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Six topics are important which are connected with human thinking.

He should know about

himself; next he should know about the universe; third is he should know about Isvara; fourth

topic is bandha why human beings suffer and they are in bondage. Bondage and samsara and

sufferings fall into this category. Fifth is moksa or mukti or freedom from bondage. Sixth and

final topic is the means by which a person goes from bondage to the liberation/moksa. Jivah

jagat,, Isvara, banda, moksa and sadhanani are the six topics a serious thinker studies.

Such a thinker who forms such a philosophy is darsanika and the philosophy is called

darsanam. Others to follow such persons. Darsanika is propagator of his philosophy. The

founders of the darsanams are called acharyas. We have twelve famous philosophies. Six of

them are called nastika darsanani and six are called astika darsanani. Nastika darsanams are

those, which do not accept vada pramanam. Their philosophies are based on perception,

inference and reasoning. Astika darsanams are those which accept Veda as valid source of


Caravaka darsanam

First is called carvaka darsanam or materialism. The source of this philosophy is brahaspati

himself the deva guru. The purpose of this philosophy is to mislead asuras. So that asuras will

follow and they will get punished. His sishya is carvakah who papularised this philosophy.

It does not accept Atma, Vedas dharma etc. Modern science is close to this philosophy.

Consciousness is temporary product of matter. Enjoy life is his motto. Enjoy even by

borrowing money from other. He does not believe in the return of the body. None has seen

sookshma sariram, karana sariram, no belief in scriptures etc. He believes in perception only,

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BRAHMA SUTRA - Introduction

By Swami Paramarthannda

which is nice to hear. It is not discussed inm Brahma sutra. Other 10 darsanas are discussed

in Brahma sutra.

Jaina darsanas.

This is given by 24 acharyas called tirthankara. Starting from rishab acharya ending with
varthamana mahavira. Varthamana is also called jinah and janah means one who has

conquered himself. He has conquered his sense organs, mind etc. His teachings we will

discuss as and when the topic comes in Brahma sutra. There are two groups space is sacred

dhikambara and svetamabars. Difference is in the form of external practices.

Bouddha darsanam

The founder of this is buddhah. He did not teach any systematic philosophy but he gave some

stray statement that approached him. It was not well-developed system initially. Thereafter

many followed including the kings of those days. Three books have been brought out and

they are three pitakams. The three pitakams sutra pitakam, adhi dharma pitakam and vinaya

pitakam. Also are called adhi damma pitakam, sutra pitakam and vinaya pitakam.

They contain the teachings in sutra form. First deals with statement of master, the second one

the philosophy and the third one the conduct of the followers of the system. Later scholars

analysed and brought their own books. Then came four branches of Buddhism. One is

soutrantika based on the sutra books called suddha pitakam.sutra based philosophy is called

soutrantika. Second one is based on adhi dhamma pitakam. Vibasa commentary and hence it

got the name of ibashika. Third one is called yogachara and this gives emphasis on yoga and

achara. Both are called madhyamika Buddhism. They claim to follow the medium path and

avoidance of all extreme. I will deal with the teachings later.

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