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At the end of the lesson, the pupils must be able to:
a. identify the positive, comparative and superlative degree of adjectives;
b. form the positive, comparative and superlative degree of adjectives; and
c. use the positive, comparative and superlative form of adjectives .


Topic: Degrees of Comparison for Adjectives
Reference: PELC, Language Text pp. 186-195
Materials: Laptop, LCD Projector, powerpoint presentation, realias, pictures, slate
boards, cue cards, activity sheets, markers, eraser, chalk
Values: Cooperation, Teamwork

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
Preparatory Activities
A. Motivation
Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am

How are you today? We are fine Ma’am!

Are you ready with our lesson for today? Yes Ma’am!

That’s great! Let’s have a game!

Let’s see how quick you are in describing
and thinking about the pictures that will
be shown.

Let’s start. Here’s the first picture. What

can you say about it? Think of a word. It starts
with letter A- afraid Ma’am!

That’s great! It’s amazing!

Next, look at the picture, what can you say
about it? It starts with D- dirty Ma’am!
That’s awesome! Yes it’s dirty.

Oh, look at the face, how does he feel?

Can you think of a word that starts with J-? joyful Ma’am!
Yes! You’re right, its joyful.

Next, what can you say about apples?

Can we count them? Yes Ma’am!
Let’s count 1-11, so how many apples? Eleven Ma’am
So, there are eleven apples

Oh. Look at the butterfly, look at the wings

What can you say? It starts with letter C- colorful Ma’am!
What about this? Look at his legs The man is tall.
Yes! The man is tall.

Look at this boy, what does he feel right now? He’s sick Ma’am!
What is the other word for sick? Ill Ma’am!
Very Good! It’s ill.

What is the color of the flowers? The flowers are violet.

That’s great, flowers are violet.
You’re doing great today!

What about this, what can you say? It’s a room Ma’am!
Yes, it’s a room. Can you see anything? None Ma’am!
If you can’t see anything, it means what? It’s empty Ma’am!
Very Good!

Look at this, what kind of day is it? Think

of a word that starts with letter S- Sunny day Ma’am!
That’s good! It’s sunny day!

Now, let see all the words that you have given.
( The teacher writes the words on the board. )
So you have given ( let the pupils read the words ) afraid, dirty, joyful, eleven,
colorful, tall, ill, violet, empty
and sunny.
So, if we are to combine all the first letter of the
words, what do we form? Adjectives Ma’am

Do you know what adjectives are? Yes Ma’am!

What are adjectives? Adjectives are describing
words. It describes person, places,
things, animals and events.
Yes, Very Good!
What do adjectives describe? Adjectives describe noun or

B. Development of the Lesson

Elicitation/ Presentation of the Lesson

Class, today we shall be dealing on Degrees

Comparison of Adjectives.

Now class, what can you see on my table? Gifts Ma’am!

What can you say about these gifts? The gifts are colorful.

What else? Some are big and some are small.

Do you want to own these? Yes Ma’am!

Before we start, what should you remember

when you’re given a group activity? Participate actively Ma’am!

Very Good! What else? Cooperation is needed for

better output.
What about you? Teamwork is needed to make
our work easier.

Great what else? Respect one’s opinion Ma’am.

Yes! What else? Be sure to contribute to the

work given.

Very good! Are there more? Do not make unnecessary

noise Ma’am.
Very good! If you’ll be doing all these I am
sure you will all be great in presenting your
outputs. Choose your leader and your reporter in
your own group. I have here different flavours of candy
to identify your group.

Get your slate board and marker

for you to write your sentence afterwards.

Now, come and get one gift.

Open it then get one object or picture and describe it.
Who likes to start? Yes, Harvey Palawan is a cool place.

Good! Who else? English book is thick.

Who else? The turkey has fine feathers.

Very good! What about you? Apple is delicious.

And the last gift box? Kathryn is pretty.

Very good!

Now, I want you to take two objects or pictures

and compare them.
Can you begin, Carmela? Tagaytay is a cooler place than
in Palawan.

Great! Yes, Jenina Hekasi book is thicker than the

English book.
Very good!
What about you, Joana? The chicken has finer feathers than
the turkey.
Very good!
What about you, Janice? Grapes are more delicious than

Very good! And the last gift Julia is prettier than Kathryn.

And now, bring out the three objects/pictures

and compare. Baguio is the coolest of all
places in the Philippines.
Very good!
What about you Ronaya Science book is the thickest of
the three books.

Yes, Lovely The bird has the finest feathers

of the three.
Great! Who else? Yes, Alexis Mango is the most delicious of
all fruits.

Very good! And the last gift, Aaron Liza is the prettiest woman
in showbiz.

C. Analysis and Discussion

(First group of sentences)

Let’s read the following sentences.

Palawan is a cool place.

What is the adjective used? Cool Ma’am.

What is being described? Palawan Ma’am

How many? One Ma’am

Sentence 2

English book is thick.

What is described in the sentence? English book Ma’am

How many? One Ma’am

What is the adjective used? Thick Ma’am

Sentence 3

The turkey has fine feathers.

What is the adjective used? Fine Ma’am

What is the word described? Feather of turkey Ma’am

How many? One Ma’am

Sentence 4
Apple is delicious.

What is the adjective? Delicious Ma’am

What is the word described? How many? Apple Ma’am

One Ma’am.

Sentence 5

Kathryn is pretty.

What is the adjective used? Pretty

Who is described in the sentence? How many? Kathryn, one Ma’am

Very good!
( Second group of sentences )

Sentence 1

Tagaytay is a cooler place than in Palawan.

What is the adjective used? Cooler Ma’am

How many are described? What are they? 2 Ma’am, Tagaytay and Palawan

Sentence 2

Hekasi book is thicker than the English book.

What is the adjective used? Thicker Ma’am

Good! How many are described? 2 Ma’am.

What are they? Hekasi and English books.

Sentence 3

The chicken has finer feathers than the turkey.

What is the adjective used? Finer Ma’am

What are being described? How many? Chicken and turkey Ma’am.

Sentence 4

Grapes are more delicious than apple.

What is the describing word? More delicious Ma’am.

How many are described? What are they? 2 Ma’am, grapes and apple.

Sentence 5

Julia is prettier than Kathryn.

What is the describing word? Prettier Ma’am.

Who are described? How many? Julia and Kathryn Ma’am,

2 Ma’am.

What word is common to these 3 sentences? The word than Ma’am.

Yes, take note that the word than in the

comparative degree serve as a marker. It is used
with more.
(Third group of sentences)

Who can read the first sentence?

Baguio is the coolest of all places in the Philippines.

What is the adjective used? Coolest Ma’am.

What are described? How many? Palawan, Tagaytay and Bagiuo,

3 Ma’am.

Sentence 2

Science book is the thickest of the three books.

What is the adjective used? Thickest Ma’am.

What are described? How many? English, Hekasi and Science Books 3

Sentence 3

The bird has the finest feathers of the three.

What is the adjective used? Finest, Ma’am

What are being described? How many? Turkey, chicken and bird. 3 Ma’am

Sentence 4

Mango is the most delicious of all fruits.

What is the adjective used? Most delicious Ma’am

What are being described? How many? Apple, grapes and mango, 3 ma’am

Sentence 5

Liza is the prettiest woman in showbiz.

What is the adjective used? Prettiest Ma’am

Who are being described? How many? Kathryn, Julia, and Liza Ma’am

What word comes before the adjective? The Ma’am.

Yes, article “the” comes before the adjectives.
Now, let’s read the adjective you have given.

Read the adjectives in the positive degree cool, thick, fine, delicious, pretty
This is the simplest form of adjectives.
Positive degree is used to describe one noun or pronoun.

Who can give more examples? Bright, kind, loud, wise

Read the first three adjectives in the positive cool, thick, fine.
How many syllables do they have? One Ma’am

What is added to the positive form to form its

comparative? -er Ma’am

Very good!
When two persons, groups, or things are
compared, it is called comparative.

Here are the Rules in Forming Degrees of Comparison:

1. Most adjectives of one syllable or two syllables form the comparative degree by adding –
er to the positive.

Deep deeper
Long longer
Sharp sharper

Who can give more examples of one syllable

adjectives and form its comparative? Big-bigger. Smooth-smoother
Very good!

Read the fourth adjective more delicious

How many syllable do the adjective have? 3 Ma’am

How is the comparative formed?

What is added before the adjective? more Ma’am

Adjectives with two or more syllables form

the comparative degree by using more or less
before the adjective.

2. Add more or less to the comparative form of the adjectives with two or more syllables.
Dangerous more dangerous
Famous more famous
Intelligent more intelligent

Who can give more examples of two or more

syllables adjective and form its comparative courteous-more courteous

Read the last adjective in the form Pretty

How many syllables in the word pretty? 2 Ma’am

Very good!

3. If the positive degree of the adjective ends in y, preceded by a consonant, change y to i

then add –er.

Lovely lovelier
Pretty prettier
Wealthy wealthier
Who can give more examples? Heavy-heavier, hungry-hungrier.

Now, let’s read the adjectives in the superlative

form, the first three words. coolest, thickest, finest

What is added with the adjective? -est Ma’am

1. Most adjectives of one syllable or two syllables form the comparative degree by adding –
er to the positive, and the superlative degree by –est to the positive.


Deep deeper deepest
Long longer longest
Sharp sharper sharpest

Who can give more examples? Brightest, freshest, kindest

Read adjective 4 most delicious

How many syllables do the adjectives have? 3 Ma’am

How is the superlative degree formed?

What is added with the adjectives? Most Ma’am

2. Add more or less to the comparative form and most or least to the superlative form of
the adjectives with two or more syllables.


Dangerous more dangerous most dangerous
Famous more famous most famous
Intelligent more intelligent most intelligent

Read the last adjective in the form. Prettiest Ma’am

Very good!

3. If the positive degree of the adjective ends in y, preceded by a consonant, change y to i

then add –er or –est.


Lovely lovelier loveliest
Pretty prettier prettiest
Wealthy wealthier wealthiest

Who can give more examples? Heaviest, hungriest, loveliest

There are also some adjectives that form their comparative and superlative degrees by
changing the positive entirely.
Little less Least
much/many more Most
Good better Best
Bad worse worst

D. Generalization

Did you understand our lesson for today? Yes Ma’am

What did you learn? I learned the three degrees of

adjectives, the positive,
comparative and superlative.
Very good!

When do we use the positive degree in describing? We use the positive degree in
describing only one noun or

Correct! We use the comparative degree

in comparing two nouns or
Very good!

What is added to the one syllable adjective to

form its comparative degree? -er Ma’am

What is added to the adjective with two or more

syllables? -more Ma’am

To the adjective with two syllables that ends in –y? change –y to–I before adding er

What word is commonly used after the adjective? Than Ma’am

When do we use superlative degree in comparing? We use the superlative degree

in comparing 3 or more nouns
and pronouns.

What is added to the one syllable adjective? -est Ma’am

To the 3 or more syllable adjectives? Most Ma’am

To the two syllable adjective that end in –y? Change –y to –i before adding

What article is used before the adjectives? The article Ma’am

E. Post Activity

Now, to enhance your skills on using the degrees

of comparison for adjectives, let us have a group
activity. Work on your assigned tasks.
Directions: Complete the chart below by supplying the correct adjectives under each column.


Lovely loveliest
Short shorter
Wonderful more wonderful
More handsome
Cute cutest

Directions: Underline the suitable adjective form in the parentheses and identify its degree.

The dog is the 1. (more domesticated, most domesticated ) member of the wolf
family. They are considered man’s best friend. It is 2. (more dependable, most
dependable ) than a hired guard of the house. It can guide the blind to where he or she
wants to go. The dog can be a guide, a guard and a pet.
The Bamboo Organ is the 3. (large, largest ) musical organ in the Philippines. It
gives the 4. (more harmonious, most harmonious ) sound you could ever hear. Listening
to its music can send the 5. (heavier, heaviest ) cares of a person away.

Directions: Draw nouns and write 3 sentences using degrees of adjectives.

Directions: Compose songs with adjectives.

Directions: Using different adjectives, make comparisons out of each group of things below.
River, sea, ocean
Gold, silver, bronze
Deer, boar, tamaraw


Directions: Give the correct degree of adjective in the following sentences.

Write P if the adjective is positive, C for comparative and S for superlative. Write your
answer on the space provided.
____ 1. My mother prepared a (delicious) ________ meal.
____ 2. It is the (wonderful) ________ meal I have ever tasted.
____ 3. She served (sizzling) ________ roasted chicken on our plate.
____ 4. For me, the beef stew is (delicious) _______ than the roasted chicken.
____ 5. The vegetables were (fresh and crisp) _______.
____ 6. However, the fruits were (fresh and crisp) ________ than the vegetables.
____ 7. For dessert, Mother served the (sweet) ________ mangoes in the province.
____ 8. I would never forget the (delectable) ________ meal I have ever had.
____ 9. I think my brother is the (popular) ________ cook in the whole world.
____ 10. Maybe, I am the (appreciative) ________ ‘guest’ my mother has ever had.

A. Follow-up

Directions: Complete the chart below using the degrees of adjectives.


more honest
most pleasant

B. Advance

Read on adjective phrase.

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