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Based on table 1.0, it shows seven items which was use in assessing the group's
performance during the Rizal and Other Heroes' Booth. There were a total of 98 students
who participated in the survey. According to the table, the venue used in the timeline
booth, the length of the activity, the materials and handouts, discussion and sharing,
participants and the entire activity in general has an average weighted mean of 4.71, 4.63,
4.77, 4.73, 4.78, 4.65 and 4.74 respectively and has a verbal description of excellent.
Table 1.0
Venue 4.71 Excellent
Length of activity 4.63 Excellent
Materials/Handouts 4.77 Excellent
Discussion/Sharing 4.73 Excellent
Resource Person 4.78 Excellent
Participants 4.65 Excellent
The entire activity in general 4.74 Excellent
Average Weighted Mean 4.72 Excellent
N=98 students Legend: 4.20-5.00 Excellent 2.60-3.39 Good 1.00-1.79 Poor
3.40-4.19 Very Good 1.80-2.59 Fair

The result of the survey implied that the venue of the timeline booth was excellently
suitable for the entire activity. The length of the activity was more than enough for the
students, judges and visitors to visit, enjoy, learn and adventure via words and pictures.
The booth was made with recyclable materials including cartons, sacks and bamboo
shoots that made the entirety of the booth looked ancient. The pictures used in the
timeline presentation were clear and visible because it came from large prints that made
the eyes of the visitors to took a glance and stare. The result also shows that the resource
speakers were very entertaining and knowledgeable about their assigned hero.
In connection, the participants got new learning and additional insights during the
discussion and tour. The dedication, eagerness and perseverance of the members and the
overall group effort made the timeline booth successful.

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