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Learning Competency ENGLC-la-2.3.1 Analyze sound devices


• ONOMATOPOEIA: a word(s) that imitates the natural sounds of a thing. It

creates a sound effect that mimics the thing described. Examples: During the
night, the rain pitter-pattered against my window-pane. It’s not unusual for a
dog to bark when guests arrive. With a boom, the building collapsed as the
observers stared in horror.

• ALLITERATION: a poetic device-beginning of words start with the same

consonant sound.
Examples: The summer sun slid down behind the ridge. Hurled headlong from
the turbulent sky Christy and Karl cut a ten-karat diamond.
• ASSONANCE: a poetic device - repetition of vowel sounds within words
Examples: In June, the moon fills my room with gloom. Try to light the fire.

• CONSONANCE: a poetic device - Repetition of internal or ending consonant

sounds of words close together. Example: I dumped my jacket and the locket in
the thick mud.

Guided Practice
Directions: Listen to the sentences and write the sound device used.
1. The baby’s pink rosebud lips gently kissed the mother’s cheek.
2. The eerie bang of the gunshot echoed loudly through the building.
3. The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain.
4. Karen realized the jumbo shrimp tasted strange because it had freezer burn.
5. Devon stayed home because he was under the weather.
6. During exam week, students buzz in the library.
7. The sun peeked through the fence to play with my shadow.
8. As it slithered through the meadow, the coral snake hissed quietly.
9. The bees swirled around my head, buzzing in my ears.
10. Betty Botta bought a bit of bitter butter.

Learning Competency EN6G-lIh8.4 Use subordinate conjunctions

Subordinating conjunctions are used to join a dependent clause (incomplete

thought) to an independent clause.
Common Subordinating Conjunctions
after as long as eventhough so that whereas
before though if only unless wherever
once because in order to until while
although still now that when
as as if even rather than whenever
if since where

Example: I will be able to drive when I get older. “I will be able to drive”
independent clause (complete thought) “when I get older”  dependent
clause (incomplete thought)
The subordinating conjunction “when” is used to join the dependent clause to
the independent clause.
Directions: Fill in the blank using the appropriate conjunction. Use commas where
1. He behaves ___ _________ he rules the world.
2. We started moving _____ he took his foot off the brake.
3. I am going to go _____ __ my parents say I can’t.
4. ___________ _____ kill living animals for food, I am going to become a vegetarian.
5. I waited ________ my mom paid for the groceries.

B. Directions: Fill in the blank the correct subordinate conjunction.

1. I ran _____________ I was scared.
2. We will go running ______ we tie our shoes.
3. We can eat lunch ___________ you like.
4. ______________ I get happy I smile.
5. I’m not leaving ________ you say you’re sorry.

C. Directions: Fill in the blank the correct subordinate conjunction.

1. We cannot go biking__________ we have bikes.
2. Dad turned the key __ _______ __ start the car.
3. I want to go ________ money grows on trees.
4. We got to the scene of the crime right _______ the robbers ran away.
5. ___ we can’t find work here, we’ll have to move to a place ________ we can.

D. Directions: Write in the blank the correct subordinate conjunction.

1. __________________ I am only 5’3” tall, I _________ love playing basketball.
2. __________________ you finish eating your vegetables, you may eat cake.
3. ____________ ____ complain about not being able to do the things I want, I will work
to achieve my dreams.
4. ______ ____________ it is cold out, I’m not going to wear my jacket.
5. We will start work _________ the sun rises.

Prepared by:



Directions: Write the correct coordinate conjunction- for, and, nor, but, yet, so
1. Ariel was cold, he put on a coat.
2. Maria tried to read a novel in Korean, it was too difficult.
3. To get from Cavite to Manila, you can ride a bus, you can ride a van.
4. I bought burger, we ate it together.
5. The waiter was not very nice, the food was delicious.
6. I went to buy a handkerchief, the shop didn't have it.
7. Anna needed some money, she took a part-time job.

8. There's so much rain lately! Maybe it's because of El Nino, maybe it's just
9. Julie has a guitar, she plays it really well.
10. The traffic was heavy, we went home instead.
11. The bananas were cheap they were overripe.
12. He got sick he played under the rain.
13. The room is dirty they clean it.
14. You must study you will fail.
15. The weather is gloomy I go to bed early.

Directions: Write the correct subordinate conjunction –because, since, unless,

while, when,
1. Everyone was excited, there was a party.
2. There was a heavy traffic, there was an accident.
3. you’re friendly, you can not win friends.
4. Carla loves dolls, Carl loves toy cars.
5. The food was delicious , it was expensive
6. Rosario is an industrialized town, there are many industries.
7. The fishermen went to the sea their wives took care of their children.
8. The children love playing in the ground it is a bright day.
9. The boy scouts will join the camping their parents allow them
10. The traffic was heavy, we went home instead.

Learning Competency EN6G-lIh8.4 Use coordinate conjunctions

Directions: Write an appropriate coordinate conjunction in the blank.

1. We must hurry,_________ we'll miss the bus.
2. We went to class, _________ the teacher was not there.
3. John was injured during practice yesterday, ______________he will not play in
the game today.
4. The streets were flooded, ___________it rained hard last night.
5. We heard the assignment, ______________we didn't understand it.

Directions: Write an appropriate coordinating conjunction in the blank.

1. My throat began to hurt,____________ I decided to consult a doctor.

2. We played tennis in the afternoon, we went to John’s basketball game that
3. The police had raided the club, _____________someone had reported the sale
of the illegal drugs.
4. Pearl wanted to get to school on time, ______________she had neglected to
set the alarm.
5. Peter was watching television, ______________Mary was talking on the

Directions: Fill in the blank the correct coordinating conjunction.

1. She studies hard ____________she wants to be a doctor.
2. She loves math ______________she likes English, too.
3. Karla wants to be a dancer ______________but she does not have time to
4. I’ll join you __________I’ll stay.
5. Allan does not swim _____________ he dives.

Directions: Fill in the blank the correct coordinating conjunction.

1. She waters the plants ____________she pulls the weeds around them.
2. The flowers grow well __________ the trees bear fruits.
3. It was already noon ___________the classes were still ongoing.
4. Allan is sick __________he still attends his class.
5. Peter sings ___________Joross plays the guitar.

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