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A Proposed Students Dormitory Compound: A Study on Enhancing Spatial behavior

through Engaging Transformative Design Approach


Today most of the schools and universities are likely located in the downtown area of

the city, and these schools might be requiring night classes and tons of schoolwork. Some

students live nearby colleges or universities, and others live in the suburbs. Universities and

schools provide students dormitories to accommodate them, especially those who live far.

However, these dormitories only provide sleeping spaces; also, some eliminate the

productiveness, peaceful, pleasant, and secure atmosphere. Somehow, it has a negative

ambience making the students and other occupants unproductive. Thus, making the students

go to the places that they can usually do their works.

The Project is located in Padre Gomez St., Davao City to accommodate the students

from Ateneo De Davao University, Holy Child School of College, University of the Immaculate

Conception and other occupants. The development shall use the transformative design

approach to help the students and other occupants to learn while they experience it. First,

creating a space intended for learning, active, and relaxing. As a result, it gives opportunities

not to go to the places that they usually do their work but stay in the dormitory compound and

be more productive with their lives. Second, emphasize a cultural intervention as design and

concept to the dormitory to enlighten them with the culture of their own. Thirdly, providing an

excellent environment to bring a peaceful and pleasant atmosphere to them, eliminating the

outside vibe of the streets. Lastly, a transformative design that allows the dormitory to connect

with the students and other occupants.

This study aims to design students’ dormitory compound in to improve the occupant

state. Considering the behavioral, physiological, intellectual, emotional and spiritual aspect of

the students and other occupants. With the Dormitory that uplifts the quality of life for the
students and other occupants to help transform them and sharpen the experience and

transformation so they can live a better life being aware of themselves.

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