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Lesson Plan in Mathematics Grade 8

I. Objectives:
At the end of the learning activities, the students should be able to:
1. identify polynomials which are special products: trinomials that are product of two binomials,
trinomials that are product of squares of a binomial, and products of sum and difference of two
2. find special products of certain polynomials: product of two binomials, product of the sum and
difference of two terms, and a square of a binomial.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: “Special Product”
B. Value Focus: Helpfulness
C. Materials: LCD Projector, Laptop, Manila paper, pentel pen
D. References: Grade 8 Math Module 1, pp. 7 – 28;
UBD Teaching Guide

III. Developmental Activity:

A. Preliminary Activity:
1. Pre-assessment
2. Activity 1: “Pass the Bottle” (Review on Laws on Exponent and Multiplication of

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation:
Activity 2: Picture Analysis

1. What have you observe in the following pictures?
2. Can you see different patterns in the given pictures?
3. Why do you think God- the creator includes patterns around us?
4. What do you think our environment looks like if there were no patterns?

Activity 3: Repeating patterns (Individual activity)

Look at the patterns in each row. Fill in the blanks by drawing the shapes that continue the

How do you find the next answers? Are patterns useful in finding your answers? Do you
know that patterns are also useful in finding products of polynomials? Would you like to
know the easy way in finding products by using patterns? Are you now ready to learn special
2. Presentation
Today, you will learn more about Special Product.
a. Unlocking of Difficulties
Special Product is the process of finding products by following a patterns or rules.
b. Activity 4.
Directions: You will be divided into four groups. Select a leader, a recorder, and a reporter. In
your group, investigate, discuss and complete the table below. Then answer the questions and
record your group answers.

Expressions Solutions Steps Used

= (4x2) (3x2y) Copy the original expression.
1. (4x2) (3x2y) =? = 12x4y Multiply the terms.
= 3(2x2 + x - 4) Copy the original expression.
2. 3(2x2 + x - 4) =? = 3(2x2) + 3(x) – 3(4) Use the distributive property.
=________________________ Multiply the terms.
= (3k+m) (4k-m)
3. (3k + m) (4k- m) =? = ________________________ Use the distributive property.
= 12k2 – 3km + 4km – m2 _________________________
= _________________________ Combine similar terms.
= _________________________ Copy the original expression.
4. (x-2) (x+5) =? = x(x) + x(5) -2(x) -2(5) ________________________
= _________________________ Multiply the terms.
= x2 + 3x – 10
5. (a + 3)2 = (a + 3)(a + 3) ______________________
= ___________________ Use distributive property
= a2 + 3a + 3a + 9 Multiply the terms
= ___________________ ______________________
6. (y – 4)(y – 4) = ___________________ Copy the original expression
= ___________________ Use distributive property
= ___________________ Multiply the terms
= ___________________ Combine similar terms
7. (x – 2)(x + 2) = (x – 2)(x + 2) ______________________
= x(x) + x(2) – 2(x) – 2(2) ______________________
= x2 + 2x – 2x – 4 ______________________
= x2 – 4 ______________________

1. Explain the distributive property. When do we apply such property?
2. What pattern was used in multiplying a monomial to a polynomial like the expressions
in numbers 1 and 2?
3. What pattern/method of multiplying binomial to a binomial was utilized in finding the
product of the expressions in numbers 3 to 7?
4. In (3k+m) (4k-m), what are:
a. the first terms?
b. the outer terms?
c. the inner terms?
d. the last terms?
5. In (3k+m) (4k-m), what is the product of its:
a. First terms?
b. Outer terms?
c. Inner terms?
d. Last terms?
6. State and explain the pattern “FOIL” method of multiplying binomial to a binomial.
7. Can you apply “FOIL” method in finding the product of the expressions in numbers 3
to 7? If yes, how? Discuss the answer within the group.
8. Aside from “FOIL” method, can you find other pattern that could be apply in
multiplying two binomials in the expressions from number 5 to 7? If yes, solve the
expressions from number 5 to 7 using the pattern found.
3. Fixing Skills:
Activity 5: Gallery Walk
You will be divided into four groups. Each group will work on each case given. You will find
the indicated product of the expressions that will be handed to your group. Post your answers
on your group station. Then I will give you time to walk around the classroom and observe
the answers of the other groups. Note the answer that needs correction and post it on the board
in order to check.


1. (5m + 7)(m – 7) = 1. (3m + 4)(m – 3) =

2. (x + 4) (x + 4) = 2. (k + 6) (k + 6) =
3. (2x + 5)2 = 3. (3x + 2)2 =
4. (x – 2y)2 = 4. (x – y)2 =
5. (5m + 7)(5m – 7) = 5. (2b + 3)(2b – 3) =


1. (5t + 6)(t + 1) = 1. (3r + 2)(2r + 3) =

2. (w + 7) (w + 7) = 2. (w + 11) (w + 11) =
3. (3x + 9)2 = 3. (5x + 10)2 =
4. (x – 6)2 = 4. (x – 2)2 =
5. (10m + 4)(10m – 4) = 5. (m + 8)(m – 8) =

4. Application:
Activity 6: Decision, Decision, Decision! (Activity by Pair)
Help each person decide what to do by applying your knowledge on special products on each
1. Jem Boy wants to make his 8 meters square pool into a rectangular one by increasing its
length by 2 m and decreasing its width by 2 m. Jem Boy asked your expertise to help him
decide on certain matters.
a. What will be the new dimensions of Jem Boy’s pool?
b. What will be the new area of Jem Boy’s pool? What special product will be use?
c. If the sides of the square pool are unknown, how will you represent its area?
d. If Jem Boy does not want the area of his pool to decrease, will he pursue his plan?
Explain your answer.

5. Values Integration:
How did you find the activity? Can you help anyone who needs your help? In what way/s can
you help the most in need?

6. Generalization
How can you identify the product of a square of a binomial? a sum and difference of two terms?
the product of two binomials? How can you find the special product of certain polynomials:
product of two binomials, product of the sum and difference of two terms, and a square of a
IV. Evaluation
A. Multiple Choice. Choose the correct answer in each of the following.
1. What is the product of x + y and x – y?
a. x2 – y2 b. x2 + 2xy + y2 c. x2 – 2xy + y2 d. 2x – 2y
2. Find the missing expression: 4(x + y2) = ________.
a. 4x + y2 b. 4x2 + 4xy2 + y2 c. 4x + 4y2 d. 4x + 4y
3. If y + 5 is multiply by itself, what is the product?
a. y2 + 5y + 25 b. y2 + 5y + 10 c. y2 + 10y + 25 d. y2 + 25
4. Which expression is a perfect square trinomial?
a. x2 – 10x + 25 b. x2 + 8x – 9 c. a2 + a + ¼ d. both a and b
5. Which mathematical statement is correct?
a. (2x-y)(3x-y) = 6x2 – 5x2y2 + y2 b. (4x-5)(4x-5) = 16x2 + 25
c. (3x-4)(2x+7) = 6x + 13x – 28 d. (2x + 5)2 = 4x2 + 25
6. Your classmate was asked to square (2x-3), he answered 4x 2 – 9. Is his answer correct?
a. Yes, because squaring a binomial always produces a binomial product.
b. Yes, because product rule is correctly applied.
c. No, because squaring a binomial always produces a trinomial product.
d. No, because the answer must be 4x2 + 9
B. Provide an example of each of the following.
1. Product of two binomials
2. Product of the square of the sum of two terms
3. Product of the square of the difference of two terms
4. Product of the sum and difference of two terms

V. Assignment/Agreement:
Directions: Write at least three application problems using the skills learned in special product.

5 4 3 2 1
Accuracy/ Ideas are very Ideas are clear, Ideas are not Ideas are not No attempt to
Organization clear, computations so clear, with clear, with do the activity.
(50%) computations are very 1-2 errors in more than 2
are very accurate, and computations, errors in
accurate, and concepts are and some computations.
concepts are well concepts are
very well manifested. not
manifested. manifested.
Authenticity Problems are 2 problems are 1 problem is Problems are No attempt to
(20%) very real and not so real or not true or not real. do the activity
originated true to life. real.
from true-to-
Neatness No erasures With 1-2 With 3-5 With more No attempt to
(20%) and very neat. erasures and erasures and than 5 erasures do the activity
neat. not so neat. and not neat.
Creativity Interesting, Colorful but Not colorful Without color No attempt to
(10%) colorful, and not so creative. and not so application and do the activity
creative. creative. no creativity.

Prepared by:

Teacher II

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