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Character Depth Questionnaire

Each question is worth between 5 and 20 experience points depending on how detailed you make your
answers. Please send this back directly to the GM at

1. What is your character’s immediate goal in life?

Ex: he wants to own a horse; he wants to find a magic axe.

2. What is your character’s long-term goal in life?

Ex: he wants to be a well-known hero; he wants to be king.

3. How does your character handle wealth?

Ex: he gives a lot to the poor and the temple of Enok; he spends it wildly on any crazy thing.

4. How does your character handle fame?

Ex: he downplays his deeds, insisting they are blown out of proportionl; he milks it for all it’s worth.

5. Does your character care about honor?

Ex: he is honorable in personal matters but fights dirty on the field; he is totally unscrupulous always
acting only in his own favor.

6. Does he care about his reputation, or the common opinion of regular folks?
Ex: he hates getting a bad rap for being a reptile man; he likes the fact that people assume he’s just a
stupid barbarian.

7. Does he have parents/mentor images to live up to?

Ex: his parents expect him to win wealth to take care of them; his mentor dismisses him as the worst
pupil and expects nothing.

8. Does he have friends/loves from his past?

Ex: he has a best friend who joined the army and he has not seen him since; he has an old girlfriend
who worked as a rat catcher in the city.

9. Does he want to make new friends/loves?

Ex: he is very outgoing and wants to make new friends; he is distrustful of strangers and will find it
hard to make new acquaintances.

10. Does he have any enemies from his past?

Ex: there was a woman who he loved. She caught him cheating and has vowed to kill him; he is well
liked and knows of nobody who would harm him—but there was that one time when…

11. Is there a specific race or type of person he does not like? What type of person? Why?
Ex: he hates human barbarians because they slew his family; he has never seen and elf, but idolizes
them and is infatuated with them.

12. Does he quest for any specific item or knowledge?

Ex: He wants to find the holy grail and use it to destroy his enemies; he wants to discover the leader of
the resistance and offer support.

13. Does he want to be something other than what he is? If so, what?
He has always wanted to be a bard, but his is tone deaf; he doesn’t mind poverty, and has no real

14. Does he have any children? Want any children/family of his own?
Ex: he suspects he has numerous children but knows none of their names; He came from a large family
who had barely enough means to survive. He wants to be a father some day, with only one son or

15. What really sets him off?

Ex: he hates to see animals mistreated; his values force him to free any slaves and kill any slavers he

16. What engenders sympathy and compassion from him?

Ex: he gives great sums of money to children who are orphaned or homeless; a maiden in distress
always gets his assistance.

17. Does he have any bad habits?

Ex: he has a great affinity for tobacco. He smokes a pipe whenever he’s not in combat; he loves
gambling, especially cards. He wagers great sums on fantastic odds.

18. Is he pious/religious? What type of god or goddess would he worship?

Ex: his parents were denied charity from the church when his father was hurt and so he has no faith; a
kindly priest saved his life after a skirmish while he was enlisted in the army. He tithes regularly and
attends worship whenever he encounters a temple to his god.

19. Highlight 1-6 of the traits below that your character exhibits. Rate it on a scale of 2 being least,
and 12 being most. Place that number directly to the right of the trait.

curious egotistical empathic sociable imaginative suspicious

outgoing patient ambitious aggressive respectful brave
calm compassionate manic merciful pitiful light-hearted
cautious conservative open-minded anarchist extroverted talkative
timid meek humble energetic respectful polite
fanatic devotee affectionate pleasant unselfish courageous
cautious forgiving generous hedonistic honorable merciful
optimistic peaceable chaste forgiving generous honest
just modest prudent temperate valorous uninterested
meek selfish argumentative dull trusting shy
impulsive lazy pacifistic flippant fearful excited
uncaring melancholy merciless pitiless serious reckless
liberal narrow-minded conformist introverted reserved loud
proud arrogant lethargic rude insolent reverent
unfeeling repulsive selfish cowardly reckless faithless (atheist)
vengeful miserly stoic treacherous cruel pessimistic
combative lustful vengeful selfish deceitful arbitrary
proud reckless indulgent cowardly

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