Skype Interview Tips For University

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Back in the day, people predicted a future that included "video calls" that would let you connect with
colleagues from the convenience of your home. The future is here, but what they failed to predict what a
pain it would be change out of your track pants and figure out lighting that doesn't make you look like
death warmed over. But fear not! Follow these tips to for your next Skype interview to ensure you can let
your qualifications shine through (and not your messy bedroom).

1. DO dress professionally, or at least choose clothes that are neat and clean. Yes, we know you are
working from home, but a crisp shirt is always preferable to your yoga clothes covered in cat hair.

 Related read: What NHL players can teach you about personal branding»

2. DON’T overlook your background. Look behind you. Is it distracting or untidy? Avoid boring blank
walls, but steer clear of cluttered bookshelves, a wall of family photos, uneven blinds or garish drapes. If
you have plants behind you, check how you look on screen before your call — you don’t want to look like
you’ve sprouted leaves or horns.

3. DO check your lighting before your live Skype interview. According to the Skype Workplace Blog, it’s
best to use at least four lights when Skyping. One directly overhead, one pointing slightly off-centre from
the upper part of your face, one on the opposite site, and one directed to the background. Tip: a plain
white piece of paper on the surface in front of you will reflect light to help you look your best.

4. DON’T use a laptop at your kitchen table or desk if it requires you to look down into the camera.
Gravity is not your friend when doing a Skype interview. Wrinkles, saggy skin and double chins magically
appear when you look down. Instead, sit on a lower stool, or raise the laptop with a few books so you’re
looking directly into the camera.

 Related read: 4 things to ask yourself before you quit»

5. DO keep pets and kids occupied during your interview. Plan to have all your little creatures safely off
camera for the duration of your video call. You want to keep anything that distracts from your
professional accomplishments to a minimum.

6. DO a trial run-through to make sure your camera, speakers, and mic are working. Skype with a friend
or family member a day before your real interview. Ask them about lighting, background, your outfit,
makeup if relevant, and positioning on camera, and make adjustments as needed.

7. DON’T go online without checking your appearance in the mirror. Messy hair, lettuce in your teeth, or a
wardrobe malfunction could sink your interview before you say a word.

13 tips to help you rock a Skype interview.

1. Look at the camera, not the screen.

It is very tempting to watch yourself or your interviewer during a Skype session, but looking directly at the
video camera is the only way to maintain direct eye contact with your interviewer.
2. Dress the part.
When it comes to what you wear, treat your Skype interview like an in-person interview and dress
professionally from head to toe (or at least from head to waist!). A professional dress code with video
interviews is expected, not excused.

3. Prepare your surroundings.

Pick a quiet place to interview without an elaborate backdrop so that you can be the focal point on the
screen. Remove anything distracting behind you and keep it neutral.

4. Practice makes perfect.

Doing a run through interview with a friend beforehand is helpful because your first few Skype calls are
likely to feel awkward, especially if you have to retrain yourself to watch the camera and not the screen.
Play around with everything beforehand so that when it's interview time, you can shine without being
distracted by the program.

5. Close other programs on your computer.

Getting Facebook notifications during your interview is distracting and unprofessional. Before your
interview, make sure all other windows on your computer are closed (especially if they make noise).

6. Use notes.
Don't be afraid to help yourself with post-it notes or a copy of your resume handy when you interview. A
benefit of having a Skype interview is that you can have a cheat sheet in front of you so that you don't
have to memorize everything you want to mention.

7. But don't rely too much on your notes.

Just make sure your notes are easily scannable so that you use them as quick reminders, not a script.
While having notes is certainly a plus, relying too heavily on them can cause awkward pauses during your
interview. An interviewer won't be impressed if they only see the top of your head during the interview, so
while having notes is good, be sure to use them sparingly.

RELATED: 5 factors to consider before accepting a job

RELATED: Tweets, not résumés, are trending

8. Avoid interruptions.
If you are interviewing in a house with multiple people or pets, be sure to let everyone in the house know
ahead of time that you will be in an interview while securing any animals away from your interview space.
Nothing is less professional than having to tell your potential employer to hang on while you shoo your dog
away from the camera.

9. Keep your profile professional.

Unlike an in-person or phone interview, your first impression during a Skype interview doesn't actually
involve you. The first thing your interviewer will see is your Skype username and picture, so double check
that they are both interview appropriate (or create a professional Skype account — after all, they're free!)
10. Watch your body language.
Not all physical cues translate from in-person interviews to Skype interviews, which make the ones that do
even more important. Be sure to have good posture and relax your shoulders to avoid stiffness.

11. Avoid a "Can you hear me now?" situation

Nothing is more frustrating than only catching every other word a person is saying, so be sure to tweak the
Skype audio ahead of time to make sure you can both hear and be heard without difficulty.

12. Make sure the interviewer is engaged.

Stop every once in awhile and make sure your interviewer is engaged in what you are saying. Being aware
of the interest level of your interviewer is crucial in a Skype interview since they may have interesting e-
mails pop up that direct attention away from you.

13. Follow up!

A thank-you letter is just as important after a Skype interview as it is in an in-person interview. Avoid
following up on Skype, though, unless the interviewer requests it!

How to Answer Common Admission

Interview Questions

So you've gone through the application process, but there's a final hurdle before you can gain admission. If
you’ve got a university admission interview coming up, you’re likely to be wondering how you can prepare,
and what questions you’re likely to face, which may be similar to those you might hear in a job interview.
Read on for an overview of the most common university admission interview questions, and advice on
how to answer them…

1. Why do you want to attend this university?


well known and reputable school

Acsenda offers me options to concentrate on a specialized area of business, to gain work
experience, and to earn credit toward a professional designation as i earn my degree.
I will study with students from all over the world. The faculty bring a variety of cultural and business
experiences to the classroom. I will learn how the global economy works, how to create and conduct
business in the global market place, and how to work with teams in a diverse and global workforce.
Classes are small which means more individual attention from instructors
This question is practically guaranteed to come up during your admission interview, and might be phrased slightly
differently, such as “What made you choose this university?” This question tests your knowledge of the university
and allows the interviewers to find out what motivates you. You should think about what makes you and the
university perfect for each other – like a higher education love match
Don’t just talk about the location being pretty or the course ‘sounding good’. Try to give detailed, thoughtful
reasons, by mentioning the department’s approach to your subject, or if it has particularly strong facilities for the
course. Don’t mention things like the nightlife or costs, and don’t say anything that indicates that you didn’t really
put much thought into your decision

2. Why do you want to study this subject?

This question is very important, as the interviewers want to know that you’re genuinely interested in your
subject and following it for the right reasons. Focus on how much you enjoy learning about the field, and
show how it fits in with career goals or other aspirations – but without mentioning how much you expect to
earn! Don’t say anything that implies you just went with what someone else suggested or picked the
subject because you perceive it to be ‘softer’ or easier to get a place for.
The BBA is a four-year undergraduate business program that prepares students to meet the
challenges of globalization, innovation and competitiveness. Concentrations within the BBA
provide options for in-depth study in a business subject that relates to your career objectives. Our
BBA graduates have the knowledge, skills and attributes that have led them to careers in
international business, marketing, accounting, human resources management and other fields of
Our four-year, full-time degree BBA program, with flexible admissions four times per year. more

3. What are you reading at the moment?

Especially likely when you’ve applied for a subject which involves a lot of reading (such as English
literature), this question will hopefully spark a discussion between you and the interviewers. Here it will of
course help if you’ve chosen some reading material which is in some way relevant to the course you’re
applying for – so plan this in advance if you can! You might also be asked what book you’ve most enjoyed
recently or what book has had a special meaning to you in some way. These questions don’t just let the
interviewers find out if you’re a keen reader or not, but also give them some insight into your personality,
and how genuinely interested you are in your chosen subject as well as other fields. It’s another chance to
let your passions come through, and show off your potential as an engaged and independent learner.

4. How would your friends describe you?

This question again gives you an opportunity to talk about your personality – and it’s worth thinking about
ahead of the admission interview. Although being ‘friendly, caring and a good listener’ is great, it’s
probably not going to particularly impress the interviewers. Try and say something more memorable and
meaningful, such as that you’re very determined or motivated; you’re a natural leader or a good
collaborator; or you’re always keen to have a go when challenges come up. Be honest, but focus on
highlighting your strengths. Try to back up what you say with examples, too.

5. What achievement are you most proud of?

The interviewers might specify that they want you to talk about an academic achievement, but even if they
don’t, this is probably a good area to stick to in your answer. You could talk about a prize you won during
your studies, a test you did particularly well in, or a coursework project you were especially proud of. Try
and mention an achievement which is quite recent, and talk about how it positively affected you.

6. What can you bring to the university?

This admission interview question invites you to sell yourself, and it can be tempting to exaggerate – but
try not to go over the top! Remember to back up what you say with examples; you could mention activities
you’ve been involved in at high school that show your contribution to the school’s community, such as a
debating society or helping to organize an event. “Why should we offer you a place?” is a similar question,
which might be asked at the end of the interview to wrap things up. In this case, you should summarize all
the key points that make you an ideal student for the course, and for the wider university community.

7. What is your greatest strength (and weakness)?

This question comes up a lot in job interviews too, and the interviewer might ask for more than one
strength or weakness. For the strengths part, as with the “How would friends describe you?” question, it’s
tempting to give a clichéd but safe answer, like “I’m a hard worker”. But again, admission interviewers are
looking for something more thoughtful, which is backed up with examples. The weakness side of the
question can be difficult, but if you’re honest, and talk about a weakness that you’ve taken steps to
improve on, then interviewers will be impressed by your self-awareness.
You can find more advice on getting admitted to university, including how to prepare for entrance exams,
in our Admissions Advice section.
20 Questions Of International Admission
Skype Interview | Study In Budapest|
Study In Hungary
21089 views 8 min , 17 sec read 16

Skype interview just as any other pre-requisites of an admission process is designed to test the language
and communication skills of international students who want to get into universities in Budapest, Hungary,
Central Europe.

Skype interviews require disciplined practise and concise answers, universities often conduct these
interviews as alternative to English Language test such as TOEFL and SAT and they are always lengthy
between 20-30 mins long, and covering your personal background, purpose of study and knowledge of
the country.

Without practise you could certainly find your self murmuring answers to questions you already know, so
we’ve put together sample questions and answers that could help you get prepared for Skype Interview
for top universities in Budapest such as Metropolitan university, International Business School or any
other Study in Budapest university.

1.) Please introduce yourself in a few sentences? This question often requires you to be concise, short
and not go into long stories about your life, the university just wants to know your personal and academic
background in a few lines, a simple answer could be
“Hi my name is John Doe, I am 24 years old, from Germany and recently graduated from high school with a
distinction and hoping to further my studies at your university”
2.) Why did you choose this particular program ? Don’t go answering about how you scored A(s) and
B(s) in high school or had a first class in undergraduate studies, this is a question that requires your in
depth knowledge of the course of study or chosen program , your answer should reflect that you know
and have passion for the program , a typical example could be:
“I have passion for Petroleum Engineering because i have always been fascinated with energy , and have
always seen myself excel incredibly in energy related subjects at my undergraduate studies and will like to
build a career path with a masters in Petroleum Engineering “
3.) What were your favourite subjects at high school , college , university? Did you have subjects
that you didn’t like at all? Why? This an indication that firstly as a student you did attend college and
you passed through your classes , not answering this question convincingly could mean that you either
were a dull student or you never attended college, and at the same time the question is meant to access
how strong your background interest in the program you have chosen is.
A bad example could be you failing in mathematics and physics but intending to study mechanical
engineering while on the other hand a good answer could be

” As a student I strive to excel in all my subjects but i really do not have a favourite subject but if i could
choose I will think that my favourite is Mathematics as i often see myself as a mechanical engineering
student and want to build my career along this path”
4.) What do you expect to learn at your chosen program? your main purpose to study abroad is to
learn about your chosen program , so you definitely need to be prepared to pick a few interesting things
about the program that you will share with the interviewer, you can read about program descriptions and
what you could be taught on the Study in Budapest Mobile app, if you haven’t downloaded the app yet
you can click here but the reason for this article is to give you tips , so a good answer could be
“I have chosen to study digital marketing as i would learn more about the new marketing techniques in the
digital age, with key focus on social and electronic media”
5.) How did you find our University?
We would think that this would be easy, as you most likely would have heard about the university through the Study
in Budapest mobile app but if you did hear about the university from another source be sure to explain the source
just for informative purpose, as this question may have little significance to your score.
6.) Which countries have you traveled to? A first time traveler’s motive is always considered to be
naive, its an edge to have traveled around the world, if you have considered studying abroad , the
interviewer may be curious to know if you are a frequent traveler or an economic migrant, let’s face it,
some student applications can be viewed as economic migrant if you have insufficient funding to live and
study in a country and have no history of ever traveling out of your country, so here is a good place to
state those short vacation trips or any other time you have traveled abroad , a good answer could be:
“I recently traveled to Zimbabwe with my family and enjoyed my stay there for vacation, it’s a beautiful
country and would definitely visit soon” OR
” I haven’t been a frequent traveler , even though i love to travel, but I consider studying abroad a strong
reason for traveling out of my country”
7.) If you haven’t been abroad yet, where would you travel if you had the chance? and Why? Simply
state a country that you always wish to travel to , it shouldn’t necessarily be same country you intend
studying at but if by any chance, your dream country is the country you want to study in , in this case
Budapest, Hungary, then you can answer
“Budapest, Hungary, has a beautiful scenery and I have always been fascinated about the culture and the
people” ( Note: you must be true to your descriptions and feeling as the answers in this article are only
8.) What do you know about Hungary or Budapest? You can’t want to travel to a country without
knowing about the country, so this one is easy to guess but hard to answer as a simple answer like
“Budapest is Beautiful” doesn’t do the magic , dig deeper , find out about the country you are traveling to ,
city guides, cost of living, security, culture, all these information can be found on your Study in Budapest
Mobile app, and remember to keep this short and approach your answer from general to specific. you
could answer
Budapest, is the capital of Hungary with an estimated population of 1Million people, and the countries
economic capital, the spoken language is Hungarian and the capital in divided by a river called the
“Danube”, Hungarians often say hello with a local dialect called “Szia”
9.) Why did you decide to Study in Europe or Budapest, Hungary ? Well we promised to give you
tips but definitely can’t answer all specifics related questions but since we are still on tips 🙂 you
most definitely have a reason why you chose Europe, don’t go answering “I love Europe because i want to
live there” that’s a No, No, red alert! switch you could go
“I love Europe because it has a huge cultural heritage and a good education system and has produced
great scholars and above all Hungary is relatively cheaper and safe when compared to other parts of
Europe for studies”
10.) How often would you travel back home during your studies? If you truly love your country and
your family , then there is a high chance that you would travel back home at least once, economic
migrants often never consider traveling back home , though it is not all applicants that are economic
migrants, remember that you are an international student and no matter how how much you love your
new country of study, you may at certain times visit your native country, so your ideal answer is this
situation could be
“I will at certain times visit my extended family, I love to travel and will most certainly consider traveling
back home once a year”
11.) What other universities did you consider before applying? Don’t be afraid to mention
other universities you have considered ahead of the one that is interviewing you, as this will not score you
low on points, this does not only shows that you have strong interest in studying abroad but it also shows
that you considered certain factors before selecting that particular university and the university will most
certainly be happy to hear it, you can read about different universities, their strength , history and courses
on your Study in Budapest Mobile App, you can answer the question this way
“I considered ” University X” but after reading through their course descriptions and checking their tuition
fees, I compared it with your university and yours presented me with a better price with exactly what I
wanted to learn “
12.) Who would support you financially during your studies? Now this particular question, you will
have to face it multiple times both at university interviews and at the embassy interview for your student
visa, it is one of the most important question through out the course of your studying abroad even when
you have arrived the country and intend to renew your residence permit, so be sure to pay attention to this
one. Now we believe that you want to study abroad because either you or your parent/guardian can
afford the fees and living cost, do not at anytime consider cost of living and fees to be a one time scale
through question, but for the purpose of this article we would explain why you need to take your time to
answer this question, if you are sponsoring yourself then you have to state
“I will be sponsoring myself for my postgraduate or undergraduate studies as i have adequate savings
during my full time work” but if you are sponsored by your parent or guardian you can answer elaboratively that”
My Father, is a doctor who works with the National Health institute in my country and he would be
sponsoring my education and living expenses through out my studies”
If you do not have sufficient funds to study abroad, please do not bother applying for paid admission
process, consider applying for a scholarship, you can find all the scholarships available in Budapest by
checking our article on “Scholarships in Budapest” and you can start your application for these
scholarships on the Study in Budapest Mobile App
13.) Do you have a job? Are you satisfied with it? If so, why would you quit it? If you have a Job and
you are not satisfied with it and would quit your job for your studies then there is totally nothing wrong with
that but be weary of your answer as this can rub off as desperation to exit a complicated or low standard
of living situation, but then again your answers should be truthful and honest at all times, so we would
expect that you will most certainly be on the positive side of things, so you could go with an answer that
looks like this
“My Job is interesting and challenging but I have decided to increase my value in the Job market my going
for a Masters program and could if necessary consider returning to my old job , if the conditions are right”
14.) If not, would you like to work during your studies?
“I love challenges and if the opportunity presents itself it would be good way of learning new things but
then again i may not need a Job as i have sufficient savings for my studies and cost of living.”
15.) What would you like to do after graduation? (what job, what position, which company) It
is important to be open about your future and be positive , giving a conclusive answer may not be the
right approach but being on positive outlook of things, here we go 🙂
” I love entrepreneurship and always dreamt of owning my own company, but if I have the opportunity to
work i will love to work for “Company x” because “Company X” has good corporate values and represent
my view of a perfect working environment, I would go for a position in the company that is inline with my
16.) Tell me 2 positive and 2 negative things about you? are you getting tired already? 🙂 so are we ,
its lengthy, we told you before , but we promise , there’s just 4 more questions left , now that’s a positive
thing about me, Humour! whats yours? every human has a positive side and also a negative side, the
chances that you have more negative side is high 🙂 and people want to see you admit it as it shows
honesty, so feel free to give this question a go
“Ehmm…. I think that my positive sides would be one 1) I love to help and 2.) I love learning new things and
I am patient and my negative sides is that “I can be less sympathetic and selfish” ( now you can choose
something else here cause I am sure you are like, oh no, I am not that bad 🙂 and 2.) I am careless ( you are
not that bad either)”
17.) Where do you see yourself 7 years from now? and Why? again be positive, give it a try this way,
this answer may depend on your age:
” 7 years from now i see myself as a CEO of a technology company or married with 2 kids and working for
a big multinational company as a manager”
18.) How about your family? Are you married? Do you have children? If so, how do you plan to
keep in touch with them? How often would you travel back home? or How often would they visit
you? you already should know the answer to this from the answer to the number 10 question is this
article, you could rephrase or simply re-state your earlier sentence don’t sound like a robot who has
crammed the pronunciation of “good morning” 🙂 take it away:
“I will at certain times visit my extended family, I love to travel and will most certainly consider traveling
back home once a year”
19.) Have you seen any of our profiles on the social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instragram,
etc.)? Let’s help you out, its okay not to have checked social media pages of the university especially if
you first heard about the university through the Study in Budapest Mobile app but if you’re a social
media enthusiast and have come across the university profile, simply state
“Yes i have”
20.) What do you do in your freetime? We can’t answer everything for you, if you can’t answer this one,
then you sure are not yet ready to Study abroad , so the answer is
“Figure it out yourself :-)”
Now that you have read through to the end and feeling like, ” I nailed it” , do not expect that these
questions and answers will be exact as in this article because the university may constantly update or
make changes to their questions, you need to always be prepared for tests wether English Test, Skype
Interviews and Visa Interview as these are defining moments in your study abroad process and not just
application and paying fees, if you haven’t taken the visa interview practise test you can do so on
your Study in Budapest mobile app
Good Luck!

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