step 3 (e) for Active Nozzle NB400.

2. Right click on Active nozzles filter and select copy.


Right click on the Display Filters and select Paste.


Open the Display filters and rename the filter to Active nozzle with Nominal diameter 400.

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02.Design Environment Overview


1. Select the properties button to open the Filter Properties dialogue box

2. Add the criteria Nominal diameter = 400 to the criteria that is already listed

3. Click OK on the filter Properties dialogue box to the save the change.

4. Select OK on the Select Filter dialogue box.


1. In the Apply Display Set dialogue box set the color for Active nozzle with Nominal diameter
to be Dark Magenta. Set Width = 0.50mm. Set the color for Background items to be Default.

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02.Design Environment Overview

Hint: To choose Default as color, choose the color selection with hash lines as shown in the
image below.

The resulting settings are shown in the image below.

2. Select Apply and OK on the Apply Display Set dialog box.

3. Fit the drawing view and notice that Active nozzle with Nominal diameter is displayed in the
drawing with heavier weight line and dark magenta color. The rest of the drawing is still visible
in the default symbology for the plant.

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02.Design Environment Overview

4. Select View>Clear Display Set to display all items on the drawing.

View > Toolbars

The View > Toolbars command sets options for displaying, hiding, or changing toolbars.

Various toolbars can be seen in below screenshot.

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02.Design Environment Overview

View > Properties

The View Properties dialog box controls the display of information in the Drawing view. By
clicking View > Properties on the main menu bar the below dialog box will appear.

General Tab

Display Tab

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02.Design Environment Overview

Grid Tab

Inconsistency Indicators Tab

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02.Design Environment Overview

3. Tools Menu

Tools > System Editing

When System Editing is enabled for a plant, changed property values are automatically spread or
propagated to related items according to the currently defined consistency criteria. In certain
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02.Design Environment Overview

cases, you may want to set a property value on one item only and not allow it to be propagated to
any related items. The System Editing command (on the Tools menu and the toolbar) allows you
to turn off the propagation functionality temporarily during a design session. After the change
has been made, you can use this same command to turn it back on again. System Editing is
always turned on when you start a new design session.

Tools > Replace Mode

The Tools > Replace Mode command controls whether catalog items are placed as substitutions
for existing drawing items or placed normally. When this mode is active, the software places
catalog items only when they replace an existing drawing item. When this mode is not active, the
software places catalog items as usual. The Replace Mode command will copy properties of the
current item onto the new item.

The Replace Mode command works for like objects only. The item that you want to replace in
the drawing must be of the same class: equipment class, instrument class, and so forth. For
instance, you can replace a vessel with another vessel, but you cannot replace a vessel with a

Tools > Auto Gap

A gap in a drawing is a condition that exists when two lines intersect graphically in the drawing
but not physically in the plant. In order to portray this condition, you can specify that lines show
a gap at these non-physical intersections. You can either turn auto-gapping on, and the software
gaps your lines automatically as you route them, or you can choose when the software performs
gapping on your drawing by using the Gap Now command. Using the Gap Now command,
instead of turning on auto-gapping, can increase the efficiency of your design session.

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02.Design Environment Overview

Tools > Compare and Refresh

The Tools > Compare and Refresh command allows you to compare and refresh the active
drawing with data from another version of the drawing. The current drawing and the chosen
version are displayed side by side and the differences will be marked in what is known as change
groups. You will be able to refresh any or all of the change groups.

Tools > Smart Sketch Settings

The Tools > Smart Sketch Settings command sets up what relationships are recognized by the
software. The relationships selected on the Smart Sketch dialog box are recognized as you draw
within Auxiliary Graphics.

Tools > Custom Commands

The Tools > Custom Commands opens the Custom Commands dialog box. You can choose a
macro and run it. Some macros are delivered with the software, generally in the C:\Program
Files\Smart plant\P&ID Workstation\Program directory. You can also record your own macros
and store them wherever you want to.

Tools > Customize

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02.Design Environment Overview

The Tools > Customize opens the Customize dialog box, which allows you to customize
toolbars or menus to fit your workflow. You can add commands to toolbars or menus, or you can
create new toolbars and menus.

Select the buttons you and drag it to the P&ID toolbar location.

Tools > Options

The Tools > Options command changes settings that control recently used files, screen
appearance, placement information, export formats, and so forth.

Tools > Colors Tab

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02.Design Environment Overview

Tools > Placement Tab

Tools > Files Tab

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02.Design Environment Overview

4. Edit Menu and its commands

Edit > Select All

Selects all the items in the drawing.

Edit > Undo

Allows you to reject the last action that you completed.

Up to ten operations are saved in the undo list, and you can undo them by repeated use of the
Undo command.

Edit > Cut

Cuts selected elements from the document and pastes them to the Clipboard. The selected
elements replace the previous contents of the Clipboard.

Edit > Rotate

Rotates one or more items a precise distance or angle about a specified point

Edit > Mirror

Mirrors one or more selected elements about a line or axis that you define. You can mirror
without copying, or mirror and copy.
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02.Design Environment Overview

Copying and Pasting Elements

You can copy any element, dimension, or object by selecting it and clicking Copy on the Main
toolbar. Copying places the selected item on the Clipboard. When you click Paste on the Main
toolbar, the item is placed on the drawing sheet.
You can also copy an element with the Select Tool. You click the Select Tool on the Draw
toolbar, select the element, and press Ctrl as you drag the element across the drawing sheet. You
can also copy several selected elements in the same manner.

Edit > Paste Special

Inserts the Clipboard contents into a document using a selected format.

Edit > Delete from Model

Select the Particular item Click Edit > Delete from Model.

Notes: Delete from Model Deletes the selected item from the database; if you are deleting a
connector, then its partner is deleted from the stockpile as well.

Edit > Delete to Stockpile

In the Drawing view, select the item that you want to remove. Do one of the following:
Click Edit > Delete to Stockpile > Plant

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02.Design Environment Overview

Click Edit > Delete to Stockpile > Drawing.

Right-click the selected item, and on the shortcut menu, do one of the following:
Click Delete to Stockpile > Plant
Click Delete to Stockpile > Drawing.

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02.Design Environment Overview

Move command

Edit > Move

Moves items from one location to another. You can specify the locations by clicking the
drawing sheet or by entering relative values in the Move ribbon. You can move one or
multiple items at a time, and you can move select sets. You can access this command from
the Edit menu or the main toolbar.
Edit > Move to Drawing
Move a Select Set to another Open Drawing
1. Open the destination drawing if it is not already open.
2. Select the items that you want to move into the destination drawing.
3. Click Edit > Move To Drawing.
4. In the Drawing view, click the from point.
For the purposes of placement in the destination drawing, the from point becomes the
origin of the select set.
While you are using a from point (or to in the destination drawing), the pointer is
5. If more than one possible destination drawing is open, then select the desired destination
drawing from the Available Drawings list on the Move To Drawing dialog box.
6. In the Drawing view of the destination drawing, click the to point.

Edit > Find

Displays the Find and Replace dialog box, which allows you to search a drawing for items by
using catalog items or a filter or to find inconsistencies in your drawing. As drawing items are
found, they are added to a select set. You can replace items by using the options on this dialog
box, too.

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02.Design Environment Overview

Edit > Replace

Displays the Find and Replace dialog box, which allows you to replace some or all of the
drawing items that match the search criteria defined by the options on the Find tab.
a. Select Replace All

b. When complete, an information message will display similar to the one below. Click OK
to dismiss the message.

Edit > Select Connected Items

Opens the Select Connected Items dialog box, which allows you to create a select set that
includes the active line and disconnected lines and inline components in any network. This
command is available only when either a single line segment or a single component is selected
on the drawing; however, once the dialog box is open, you can change the selected item in the
drawing and change the scope of the select set freely.

Edit > Select Associated Items

When an item note and label is associated with a drawing item and you select the label's
annotation point, this command highlights the associated item. This is useful for example, if you
have a number of items with associated labels that are placed remotely from those items, and it is
not clear which label belongs to which item.

Edit > Consistency Check

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02.Design Environment Overview

Right-click an inconsistency indicator and choose Consistency Check to display the Consistency
Check dialog box. As you create a drawing, consistency checking monitors your drawing for
design discrepancies. If a location in the drawing has only one or multiple inconsistencies, you
can correct the problems by reviewing them on the Consistency Check dialog box.

Edit > Links

Edits or updates links to objects in another document. The Links dialog box opens. This
command lets you manipulate Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) objects. You can change
links for Microsoft Word documents, Excel workbooks, and other OLE objects.

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02.Design Environment Overview

Edit > Insert > Object

An object is data from one application that you insert in a drawing. You can link or embed
information between drawings or documents that were created with this software and OLE
Linking stores data in one location and places a copy and a link in another location. The linked
data is stored in the source document itself. When you paste the information in the destination
document with the Paste Link option, a reference point or box is inserted into the destination
document. This box displays the information that you pasted. When you change the original data,
the pasted data is updated either automatically or manually. You can edit the linked information
by opening the source document. You can insert linked information with the Paste Special
command on the Edit menu. You can link an entire document to another document by inserting
the information with the Insert > Object command on the Edit menu.
Embedding copies data in one document and stores the information in another document. If you
change the copied data, the original information does not change, and vice versa. You can embed
information with the Paste Special command on the Edit menu. You can embed an entire
document inside another document by inserting the information with the Insert > Object
command on the Edit menu.

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02.Design Environment Overview

Edit > Insert > Auxiliary Graphics

This command opens a drawing sheet that also displays your SmartPlant P&ID drawing. You can
then create graphics using the displayed Draw toolbar. Existing objects in your current
SmartPlant P&ID drawing cannot be selected or edited but do display for viewing purposes. To
return to your SmartPlant P&ID drawing, click File > Close Auxiliary Graphics. When you
return to SmartPlant P&ID, you cannot move or edit the graphics placed using Auxiliary
Graphics. To edit the graphics again, either double-click on the SmartFrame or right-click and on
the shortcut menu, click Edit.

Edit > Insert > Auxiliary Graphics

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02.Design Environment Overview

This command opens a drawing sheet that also displays your Smart Plant P&ID drawing. You
can then create graphics using the displayed Draw toolbar. Existing objects in your current
Smart Plant P&ID drawing cannot be selected or edited but do display for viewing purposes.
To return to your Smart Plant P&ID drawing, click File > Close Auxiliary Graphics. When
you return to Smart Plant P&ID, you cannot move or edit the graphics placed using Auxiliary
Graphics. To edit the graphics again, either double-click on the Smart Frame or right-click
and on the shortcut menu, click Edit.

Edit > Insert > Image

1. Click Edit > Insert > Image.

2. On the Insert Image dialog box, browse to the folder and image file that you want to
embed in your drawing.
3. Click OK.
A box that is the size of the image appears at the end of the pointer so that you know
where the image fits in the drawing.
4. Move the pointer to the location in the drawing where you want to place your image and
click to place it.
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02.Design Environment Overview

5. File Menu
Creates a typical from the selected items in the primary view, and opens the typical view for

Edit > Select Connected Items

Opens the Select Connected Items dialog box, which allows you to create a select set that
includes the active line and disconnected lines and inline components in any network. This
command is available only when either a single line segment or a single component is selected
on the drawing; however, once the dialog box is open, you can change the selected item in the
drawing and change the scope of the select set freely.
Edit > Select Associated Items

When an item note and label is associated with a drawing item and you select the label's
annotation point, this command highlights the associated item. This is useful for example, if you
have a number of items with associated labels that are placed remotely from those items, and it is
not clear which label belongs to which item.
Edit > Consistency Check
Right-click an inconsistency indicator and choose Consistency Check to display the Consistency
Check dialog box. As you create a drawing, consistency checking monitors your drawing for
design discrepancies. If a location in the drawing has only one or multiple inconsistencies, you
can correct the problems by reviewing them on the Consistency Check dialog box.

Edit > Links

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02.Design Environment Overview

Edits or updates links to objects in another document. The Links dialog box opens. This
command lets you manipulate Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) objects. You can change
links for Microsoft Word documents, Excel workbooks, and other OLE objects.

Edit > Insert > Object

An object is data from one application that you insert in a drawing. You can link or embed
information between drawings or documents that were created with this software and OLE
Linking stores data in one location and places a copy and a link in another location. The linked
data is stored in the source document itself. When you paste the information in the destination
document with the Paste Link option, a reference point or box is inserted into the destination
document. This box displays the information that you pasted. When you change the original data,
the pasted data is updated either automatically or manually. You can edit the linked information
by opening the source document. You can insert linked information with the Paste Special
command on the Edit menu. You can link an entire document to another document by inserting
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02.Design Environment Overview

the information with the Insert > Object command on the Edit menu.
Embedding copies data in one document and stores the information in another document. If you
change the copied data, the original information does not change, and vice versa. You can embed
information with the Paste Special command on the Edit menu. You can embed an entire
document inside another document by inserting the information with the Insert > Object
command on the Edit menu.

Edit > Insert > Auxiliary Graphics

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02.Design Environment Overview

This command opens a drawing sheet that also displays your SmartPlant P&ID drawing. You can
then create graphics using the displayed Draw toolbar. Existing objects in your current
SmartPlant P&ID drawing cannot be selected or edited but do display for viewing purposes. To
return to your SmartPlant P&ID drawing, click File > Close Auxiliary Graphics. When you
return to SmartPlant P&ID, you cannot move or edit the graphics placed using Auxiliary
Graphics. To edit the graphics again, either double-click on the SmartFrame or right-click and on
the shortcut menu, click Edit.

Edit > Insert > Image

Opens the Insert Image dialog box, where you can embed an image into a drawing.
1. Click Edit > Insert > Image.
2. On the Insert Image dialog box, browse to the folder and image file that you want to
embed in your drawing.
3. Click OK.
A box that is the size of the image appears at the end of the pointer so that you know
where the image fits in the drawing.
4. Move the pointer to the location in the drawing where you want to place your image and
click to place it.
File Menu

File > New Template

The software includes several standard drawing templates. You usually create a new drawing
based on one of these existing templates; however, it is possible to customize a drawing template
to meet your particular needs. This task is accomplished inside the design software by using
commands on the File menu. The pre-defined size choices for a new template are extensive.
The default storage location for templates is specified in Options Manager. If you create a new
template, save it in this default location in order for it to be available for drawing creation.
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02.Design Environment Overview

File > Open

Displays the active plant hierarchy and lists its drawings, and allows you to open a drawing and
to choose the database that you access. This dialog box appears when you click File > Open on
the main menu bar.
Pause over a toolbar button in order to display a ToolTip, which names the corresponding
command. For more information on the toolbar commands, see:
Open Database — Opens the Open Plant Structure dialog box, which allows you to specify a
different initialization file so that you can work in a different database. You cannot open two
drawings from different databases at the same time. If you currently have a drawing open in
SmartPlant P&ID, the Open Database command is not available.
Filter — Opens the Filter dialog box, which allows you to specify the drawings that are
displayed in the list or detailed view.
Cancel Filter — Deactivates any filter you have applied to the list of drawings that appears in
the list view of the Open dialog box.
Include Subnodes — Displays in the right-hand view of the Open dialog box all the drawings
and node names that reside in the currently selected node.
Details — Displays a detailed view in the right-hand window. The detailed view displays all the
properties specified in the Selected Properties list of the Customize Current View dialog box.
Using the detailed view allows you to view and sort drawings by several attributes.
List — Displays the list view in the right-hand window. The list view only displays one property
for each drawing. You can specify that descriptor by clicking Customize View; the first item in
the Selected Properties list is the descriptor that appears in the list view.
Customize View — Opens the Customize Current View dialog box, which allows you to specify
the information about each drawing that is displayed in the report or list view of the Open dialog

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02.Design Environment Overview

File > Close

Closes the active drawing. The software saves your changes automatically.

File > Import

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02.Design Environment Overview

Allows you to import data from SmartSketch into SmartPlant P&ID and starts the SmartPlant
Migrator wizard. In order to import a SmartSketch drawing into SmartPlant P&ID, you must
have SmartSketch installed on your computer.

Data File Command (File > Import Menu)

Allows you to import data and items into the database from reports and other files.

File > Save

Whenever you save a drawing using File > Save, the software uses the name and folder location
specified in Drawing Manager during drawing creation. If you want to save the drawing in a
format other than .pid, use the Save As or Save as PDF command.
File > Save As
You can save drawings to the following formats using the Save As command:

File > Save As PDF

You can save drawings as PDF files using the Save as PDF command.

File > Save As Assembly

An assembly is a group of items that you can place in a drawing at one time. Assemblies can

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02.Design Environment Overview

save time because you do not have to keep creating commonly-occurring groups of items.
Instead of copying and pasting each individual item into a drawing at several locations, you can
place the group of items: the assembly. An example of an assembly is a control valve with vents
on both sides, an instrument loop that controls the valve, and a piping bypass around the valve.
You can create an assembly by selecting several items in a drawing and saving as an assembly.
The file extension for an assembly is .pid, which is the same file extension as a drawing. If you
want to retrieve the assembly from the Catalog Explorer tree view, you must save the assembly
where the other symbols are located. The Save As Assembly command prompts you to save the
assembly in the correct directory, which is specified in Options Manager.
Placing assemblies is like placing any other item from Catalog Explorer into a drawing. When
you want to place an assembly into a drawing, you select the assembly from Catalog Explorer
and click a location in the drawing. Or, you can drag the assembly into the drawing. The
information in each label remains intact when you place the assembly. After you have placed an
assembly, the items in the assembly are treated as separate items. You can delete just one item
without concern that the software deletes the entire assembly.
Assemblies cannot be placed inline. You must place the assembly first and then route piping to it,
if required.

File > Print

Sends a copy of the active drawing to a specified plotter, printer, or file. Options are available for
defining the printing area, range, number of copies, and other printing characteristics. This
command also opens the Print dialog box.
Before using this command, you must install and select a printer

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