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This is to certify that Project Report entitled “GSM BASED

HOME AUTOMATION SYSTEM” which is submitted by
Rajat Pachauri, Vikas Meena, Rahul Soni, Arti. In partial
fulfillment of the requirements forh the award of degree
Bachelor of Technology in Department of Electrical
Engineering of “Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical
University”, is a record of these candidates own work carried
out by them under my/our supervision. The matter embodied in
this report is original and has not been submitted for the award
of any other degree.

Place:-Agra Er.Archit Pathak

Date:-31/05/2019 (Supervisor/Guide)
Dept. of Electrical Engg.
FET Agra College,Agra


The completion of any project brings with it a sense of satisfaction, but it is never
complete without thanking those people who made it possible and whose
constant support has crowned our efforts with success.
One cannot even imagine the power of the force that guides us all and
neither can we succeed without acknowledging it. Our deepest gratitude to
Almighty God for holding our hands and guiding us throughout our lives.
I would also like to express our gratitude to Dr. TANVIR QAMAR (Head of
Department) Electrical Engineering, FET Agra College, and Agra for encouraging
and inspiring us to carry out the project in the department lab.
I would also like to express a gratitude to Er. ARCHIT PATHAK (Project
Coordinator) Electrical Engineering for encouraging and inspiring us to carry out
the project in the department lab.
I would also like to thank our guide, Er. RAHUL ANSHUMANI (Asst.
professor) Dept. of Electrical Engineering for his expert guidance, encouragement
and valuable suggestions at every step.
We also would like to thank all the staff members of Electrical dept. for
providing us with the required facilities and support towards the completion of
the project.
We are extremely happy to acknowledge and express our sincere
gratitude to our parents for their constant support and encouragement and last
but not the least, friends and well-wishers for their help and cooperation and
solutions to problems during the course of the project.


I hereby declare that the work which is presented in this project entitled “GSM
Based Home Automation” in partial fulfillment for the award of degree Bachelor
of Technology in Electrical Engineering. Submitted in the Department of
Electrical Engineering, Faculty Of Engineering And Technology, Agra
(Affiliated to Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow) is our
own work carried out for a period from Feb 2019 to May 2019 under the guidance
of Asst. Prof. Er. Archit Pathak Deptt. of Electrical Engg. Faculty of
Engineering and Technology, Agra.

Date: 10th May , 2019 RAJAT PACHAURI(1600220902)

Place - Agra VIKAS MEENA (1500220043)
RAHUL SONI (1500220032)
ARTI (1500220007)





4.1.1 Basic Specification in GSM
4.1.2 GSM Series

5.5.1 Circuit Diagram
5.5.2 Circuit Connection
5.5.3 Channel Relay Modules





"GSM based Control System" implements the emerging applications of the GSM
technology. Using GSM networks, a control system has been proposed that will
act as an embedded system which can monitor and control appliances and other
devices locally using built in input and output peripherals.
Remotely the system allows the user to effectively. monitor and control the
house/oflice appliances and equipment's via the mobile phone set by sending
commands in the form of SMS messages and receiving, the appliances status.
The main concept behind the project is receiving the sent SMS and processing it
further as required to pertorm several operations. The type of the operation to be
performed depends on the nature of the SMS sent.
The principle in which the project is based is fairly simple. First, the sent SMS is
stored and polled from the receiver mobile station and then the required control
the intermediate generated and sent signal hardware that we have designed
according to the command received in form of the sent message. We have
selected a particular Nokia mobile set (Nokia 3310) for our project.
The messages are sent from the mobile set that contain commands in written
form which are then processed required task. the pertorm accordingly
Microcontroller based system has been proposed for our roject. There are several
terminologies that are used xtensively throughout this project report. SM (Global
System for Mobile Communications): It is a ellular communication standard. MS
(Short Message Service): It is a service available on nost digital mobile phones that
permt the sending of hort messages also known as text messaging service). This
project the applications of GSM network for the lesign of a circuit to control the
house hold appliances is hown, and also the design of the circuit and method to
onstruct the system using GSM modem and 8051 microcontroller. explained.
Various uses and imitations of the system are being briefed.


The new age of technology has redefined communication. Most people nowadays
have access to mobile phones and hus the world indeed has become a global
village. At any particular individual can given moment, any ontacted with the
mobile phone. But the application of mobile phone cannot just be restricted to
sending SMS or starting conversations. New innovations and ideas can be
generated from it that can further enhance its capabilities. Technologies such as
Intra-red, Bluetooth, etc which has developed in that fact the very show. years
goes recent possible and these fact improvements are improvements have eased

our llfe and the way we live.Remote management several home and office
appliances is a subject of growing interest and in recent. vears we have seen
many systems providing such. controls, These days, apart from supporting voice
calls a mobile phone can be used to send text messages as well as multimedia
messages (that may contain pictures, graphics, animations, ete). Sending written
text messages is very popular among mobile phone users. Instant quick
messaging. as also allows known, transmission of short messages that allow an
individual to share ideas, opinions and other relevant information. We have used
the very concept to design a system thati acts a platlorm to receive messages
which in fact are commands sent to control different appliances and devices
connected to the platform. We have designed a control system which is based on
the GSM technology. that effectively allows control from a remote area to thel
desired location. The application of our suggested system is immense in the ever
changing technological world. It allows a greater. an individual whether clegree
of freedom controlling the household appliances office equipments. The need to
be physically present in order to control appliances of a certain location is
eliminated with the use of our system.


Technology has advanced so much in the last decade or two that it has made life
more efficient and comfortable. The comfort of being able to take control of
devices from one particular location has become imperative as it saves a lot of
time and effort. Therefore there ariscs a need to. do so in a svstematic manner
which we have tried to. implement with our avstemn. The aystem we have.
proposed i8 an extended approach to automating a. With control 8vstenn. the
advancement and breakthroughs in technology over the years, the lives of people
have become more complicated and thus they have become busier than before.
With the adoption of our system, we can gain contro over certain things that
required constant attention 'The. application of our system comes in handy when
people. who forget to do simple things such as turn ON or OFF. devices at their
home or in their oflice, they can now do so without their presence by the
transmission ol a simple text message from their mobile phone. This
development, we believe, will ultimately save a lot of time especially when people
don't have to come back for. simple things such as to turn ON/OFF switches at
their. home or at their ofhice once they set out or their. respective work. The
objective of this project is to develop a device that. allows for a user to remotely
control and monitor multiple home/oflice appliances using a cellular phone. This
system willl be a powerful and flexible tool that will fter this service at any time,
and from anywhere with. he constraints of the technologes being applied. ossible
target appliances include (but are not limited tol limate control system, security

systems, lights; anything. with an electrical interface. he proposed approach for
designing this system 1s to implement a microcontroller based control module
that. receives its instructions and command from a cellular phone over the GSM
network, The microcontroller then. out the will carry. issued commands and then
communicate the status of a given appliance or device. back to the cellular phone.
This project is basically built on the process of wireless. communication through
the CSM network. GSM plays a. very important role in the present day lie of a
person. Each and every person now-a-days has a cell phone with. him, and GSM
network makes the people across the world to communicate with each other. So
as technology. is increasing so vastly now-a-days, everything in the world is being
automated and wireless for the comfort of man. So here we are building a device
based on the GSM network to control the electrical appliances through a. cellular
phone. Here we are going to design a cell phone based remote control of
electrical appliances. This system is designed for controlling arbitrary devices
according to the necessity. It includes a cell phone which is connected to the
designed system. Basically for the system to work a. hone call is made to the
designated number or. message is being sent containing a password. As the caller
press the specific password, it results in turning. ON/OFF of the particular device.
The switching of devices is achieved by relays.

1.4 Block diagram:

The figure shown above is the simple block diagram of our project. It is a simple
illustration of how we have implemented our project and the various parts
involved. in It. From the above representation, the first Mobile station is used as a
transmitting section from which the. subscriber sends text messages that contain
commands and instructions to the second mobile station which is based on a
specific area where our control system is located. The mobile phone as indicated
in the block diagram is a mobile set. The received SMS message is stored in the
SIM memory of the phone and then extracted by the microcontroller and
processed accordingly to carry out. specific operations The relay driver (BUFFER
ULN2003) is used to drive the. relay circuits which switches the different
appliances connected to the interface, The ICD is used to indicate. the status of
the operation performed by the arduino and also its inclusion makes the overall
system user-friendly, The input from different sensors are feed to micro-
controller and processed to operate respective task semi autonomously and


Fig.- System Operation Flow Diagram

Assuming that the control unit is powered and operating properly, the process of
controlling a device connected to the interface will proceed through the following
• The remote user sends text messages including commands to the receiver.
• GSM receiver receives messages sent from the user cell phone.
• GSM receiver decodes the sent message and sends the commands to the
• Microcontroller issues commands to the appliances and the devices connected
will switch ON/OFF.



The project "GSM based Control System" at the title. suggests 1s aimed to
construct a control system that enables the complete control of the interface on
which it is based. General objectives of the project are defined as;
• To co-ordinate appliances and other devices through. Short Message Service
• To effectively receive and transmit data via SMS.
• To eliminate the need of being physically present in. any location for tasks
involving the operation of appliances within a household/office.
• Minimize power and time wastage
The control system will include two separate units: thel cellular phone, and the
control unit. There will therefore be two operating environments. The cellular
phone will operate indoors and outdoors whereas the control unit. will operate
indoors within the temperature and humidity. limits for proper operation of the


This system is aimed toward all the average users who wish to control their
household/office appliances remotely from their cell phones provided that the
appliances are electrically controllable. Example feasible appliances and
applications under consideration. include; enable/disable security systems, fans,
lights, kitchen appliances, and adjusting the temperatures settings of a
heating/ventilation/air conditioning system.


Certain assumptions have to be made in order to implement our project. The list
of assumptions for our project is;
a. The user and establish control unit will communication via GSM.
b. The cell phone and service provider chosen will support text messaging service.
c. The user is familiar with the text messaging program on their cell phone.
d. All service charges (standard messaging rates) from the service provider apply.
e. The controlled appliances can and will have to have an electrical interface in
order to be controlled by the microcontroller.


Along the course of project completion we encountered various problems and
obstacles. Not everything that we had planned went smoothly during the project
development span. Also we had a limited amount of time for its completion so we
were under a certain amount of pressure as well. We had to start from the
research phase at the beginning. and needed to gain knowledge on all the devices
and components that we had intended to use for our project. Other phases of the
project included coding, debugging, testing, documentation and implementation
and it needed certain time for completion so we really had to manage the limited
time available to us and work. accordingly to finish the project within the


The following is a list of functional requirements of the control unit/module.

a. The control unit will have the ability to connect to the cellular network
b. The control unit will be able to receive text. messages and will be able to parse
and interpret. text messages and instructions to be sent to the microcontroller.
c. The microcontroller within the control unit will issue its command to the
electrical appliances. through a simple control circuit.
d. Thel control unit will control the electrical appliances. 2.6


The following is a list of constraint Considerations:

a. The controlled appliances will need an electrical control interface.
b. This system is only capable of controlling electrical devices.
c. The control module will need to be shielded against electrostatic discharges.
d. This will increase the reliability of the system. Battery backup for controlling
unit can. be implemented in case of power disruption.


The considerations for this system will include a choice of networks,

communication protocols and interfaces.
A. Cellular Networks: The widely available networks are based on GSM. This
network provides wide area. coverage and can be utilized more cost-effectively
for this project.
B. Communication Protocols: The available communication protocol that we have
used is SMS. The SMS is the most efficient because this project requires a cellular
communication and limited data. to be sent.

C.I/O interfaces between microcontroller and devices: Serial I/O is considered as
options for connection between the GSM receiver and the microcontroller. Using
the microcontroller, a control circuit will be implemented to control the electrical


Project Cost:
Project cost can be divided in two ways and calculated as follows;
A. Hardware Cost: Hardware cost for our project can be considered as a
moderate amount of money spent. It does not fall under a cheap project neither
it is a relatively smaller one. However, having said that, the cost of the hardware
components implemented does amount to significant figures.

We had to disrupt a Nokia 3310 phone set in order to connect to the F-Bu
protocol of the mobile set. Other hardware expenses are not as significant. when
compared to it but they do accumulate to a. considerable amount. taking But into
consideration that this is a one-time investment, the cost cannot be said to be too

B. Software Cost: Software cost includes the cost of the required soft wares for
our project. We did not have to spend money in getting the necessary software
for our project. The software we used for our system is the free edition version
and thus no money was put in it. The involvement cost. in our project is only the
human labours, searching websites, visiting different places and locations for
gathering locations and not to mention the cost of electricity that was consumed
during the project completion time.



Now-a-days there huge advancement communication sector. Almost all people

now-a-days have access to mobile phones and thus the world has indeed become
a global village.
At any given moment, any person across the world can. be contacted with the
help of a mobile phone. But mobile phones can not only used for the calling and
sending. SMS purposes but also new ideas can be generated and techniques can
be developed from it that can further enhance its capabilities.
There are huge technological advancements in wireless. communication like Infra-
red and Bluetooth which mostly took place in the recent years shows that the
further improvements are in fact possible to make our. life more easy and
comfortable. Having wireless control of almost all the things in a person's life is a
growing interest and many systems are developed providing such controls.
So based on this idea we have designed a control system which is based on the
GSM technology that effectively allows control from a remote area to the desired
location, Because of this system, there is no need for a person to switch on/off
the electrical physically present appliances.


Introduction: An embedded microcontroller is a chip, which has a computer

processor with all its support function (clocking and reset), memory (both
program storage and RAM), and 1/O (including businterfaces) built into the
device. These built in. function minimize the need for external circuits and devices
to the designed in the final applications.
The improvements in micro-controller technology. has meant that it is often more
cost effective, faster and more efficient to develop an application using al micro-
controller rather than discrete logic. Creating. applications for micro-controllers
completely different than any other development job: computing and electronics.
most other applications, number of subsystems and interfaces are available but
this is not the case for the micro- controller where the following responsibilities
have to be taken.
• Power distribution
• System clocking
• Interface design and wiring
• System Programming
• Application programming

• Device programming
There are two types of micro-controller commonly in use. Embedded micro-
controller the micro- which controller, has the entire hardware requirement to
run the application, provided on thel chip. External memory micro-controller is
the micro- controller that allows the connection of external memory when the
program memory is insufficient. for an application or during the work a separate
ROM (or even RAM) will make the work easier. .
b. ATMEL Micro-controller: The AT89C52 is a low- power; high performance
CMOS 8-bit microcomputer with 8K bytes of Flash programmable and erasable
(PEROM). Read only memory the device is manufactured using Atmel's high-
density non-volatile industry-standard 80C51 and 80C52 instruction set. and pin
out. The on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-
system or by a. conventional mon-volatile memory programmer. By combining a
versatile 8-bit CPU with Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89C52 is a
powerful microcomputer which provides a highly-flexible and cost-efiective
solution to many embedded contro application.
The main features of this micro-controller are used as follow
8K Bytes of In-system reprogrammable Flash Memory
• Endurance: 1,000 write/erase cycles
• Fully static operation: O Hz to 24 MHz
• Three-level Program Memory Lock
. 256 x 8-bit internal RAM ,
32 Programmable I/O lines
• Three 16-bit Timer/Counters
• Eight Interrupt Sources
• Programmable Serial Channel
• Low-power ldle and Power-down Modes.


Arduino is an open-source platform used for building electronics projects. Arduino

consists of both a physical programmable circuit board (often referred to as a
microcontroller) and a piece of software (Integrated Development Environment)
that runs on your computer, used to write and upload computer code to the.
Physical board.
The Arduino platform has become quite popular with people just starting out with
electronics, and for good reason, Unlike most previous programmable circuit.
boards, the Arduino does not need a separate piece of hardware (called a

programmer in order to load new. code onto the board — you can simply use a
USB cable. Additionally, the Arduino IDE uses a simplified version of C++, making
It easier to learn to program. Finally, Arduino provides a standard form factor that
breaks out the functions the micro-controller into more accessible package.

a) Power (USB / Barrel Jack):- Every Arduino board needs a way to be connected
to a power source. The Arduino UNO can be powered from a USB cable coming
from your computer or a wall power supply like this) that is terminated in a barrel
jack. In the picture above the USB connection is labelled (1) and he barrel jack is
labelled (2).The USB connection is also how you wil load code onto your Arduino
board, More on how to program. with Arduino can be found in our Installing and
Progratming Arduino tutorial. Do NOT use a power supply greater than 20 Volts as
you will overpower. thereby destroy) iand your Arduino. The recommended
voltage for most Arduino models is. between 6 and 12 Volts.

b) Pins (5V, 3.3V, GND, Analog, Digital, PWM, and AREF): The pins on your
Arduino are the places where you connect wires to construct a circuit probably in
conjunction with a breadboard and some wire. They usually have black plastic
,headers" that allow you to just plug a wire right into the board. The Arduino has
several different kinds of pins, each of which is labelled on the board and used for
different functions.

c) GND (3):- “Short for ,Ground". There are several GND pins on the Arduino, any
of which can be used to ground your circuit.

d) 5V (4) & 3.3V (5):- As you might guess, the 5V pin supplies S volts of power,
and the 3.3V pin supplies 3.3 volts of power. Most of the simple components used
with the Arduino run happily off of 5 or 3.3 volts.

e) Analog (6):- The area of pins under the ,Analog In" label (AO through A5 on the
UNO) are Analog In pins. These pins can read the signal from an analog sensor
(like a temperature sensor) and convert it into a digital value that we can read.

f). Digital (7):- Across from the analog pins are the digital pins (O through 13 on
the UNO). These pins. can be used for both digital input (ike telling if a. button is
pushed) and digital output (ike powering. an LED).

g) PWM (8):- You may have noticed the tilde () next to some of the digital pins (3,
5, 6, 9, 10, and 11 on the UNO). These pins act as normal digital pins, but can. also
be used for something called Pulse-Width. Modulation (PWM). We have a tutorial
on PWM, but. for now, think of these pins as being able to simulate analog output
(like fading an LED in and out)

h) AREF (9):- Stands for Analog Reference. Most of the time you can leave this pin
alone, It is sometimes. uised to set an external relerence voltage (between O and
5 Volts) as the upper limit for the analog input. pins. i) Reset Button: Just like the
original Nintendo, the Arduino has a
reset button (10). Pushing it will temporarily connect the reset pin to ground and
restart any code that is loaded on the Arduino. This. can be very useful if your
code doesn t repeat, but. you want to test it multiple times. Unlike the originall
Nintendo however, blowing on the Arduino doesn't. usually fix any problems.

i) Power LED Indicator:- Just beneath and to the right of the word "UNO' on your
circuit board, there's a tiny LED next to the word ,ON" (11). This LED should light
up whenever you plug your Arduino into a power source. If this light doesn't turn
on there' s a good chance something is wrong. Time to re-check your circuit 15

k) TX RX LEDs:- TX is short for transmit, RX is short for receive. These markings

appear quite a bit in. electronics to indicate the pins responsible for serial
communication, In our case, there are two places on. the Arduino UNO where TX
and RX appear -once by digital pins O and 1, and a second time next to the TX and

RX indicator LEDs (12). These LEDs will give us some nice visual indications
whenever our Arduino is receiving or transmitting data (like when were loading a
new program onto the board)

l) Main IC:- The black thing with all the metal legs is an IC, or Integrated Circuit
(13). Think of it as the brains of our Arduino. The main IC on the Arduino is slightly
different from board type to board type, but is usually from the ATmega line of
IC"s from the ATMEL Company. This can be important, as you may need to know
the IC type (along with your board type) betore loading up a new program trom
the Arduino software. This information can usually be found in writing on the top
side of the IC. If you want to know more about the difference between various IC ,
reading the datasheets is often a good idea.

m) Voltage Regulator:- The voltage regulator (14) m is not actually something you
can or should) interact with on the Arduino. But it is potentially useful to know
that it is there and what it's for. The voltage regulator does exactly what it says-1t
controls the amount of voltage that is let into the Arduino board. Think of it as a
kind of gatekeeper; it.will turn away an extra voltage that might harm the circuit.
Of course, it has its limits, so don't hook up. vour Arduino to anything greater
than 20 volts.

 Detailed PIN configuration of Arduino Uno:-


Fig- GSM SIM900A Module

GSM module is used in many communication devices. which are based on GSM
(Global System for Mobile Communications) technology. It is used to interact
with. GSM network using a computer. GSM module only AT understands
commands, and can respond accordingly. The most basic command is "AT", if
GSM respond OK then it is working good otherwise it respond with "ERROR".
There are various AT commands like ATA for answer a call, AD to dial a call,
AT+CMGR to read the message, AT+CMGS to send the sms etc. Al commands
should be followed by Carriage return 1.e. \1 (OD in hex), like "AT+CMGS\r".
We can use GSM module using these commands:
ATEO -For echo off
AT+CNMI=2,2,0,0,0 <ENTER>- Auto opened message Receiving. (No need to open
message) call making ATD<Mobile Number>; ENTER> (ATD+919610126059; \r\n)
AT+CMGF=1 <ENTER>-Selecting Text mode <ENTER> Assigning

AT+CMGS="Mobile Number" recipient's mobile number >>Now we can write our
After writing message
Ctrl+Z send message command 26 in decimal
ENTER-0x0d in HEX.
The SIM900A is a complete Quad-band GSM/GPRS GSM/GPRS Module delivers
which 850/900/ 1800/ 1900MHz performance for voice, SMS and Data with low
power consumption. GSM modems can be a quick and efficient way to get.
started with SMS, because a special subscription to an SMS service provider 1s
not required. In most parts of the. world, GSM modems are a cost effective
solution for. receiving SMS messages, because the sender 1s paying. for the
message delivery . A GSM modem can be a dedicated modem device with a serial,
USB or Bluetooth connection, such as the Falcom Samba 75 used in this document
(Other 14 manufacturers of dedicated GSM modem devices include Wavecom,
Multitech and iTegno.)

 Labelled Diagram of GSM 900A Module:-

3.4 RELAY:-

The relay driver is used to isolate both the controlling. controlled The relay an and
the device. electromagnetic device, which consists of solenoid, moving contacts
(switch) and restoring spring and t power. consumes comparatively large amount
of power Hence it is possible for the interface IC to drive the. relay satisfactorily.
To enable this, a driver circuitry, which will act as al buffer circuit, is to be
incorporated between them. The driver circuitry senses the presence of a "high"
level at the input and drives the relay from another voltagel source. Hence the
relay is used to switch the electricall supply to the appliances.

NC:- Normally Connected

NO: - Normally Open
COM: -Common

From the above figure when we connect the rated. voltage across the coil the
back emf opposes the. current tlow but after the short tme the supplied. voltage
will overcome the back emf and the current. flow through the coil increase. When
the current is equal to the activating current of relay the core is magnetized and it
attracts the moving contacts. Now the moving contact leaves from its initial
position. denoted "N/ C)' normally closed terminal which is a. fixed terminal. The
common contact or moving contact. establishes the GSM Based Control System
connection with a new terminal which is indicated as a normally. open terminal
"(N/O)". Whenever, the supply coil is withdrawn the magnetizing force is
vanished. Now, the. spring pulls the moving contact back to initiall position,
where it makes a connection makes with N/C. terminal. However, it is also to be
noted that at this time also a back emf is produced. The withdrawal time may be
in microsecond, the back. emt may be in the range of few kilovolts and in
opposite polarity with the supplied terminals the known as surge voltage. It must
be voltage neutralized or else it may damage the system.

Fig- 4 Channel Relay Module

3.5 ULN2003 IC:-

The ULN2003 is a monolithic high voltage and high current Darlington transistor
arrays. It consists of seven NPN Darlington pairs that feature high-voltage outputs
with common-cathode clamp diode for. The collector-current switching inductive
loads. rating of a single Darlington pairs 500mA. The Darlington pairs may be
paralleled for higher current drivers, relay include Applications capability.
hammer drivers, lamp drivers, display drivers (LED gas Discharge), line drivers,
and logic buffers. The. ULN2003 has a 2.7kW series base resistor for each
Darlington pair for operation directly with TrL or 5V CMOS devices.
Features: • 500mA rated collector current ( Single output ) • High-voltage
outputs: 50V • Inputs compatible with various types of logic. • Relay driver

Logical diagram:-

There are different types of relays are available and they can be categorized in
various ways. For example relays can be SPST, SPDT, DPST, DPDT etc. SPDT stands
for Single Pole A relay will switch one or more poles, each of. whose contacts can
be thrown by energizing the coil in one of three ways:
• Normally-open (NO) contacts connect the circuit when the relay is activated; the
circuit is disconnected when the relay is inactive. It is also called a Form 22 A
contact or "make" contact. NO contacts can also be distinguished as earymake" or
NOEM, which means that the contacts will close before the button or switch is
fully engaged.
• Normally-closed (NC) contacts disconnect the circuit when the relay is
activated; the crcuit 1s connected when the relay is inactive. It is also called a
Form B contact or "break contact. NC contacts can also be distinguished as
"latebreak" or NCLB, which means that the contacts will stay closed until the
button or switch is fully disengaged.
• Change-over (CO), or double-throw (DT), contacts control two circuits: one
normally-open contact end.
one normally-closed contact with a common terminal. It is also called a Form C
contact or transfer contact. (break before make". If this type of contact utilzes a
'make before break" functionality, then it is called a Form D contact.
. The following designations are commonly encountered
• SPST —Single Pole Single Throw. These have two terminals which . can be
connected or disconnected. Including two for the coil, such al relay has four
terminals in total. It is ambiguous whether the pole is normally open or normally
closed. The terminology "SPNO" and "SPNC" is sometimes used to resolve the
•SPDT —Single Pole Double Throw. A common terminal connects to either of
two others. Including two for the coil, such a relay has. five terminals in total. •
DPST -Double Pole Single Throw. These have two pairs of terminals. Equivalent to
two SPST switches or relays actuated by a. single coil. Including two for the coil.
such a relay has six terminals. in total. The poles may be Form A or Form B (or one
of each).
• DPDT-Double Pole Double Throw. These have two rows of change-over
terminals. Equivalent to two SPDT switches or relays actuated by a single coil.
Such a relay has eight terminals, including the coil.




GSM is a global system for mobile communication GSM is an international digital

cellular telecommunication. The GSM standard was released by BrSI (Buropean.
Standard Telecommunication Standard) back in 1989. The first commercial
services were launched in 1991 and after its early introduction in Europe; the
standard went global in 1992.

Since then, GSM has become the most widely adopted and fastest-growing digital
cellular standard, and it is positioned to become the world's dominant cellular

Today's second-generation GSM networks deliver high quality and secure mobile
voice and data services (such as SMS/ Text Messaging) with full roaming
capabilities across the world. GSM platform is a hugely successful global
technology and as unprecedented story of achievement. In less than ten years
since the first GSM network was commercially launched, it become, the world 's
leading and astest growing mobile standard, spanning over 173 countries.
Today, GSM technology is in use by more than one in ten. of the world's
population and growth continues to sour i with the number of subscriber
worldwide expected to. surpass one billion by through end of 2003.
Today's GSM platform is living, growing and evolving and already ofiers an
expanded and feature-nch Tamily. of voice and enabling services. The Global
System for Mobile Communication (GSM) network is a cellular.
telecommunication network with a versatile architecture. complying with the ETSI
GSM 900/GSM 1800 standard. Siemen's implementation is the digital cellular
mobile. communication system D900/1800/ 1900 that uses the. very latest
technology to meet every requirement of the standard.

4.1.1 Basic specification in GSM:

4.1.2 GSM Services:

GSM services follow ISDN uidelines and classified as either tele services or data.
ervices. Tele services may be divided into three major categories:
a. Telephone services, include emergency calling and facsimile. GSM also supports
Videotex and Teletex, though they are not integral parts of the GSM standard.
b. Bearer services or Data services, which are limited to lavers I, 2 and 3 of the OSI
reference model. Data may transmitted using either. transparent mode or Non-
transparent mode. e. Supplementary ISDN services, are digital : nature, and
include call diversion, closed user group, and caller identification.
Supplementary services also include the short message service.


The block diagram of our project is shown below. It is an outline description of

how we have implemented our project and the varous steps involved in it. From
the block diagram given below, the first mobile station is used as a transmitting
section from which the user sends a code that contains commands and
instructions to the second mobile station which is based on a specilic areal where
our control system is located, through GSM network. The received code can be in
either DTMF format. which is send to the DTMF decoder connected vial headset
iack of the phone or through an SMS. The DTMF decoder converts it into digital
signal and sends it to the microcontroller interfaced to it. Then the
microcontroller processes the code and carries out thel specific operations. The
ULN2003 is used to drive the relay circuits which switches the different appliances
connected to the interface. After connecting the circuit properly and assuming all
the connections are right the following steps are to be followed:
The remote user send authenticated signal including commands to the receiver
phone through the GSM network the signal is received by the receiver phone on
the device.
Then that DTMF signal is passed to the DTMF decoder to convert it to the digital
signal, and sends them to microcontroller.
Microcontroller issues commands to the apphances. and the devices connected
will switch ON/OFF.
And if we are using GSM module, that is SMS mode, the signal send in the form of
SMS is send to the GSM. module and then to microcontroller through serial
communication and then microcontroller command the relays to switch the


In addition to these a cellular phones is required. which has to be connected to

the device to receive the code from the users phone. The resistors and capacitors
are to be selected according to the rating. of this equipment selected and also for
the etlicient. pertotmance of the device.

The software required for the programming of thel 8051 microcontroller is Keil
Vision, in which we program the microcontroller to do the required work. as
desired, and finally all the basic things like the breadboard, input pins, sockets,
soldering gun etc.


Basically any electronic circuit runs with a power supply. Here we are giving a Sv
supply to the various IC's used in the design presented here. We get a 240V
supply in our house at any instant. So in order to provide our circuit appropriate
supply voltage a different. power circuit is to be made based on our requirement.
The various steps included in the circuit are explained below stepwise. And also
various precautions are to be taken for the safety of the electronic circuit
designed. The different stages of the design of the circuit are given below:

a. TRANSFORMER:- We need a step down transformer of 220/ 12v output to

supply all the electronics. involved. Here in this device all the equipment require a
DC input of Sv and since the regular input to the houses is 220v we need a
transformer to step down voltages.

b. BRIDGE RECTIFIER: The equipment needs a DC supply, so the output from the
transformer connected to a bridge rectifier to make it DC. A bridge rectifer
basically has four diodes connected as shown below to provide rectification. This.
configuration is a widely used, both with individual diodes wired as shown and
with single component bridges where the diode bridge is wired internally.

c. FILTER CIRCUIT: The filter circuit is simply capacitor of 100Ouf associated in

parallel to the power circuit. It goes about as a flter that seems to. be, it filters
outs the ripples present in the circuit. brought on throughout the rectification
from the. diodes in the bridge circut. Regardless of the amount consideration is
taken there are still ripples. in the output voltage of the circuit, which is
destructive for the IC's utilized. So filter capacitor. evokes them, along these lines
helping keeping up. security in the outlined circuit.

d. VOLTAGE REGULATOR: Then at last voltage. controllers are associated over the
circuit to secure. the supplies from any kind of voltage variances. All the gadgets
we utilize are delicate and sensitive, so protection from any kind of variances is
very to important. A voltage controller is intended naturally keep up a consistent
voltage level.



5.1 WORKING EXPLINATION:- Message Opeartion

1. RedOn Load 1 ON
2. RedOff Load 1 OFF
3. GreenOn Load 2 ON
4. GreenOff Load 2 OFF
5. BlueOn Load 3 ON
6. BlueOff Load 3 OFF
7. AllOff All Loads OFF
Table:- List of Messages

In this project, Arduino is used for controlling whole the Here process. we have
used GSM wireless communication for controlling home appliances. We send
some commands like " red on", "red off" and so on for controlling AC home
appliances. After receiving given commands by Arduino through GSM. Arduino
send s1gnal to relays, to switch ON or OFF the home appliances using a relay
Here we have used a prefix in command string that is .". This prefix IS used to
identify that the main command 1S coming next to it and at the end of string
indicates that message has been ended.
When we send SMS to GSM module by Mobile, then GSM receives that SMS and
sends it to Arduino. Now Arduino reads this SMS and extract main command from
the received string and stores in a variable. After this arduino compare this string
with predefined string. It match occurred then Arduino sends signal to relay via
relay driver for turning ON and OFF the home appliances. And relative result also
prints on 16x2 LCD y using approprirate commands.
Here in this project we have used 3 zero watt bulb for demonstration which
indicates Fan, Light and TV below is the list of messages which we send via SMS,
to turn "On" and "Off" the Fan, Light.


The software for our project was developed using . simple high level language
tool in C. The software extracts the sent message from the SIM location at •
regular interval and processes it to control the different. appliances connected
within the interface. We have made use of the Nokia F-Bus protocol to
communicate with the mobile phone set. Most Nokia phones have F-Bus and M-
Bus connections that can be used to connect a phone to a PC or in our case a
microcontroller. The connection can be used for controlling just about all
functions of the phone, as well as uploading new firmware etc. This bus wll allow
us to. send and receive SMS messages. The very popular Nokia 3310/3315 has the
F Bus and M Bus connection under the battery holder. This is a bit of a pain to get
to and requires a special cable to make the connection


M-Bus is a one pin bi-directional bus for both. transmitting and receiving data
from the phone. It is. slow (9600bps) and only half-duplex. Only two pins on the
phone are used. One ground and one data. M-Bus runs at 9600bps, 8 data bits,
odd parity, and one stop. bit. The data terminal ready (DTR) pin must be cleared
with the request to send (RTS. This powers the electronics in the cable and I think
it sets it for M-Bus operation. F-Bus is the later high- speed full-duplex bus. It uses
one pin for transmitting. data and one pin for receiving data plus the ground. pin.
Very much like a standard serial port. It is fast. 115,200bps, 8 data bits, no parity,
and one stop bit For F-Bus the data terminal ready (DTR) pin must be set and the
request to send (RTS) pin cleared.


The F-Bus is bi-directional serial type bus running at 115.200bps, 8 data bits The
serial cable contains alectronics tor level conversion and therefore requires.
power. The first thing to do is supply power to the cable glectronics and this is
done by setting the DTR (Data Ferminal Ready) pin and clearing the RTS (Request
to Send) pin The DTR pin has to be connected to a +3 to 12 volt. supply and RTS
to a -3 to -12 V supply. An easy approach to achieve this is by usinga Max232 or
similar transceiver for the RS232 Tx and Rx pins and then connecting the DTR pin

on the serial cable to the V+ pin on the Max232. The same should be done to the
RTS but it should be connected to the V- pin on the Max232. The V+ and V- pins
are derived from internal charge pumps that double the input voltage ie. for a 5V
Max232, the V+ will produce +1OV and the V- will be -10V. Sample frame sent to
the Nokia 3310 (showed as a Hex dumpl Byte: 00 0102 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 1011
12 13 14 15 Data: IE O0 OC D10007 00 010003 00 01 60 00 72 D5 This sample
frame is used to get the hardware and software version from a Nokia phone It is a
good starting point to test if our implementation of the protocol is working. Byte
O: All frames sent by cable will start with the character OxIE first. This is the F-Bus
Frame ID. Cable is OxI E and Infrared is OxIC.
Byte I: This IS the destination address. When sending data. It's the phone's device
ID bvte. In our case it's always 00 for the phone
Byte 2: This is the source address. When sending data. it's the PC's device ID byte.
In our case it's always OxOC fferminal).
Byte 3: This is the message type or command. OxDl is Get HW & SW version.
Byte 4 & 5: Byte 4 & 5 is the message length. In our case it is 7 bytes long. Byte 4
is the MSB and byte 5 is the LSB. CSM Based Control System
Byte 6: The data segment starts here and goes for 7 bvtes in our case. As The
Nokia is a 16 bit phone and therefore requires an even number of bytes. As for
our project, it is odd and thus the last byte will be a padding byte and the
message wll end at location 13. The last byte in the data segment (Byte 12 above)
is the sequence number. The last 3 bits of these byte increments from O to7 for-
each frame. This art needs to be sent back to the phone in the acknowledge
frame. The other bits we are unsure about what thev mean,
Bytes 14 & 15: The second to last byte is always the odd checksum byte and the
last byte is the even checksum byte. The checksum is calculated by XO Ring all the
odd bytes and placing the result in the odd Checksum location and then XO Ring
the even bytes and then_ placing the result in the even byte. Ihe phone receives
and shows reply with the following_ data
1E 0c 00 7F 00 02 D1 00 CF 71
1E 0C 00 D2 00 20 01 60 00 03 56 20 30 34 2E 34 33 0A 32 31 '1) 30 36 2D 3031
0A4E 48 41) 2D 356A 2863 29 20 4E 4D s0 2E 00 01 41 3F A4 rhe first line is an
Acknowledge command framne. The destination and source addresses are now
swapped. This. is because the Nokia phone i now talking. This message is two
bytes long with the two bytes representing the message type received (OxDl and
the seauence number (0xOO). The last two bytes are the checksum and should be
checked to make sure the data is correct. The 3310. will be waiting for an
acknowledge frame after these two fratnes were sent. If the acknowledge frame
Is not sent the 3310 will retry sending the data. The 3310 will only send the data 3

times and then gives up. The second frame from our Nokia 3310 is the data we
requested. The message type is OxD2. This is receive Get HW&SW version'. This
38-byte (0x26) message should Ox0003 i't p" date n" "firmware in" "firmware.
show. 'model \n" "c) NMP." The last byte in the data is the sequence number. As
with standard F-bus frames, the last two bytes in the frame are checksum bytes.
The received data without f-bus frame 01 00 00 03 56 20 30 34 2E 34 35 0A 32 31
2D 30 36 2D 30 31 OA 4E 48 4D 2D 35 0A 28 63 209 204E 4D 50 2E 00 01 41 0003
V 0 4. 45 in21/06/01n N H M - 5 in (c) N M P. Sequence no Now we need to send
the acknowledge frame back to the phone IE O0 OC 7F O0 02 D2 01 C0 7C Ox7F is
the acknowledge frame's command. We are only required to send a two-byte
message so length Is set to nx02. The message contains the acknowledged
message type (OxD2) and the sequence no. (OxO1). The sequence number is
made from the last 3 bits of the sequence number In the previous frame. The
checksum needs to be calculated and sent.


Connections of this GSM based home automation circuit are quite simple, here a
liquid crvstal display Is used for displaying status of home appliances which 1S
directlv connected to arduino in 4-bit mode. Data pins of LCD namely RS, EN, D4,
D5, D6, D7 are connected to arduino digital pin number o, 7, 8, 9, 10. ll. And Rx
and Tx pin of GSM module is directly connected at Ix and Rx in of Arduino
respectuvely. And GSM module I powered b usinga 12 volt adaptor. • volt SPDT 3
relays are used for controlling LIGHT, FAN and TV. And relays are connected to
arduino pin number 3, 4 and 5 through relay driver ULN2003 for controlling
LIGHT, FAN and TV respectively.

5.5.1 Circuit Diagram:

5.5.2 Circuit Connections:

GSM Sim900A:
GSM Rx to Arduino Tx
GSM Tx to Arduino Rx
5v to external 5v supply which can deliver up to I amp. Ground to gound.
16x2 LCD:
VSS to ground.
VDD to supply voltage.
VO to adjust pin of 1Ok potentometer.
RS to Pin 8.
RW to a ground.
Enable to Pin 9. . Ground one end of the potentiometer. 5V to another end of the

5.5.3 Channel Relay Modules:

External 5 volt to JD VCC.

Ground to ground.
Ini 1 to Pin 3.
Ini 2 to Pin 4.
Ini 3 to Pin5.
Vcc to Arduino 5V.
Connect one end of all bulbs to normally open terminal of relavs. One end of
220VAC to all common terminals of a relay and another end with another
terminal of bulbs.

Programming on Ardunio IDE software.

String textMessage;

const int red = 12;

const int green = 11;
const int blue = 10;

void setup() {
// Set leds as OUTPUT
pinMode(red, OUTPUT);
pinMode(green, OUTPUT);
pinMode(blue, OUTPUT);

// By default the leds is off

digitalWrite(red, LOW);
digitalWrite(green, LOW);
digitalWrite(blue, LOW);

// Initializing serial commmunication


// Give time to your GSM shield log on to network


// AT command to set SIM900 to SMS mode


void loop(){
textMessage = Serial.readString();

// Turn on red
digitalWrite(red, HIGH);
textMessage = "";
// Turn off red
digitalWrite(red, LOW);
textMessage = "";
// Turn on green
digitalWrite(green, HIGH);
textMessage = "";
// Turn off green
digitalWrite(green, LOW);
textMessage = "";
// Turn on blue
digitalWrite(blue, HIGH);
textMessage = "";
// Turn off Blue
digitalWrite(blue, LOW);
textMessage = "";
// Turn on all leds
digitalWrite(blue, HIGH);
digitalWrite(green, HIGH);
digitalWrite(red, HIGH);
textMessage = "";

// Turn off all leds
digitalWrite(blue, LOW);
digitalWrite(red, LOW);
digitalWrite(green, LOW);
textMessage = "";




This project is a small implication of our concept tn. automating and monitoring a
system. The practical. applications of this project are immense and can have vast
level of implementation. This small concept can be used in fields such as weather
forecasting. remote sensing, robotics, aeronautics, home automation, and many
other related fields where continuous monitoring. and regulation is needed. So
this Is not the end of the project but rather is a step towards exploring other.
possibilities that it brings with it. We feel very happy to challenging project which
has work In. such tremendous application and possibilities. We recommend our
brothers and sisters to work in such field. which actually gives a lot of satisfaction
while. working The project work in the fact gives a lot of confidence to fight out in
this challenging world. As one proceeds one cannot believe how much knowledge
he/she gains and the teamwork, which the project work. teaches, really will have
a new experience.


The future implicatons ot the project are very great considering the amount of
time and resources it saves.
The project we have undertaken can be used as reference or as a base for
realizing a scheme to be. implemented In other projects of greater level such as
forecasting, wheather. temperature device updates,. synchronization, etc
The project Itself can be modified to achieve a complete Home Automation
system which will then create platform for the user to interface between himself
and his. household.


Initially we had problems connecting the mobile phone with the computer Since
we didn't have an internal modem In our mobile phone set. We also faced
difficulty in setting baud rate at. 115200 bauds, Also we had problems regarding
receiving. and storing acknowledgement from the mobile phone. Other problems
we faced were retreving the received SMS message from the phone itself.

insufficient protocol information We had little and regarding our mobile phone
and so we weren't able to re-transmit status message from the device to the




a.Lightning control: Smart lightning allows you to. control wall swtches. blinds
and lamp . Aiso you are. able to schedules the time liht should turn on and off and
decides level of light should be emitted.

b. HVAC regulation: Heating and cooling our homes consumes an average of

50%0 of energv costs vearly. makuing dallv HVAC regulaton progressrvely. With.
automated HVAC vou are able to reduce heat when. room IS unoccu ied, and
increases or decreases It at specinc tme based on your schedule.

c. Lawn Irrigation System: The grass is always greener.

d. Security system: There is great deal of scrutnv. regarding the level of trust nn
controling your home securty system vna a mobile device , but it begs earnest
exploration when weighing the potential benefits.


i.Managing all of our home devices from one place The conventence factor here
Is enormous.

ii.Being able to keep all of the technology in our home connected through one
interiace is a massive step. forward tor technology and home management.
Flexibility for new devices and appliances.

iii. Being able to integrate the new comers seamlessly will make our lob as home
owner much easer and allow uS to Keep upgrading the latest lie stvle technoloy

iv. Safety: Automation systems are installed carefully and are Integrated under
one centralized control unit which ultmately secures the people.

v. Energy saving: By controlling temperature and on tne programmed Schedules

lighting based bills reduces the enerv system aautomaton. considerably.

Vi. Improves the securty features: The system has an. ability to enhance the
security features of the home Without demanding a huge home renovation.

vii. Enhanced performance: Proper wiring and computer- efective perlormance ot

the automation technolog .

Viii. Easv to use: We can operate and access the rocedure that are eas to learn
and Implement home automation Drocess doesn 't require a huge sum of money
to modality our home

ix. Affordable: home automation process does't require a huge sum of money to
modality our home.


It can be concluded that GSM BASED AUTOMATION SYSTEM was a success this
system consists of an Arduino-Uno board, a GSM Module, Android phone, power
sockets, home appliances and it is user friendly ,cost effective.Also It can
concluded that the objectives of this project has been successfully met and they
are as Constructed a wireless. home automation svstem controlled by a
smartphont speciically an androd devce. Designed and implemer cost etectve
home automation system yet an eicsr. one. Desimning a user friendly and a safe
systea control home appllances especially aumed to ac elders and handicapped
The extensive capabilities of this svstem are what masce. so Interestng. From the
convenience of a stmple phone, a user IS able to control and monitor virtualiv t
electrical devices. This makes it possible for users to res assured that their
belongungs are secure and that t television and other electrical appliances was
not running when thev left the house to lust list a few of t many uses of this
svstem.- The end product will have a simplistic design maktng t easy tor users to
interact with. This wll be essential because of the wide range of technical
knowledge that homeowners have.


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