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Solids - Molecular motion slow, closely packed

1.1. Amorphous solids - disordered structures (rubber, wax, glass)
1.2. Crystalline solids - particles arranged in a repeating pattern
1.2.1. Ionic solids - metal and nonmetal Melting ionic compounds breaks ionic bonds Lattice energy Higher lattice energy with higher over ion charge, smaller ions, and higher
melting point Properties - high melting points, brittle, dissolves in polar solvents, conductor
when melted/molten but not when solid or dissolved in water as they dissociate
into free ions
1.2.2. Molecular solids - covalently bonded nonmetals Held together by IMF’s Properties - not conductible, relatively soft, low melting point
1.2.3. Atomic solids - atoms in a repeating pattern Metallic solids - metal cations sharing delocalized valence electrons. Conductors,
malleable, and ductile Alloys Substitutional alloys - similar atomic radius and density, malleable
and ductile Interstitial alloys - different atomic radii, smaller atoms fit in
interstitial spaces of smaller atoms, rigid and strong but less
malleable and ductile Both are good conductors Network solids - atoms with covalent bonds (usually group IV), hard, high density
and high melting point (melting network solids breaks covalent bonds) Carbon - many allotropes Graphite - pressed into sheets, sheet held by covalent bonds, many
sheets held together by IMF’s, high melting point and electric
conductor Diamond - hardest mineral, high durability, abrasive and high
thermal conductivity Fullerenes - stable, withstands high temperatures and pressures,
investigated for use as a conductor (and nanotechnology) Silicon - 3D network solid, strong, high melting point, semi conductor as
electrical conductivity increases with increasing temp Silica - silicon dioxide, found in sand and quartz, used for glass
1.3. Stronger bonding, higher melting/boiling points; ionic and metallic bonds are conductors; dipole
dipole, hydrogen, and ionic bonds are soluble in water; there so much to knowwWW
2. Liquids - medium molecular motion and spacing
2.1. Higher IMF’s, higher surface tensions, viscosity, but lower vapour pressure (thus non-volatile,
or less readily evaporatable
2.1.1. P​vapour =760
​ mmHg - P​Hg column
2.1.2. Vapour pressure increases with increases temperature (molecules move faster)
3. Gases - fast molecules and spaced very far apart
3.1. Kinetic energy
3.1.1. v=
√ 3RT
M where M is mass of one mole of gas in kg/mol
3.1.2. 2
mv 2 = 32 RT
3.2. Diffusion - gas particles spread from high to low concentration
r1 M2
3.3. Effusion - gas escapes from a hole in it’s container r2
√ M1 where r is rate of a gas and M is
molar mass
3.4. Gas collection over water - P​gas​=P​total​-P​water​ from there use PV=nRT to solve for moles
3.5. Formation of gases in a reaction
3.5.1. Sulphide salt + acid = H​2​S and salt
3.5.2. Carbonate salt + acid = carbonic acid and salt which decomposes into carbon dioxide
gas and water
3.5.3. Sulphite salt + acid = sulphurous acid and salt which decomposes into sulphur dioxide
gas and water
3.5.4. Ammonium salt + base = ammonium hydroxide and salt which decomposes into
ammonia gas and water
3.6. Real gases - ideal gas works when gases behave ideally. Gases not ideal when polar, at high
pressures, or low temperatures.
4. Phase changes

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