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Job No Sheet No Dwg Ref Rev No

Job Title A&A Shopping Ctr at Tai Wo Hau Est
Part of Structure Steel Balustrade inside Staircase A Parapet
Client Prepared Date
Chk By 16/08/18

Welding Connection Check Through Bolts to Base Plate

Determine the leg length of fillet weld required for the joint.
Moment, Mz = 0.00 kNm
d= 20 mm My = 0.00 kNm
x= 20 mm Shear Force, Vy = 0.00 kN
Vz = 0.00 kN
Tension, T = 20.10 kN
12 = d1 Torsion, Tor = 0.00 kNm
12 =y

Take the weld to be of unit leg length

Length, L =π(d²-d1²)/4 = π(20²-12²)/4 = 201.06
4 4
Inertia, Ixx = π(d -d1 )/64 = π(20^4-12^4)/64 = 6836.11
4 4
Inertia, Iyy = π(d -d1 )/64 = π(20^4-12^4)/64 = 6836.11
Polar moment of inertia, Ip = Ixx + Iyy = 6836.11+6836.11 = 13672.21
dz = d/2 = 20/2 = 10.00
dy = d/2 = 20/2 = 10.00
R = √(d²+d1²)/4 = [√(20²+12²)]/4 = 5.83
cosØ = 5/5 = 1.00
Direct Shear, Fsy = Vy/Length = (0x10³)/201.06 = 0.00 MPa
Fsz = Vz/Length = (0x10³)/201.06 = 0.00 MPa
Fs = Fsz+Fsy = 0.00 MPa
Torsion Shear
FTOR = TorR/Ip = (0x10^6x5.83)/13672.21 = 0.00 MPa
Resultant Shear
FR = (Fs²+FT²+2FsFTcosØ)½ = (0²+0²+2x0x0x1)½ = 0.00 MPa

Tension, FT = T/Length = (20.1x10³)/201.06 = 99.97 MPa

Shear from Moment, FTZ = Mzd/2Ixx = (0x10)/6836.11 = 0.00 MPa
FTy = Myd/2Iyy = (0x10)/6836.11 = 0.00 MPa
FB = FTZ+FTy = 0.00 MPa

Resultant Load, FRZ = √(FT²+Fs²) = √(0²+0²) = 0.00 MPa

Resultant Load, FRY = √(FT²+Fs²) = √(0²+0²) = 0.00 MPa
Combined = FRZ+FRY+FT = 99.97 MPa

Design Strength of fillet weld, pw = 220.00 N/mm²

Require Weld Leg, s = FR/0.7pw = 99.97/(0.7x220) = 0.65 mm

∴ Provide weld leg, s = 4.00 mm fillet weld all round

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