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Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Setting


Music plays a vital role in human life. Through music, human being is able to

express and communicate his or her feelings. It helps relieve various stresses as

experienced by human being in his or her day to day affair. Music is significant because

it helps human being express his feelings inside and outside. The melody and harmony

of music that human has always listened to everyday could also define the kind of mood

that he or she wants to convey (Hollinger, 2016).

Music has been defined in many ways. Genow-Hect (2009) referred music as the

universal language of human emotions that expresses the thoughts, passion and

affection towards everything of hat human is doing. Also, music is believed to be a

connection of human being towards another, his friends, and company.

The existence and connection of music to human life according to Samama

(2016) is very significant. Abeles (1980) explained that although music and human

being are connected, it also varies on the kind of styles and preferences.

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