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 abdominal pain on bike = trauma = pancreatitis (or splenic rupture)

 Melanosis coli: laxative

 Appendicitis-like pain can be caused by campylo and yersinia
 children understand no at 3 years old
 weight: 3.5; double at 6mo, triple at 1y; (then +2.3kg every year)
 height: 50; 75 at 1year, 85 at 2year, 100 at 4year (5-7.5 cm every year)
 HC: 35; 45 at 1year, 47 at 2year
 predicted growth: 1/2 * (mum's height + dad's height + 12.7cm)
 osmotic diarrhea improves with fasting (vs. secretary: diarrhea happens regardless of
food intake)
 -a1-antrypsin in stools is indicative of creatorrhea (ex: menetrier=lost protein)
 allergy is main cause for diarrea
 GBS ifx high if long rupture of membrane (>18 hours); prematurity
 meningitis after 2 days bcz hematogenous spread
 DMSA is the gold standart for acute pyelonephritis (scintigraphy)
 Drooling with tonsilitis and rash is indicative of? = coxsackie
 infant can purposefuly grasp something at 6 months
 MC dx for 8mo old, intestinal obstruction and syncope? intussuception
 most common causes for infant syncope is GERD
 Right or left hand dominance develops at 18-24 months years old
 Summer infx that causes fever and decreased WBC? salmonella typhoid fever
 vitals of a neonate: HR 120-160, RR 30-60, BP 50-70
 sepsis workup? CBCd, blood culture, CXR, lumbar puncture
 Congenital diaphragmatic hernia - INTUBATE!
 epiglottitis mgmt? INTUBATE (ABC first)
 intussuception mgmt? air enema
 biliary atresia mgmt? US then HIDA then Cholangiogram (gold)
 eosphageal atresia with distal fistual is most common
 What is the leading cause of neonatal seizures? Hypoxic/ischaemic encephalopathy
 white pustules on an erythematous base on a 2 day old = erythema toxicum (NORMAL!!
don't treat)
 Which congenital disease is associated with an enlarged anterior fontanelle?
 infantile spasm = west syndrome (hypsarrythmia) = treat with ACTH
 KNOW: vaccines, development milestones

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