Structures: Routines

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Everything has a clear, labeled home (exit tickets, homework, backpacks, tardy slips, turn in).
 Each student will have a pencil box that contains: 2 erasable pens, scissors, glue stick, and crayons.
These are kept in cubbies
Individual student roles will be assigned for additional tasks:
 Supplies team (2 students)
 Copies team (2 students)
 Tech squad: for lights, monitoring technology (2 students)
 Line leaders for two lines, based on lunch line order
 Door monitor: responsible for opening/closing doors
 Pen System
 Teacher’s assistant: Gets to be morning greeter + helps teacher with tasks.
 Homework Team: write homework on the board.
 Office messenger
 Breakfast monitors (2 students)
 From one activity to the next: musical timer
 Transitioning to recess/lunch: two lines; multiple designated stops along the way
 Before entering a building/room: “You are about to enter a building/classroom. Show me what that
looks like. Let me hear what that sounds like.”
 Before entering a classroom: “When you come inside, you will prepare for … by…” Students know
exactly where to go and what to do upon entering a room. EX: “When you come inside, you will
notice your chairs are on your desks because the room was cleaned. Please put all of your stuff
away then take your chairs down before grabbing breakfast.”
Attention getters:
 Call + response, silent Simon-says, mystery directions; write directions on the board without
saying anything (i.e. “come to the rug”)
 “Go” word: When I say, “pencil/star/kind/tree/etc,” start on your…
 Retrieving pencil boxes: Each student is assigned a number; 1-7 get your pencil boxes… 8-20 get
your pencil boxes… etc.
 Conversation countdown: T: “3-2-1” SS: “Sharing is done!”
 If you can hear me touch your head. If you can hear me touch your ears. If you can hear me...
 “How We Do It” expectations
 Student agreements
 “When is it Okay to Raise Your Hand and Ask for Mrs. Hust” poster
*All systems will be modeled
Sticker system (Individual):
 Individual students receive a sticker on their personal plaque for displaying outstanding
citizenship/positive behavior.
Table point system (groups):
 Tables will receive points for: Working together to solve a problem, collaborating well together,
efficient transitions, or demonstrating outstanding citizenship. The first table to get to 15 points
will have a lunch date with me for bonding time, and then seats will change and we will start over.
Marble system (class):
 Entire class receives handful of marbles for doing great work during an activity, transitioning
effectively, being supportive of their classmates.
 Bubble Breath Exercise (3 parts): 1. Blow bubbles + pop to hearts desire. 2. Blow bubbles + watch
bubbles fall without popping. 3. Blow your bubble as slow as possible to create the biggest bubble
you can.
 Simon Says Yoga
Conflict Resolution:
 Rock-Paper-Scissor to see who goes first.
 Family meetings
 “Let’s find a Solution” poster (attached)
 Coping Bingo for homework (attached)
 Student choice: Fill out a “Think Sheet,” call guardian, or miss recess
 “What harm was done? How can we fix the harm? What do you need to feel safe or respected?”
Extreme Behavior:
 Designated cool-down area for students experiencing extreme emotions. Students will set a timer.
If they need more time to cool down, they will ask the teacher.
 Behavior improvement plan: Students and families will be asked to decide upon an incremental
behavior plan.

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