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Energy University

Motors: A Performance Opportunity Roadmap Transcript


Slide 1: Motors - A Performance Opportunity Roadmap

Welcome to Motors: A Performance Opportunity Roadmap.

Slide 2: Many Thanks to the US Department of Energy & the UK Carbon Trust
This class was produced using content from the US Department of Energy publication “Improving Motor
and Drive System Performance” and from the UK Carbon Trust.

Slide 3: Welcome
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the normal play of the course. Click attachments to download supplemental information for this course.
Click the Notes tab to read a transcript of the narration.

Slide 4: Objectives
At the completion of this course, you will be able to:

Describe best practices for assessing, managing and maintaining motors

List options for dealing with oversized motors and variable loads
Identify the effects of electrical distribution and power quality issues on motors

Slide 5: Introduction
Electric motors, taken together, make up the single largest end use of electricity in many developed

In many developed countries, in industrial applications, electric motors account for roughly 60% of
electricity consumption; in the process industries, electric motors can account for more than 70% of
electricity use.

The cost of running a motor can be as much as ten times to the purchasing cost of a motor. Therefore
operation of motors represents a huge potential for energy savings.

Slide 6: Energy Saving Opportunities

Fortunately, there are also multiple ways that motors can be optimized to save energy.

Assess your motors as the first step

Have a motor management program covering rewinds, purchasing and spares.
Attend to maintenance
Choose the right motor
Use speed control
Fix electrical distribution and power quality issues, including voltage imbalances and voltage drops
Lastly, select a good repair center

Let’s look at each of these actions

Slide 7: Assess Your Motors

A large industrial facility can contain thousands of motors, so it is usually not practical to evaluate every
motor system in a plant individually. In many facilities, however, most of the energy used by motors is
consumed by just a few systems, and these few systems are often essential to production. Energy projects
involving essential motor systems typically provide the shortest paybacks. Therefore, you can usually find
the most cost-effective motor improvement projects by first screening all the motors to identify those that

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Motors: A Performance Opportunity Roadmap Transcript

are essential and that consume the most energy.

Slide 8: Industry Profile

Different industries have different motor requirements. But in general, the largest motor system energy
consumers can be found in industries that make frequent use of pumps, fans, material handling systems,
and air compressors.

Imagery used with permission from Atlas Copco Group

Slide 9: Review Plant Processes

Staff in each facility should review plant processes to identify the most energy-intensive motor systems. A
walk-through inspection of the larger motor systems, paying particular attention to how their operation is
controlled, can help staff get started.

Slide 10: Size & Annual Operating Hours

Screen the motors by size and annual operating hours to find the best opportunities. Large motors that
operate for long periods are usually the best candidates for improvements. It can be difficult to justify
improvements to small motors or motors that run infrequently.

Slide 11: Metering & Analysis

After identifying the most energy-intensive motors, you can start collecting operating data on the ones
slated for improvements. Data can be acquired by measuring the electrical power supplied to the motor
and, in some fluid systems, by measuring the fluid power generated by a pump or fan.

A load duty cycle is helpful in evaluating improvement opportunities. In many systems, loads vary
significantly, depending on weather, production demand, seasons, and product mix. Likewise, some motors
normally operate near full-load rating, while others normally operate at low loads. Load duty cycles plot the
load over time, as shown here, and should be developed for large motors.

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Slide 12: Recordkeeping

An inventory of energy-intensive (more than 35 kW or approx 50 hp) or production-critical motors helps
make maintenance schedules and track motor life and performance.

Maintaining a history of motors and their load duty cycles facilitates identification of improvement
opportunities and performance trends.

These records can also be used to determine whether maintenance schedule adjustments are required.

Slide 13: Motor Management Program

Let’s move on to look at putting in place a motor management program.

The benefits include greater motor reliability, improved overall system performance, and lower energy

Slide 14: Repair/Replace Policy

When a motor fails, getting it back in service is often a priority, especially if the motor is essential to
production. A repair / replace policy can ensure that the correct approach is taken.

An industrial user has two options when an electric motor fails:

replace the existing motor with a new motor, or
repair the motor at a qualified service shop.

How to decide between these options? One factor is whether a motor is meeting the plant’s current needs.
If the system has changed as a result of capacity expansions, product redesigns, advances in technology,
and so on, the motor requirements may also have changed. A motor failure can be an opportunity to buy a
replacement of a more appropriate type or size.

Slide 15: Repair/Replace Policy

When the initial costs of repair versus replacement are compared, repair is usually less expensive.
However, instead of making a decision based solely on the initial cost, users should do a life-cycle cost
analysis. This considers two important factors— hours of operation and electricity costs—as well as
purchase and repair costs.

Many motor repairs involve rewinds, replacing burned out wiring and insulation with new windings. In
some industries more than half the motors have been rewound. Careful rewinding can maintain motor
efficiency at previous levels, but flawed rewinds result in efficiency losses.

Motors less than 30 kW or 40 HP in size and more than 15 years old (especially previously rewound motors)
often have efficiencies significantly lower than currently available energy-efficient models. It is usually best
to replace them. It is almost always best to replace non-specialty motors under 10 kW or 15 HP.

If the rewind cost exceeds 50% to 65% of a new energy-efficient motor price, buy the new motor. Increased
reliability and efficiency should quickly recover the price premium. This is especially true for high-use
motors. You can quickly calculate the operating costs of the rewound motor versus the new one to see
how long the new motor would take to pay for itself.

The impact of rewinding on motor efficiency and power factor can be easily assessed if the no-load losses
of a motor are known before and after rewinding. Information on no-load losses and no-load speed can be
found in documentation of motors obtained at the time of purchase. An indicator of the success of rewinding
is the comparison of no load current and stator resistance per phase of a rewound motor with the original

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Motors: A Performance Opportunity Roadmap Transcript

no-load current and stator resistance at the same voltage.

Slide 16: Instituting a Purchasing Policy

A motor purchasing policy has several objectives:

Consistency in procurement
Choosing the most appropriate, cost-effective motor
Streamlining the approval process
Supporting decisions based on life-cycle costs

Slide 17: Evaluating Motor Repair Facilities

The benefits of repairing an existing motor usually can be realized only if the repair results in a slight
deviation, or none at all, from the motor’s original specifications. This can be assured by evaluating repair
facilities using similar quality control techniques as for other vendors. However, if you have to evaluate and
choose a facility while a motor is waiting to be repaired the result is a costly loss of production time. It’s
better to evaluate repair facilities in advance.

Slide 18: Maintenance

Proper maintenance provides benefits such as extended operating life, increased reliability, lower life-cycle
costs, and better use of assets. Motors are often essential to industrial facility operations, so a failure can
cause costly production delays. Effective maintenance programs minimize unplanned downtime and avoid
disruptions in production.

Breakdown maintenance is a reactive approach where maintenance is only carried out in the event of a
breakdown. There is a higher risk of production downtime while fixing the breakdown.

Planned preventive maintenance is a proactive approach where all critical systems including motors are
regularly checked for issues and maintained regardless of whether faults have occurred. This ensures that
production downtime is minimal and also yields energy savings.

Predictive maintenance is sometimes called condition monitoring. It uses data to adapt the maintenance
schedule – for example deciding when lubricant requires replacing by analysis, instead of doing it every
three months whether needed or not. Predictive maintenance reduces maintenance cost and increases
reliability. It identifies problems that are developing but have not yet created a failure, and improves the
engineer’s ability to plan the repair effectively.

Slide 19: Preventative Maintenance

Preventative maintenance includes a variety of inspections and tests.

For inspections and cleaning, inspections should be based on factors like run time, environmental
conditions, and consequences of failure.

Often, these inspections can and should be combined with cleaning to remove contaminants from the
motor. Moisture and/or contaminated oil on windings accelerates wear by reducing the life of the insulation.
Moisture directly reduces the dielectric strength of insulation, increasing the risk of sudden failure.
Contaminated oil also degrades the dielectric strength and encourages the accumulation of contaminants.
Windings shift around in reaction to thermal and magnetic forces, and contaminants on the insulation create
abrasive wear that can lead to early insulation failure.

Insulation failure usually results in a fault, such as a ground or a short between different winding turns on the
same phase or coil. Even under normal conditions, insulation ages over time; however, heat accelerates

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Motors: A Performance Opportunity Roadmap Transcript

this, and may be caused by:

current overload
low voltage conditions
high motor loads
high voltages that exceed the dielectric strength of the insulation.
conditions that impair the dissipation of heat— such as poor ventilation, blocked cooling ducts and
contaminants on windings and motor surfaces

For every 10°C or 18°F increase in operating temperature over the recommended peak, the time to
rewinding is halved.

Slide 20: Insulation Resistance Checks

Measuring the motor winding insulation resistance can indicate cleanliness and moisture levels and help to
determine the potential for insulation failure. This test is performed by applying a voltage (typically 500 or
1000 V) to the windings and measuring the resistance from the insulation to ground. Expected resistances
should be on the order of megohms. Megohmmeter checks are commonly done on in-service motors,
motors that have been idle for awhile, and motors that might be wet. Wet insulation is a common cause of
low insulation resistance. Energizing motors with weak or wet insulation can lead to catastrophic failure of
the motor. Therefore, a low resistance reading should be investigated further. Then, the insulation
resistance should be remeasured to see if moisture was the problem or if the insulation itself is weak.

Slide 21: Insulation Resistance Checks

The insulation should be checked before more extreme measurement methods are used, such as a
high-potential (“hi-pot”) test. Since high-potential tests expose the insulation to much higher voltages, an
insulation resistance check can indicate whether such a measurement will cause insulation damage. When
the insulation has been exposed to moisture, an insulation resistance check can indicate the need to dry the
equipment before conducting additional tests.

A high-potential test measures the dielectric strength of insulation to look for weakness that may cause
failure when the motor is operating. The test typically applies more than 1000 V to the windings for new
motors, and 60% of this value for used motors. Generally, this is used on new motors, but it may be
recommended for motors that have been idle for long periods. Since the test itself can damage the
insulation, the manufacturer’s guidelines should be carefully followed.

Slide 22: Balance & Alignment Checks

Motors can be seriously affected by balance problems. The causes include overhung loads, poor alignment
between the motor and the driven equipment, shaft deflection, an imbalance in the driven equipment that
transfers to the motor, and weight imbalance on the motor fan or shaft.

Many initial alignment problems are due to the installation sequence. A motor might be correctly aligned to
a pump before the system piping is connected. However, when the piping does not line up exactly with the
pump flanges, installing mechanics often “force-fit” the connection. This can cause misalignment with the
shaft system. Likewise, welding distorts foundations unless sequenced to limit this distortion. Machinery
alignments should be checked after welding is completed.

Problems can be caused by the driven equipment. For example, a ventilation fan that operates in a
corrosive environment can become unbalanced as the materials in the fan blade degrade. In some
applications, the motor fan itself can degrade, causing a damaging imbalance condition.

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Slide 23: Balance & Alignment Checks

Misalignment does not affect the motor efficiency, but it does affect the transfer of power to the driven
equipment. It also produces excessive vibration, noise, coupling and bearing temperature increases, and
premature bearing or coupling failure.

Motor/foundation interfaces that develop soft-foot problems can also have balance and alignment
problems. Soft foot refers to the gaps that develop between a motor’s mounting foot and the foundation. As
the motor or drive “flexes” on its soft foot, the resulting misalignment can produce bearing problems. The
condition of the mounting feet should be periodically inspected. If the grout is damaged or if the shims or
mounting bolts have come loose, it should be connected and the motor/drive alignment rechecked.

Slide 24: Belt Checks

About a third of motors use belt drives and the majority of those are V-belts. V-belt drives can have a peak
efficiency of 95% to 98% at the time of installation. Efficiency is also dependent on pulley size, driven
torque, under or over-belting, and belt design and construction. However efficiency deteriorates by as much
as 5% (to a nominal efficiency of 93%) over time if slippage occurs because the belt is not periodically

Slide 25: Predictive Maintenance & Condition Monitoring

Now let’s look at predictive maintenance and condition monitoring.

Vibration analysis: Commercial vibration analyzers read and evaluate the vibration signature of a motor or
other rotating machinery. Recording the vibration characteristics at different points in a motor’s operating
life can reveal trends that indicate developing problems.

Slide 26: Lubricant Analysis

Lubricant analysis can indicate bearing problems as well as whether the lubricant should be replaced.
Lubricants are usually changed permanently by heat. This is useful in detecting problems, especially
intermittent ones. A bearing problem that develops under infrequent operating conditions may not be
detected by conventional methods unless that load condition happens to occur during the measurement.

Slide 27: Infrared Scanning

Infrared (IR) scanning (thermography) is an effective method of determining the condition of insulation and
the integrity of a connection. Bearings that begin to run hot or connections that become weak and create
more resistance will show as hot spots on an IR scan. In motors, weakened insulation may show as a
high-temperature area on the stator. Measuring the temperature of a motor at intervals helps to identify
trends. Misaligned or unbalanced couplings will also show as hot during an IR scan. To avoid false
positives, IR scanning should be performed by someone trained in thermography.

Slide 28: Electrical Motor Diagnostics

Electrical motor diagnostics (EMD) are a variety of techniques to check the condition of the electric motor
circuit, including data about the winding and ground insulation system, and analysis of current in order to
detect rotor, air-gap, and load-related faults.

Slide 29: Maintenance of Stored or Idle Motors

Lastly, what about stored or idle motors? They need maintenance too. Motors that operate infrequently,
such as those in backup applications, should be activated periodically to keep the bearing surfaces
lubricated and to prevent problems. To prevent bearing problems in motors that are stored, the shaft
should be rotated periodically.

Slide 30: The Right Motor & Transmission

Choosing a motor relies on the principal operating characteristics, which are power, speed, and torque.

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Motors: A Performance Opportunity Roadmap Transcript

Other important considerations include efficiency, power supply, motor enclosure, slip, power factor, and
operating temperature.

Slide 31: Choosing Efficient Motors

Motors with special classifications for excellent efficiency and premium efficiency have been designed
specifically to increase operating efficiency compared to standard motors. Design improvements focus on
reducing intrinsic motor losses.

Some examples of these motors are described in our class on “Efficient Motor Control with Power Drive
Systems”, and should be considered for new motor procurements and when specifying motor-driven
equipment. They should also be considered when repairing or rewinding failed standard efficiency motors
or as replacements for older, operable lower-efficiency motors— particularly when the existing motor has
been rewound or is oversized and underloaded. Such motors are particularly cost-effective when annual
operation exceeds 2,000 hours, where utility rates are high, when motor repair costs are a significant
fraction of the price of a replacement motor, or where electric utility motor rebates or other conservation
incentives are available. They may cost 10% to 15% more than others. The higher cost will often be paid
back rapidly through reduced operating costs, particularly in new applications or end-of-life motor

Annual energy savings are dependent upon operating profile, duty cycle, and efficiency gain.

Slide 32: Choosing Efficient Motors

What is a 1% improvement in energy efficiency worth? It can be significant over the lifetimes of the motor
—even for quite small motors as small as 18 kW or 25 horsepower. This chart is available for download, and
you can enter your own currency and electricity rate.

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Slide 33: Causes of Oversizing

The efficiency of a motor is closely related to its load. Under-loading increases motor losses and reduces
motor efficiency. This is probably the most common cause of inefficiencies for several reasons:

Machine and equipment manufacturers tend to use a large safety factor when selecting the motor.

Equipment is often under-utilized. For example, machine tool equipment manufacturers provide for a motor
rated for the full capacity load of the equipment. In practice, the user may rarely need this full capacity,
resulting in under-loaded operation most of the time.

Large motors are selected to enable the output to be maintained at the desired level even when input
voltages are abnormally low.

Large motors are selected for applications requiring a high starting torque but where a smaller motor that is
designed for high torque would have been more suitable.

Hence motor size should be selected based on careful evaluation of the load.

Slide 34: Replacing Oversized Motors

What to do if you already have motors and need to decide if they should be replaced? It depends:

When replacing an oversized motor with a smaller motor, it is important to consider the potential efficiency
gain. Larger motors have inherently higher rated efficiencies than smaller motors. Therefore, replacement
of motors operating at 60 – 70% of capacity or higher is generally not recommended. On the other hand
there are no rigid rules governing motor selection and the savings potential needs to be evaluated on a
case-by-case basis. For example, if a smaller motor is an energy efficient motor and the existing motor is
not, then the efficiency could improve.

If the motor is significantly oversized and underloaded, at <50% of rated load, analysis may show that it is
more cost effective to replace them with properly sized models, and to take the opportunity to buy a more
efficient motor at the same time.

If the motor is moderately oversized and underloaded, at 50-60% of rated load, it is less likely to make
economic sense to replace them now. Instead, replace them with more efficient, properly sized models
when they fail.

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Lastly, for motors which are properly sized at 60 – 100% of rated load, but so-so efficiency, in general they
should be replaced when they fail with units with better energy efficiency.

Slide 35: Changing from Delta to Star Mode

For motors consistently operated at loads below 40% of capacity, an inexpensive and effective measure is
to electrically downsize the motor by reconfiguring the wiring, changing from standard “delta” operation to
“star“ mode. This involves re-configuring wiring of the three phases of power input at the terminal box. Star
and delta mode are described in our class on “Efficient motor control”. “Please note that ‘star’ mode is
sometimes referred to as ‘wye’ (Y) mode”.

Operating in star mode leads to reduced speed and voltage. Voltage is reduced by factor ‘√3’.
Performance characteristics as a function of load remain unchanged. Thus, motors in star mode have a
higher efficiency and power factor when in full-load operation than partial load operation in the delta mode.

However, motor operation in the star mode is possible only for applications where the torque - to - speed
requirement is lower at reduced load. Rated torque and acapacity is reduced by a third when connected in
star mode. In addition, conversion to star mode should be avoided if the motor is connected to a production
facility with an output that is related to the motor speed (as the motor speed reduces in star mode). For
applications with high initial torque and low running torque requirements, Delta-Star starters are also
available, which help to overcome high initial torque.

Slide 36: Sizing for Variable Load

But how do you choose the right motor if the load varies?

Motor selection based on the highest anticipated load makes the motor more expensive as the motor would
operate at full capacity for short periods only, and it carries the risk of motor under-loading.

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Using the load duration curve of a particular application is a better alternative. This means that the selected
motor rating is slightly lower than the highest anticipated load and would occasionally overload for a short
period of time. This is possible as manufacturers design motors with a service factor (usually 15% above
the rated load) to ensure that running motors above the rated load once in a while will not cause significant

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Slide 37: Sizing for Variable Load

The biggest risk is overheating, which adversely affects motor life and efficiency and increases operating
costs. Overheating can occur with:
Extreme load changes, such as frequent starts / stops, or high initial loads
Frequent and/or long periods of overloading
Limited ability for the motor to cool down, for example at high altitudes, in hot environments or when motors
are enclosed or dirty

A criteria in selecting the motor rating is therefore that the weighted average temperature rise over the
actual operating cycle should not be greater than the temperature rise under continuous full-load operation

Where loads vary substantially with time, speed control methods can be applied in addition to proper motor

Slide 38: Choosing Belts

About one-third of the electric motors in the industrial and commercial sectors use belt drives. Belt drives
provide flexibility in the positioning of the motor relative to the load. Pulleys (sheaves) of varying diameters
allow the speed of the driven equipment to be increased or decreased.

In our class on “Efficient Motor Control with Power Drive Systems” the effect of pulley size and belts is
discussed in more detail, including choosing cogged or synchronous belts to improve efficiency.

Slide 39: Speed Control

Speed control is covered in depth in our classes on “Active Energy Efficiency with Speed Control” and its
impact in particular systems such as fans, pumps and air compressors are covered in the classes on those

Motors in machines are often ignored by staff members. Whenever possible machines should be turned
off when not in use, especially during work breaks, halts in production and job changes. If the motors are
needed at specific times, timer switches will be helpful.

Slide 40: Electrical Distribution & Power Quality

Our next topic is electrical distribution and power quality. The consequences range from reduced
performance characteristics to motor damage to complete motor failure. Sophisticated motor systems
employ technologies such as soft-starters, drives, and stepper motors along with programmable logic
controllers (PLCs). These motor systems and others nearby are often sensitive to and affected by poor
power quality.

Slide 41: Electrical Distribution & Power Quality

Power quality is a growing concern in industry as more processes are being automated and more
computers are being used to control and monitor equipment. Since digital equipment often must be reset or
resynchronized after a power disturbance, power problems can be quite costly. For example, in plastics
extrusion processes plastics or resins might solidify in production equipment during a process interruption.
Clearing the equipment of solidified plastics can be costly and time-consuming. In pharmaceutical and other
mixing or time-sensitive processes, expensive batches can be lost if a power quality problem strikes at the
wrong time.

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These are the primary problems associated with in-plant electric distribution systems and power quality:

• Voltage problems, including unbalances, outages, sags, transients and surges, harmonics, and other
signal distortions
• Poor power factor
• Electromagnetic interference

PET bottling pictures used with permission from Atlas Copco Group

Slide 42: Voltage Problems

Voltage problems are basically any deviations in a normal waveform.

Interruptions or Outages. Interruptions or outages, the most noticeable problem, are momentary power
losses caused by faults from either internal or external events.

Sags. A voltage sag is a decrease in the magnitude of voltage from 10% to 90% that lasts anywhere from
half a cycle up to one minute. Voltage sags can cause protective devices such as relays to de-energize, and
can also create problems with process control equipment and VFDs.

Overvoltage and Undervoltage. Motors are designed to operate with +/– 10% of their rated voltage.
However, even within this range, changes in the voltage supplied can affect a motor’s performance,
efficiency, and power factor. Ideally, deviations in the voltage supplied to a motor system should be less
than +/– 2%. Changes in the voltage supplied to induction motors can affect their performance significantly.
For example, a decrease in the voltage supplied can decrease torque while increasing slip and increasing
the current drawn. Many motors are equipped with an undervoltage relay that de-energizes the motor
under low voltage conditions to prevent damage from the high current draw. Conversely, increasing the
motor’s voltage can improve torque and increase efficiency of a fully loaded motor but decrease efficiency
of a part loaded motor.

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Sizing motors to operate at 80% voltage is a major cause of oversizing.

Transients and Surges. Transients and surges are often the result of a large switching activity, such as
energizing capacitor banks. In areas with large inductive loads, utilities will energize capacitor banks to
increase the power factor, improve voltage, and reduce the system stresses that accompany large reactive
loads. Unfortunately, energizing these capacitor banks can create transient voltage surges that affect
sensitive equipment. Lightning is another common cause of transients. The enormous amount of energy in
a lightning strike can destroy controllers and equipment. Proper system grounding is essential to minimize
the risk of equipment damage; however, sensitive equipment such as computers and automated control
systems usually require additional protection. Dedicated transient voltage surge suppression (TVSS)
devices are recommended for highly sensitive equipment.

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Slide 43: Voltage Problems

So what causes these voltage problems?

The voltage problems mentioned so far can be caused by utility system events such as:
Equipment failure
Power line contact with trees or vehicles

They can also often caused by in-plant events or activities:

Changes in loads associated with daytime, nighttime, and seasonal operation
Motors with high starting currents
Improperly sized transformers
Undersized conductors
Poor connections
Sources of low power factor in the distribution system
Activities at a neighboring facility that pull large currents

Slide 44: Voltage Problems

Another voltage problem is unbalances. Three-phase electrical systems should have three vectors, each of
equal magnitude and out of phase by 120°. An unbalanced system has differences between any two of the
three phases. A voltage unbalance results in a current unbalance, which can significantly reduce the
efficiency of a motor. An unbalance will also reduce the life of the motor because of the excess heat
generated in the stator and rotor assembly.

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Voltage unbalance can be caused by factors such as:

The power supplier
A nonsymmetrical distribution of single-phase loads, in which a disproportionate share of single-phase
loads is placed on one of the three phases
An open circuit on one phase
Different-sized cables carrying the three phases
Selection of the wrong taps on the distribution transformer
Single phase loads that create low power factors

Slide 45: Voltage Problems

When a voltage unbalance reaches 5%, the phase currents can differ by as much as 40%, and temperature
increases of as much as 40°C or 72°F can occur. This can quickly lead to motor damage or failure.
Therefore, phase voltages in a plant should be monitored, and if the unbalance exceeds 1%, corrective
action should be taken.

Methods for correcting unbalanced voltages include:

Balance single phase loads equally among all phases

Segregate single phase loads which disturb the load balance and feed them from a separate line or
Have the utility correct any supply voltage unbalance

Slide 46: Voltage Problems

Harmonics are a form of signal distortion superimposed on the supply waveform. This creates a jagged
appearance to the sine wave.

Harmonics negatively affect the performance of inductive machines, such as transformers and induction
motors. They increase the amount of heat generated in motor windings for a particular load. Harmonics also
interfere with the accuracy of sensitive control and communication equipment.

Electrical equipment is often rated to handle a certain amount of total harmonic distortion (a common value
is 5%). Harmonics are created by large nonlinear loads such as welders and variable frequency drives. To

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minimize the effect of harmonics, many facilities install filtering devices and isolation transformers with
VFDs. As a rule of thumb, the line length between a VFD and a motor should be as short as possible.

Slide 47: Power Factor

Power factor is covered in our Energy University class on “Power Factor and Harmonics”. Many electric
utility companies charge additional fees (power factor penalties) if the power factor of the plant falls below
0.90. Since a typical induction motor operates at around 85% power factor, many facilities with large motor
systems and low power factors face stiff penalties on the bill if it is not corrected. Low power factor can also
be caused by idling or lightly loaded motors and by operating equipment at above the rated voltage.

Slide 48: Power Factor

Low power factor can be corrected by installing capacitors at a particular motor, at a motor control center for
a series of motors, or at the utility point of delivery, whichever is more appropriate. However, capacitors
should never be installed directly at the motor terminals, where the capacitors are switched on and off with
the motor contactor. This can lead to surges that damage the windings. In some facilities, large
synchronous motors are used to add a leading power factor component to the distribution system.

The capacitors do not improve the power factor of the motors, but correct the effects. The benefits include:
reduced kVA demand, and hence reduced utility demand charges
reduced line currents and hence lower heat losses in cables upstream of the capacitor, providing reduced
energy charges
reduced voltage drop in the cables leading to improved voltage regulation, and
an increase in the overall efficiency of the plant electrical system

Slide 49: Electromagnetic Interference

Pulse width modulated VFDs can generate significant levels of electromagnetic interference (EMI), or
noise, that is both radiated from the drive and conducted in conduit, cable tray, and ground wires. This noise
is generated by high-frequency switching of the voltage. Because the switching is so rapid, the noise can be
in the megahertz range. At these high frequencies, noise couples easily into grounding conductors. The
noise can cause failures in electronic circuits such as computers, control circuits, and communications.
There are several ways to mitigate this noise. One is to use a common choke mode or filter on the output of
the drive. Another is to enclose the entire motor feeder in metal conduit, from the drive to the motor.

Slide 50: Solutions

Facilities that have problems with equipment overheating, controllers that operate poorly, frequent sags,
and so on should perform a power quality review. This helps to locate the causes and find cost-effective
solutions. Hand-held power quality monitoring devices are becoming quite inexpensive. Many hand-held
devices can record voltage and current waveforms that can be played back later on a personal computer for
further analysis. Special power meters can be installed to permanently monitor the electrical system and
provide early warning of impending problems and store data for future evaluation.

Soft-Starting Devices can be used to limit the starting current. Types of soft-starters include special motor
controllers and most VFDs, which can usually limit starting currents to one and one-half to two times the
motor’s rated operating current.

Slide 51: Solutions

Transient voltage surge suppressors (TVSSs) are designed to prevent sudden voltage surges from
damaging sensitive equipment such as computers, numerically controlled equipment, controllers, and
instrumentation. These devices usually contain metal oxide varistors (MOVs) configured to provide a path
for current to flow away from the equipment during a transient event, both highly damaging voltage surges
and less noticeable transients that do not cause an immediate equipment failure but increase the

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Motors: A Performance Opportunity Roadmap Transcript

cumulative wear on equipment and shorten life.

Slide 52: Solutions

Isolation Transformers are used to filter damaging signal surges, noise, and harmonics to prevent them
from reaching sensitive equipment. These devices are almost always used with VFDs over 750 kW (1,000
hp), but are also used with smaller applications. The drawbacks include slight efficiency losses, the
introduction of another possible failure mode, and additional maintenance required for the transformer.

In facilities using VFDs sophisticated filters can be used to prevent high-frequency harmonics from entering
the power supply and disturbing other sensitive equipment. Also, keep the distance from the drive to the
motor to within 15 metres or 50 feet. If a longer distance is required, consider using output filters to reduce
potential overvoltage transients. Separate input power, output power, and communication cables by at least
30 cm or 12 inches to minimize the EMI to control circuits. Install input, output power, and controls in
separate metal conduit or use metal shielding between them if they are in adjacent cable trays. If there are
trips due to momentary high or low voltage, check with the manufacturer to determine if the trip settings
bandwidth can be increased. Consider automatic restart (flying restart) to mitigate trips caused by
overvoltage or undervoltage, if an automatic restart is appropriate for the end-use and can be done safely.

Slide 53: Solutions

What are some other solutions?

Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems (UPS) should be considered for plants in which voltage sags or
power interruptions can be particularly costly.

On-Site Power Generation can be used for cogeneration and to provide backup, standby, and emergency

System Monitoring Software is available to continuously evaluate power quality and support the engineer or
operator to make better decisions regarding the type of equipment required to correct the power quality

Slide 54: Evaluating a Repair Center

When a motor breaks down the owner has two options – repair or replace.

If a repair is called for, it’s beneficial to already have a repair center lined up. This reduces the time needed
to choose a repair center when the motor is waiting for repair, and increases the likelihood of good service.

Slide 55: Evaluating a Repair Center

Some factors to consider when evaluating the repair center include:

Is it their primary market? Do they do a significant amount of work on motors of the type and size that you
are likely to submit? For example, a plant that uses small induction motors should avoid a service center
whose “bread and butter” is locomotive motor-generator sets. If you use a wide range of motor types select
two or more appropriate, qualified repair service centers, as needed.

Do they have the relevant tools and facilities? It is difficult to conduct thorough diagnostics and verify repairs
without having equipment like surge testers and a well-regulated power supply. The service center must be
able to handle the largest motors you expect to submit. For example, the winding heads must be able to

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Energy University
Motors: A Performance Opportunity Roadmap Transcript

duplicate the original winding patterns.

Repair materials should be well stocked, such as electrical insulation materials and wires in various sizes.
Or they should be able to obtain the sizes needed quickly in order to meet your turnaround requirements.

Is the staff stable, knowledgeable, experienced, and well-trained?

Recordkeeping is important since a record of past problems and remedies can be invaluable for diagnosing
or preventing new problems and resolving warranty issues. Some use computer systems and many service
centers keep good records on job cards.

Cleanliness is almost intuitively associated with good quality management. This is more than a matter of
aesthetics, because most of the materials and supplies used in a motor service center need to be protected
from contamination, and tools need to be well kept and calibrated.

Finally, it is important for the center to maintain high levels of quality. Ideally, this includes a formal quality
management system involving third-party inspections and certification. Service center managers should be
able to point to documents that provide standards, operating procedures, and important records.

Slide 56: Summary

Let’s summarize some of the information that we have discussed in this course.

Seven key steps on the path to energy efficiency motor systems are:

Assess your motors as the first step

Have a motor management program covering rewinds, purchasing and spares
Attend to maintenance: including cleaning, checking insulation and shaft alignment
Choose the right motor: this includes premium efficiency motors, avoiding oversizing, and sizing for variable
Use speed control
Fix electrical distribution and power quality issues, including voltage imbalances and voltage drops
Lastly, select a good repair center

Slide 57: Thank You!

Thank you for participating in this course.

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