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Question: Follow FSOFT policy, the software quality management activities are performed in accordance with

which document? (1 Points)

Your answer: CM plan (0 Points)

Question: Where can you find Fsoft Guideline, Process, Template, Checklist? (1 Points)

Your answer: (1 Points)

Question: In the case of software, what does "Done" mean in a scrum project? (1 Points)

Your answer: This means customer accept the products. (0 Points)

Question: It doesn't need to define the directory structure and promotion areas to store CIs and baselines for
configuration management. Member can add file in any folder if need! (1 Points)

Your answer: No, PM need to define directory structure to use in project. (1 Points)

Question: Which stage of Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) does Customer satisfaction survey belong
to? (1 Points)

Your answer: Transition (0 Points)

Question: What are mandatory work products in the Termination stage of Software Test Life Cycle? (1 Points)

Your answer: 1.Project Assets 2.Acceptance Note 3.Customer Satisfaction Survey (1 Points)

Question: What are mandatory work products in the Termination stage of Software Test Life Cycle? (1 Points)

Your answer: 1.Project Assets 2.Acceptance Note 3.Customer Satisfaction Survey (1 Points)

Question: Which document helps to record the communication between customers and suppliers about
requirement? (1 Points)

Your answer: Q&A sheet (1 Points)

Question: Which one is the example of project acceptance criteria? (1 Points)

Your answer: Both of them (1 Points)

Question: Which is the correct description of User Requirement Document (URD) (1 Points)

Your answer: A general understanding of each requirement of the product before delving into the
specifications. It explains the necessity of requirements, the contexts of requirements, and the criteria to
complete requirements. (1 Points)

Question: What are the stages of Test? (1 Points)

Your answer: Unit Test, System Test, Performance Test (0 Points)

Question: Why do you have to define completion criteria for the testing? (1 Points)

Your answer: All above answers are correct (1 Points)

Question: What does ADD stand for? (1 Points)

Your answer: Architectural Design Document (0 Points)

Question: What test level is the most suitable if test based on architecture design? (1 Points)

Your answer: Functional test (0 Points)

Question: What are work products of unit testing? (1 Points)

Your answer: Test plan, test case, test report, defect list (1 Points)

Question: How many areas are there in Test case review checklist? And what are they? (1 Points)

Your answer: 4 areas: DOCUMENT CONTROL, SECURITY, CONTENTS, Format (0 Points)

Question: Following test view point checklist, what is mandatory to check in testing environment? (1 Points)

Your answer: Have test environment information been identified?: Operation System, Product Name, Test
functions , Related Application. (1 Points)

Question: A project has scope including Requirement, Unit Test, Integration Test and System Test. The
developers have completed coding and ask the testers to start integration testing. What should the testers best
to do in this situation? (1 Points)

Your answer: The testers should ask the developers to provide Unit Test Report and evaluate if the software is
ready for integration testing. (1 Points)

Question: The statement: "We should use black box testing when we don't understand the logic of source code
and don't need cover all cases" is true or not (1 Points)

Your answer: True (1 Points)

Question: Before installation of software package, which of following actions should be taken? (1 Points)

Question: Which of the followings are the commitments of FSOFT for SOFTWARE QUALITY
MANAGEMENT? (1 Points)

Your answer: All above answers are correct. (1 Points)

Question: Where can you find Fsoft Guideline, Process, Template, Checklist? (1 Points)

Your answer: (1 Points)

Question: At the beginning of each Sprint, development team will select user story from product backlog.
During the sprint, is it possible to change "Chosen user stories"? (1 Points)

Your answer: No, It isn’t (1 Points)

Question: When updating document version, does team member need to follow the naming convention rule
defined in CM Plan? (1 Points)

Your answer: Yes (1 Points)

Question: Which stage of Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) does Customer satisfaction survey belong
to? (1 Points)

Your answer: Definition (0 Points)

Question: Which stages are included in Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)? (1 Points)

Your answer: 1.Initiation 2.Design 3.Execution 4.Termination (0 Points)

Question: What are mandatory work products in the Termination stage of Software Test Life Cycle? (1 Points)

Your answer: 1.Project Assets 2.Acceptance Note 3.Customer Satisfaction Survey (1 Points)

Question: Which process use SRS - Software Requirement Specification as input? (1 Points)

Your answer: Both of them (1 Points)

Question: Which document helps to record the communication between customers and suppliers about
requirement? (1 Points)

Your answer: Q&A sheet (1 Points)

Question: Which one is the example of project acceptance criteria? (1 Points)

Your answer: Both of them (1 Points)

Question: Lan is a test leader of a project which has scope of work from design-code-unit test-integration test.
She is responsible to create test plan for integration test phase. To ensure integration test case's quality, she is
going to request some roles to join review. Which roles do you think she should invite? (1 Points)

Your answer: Project technical leader, developer, QA (1 Points)

Question: What should be considered when planning resources and environment for test? (1 Points)

Your answer: - Human resources (number of persons and skills) - Test environment (includes hardware and
software) - Tools - Type of Test data (1 Points)

Question: What is not the output of design process? (1 Points)

Your answer: Detail Design Document (0 Points)

Question: During test design phase, tester discovered that there are some unclear requirements and
requirement is not completed. What should he do? (1 Points)

Your answer: Communicate with BA about these unclear and missing requirement and create test cases for
them after clarification. (1 Points)

Question: What are common techniques in unit testing? 1. Back box testing 2. Gray box testing 3. White box
testing (1 Points)

Your answer: 2, 3 (0 Points)

Question: While testing, you find a way to automate test case and increase quality and productivity. What
should you do in this situation? (1 Points)

Your answer: Talk with Test Leader/ Project Manager. Create a sample and a proposal to send PM/ PTL/
TL (1 Points)

Question: The statement: "We should use black box testing when we don't understand the logic of source code
and don't need cover all cases" is true or not (1 Points)

Your answer: True (1 Points)

Question: Which of the following is an example of testing contributing to higher software quality? (1 Points)

Your answer: A tester finds a bug which is resolved prior to release. (1 Points)

Question: Following checklist_Test Plan, what is mandatory to check ? (1 Points)

Your answer: All above answers are correct (1 Points)

Question: Before installation of software package, which of following actions should be taken? (1 Points)

Your answer: Non of above (0 Points)

Question: Which of the following is the correct FPT Quality Policy Statement? (1 Points)

Your answer: FPT makes efforts to satisfy its customers based on good knowledge and try one's best to meet
their need with continuously increasing devotion and capability. (1 Points)

Question: Where can you find Fsoft policy? (1 Points)

Your answer: => Policy (1 Points)

Question: In daily meeting, the development team raised an issue. When will this issue be fixed? (1 Points)

Your answer: Avoid resolving it immediately. Scrum master will help team coordinate to resolve it after the
meeting. (1 Points)

Question: It doesn't need to define the directory structure and promotion areas to store CIs and baselines for
configuration management. Member can add file in any folder if need! (1 Points)

Your answer: No, PM need to define directory structure to use in project. (1 Points)

Question: What are mandatory work products in the Termination stage of Software Test Life Cycle? (1 Points)

Your answer: 1.Project Assets 2.Acceptance Note 3.Customer Satisfaction Survey (1 Points)

Question: Which stage of Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) does Customer satisfaction survey belong
to? (1 Points)

Your answer: Termination (1 Points)

Question: What are mandatory work products in the Termination stage of Software Test Life Cycle? (1 Points)

Your answer: 1.Project Assets 2.Acceptance Note 3.Customer Satisfaction Survey (1 Points)

Question: Which one is the example of project acceptance criteria? (1 Points)

Your answer: Both of them (1 Points)

Question: Which of the following is an example(s) of checked items for reviewing SRS - Software Requirement
Specification ? (1 Points)

Your answer: All above answers are correct (1 Points)

Question: Which process use SRS - Software Requirement Specification as input? (1 Points)

Your answer: Both of them (1 Points)

Question: What are the stages of Test? (1 Points)

Your answer: Unit Test, System Test (2 Points)

Question: What should be included in a Test Plan? (1 Points)

Your answer: All above answers are correct (1 Points)

Question: Which of the following is mandatory information of test case while design test? (1 Points)

Your answer: All above answers are correct (1 Points)

Question: What is not the output of design process? (1 Points)

Your answer: Test report (1 Points)

Question: What are common techniques in unit testing? 1. Back box testing 2. Gray box testing 3. White box
testing (1 Points)

Your answer: None of the above. (0 Points)

Question: Following test view point checklist, what is mandatory to check in testing environment? (1 Points)

Your answer: Have test environment information been identified?: Operation System, Product Name, Test
functions , Related Application. (1 Points)

Question: Which of the following is best definition for a fatal defect? (1 Points)

Your answer: A major issue where a large piece of functionality or major system component is completely
broken. There is no workaround and testing cannot continue. (1 Points)

Question: What is NOT the target of testing which test cases are derived from detail design? (1 Points)

Your answer: None of the mentioned (0 Points)

Question: While executing tests, in order to improve quality, what do you need as inputs for testing? 1. Test
cases, 2. Test data are prepared and approved 3. Metric 4. Software/Product (1 Points)

Your answer: 1, 2, 4 (1 Points)

Question: Before installation of software package, which of following actions should be taken? (1 Points)

Your answer: - Inspect installation environment including servers, workstations, accessories, network... -
Resolve environment related issues (if needed) to assure installation conditions (1 Points)


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