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Bill of Quantity

Project Interior and Furnishing

UOLA Volkslift - Yogyakarta

No. Jenis Pekerjaan


A. Backdrop Utama, ukuran 7.5 x 0.25 x 3.5 m

1 Backdrop Panel + Lighting
2 Pintu Kaca Frameless (Swing, Kupu Tarung)
3 Huruf Timbul "UOLA- VOLKSLIFT"
4 Huruf Timbul "GERMANY"

B. Backdrop Samping Kanan, ukuran 5.5 x 1.5 x 3.5 m

1 Hood/Partisi Panel + Lighting, uk. 2.2 x 1.6 x 2.8 m
2 Huruf Timbul "VOLKSLIFT"
3 Stage, uk. 3.8 x 1.6 x 0.1 m
4 Photo Wall

C. Backdrop Samping Kiri, ukuran 5.5 x 2.5 x 3.5 m

1 Backdrop Panel, uk. 5.2 x 0.06 x 2.7 m
2 Cat Duco Dinding

D. Area Meja Reception, ukuran 5.0 x 2.6 x 0.86 m

1 Meja Reception, uk. 4.0 x 0.6 x 0.86 m
2 Staging Meja Receptio2, uk. 5.0 x 2.6 x 0.1 m
3 Stiker Cutting tulisan UOLA VOLKSLIFT GERMANY

E. Pekerjaan Treatment Atap, ukuran 7.5 x 5.5 m

1 Cat Atap, uk. 7.5 x 5.5 m
2 Kap Lampu Atas Kursi Tamu
3 Lampu Spot Atas Stage Kanan

1 Kursi Petugas Reception
2 Kursi Hadap
3 Kursi Sofa Tamu 1 seater
4 Barstool
5 Coffee Table untuk Sofa Tamu
6 Meja Tinggi
Harga Satuan Jumlah Harga Rp.
Bahan Baku QTY Sat Rp.

Blockboard, fin. Duco Spray + LED Strip + Downlite LED 1 set 24,293,990 24,293,990
Kaca tempered 12 mm + Engsel ex Dorma + Handle 1 set 7,500,000 7,500,000
t : 40cm, Acrylic 20mm + Stiker Cutting + Lighting 14 pcs 461,250 6,457,500
t : 18 cm, Acrylic 20mm + Stiker Cutting + Lighting 7 unit 215,600 1,509,200
Sub Total Rp.

Blockboard, fin. Duco Spray + LED Strip 1 set 12,618,480 15,610,000

t : 24 cm, Acrylic 20mm + Stiker Cutting + Lighting 9 pcs 325,500 2,929,500
Blockboard, fin. Duco Spray + LED Strip + Downlite LED 1 set 10,416,000 10,416,000
Wallpaper Photo Wall + Pasang 21 m² 240,000 5,040,000
Sub Total Rp.

Blockboard, fin. Duco Spray + LED Strip + Lampu2 1 set 19,567,240 19,567,240
Cat Duco ex. Nippe, Biru 19.25 m² 365,000 7,026,250
Sub Total Rp.

Blockboard, fin. Duco Spray + LED Strip + Lampu2 1 set 13,335,000 13,335,000
Blockboard, fin. Duco Spray + LED Strip + Lampu2 1 set 16,275,000 16,275,000
Sticker Cutting 1.2 m² 420,500 504,600
Sub Total Rp.

Cat Tembok, ex. Mowilex 41.5 m² 25,500 1,058,250

Blockboard, fin. Duco Spray + Lampu2 1 set 1,280,000 1,280,000
LED Spot + Instalasi 4 pcs 780,000 3,120,000
Sub Total Rp.

Kursi ex. Chairman 2 pcs 1,800,000

Kursi ex. Chairman 3 pcs 1,550,000
Rangka Kayu, Busa + Cushion Upholstery 4 pcs 1,750,000
Standard 4 pcs 720,500
Blockboard, fin. Duco Spray + Kaca Bening 10 mm 1 pcs 1,650,000
Metal 1 pcs 2,100,000
Sub Total Rp.
Sub Total Rp. Total Rp.







Grand Total Rp. 145,493,030

Surakarta, 27 April 2018

Prasetyo Widada

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