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Chapter 1


Paying toll is something that every vehicle owner would have done at some point in
their lives. One of the most well-known and widely used methods is the one using the
toll booth. Though this method is extremely simple, it is very inefficient as it requires
the owner to keep ready an exact amount or wait for the official at the booth to give
them change [3].The other method which is popular is tolling through the use of RFID
scanner and tag. Even though this is an improvement over the toll booth system, it is
not very cost effective. Recent studies have shown that in India, delays at toll booths
can cost the country up to Rs.60000 crore per annum. With the increased development
in highways and the number of vehicles on the road, the number of toll booths required
is increasing every year. Though the number of vehicles on road have increased each
year, the number of vehicles paying toll has either remained same or increased only by
a little which proves to be a loss to the government. The government is, therefore,
willing to pay Rs.14000 crore every year to stop this tolling system. In this paper, we
propose a new type of tolling that minimizes the need for toll booths and also helps to
reduce slow traffic by a little.

The proposed system contains Arduino which takes the signal coming from main
system and checks if the user has entered a specified range. This range is marked in the
system using its latitude and longitude coordinates. If so, credits are deducted from the
user’s account and a message is sent to the user notifying them of the deduction. With
the movement of inter-State vehicles and goods, there is a need for toll gates. As there
are unauthorized entries and overloaded goods vehicles at the toll gate increases the
load on highways, scientific tracking and monitoring system becomes a need of the toll
tax department. The proper collection of toll fees can generate a huge quantum of funds
for the maintenance of ageing bridges and the large road network. Hence to improve
the toll tax collection system and to reduce the traffic at toll tax depots, the proposed
method can be used. There are two ways of collecting toll tax in practice. First is the
traditional manual method where one person collects the money and issues a receipt.
The other one is Smart Card system where the person needs to show the smart card to
the system installed at the toll tax depot to open the barrier. Both the above mentioned
methods for collecting toll tax is time consuming. In the conventional methods, there

are chances of escaping the payment of toll tax. It also leads to queuing up of the passing
vehicles. By the realization of the above proposed system we can make the Toll Tax
collection system more efficient and can reduce the traffic logging on the highways.
This system will save a lot of time of the driver, passengers as well as of the tax
collection authorities. Hence we propose a No Queue Toll Tax Collection System.

The main concept of the project is to avoid the long queue and the traffics in the toll
plaza. The transportation process is improved in our country. By using the electronic
toll plaza collection the vehicles doesn’t need to stand in a long queue. For this process
he/she need’s to load the data in the RTO office while buying a new car or some other
time .Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) system is a technology solution
that takes photographs of vehicles and by extracting the number plate from whole image
it segments the characters present on the number plate and then by using the template
matching scheme, it translates the license number of pixel value into numerical or string
[11]. The main aim of the system is to properly identify and locate the vehicle number
plate information and replace the manual systems with an automated system. Automatic
Number Plate recognition (ANPR) system is an image processing technology that is
used to identify the vehicles by tracking their number plate without direct human
intervention.While the vehicle comes to the toll plaza the sensors detects the type of the
vehicle and deducts the amount required for the vehicle from their prepaid toll account.
After the deduction of amount the gate will be opened for the traveler. In case of no
money in the account the user can pay amount in the toll plaza and extra amount for
future use. By using the RTO office’s database the vehicles will be detected easily and
deducts the amount from their toll account.

As we all know that transportation is the backbone of any country’s economy.

Improvement in transportation systems result into the good lifestyle in which we
achieve extraordinary freedom for movement, immense trade in manufactured goods
and services, as well as higher rate of employment levels and social mobility. In fact,
the economic condition of a nation has been closely related to efficient ways of
transportation. Increasing number of vehicles on the road, result into number of
problems such as congestion, accident rate, air pollution and many other. All economic
activities for different tasks use different methods of transportation. For this reason,
increasing transportation is an immediate impact on productivity of nation and the
economy. Reducing the cost of transporting resource at production sites and transport

completed goods to markets is one of the important key factors in economic
competition. Automatic toll collection is a technology allows the automated electronic
collection of toll costs. As it is studied by researchers and also applied in various
expressways, bridges, and tunnels require such a process of Automatic Toll Plaza.[5]
Automatic Toll Plaza (ATP) is capable of determining if the vehicle is registered or
not, and then informing the management center about to process violations, debits, and
participating accounts[1] .The most excellent advantage of this ATP system is that it is
capable of eliminate congestion in toll plaza, especially during those seasons when
traffic seems to be higher than normal.

The Benefits of this System are:

 Shorter queues at toll plazas by increasing toll booth service rates

 Faster and more efficient service
 The ability to make payments by keeping a balance on the card itself
 The use of postpaid toll statements
 Other general advantages include minimization of fuel wastage and reduced
emissions by reducing deceleration rate, waiting time of vehicles in queue, and

For Toll Operators, the benefits include:

 Lowered toll collection costs

 Better audit control by centralized user account
 Expanded capacity without building more infrastructures.

Thus, the ATP system is useful for both the motorists and toll operators, this is the
reason of extended use of ATP system throughout the world.

Electronic toll collection (ETC) aims to eliminate the delay on toll roads, high-
occupancy vehicle (HOV), toll bridges, and toll tunnels by collecting tolls without cash
and without requiring cars to stop. Electronic toll booths may operate alongside cash
lanes so that drivers who do not have transponders can pay a cashier or throw coins into
a receptacle. With cashless tolling, cars without transponders are either excluded or pay
by plate a bill may be mailed to the address where the car's license plate number is
registered, or drivers may have a certain amount of time to pay with a credit card by
phone. Open road tolling is a popular form of cashless tolling without toll booths; cars

pass electronic readers even at highway speeds without the safety hazard and traffic
bottlenecks created by having to slow down to go through an automated toll booth lane.

Transponders are used to facilitate micropayments from drivers who have typically
signed up in advance and loaded money into a declining-balance account which is
debited each time they pass a toll point. License plate readers and sensors can be used
to detect cars which are evading tolls or which are wanted by law enforcement for other
reasons. Electronic tolling is cheaper than a staffed booth, reducing transaction costs
for government agencies or private road owners recouping construction or maintenance
costs or deriving revenue from a toll road. The ease of varying the amount of the toll
and the ability to charge drivers without building a toll booth also makes it easy to
implement road congestion pricing, including for high-occupancy lanes, toll lanes that
bypass congestion, and city-wide congestion charges.

In 1959, Nobel Economics Prize winner William Vickrey was the first to propose a
system of electronic tolling for the Washington Metropolitan Area. He proposed that
each car would be equipped with a transponder: "The transponder's personalized signal
would be picked up when the car passed through an intersection, and then relayed to a
central computer which would calculate the charge according to the intersection and
the time of day and add it to the car’s bill."[2] In the 1960s and the 1970s, free flow
tolling was tested with fixed transponders at the undersides of the vehicles and readers,
which were located under the surface of the highway [6]. Modern toll transponders are
typically mounted under the windshield, with readers located in overhead gantries.

Italy has been the first Country in the World to deploy a full ETC in Motorways at
National scale in 1989. Telepass, the Brand name of the ETC belonging to n Autostrade
was designed by Dr. Eng. Pierluigi Ceseri and Dr. Eng. Mario Alvisi and included a
full operational real time Classification of Vehicles and Enforcement via cameras
interconnected with the PRA (Public Register of Automobiles) via a network of more
than 3.000 Km. optical fibers. Telepass introduced the concept of ETC Interoperability
because interconnected 24 different Italian Motorway Operators allowing users to
travel between different Concession Areas and paying only at the end of the journey.
Dr. Eng. Mario Alvisi is considered the father of ETC in Motorways because not only
co-designed Telepass but was able to make it the first standardized Operating ETC
system in the World as European Standard in 1996 and acting as Consultant for
deployment of ETC in many Countries including Japan, the USA, Brazil, etc..

Norway has been the world's pioneer in the widespread implementation of this
technology. ETC was first introduced in Bergen, in 1986, operating together with
traditional tollbooths. In 1991, Trondheim introduced the world's first use of
completely unaided full-speed electronic tolling. Norway now has 25 toll roads
operating with electronic fee collection (EFC), as the Norwegian technology is called
Auto PASS. In 1995, Portugal became the first country to apply a single, universal
system to all tolls in the country, the Via Verde, which can also be used in parking lots
and gas stations. The United States is another country with widespread use of ETC in
several states, though many U.S. toll roads maintain the option of manual collection.

1.1 Technologies

Electronic toll collection systems rely on four major components: automated vehicle
identification, automated vehicle classification, transaction processing, and violation

The four components are somewhat independent, and, in fact, some toll agencies have
contracted out functions separately. In some cases, this division of functions has
resulted in difficulties. In one notable example, the New Jersey E-Z Pass regional
consortium's Violation Enforcement contractor did not have access to the Transaction
Processing contractor's database of customers [8]. This, together with installation
problems in the automated vehicle identification system, led to many customers
receiving erroneous violation notices, and a violation system whose net income, after
expenses, was negative, as well as customer dissatisfaction.

1.2 Automatic Vehicles Identification

Automated vehicle identification (AVI) is the process of determining the identity of a

vehicle subject to tolls. The majority of toll facilities record the passage of vehicles
through a limited number of toll gates. At such facilities, the task is then to identify the
vehicle in the gate area.

Some early AVI systems used barcodes affixed to each vehicle, to be read optically at
the toll booth. Optical systems proved to have poor reading reliability, especially when
faced with inclement weather and dirty vehicles.

Most current AVI systems rely on radio-frequency identification, where an antenna at
the toll gate communicates with a transponder on the vehicle via Dedicated Short
Range Communications (DSRC).ANPR is also known as Number Plate Tracking
(NPT), Vehicle Number Plate Recognition (VNPR), Car Plate Recognition (CPR),
Automatic License Plate Reader (ALPR), License Plate Recognition (LPR), Vehicle
Number Recognition (VNR) etc. ANPR typically includes four steps, image acquisition
and pre-processing, number plate detection and extraction, character segmentation and
character recognition.

The basic model of ANPR system consists of four phases as follow:-

a. Image Acquisition and Pre-processing

b. Number Plate Extraction (NPE)

c. Character Segmentation (CS)

d. Character Recognition (CR).

The major disadvantage is the cost of equipping each vehicle with a transponder, which
can be a major start-up expense, if paid by the toll agency, or a strong customer
deterrent, if paid by the customer.

To avoid the need for transponders, some systems, notably the 407 ETR (Electronic
Toll Route) near Toronto, use automatic number plate recognition. Here, a system of
cameras captures images of vehicles passing through tolled areas, and the image of the
number plate is extracted and used to identify the vehicle. This allows customers to use
the facility without any advance interaction with the toll agency [6]. The disadvantage
is that fully automatic recognition has a significant error rate, leading to billing errors
and the cost of transaction processing (which requires locating and corresponding with
the customer) can be significant. Systems that incorporate a manual review stage have
much lower error rates, but require a continuing staffing expense.

A few toll facilities cover a very wide area, making fixed toll gates impractical. The
most notable of these is a truck tolling system in Germany. This system instead
uses Global Positioning System location information to identify when a vehicle is
located on a tolled Autobahn. Implementation of this system turned out to be far
lengthier and more costly than expected.

As smart phone use becomes more commonplace, some toll road management
companies have turned to mobile phone apps to inexpensively automate and expedite
paying tolls from the lanes. One such example application is Alabama Freedom Pass
mobile, used to link customer accounts at sites operated by American Roads LLC. The
app communicates in real time with the facility transaction processing system to
identify and debit customer accounts or bill a major credit card.

1.3 Automated vehicle classification

Automated vehicle classification is closely related to automated vehicle identification

(AVI). Most toll facilities charge different rates for different types of vehicles, making
it necessary to distinguish the vehicles passing through the toll facility.

The simplest method is to store the vehicle class in the customer record, and use the
AVI data to look up the vehicle class [7]. This is low-cost, but limits user flexibility, in
such cases as the automobile owner who occasionally tows a trailer.

More complex systems use a variety of sensors. Inductive sensors embedded in the road
surface can determine the gaps between vehicles, to provide basic information on the
presence of a vehicle. Treadles permit counting the number of axles as a vehicle passes
over them and, with offset-treadle installations, also detect dual-tire vehicles. Light-
curtain laser profilers record the shape of the vehicle, which can help distinguish trucks
and trailers.

1.4 Transaction processing

Transaction processing deals with maintaining customer accounts, posting toll

transactions and customer payments to the accounts, and handling customer inquiries.
The transaction processing component of some systems is referred to as a "customer
service center". In many respects, the transaction processing function
resembles banking, and several toll agencies have contracted out transaction processing
to a bank.

Customer accounts may be postpaid, where toll transactions are periodically billed to
the customer, or prepaid, where the customer funds a balance in the account which is
then depleted as toll transactions occur. The prepaid system is more common, as the

small amounts of most tolls makes pursuit of uncollected debts uneconomic. Most
postpaid accounts deal with this issue by requiring a security deposit, effectively
rendering the account a prepaid one.

1.5 Violation enforcement

A violation enforcement system (VES) is useful in reducing unpaid tolls, as an

unmanned toll gate otherwise represents a tempting target for toll evasion. Several
methods can be used to deter toll violators.

Police patrols at toll gates can be highly effective. In addition, in most jurisdictions, the
legal framework is already in place for punishing toll evasion as a traffic infraction.
However, the expense of police patrols makes their use on a continuous basis
impractical, such that the probability of being stopped is likely to be low enough as to
be an insufficient deterrent [9].

A physical barrier, such as a gate arm, ensures that all vehicles passing through the toll
booth have paid a toll. Violators are identified immediately, as the barrier will not
permit the violator to proceed. However, barriers also force authorized customers,
which are the vast majority of vehicles passing through, to slow to a near-stop at the
toll gate, negating much of the speed and capacity benefits of electronic tolling.

Automatic number plate recognition, while rarely used as the primary vehicle
identification method, is more commonly used in violation enforcement. In the VES
context, the number of images collected is much smaller than in the AVI context [4].
This makes manual review, with its greater accuracy over fully automated methods,
practical. However, many jurisdictions require legislative action to permit this type of
enforcement, as the number plate identifies only the vehicle, not its operator, and many
traffic enforcement regulations require identifying the operator in order to issue an

An example of this is the vToll system on the Illinois Tollway, which requires
transponder users to enter their license plate information before using the system. If the
transponder fails to read, the license plate number is matched to the transponder
account, and the regular toll amount is deducted from the account rather than a violation
being generated. If the license plate can't be found in the database, then it is processed

as a violation. Illinois' toll violation system has a 7-day grace period, allowing toll way
users to pay missed tolls online with no penalty the 7 days following the missed toll.

In the United States, a growing number of states are sharing information on toll
violators, where toll agencies can report out-of-state toll violators to the Department of
Motor Vehicles(or similar agency) of the violator's home state. The state motor vehicle
agency can then block the renewal of the vehicle's registration until the violator has
paid all outstanding tolls, plus penalties and interest in some situations. Toll authorities
are also resorting to using collection agencies and litigation for habitual toll violators
with large unpaid debts, and some states can pursue criminal prosecution of repeat toll
violators, where the violator could serve time in jail, if convicted. Many toll agencies
also publicize a list of habitual toll violators through media outlets and newspapers.
Some toll agencies offer amnesty periods, where toll violators can settle their
outstanding debts without incurring penalties or being subject to litigation or

As we all know that transportation is the backbone of any country’s economy.

Improvement in transportation systems result into the good lifestyle in which we
achieve extraordinary freedom for movement, immense trade in manufactured goods
and services, as well as higher rate of employment levels and social mobility. In fact,
the economic condition of a nation has been closely related to efficient ways of
transportation. Increasing number of vehicles on the road, result into number of
problems such as congestion, accident rate, air pollution and many other. All economic
activities for different tasks use different methods of transportation. For this reason,
increasing transportation is an immediate impact on productivity of nation and the
economy. Reducing the cost of transporting resource at production sites and transport
completed goods to markets is one of the important key factors in economic
competition. Automatic toll collection is a technology allows the automated electronic
collection of toll costs. As it is studied by researchers and also applied in various
expressways, bridges, and tunnels require such a process of Automatic Toll Plaza. ATP
is capable of determining if the vehicle is registered or not, and then informing the
management center about to process violations, debits, and participating accounts.

1.6 Problem Definition

The base idea behind implementing RFID Based Toll System is to automate the toll
collection process and their by reducing manual operation in toll booths and the long
queues at toll booths using RFID tags installed on the vehicles. In addition, we can not
only help the vehicle owners and system administrators from vehicle theft detection but
also can track over speeding vehicles, and crossing the signals. Here we are going to
see some points regarding to purpose behind choosing this topic & what is the
requirement of this type of the project in our day to day life.

 Automatic collection of toll tax.

 Free flow of traffic.
 Time saving.
 Record maintenance.
 Problems with pursuing toll evaders.
 Avoid the fuel loss.
 Saving of time in collecting toll.
 Avoid financial loss.
 To monitor the traffic.

According to the survey of Karnataka Government, in Sept.2012 they have

proposed to get the annual toll collection about 2500 crore/year .But in the present
situation they are able to collect only 900 crore of the toll value. Means there is loss of
600 crore due to human errors. So, in this situation we have to control this leakage.
Now the present system we have with us on the high ways takes 1 minute to complete
the toll collection process for one vehicle [10]. With this automatic process, it will take
just less than a minute to complete the whole process. As there is reduction in time for
completion of the process so indirectly there will be no traffic as such & as there is no
traffic so no fuel wastage takes place & the purpose of designing the highways is
achieved i.e. reduction in journey time & also the money loss will be reduced.

1.7 Problem Statement

Whenever the matter of Integration of systems comes to mind, we think of a system

having the following important features viz. Accuracy: All the functionally bonded
logical dependencies must be integrated. Efficiency: The whole system should work
under all circumstances and on a long run it should work efficiently irrespective of their
proprietary format. Cost Effectiveness: As our software do not require any special
software for implementation hence is less costly as compared to other existing system.
Any Prerequisite for the use: As the existing systems are not altered, and integration is
done at the background hence there is no need for any training.

1.8 Background Overview

In some urban settings, automated gates are in use in electronic-toll lanes, with 5 mph
(8 km/h) legal limits on speed; in other settings, 20 mph (35 km/h) legal limits are not
uncommon. However, in other areas such as the Garden State Parkway in New Jersey,
and at various locations in California, Florida, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Texas, cars
can travel through electronic lanes at full speed. Illinois' Open Road Tolling program
features 274 contiguous miles of barrier-free roadways, where I-PASS or E-Z
Pass users continue to travel at highway speeds through toll plazas, while cash payers
pull off the main roadway to pay at tollbooths. Currently over 80% of Illinois' 1.4
million daily drivers use I-PASS.

Enforcement is accomplished by a combination of a camera which takes a picture of

the car and a radio frequency keyed computer which searches for a driver’s
window/bumper mounted transponder to verify and collect payment. The system sends
a notice and fine to cars that pass through without having an active account or paying a

Factors hindering full-speed electronic collection include significant non-participation,

entailing lines in manual lanes and disorderly traffic patterns as the electronic- and
manual- collection cars "sort themselves out" into their respective lanes; problems with
pursuing toll evaders; need, in at least some current (barrier) systems, to confine
vehicles in lanes, while interacting with the collection devices, and the dangers of high-
speed collisions with the confinement structures; vehicle hazards to toll employees

present in some electronic-collection areas; the fact that in some areas at some times,
long lines form even to pass through the electronic-collection lanes; and costs and other
issues raised when retrofitting existing toll collection facilities. Unionized toll
collectors can also be problematic.

Even if line lengths are the same in electronic lanes as in manual ones, electronic tolls
save registered cars time: eliminating the stop at a window or toll machine, between
successive cars passing the collection machine, means a fixed-length stretch of their
journey past it is traveled at a higher average speed, and in a lower time. This is at least
a psychological improvement, even if the length of the lines in automated lanes is
sufficient to make the no-stop-to-pay savings insignificant compared to time still lost
due waiting in line to pass the toll gate. Toll plazas are typically wider than the rest of
the highway; reducing the need for them makes it possible to fit toll roads into tight

Despite these limitations, if delay at the toll gate is reduced, the tollbooth can serve
more vehicles per hour. The greater the throughput of any toll lane, the fewer lanes
required, and so construction costs can be reduced. Specifically, the toll-collecting
authorities have incentives to resist pressure to limit the fraction of electronic lanes in
order to limit the length of manual-lane lines. In the short term, the greater the fraction
of automated lanes, the lower the cost of operation (once the capital costs of automating
are amortized). In the long term, the greater the relative advantage that registering and
turning one's vehicle into an electronic-toll one provides, the faster cars will be
converted from manual-toll use to electronic-toll use, and therefore the fewer manual-
toll cars will drag down average speed and thus capacity.

In some countries, some toll agencies that use similar technology have set up (or are
setting up) reciprocity arrangements, which permit one to drive a vehicle on another
operator's tolled road with the tolls incurred charged to the driver's toll-payment account
with their home operator. An example is the United States E-ZPass tag, which is
accepted on toll roads, bridges and tunnels in fifteen states from Illinois to Maine.

In Australia, there are a number or organizations that provide tags that can be used on
toll roads. They include Roads and Maritime Services, Roam and E-Toll. A toll is
debited to the customer's account with their tag provider. Some toll road operators –
including Sydney's Sydney Harbour Tunnel, Lane Cove Tunnel, and Westlink M7,

Melbourne's CityLink and Eastlink, and Brisbane's Gateway Motorway – encourage
use of such tags, and apply an additional vehicle matching fee to vehicles without a tag.

A similar device in France, called Liber-T for light vehicles and TIS-PL for HGVs, is
accepted on all toll roads in the country.

In Brazil, the Sem Parar/Via-Fácil system allows customers to pass through tolls in
more than 1,000 lanes in the states of São Paulo, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa
Catarina, Bahia and Rio de Janeiro. Sem Parar/Via-Fácil also allows users to enter and
exit more than 100 parking lots. There are also other systems, such as via express, onda
livre and auto express, that are present in the states of Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do
Sul, Santa Catarina, Parana and Minas Gerais.

In Pakistan, the National Database and Registration Authority is implementing an

electronic toll collection system on motorways using RFID.

The European Union has created the EFC-directive, which attempts to standardize
European toll collection systems. Systems deployed after 1 January 2007 must support
at least one of the following technologies: satellite positioning, mobile communications
using the GSM-GPRS standard or 5.8 GHz microwave technology. All toll roads
in Ireland must support the eToll tag standard.

From 2015, the Norwegian government requires commercial trucks above 3.5 tons on
its roads to have a transponder and a valid road toll subscription. Before this regulation,
two thirds of foreign trucks failed to pay road tolls.

1.9 Existing System:

There are two methods of collecting tax presently used they are First is the traditional
manual method where one person collects money and issues a receipt. The other one is
the Smart Card method where the person needs to show the smart card to the system
installed at the toll tax department to open the Gate.

In this existing method we have to enter the data’s through manual process and collect
the required amount from the traveler and should give the correct balance amount to
the traveler this may take few minutes for processing. Existing system of toll tax
collection. This process makes other traveler to wait in the queue for long time and
consumption of petrol is also high. The major problem in the toll plaza is the balance

cash to be given to the traveler .There are two methods of collecting tax presently used
they are First is the traditional manual method where one person collects money and
issues a receipt. The other one is the Smart Card method where the person needs to
show the smart card to the system installed at the toll tax department to open the Gate.

1.9.1 Drawbacks of Existing System:

Both the above mentioned method for collecting tax is time consuming method.
Chances of escaping the payment of tax are there. It leads to queuing up of following

1.10 History of Automatic Toll Tax:

Design and development of a “RFID Based Automatic Toll Plaza” which is based on
microcontroller, RFID technology and load cell to save the time at toll plaza and having
cashless operation As the name implies “RFID Based Automatic Toll Plaza” the key
theme of our project is the automation. So here we will just take the overlook of what
is mean by Automation. In simple words the Automation means the human being from
the process with the machines. Before going further we just take the overlook of history
of the toll plazas. So before the 90’s decade the toll plazas were fully manual controlled.
Means there are total four people for operating the Toll gate in this two people will be
used for opening & closing of the gate & another two are for reception of the money &
data keeping etc. Semi-Automatic Toll plazas were launched after the introduction of
Express ways in 1995, in which data is stored in computers and gate operation is
automatic, only two personals are required for single booth. But here we are going to
see the human less toll plaza. Active wave Inc. has currently deployed a system of active
tag vehicle monitoring solution. Active wave vehicle products have a range of 30
meters and operate in the 916 – 927 MHz for the transmit operations and 433 MHz for
the receive link. Active wave products are currently equipped with 256 Kbits of fixed
memory. The tag is powered with a replaceable 3V battery and the total weight is 14
grams. Elementary signals are shown with the help of blinking LEDs and beeping
sounds. Smart key Access Control Systems have a client – server model based system
with an SQL server handling multiple vehicle monitoring systems. They have designed
a user interface using the Microsoft .NET Framework. Smart key also operate in the
900MHz band but have a small range of 30 meters. RFID based toll collection system

uses active RFID tag which uses car battery power. The implementation is divided into
the design of two modules- the Vehicle Module (Active Tag) and the Base Module. The
two modules communicate via RF modem connected to each module.

This project gives the simplified procedure to passengers to pay toll at toll booths by
making them automated, vehicle theft detection, signal breaking avoidance, tracking
over speed vehicles. All these activities are carried using application based toll system
which works with the help of Arduino and MATLAB.

 Automatic Toll Collection: On basis of distance to travel the application calculate

all the taxes and tolls and hence giving an option to pay the amount and after this
the purposed system will work on the basis of the MATLAB.
 Vehicle Theft Detection: When vehicle is stolen the owner registers complaint on
the website with its registration ID and unique RFID tag number. Now when stolen
vehicle passes by the toll plaza, the tag fixed on it is matched with the stolen
vehicle's tag in the database at the toll booth.
 Signal Breaking Avoidance: The vehicle ignoring the traffic signal will be
detected by the RFID readers fixed at signal crossing and will be notified to the
traffic police. This can be done efficiently and great accuracy.
 Tracking Over speeding Vehicle: Vehicle travelling above speed limit can be
tracked with 100 % accuracy.

1.11 Proposed System

There are currently two methods of toll collection which are in place. One is where the
money is collected at the toll booths and the user is required to pay the toll at the booth.
Though this method is extremely simple, it is highly inefficient. Another method that
is now gaining popularity is the one where a RFID tag is attached to the windshield of
the vehicle and a RFID scanner present is used to scan the tag. This method is an
improvement over the toll booth but it is expensive.The main purpose of this project is
to detect the license plate from an image provided by the camera. Then an efficient
algorithm is developed to detect the license plate in various luminous condition. A
mobile application is made for the user by which the user can pay the tax and by this

system he has not stop at any toll station as system detect the number plate. For this
system the software that will be used are MATLAB for image to test conversion and
ANDROID STUDIO for user application. The proposed system installed at toll is
shown in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1: E-Toll system

The following are the major advantages over current system:

 Automatic collection of toll tax.

 Free flow of traffic.
 Time saving.
 Record maintenance.
 Problems with pursuing toll evaders

Chapter 2

2.1 Toll
A toll road, also known as a turnpike or toll way, is a public or private road (almost
always a controlled-access highway in the present day) for which a fee (or toll) is
assessed for passage. It is a form of road pricing typically implemented to help recoup
the cost of road construction and maintenance.

Toll roads have existed in some form since antiquity, with tolls levied on passing
travelers on foot, wagon, or horseback; but their prominence increased with the rise of
the automobile, and many modern toll ways charge fees for motor vehicles exclusively.
The amount of the toll usually varies by vehicle type, weight, or number of axles, with
freight trucks often charged higher rates than cars.

Tolls are often collected at toll booths, toll houses, plazas, stations, bars, or gates. Some
toll collection points are unmanned and the user deposits money in a machine which
opens the gate once the correct toll has been paid. To cut costs and minimize time delay
many tolls are collected by some form of automatic or electronic toll
collection equipment which communicates electronically with a toll
payer's transponder. Some electronic toll roads also maintain a system of toll booths so
people without transponders can still pay the toll, but many newer roads now
use automatic number plate recognition to charge drivers who use the road without a
transponder, and some older toll roads are being upgraded with such systems.

Criticisms of toll roads include the time taken to stop and pay the toll, and the cost of
the toll booth operators—up to about one-third of revenue in some cases. Automated
toll-paying systems help minimize both of these. Others object to paying "twice" for
the same road: in fuel taxes and with tolls.

In addition to toll roads, toll bridges and toll tunnels are also used by public authorities
to generate funds to repay the cost of building the structures. Some tolls are set aside to
pay for future maintenance or enhancement of infrastructure, or are applied as a general
fund by local governments, not being earmarked for transport facilities. This is
sometimes limited or prohibited by central government legislation. Also road
congestion pricing schemes have been implemented in a limited number of urban areas

as a transportation demand management tool to try to reduce traffic congestion and air

2.1.1 Collection methods

Traditionally tolls were paid by hand at a toll gate. Although payments may still be
made in cash, it is more common now to pay using an electronic toll collection system.
In some places, payment is made using transponders which are affixed to the

2.1.2 Open, closed and open road toll systems

Three systems of toll roads exist: open (with mainline barrier toll plazas); closed (with
entry/exit tolls); and open road (no toll booths, only electronic toll collection gantries
at entrances and exits or at strategic locations on the median of the road). Modern toll
roads often use a combination of the three: for example, the Pennsylvania
Turnpike and Florida's Turnpike implement all three systems in different sections.

On an open toll system, all vehicles stop at various locations along the highway to pay
a toll. (This is different from "open road tolling", where no vehicles stop to pay a toll.)
While this may save money from the lack of need to construct toll booths at every exit,
it can cause traffic congestion while traffic queues at the mainline toll plazas (toll
barriers). It is also possible for motorists to enter an 'open toll road' after one toll barrier
and exit before the next one, thus travelling on the toll road toll-free. Most open toll
roads have ramp tolls or partial access junctions to prevent this practice, known in the
U.S. as "shunpiking".

With a closed toll system, vehicles collect a ticket when entering the highway. In some
cases, the ticket displays the toll to be paid on exit. Upon exit, the driver must pay the
amount listed for the given exit. Should the ticket be lost, a driver must typically pay
the maximum amount possible for travel on that highway. Short toll roads with no
intermediate entries or exits may have only one toll plaza at one end, with motorists
travelling in either direction paying a flat fee either when they enter or when they exit
the toll road. In a variant of the closed toll system, mainline barriers are present at the
two endpoints of the toll road, and each interchange has a ramp toll that is paid upon
exit or entry. In this case, a motorist pays a flat fee at the ramp toll and another flat fee

at the end of the toll road; no ticket is necessary. In addition, with most systems,
motorists may pay tolls only with cash and/or change; debit and credit cards are not
accepted. However, some toll roads may have travel plazas with ATMs so motorists
can stop and withdraw cash for the tolls.

The toll is calculated by the distance travelled on the toll road or the specific exit
chosen. In the United States, for instance, the Kansas Turnpike, Ohio Turnpike, New
Jersey Turnpike, most of the Pennsylvania Turnpike, Indiana Toll Road, New York
State Thruway, and Florida's Turnpike currently implement closed systems.

The Union Toll Plaza on the Garden State Parkway was the first ever to use an
automated toll collection machine. A plaque commemorating the event includes the
first quarter collected at its toll booths.

The first major deployment of an RFID electronic toll collection system in the United
States was on the Dallas North Toll way in 1989 by Amtech. The Amtech RFID
technology used on the Dallas North Tollway was originally developed at Sandia Labs
for use in tagging and tracking livestock. In the same year, the Telepass active
transponder RFID system was introduced across Italy. Several US states now
use mobile tolling platforms to facilitate use of payment via smartphones.

Highway 407 in the province of Ontario, Canada, has no toll booths, and instead reads
a transponder mounted on the windshields of each vehicle using the road (the rear
license plates of vehicles lacking a transponder are photographed when they enter and
exit the highway). This made the highway the first all-automated toll highway in the
world. A bill is mailed monthly for usage of the 407. Lower charges are levied on
frequent 407 users who carry electronic transponders in their vehicles. The approach
has not been without controversy: In 2003 the 407 ETR settled a class action with a
refund to users.

Throughout most of the East Coast of the United States, E-ZPass (operated under the
brand I-Pass in Illinois) is accepted on almost all toll roads. Similar systems
include SunPass in Florida, FasTrak in California, Good to Go in Washington State,
and Express Toll in Colorado. The systems use a small radio transponder mounted in
or on a customer's vehicle to deduct toll fares from a pre-paid account as the vehicle
passes through the toll barrier. This reduces manpower at toll booths and increases

traffic flow and fuel efficiency by reducing the need for complete stops to pay tolls at
these locations.

By designing a tollgate specifically for electronic collection, it is possible to carry out

open-road tolling, where the customer does not need to slow at all when passing through
the tollgate. The U.S. state of Texas is testing a system on a stretch of Texas 121 that
has no toll booths. Drivers without a Toll Tag have their license plate photographed
automatically and the registered owner will receive a monthly bill, at a higher rate than
those vehicles with Toll Tags.

The first all-electronic toll road in the eastern United States, the InterCounty Connector
(Maryland Route 200) was partially opened to traffic in February 2011, and the final
segment was completed in November 2014. The first section of another all-electronic
toll road, the Triangle Expressway, opened at the beginning of 2012 in North Carolina

2.1.3 Charging Method

Road tolls were levied traditionally for a specific access (e.g. city) or for a specific
infrastructure (e.g. roads, bridges). These concepts were widely used until the last
century. However, the evolution in technology made it possible to implement road
tolling policies based on different concepts. The different charging concepts are
designed to suit different requirements regarding purpose of the charge, charging
policy, the network to the charge, tariff class differentiation etc.

Time Based Charges and Access Fees: In a time-based charging regime, a road user has
to pay for a given period of time in which they may use the associated infrastructure.
For the practically identical access fees, the user pays for the access to a restricted zone
for a period or several days.

Motorway and other Infrastructure Tolling: The term tolling is used for charging a well-
defined special and comparatively costly infrastructure, like a bridge, a tunnel, a
mountain pass, a motorway concession, or the whole motorway network of a country.
Classically a toll is due when a vehicle passes a tolling station, be it a manual barrier-
controlled toll plaza or a free-flow multi-lane station.

Distance or Area Charging: In a distance or area charging system concept, vehicles are
charged per total distance driven in a defined area.

Some toll roads charge a toll in only one direction. Examples include the Sydney
Harbour Bridge, Sydney Harbour Tunnel, and Eastern Distributor (these all charge
tollscity-bound) in Australia, in the United States, crossings between Pennsylvania and
New Jersey operated by Delaware River Port Authority and crossings between New
Jersey and New York operated by Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. This
technique is practical where the detour to avoid the toll is large or the toll differences
are small.

2.2 Criticism

Toll roads have been criticized as being inefficient in various ways:

 They require vehicles to stop or slow down (except open road tolling); manual
toll collection wastes time and raises vehicle operating costs.
 Collection costs can absorb up to one-third of revenues, and revenue theft is
considered to be comparatively easy.
 Where the tolled roads are less congested than the parallel "free" roads, the
traffic diversion resulting from the tolls increases congestion on the road system
and reduces its usefulness.
 By tracking the vehicle locations, their drivers are subject to an effectual
restriction of their freedom of movement and freedom from excessive

A number of additional criticisms are also directed at toll roads in general:

 Toll roads are a form of regressive taxation; that is, compared to conventional
taxes for funding roads, they benefit wealthier citizens more than poor citizens.
 If toll roads are owned or managed by private entities, the citizens may lose
money overall compared to conventional public funding because the private
owners/operators of the toll system will naturally seek to profit from the roads.
 The managing entities, whether public or private, may not correctly account for
the overall social costs, particularly to the poor, when setting pricing and thus
may hurt the neediest segments of society.

 People who have to use a toll road when driving to work, might have to pay
fairly much on an annual basis, while colleagues living elsewhere do not have
to pay any toll.

2.3 RFID-based automated tollbooth system

In this paper, each vehicle is installed with a passive RFID tag. When the vehicle enters
the tollbooth, the tag is scanned using the RFID scanner. Once scanned, the system
checks to see if the vehicle is present in the database. Once the details of account are
available, the required amount is deducted from the user’s account automatically.

2.4 Smart highway electronic toll collection system

This research paper describes the automated toll collection system for toll gate based
on RFID technology. There are three portions in toll collection system. They are RFID
system, balance deduction system in host computer and toll gate control system. The
microcontroller is also used to control the stepper motor and display the deposit on the
LCD. The authorized person at the toll gate can check the ID numbers, vehicle numbers
and the amount of balance with the database on PC. The new user can register and
update the amount of balance via Graphical User Interface (GUI) easily. A number of
deposits will also update simultaneously at the two databases of the toll gate because of
LAN network. By using this system, it will save time, i.e. by avoiding long queue as no
need to stop the vehicle and no need of manual transaction at the toll gate.

2.5 High-Performance license plate recognition system

The license plate recognition (LPR) system is one kind of intelligent transportation
systems (ITS) and is of considerable interest because of its potential applications in
such areas as highway electronic toll collection, red light violation enforcement, and
secure-access control at parking lots and so on. The paper introduces the system
framework and work flow of LPR system which works based on web technique.

2.6 Proposed System Description

In this paper we have used automatic toll collection system by using an Application &
MATLAB. By the proposed method has simple procedure to collect the toll payment
to passenger without wastage of time. A mobile application is made for the user by
which the user can pay the tax and by this system he has not stop at any toll station as
system detect the number plate. For this system the software that will be used are
MATLAB for image to test conversion and ANDROID STUDIO for user application.
The power is supplied by the reader. Passive tags have a useful life of twenty years or
more. The tag is typically much less expensive and smaller. The proposed system
features are as follows. Automatic toll collection system uses passive RFID technology
(passive tag). The power is supplied by the reader. The main advantage of a passive tag
is that the tag functions without a battery. Passive tags have a useful life of twenty years
or more.

2.6.1 Advantages of Proposed System

 It is much cheaper as the hardware is available for low price and the software
is available free of cost as it is open source
 There is also no need for construction of toll booths
 It will not delay or slow the traffic in any way

2.6.2 Module of Proposed System:

a) Arduino Board
Arduino is an open source, computer hardware and software company and a user
community that designs and manufactures microcontroller kits for building digital
devices and interactive objects that can sense and control objects in the physical world.
The project's products are distributed as open-source hardware and software, which are
licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) or the GNU General
Public License (GPL), permitting the manufacture of Arduino boards and software
distribution by anyone. It consists of a physical programmable circuit board and an
integrated development environment which is run on the computer and is used to write

and upload computer code to the physical board. In this project, Arduino is used for
interacting with the IR sensor and the Servomotor.

b) Servo Motor:
A servo motor is an electrical device which can push or rotate an object with great
precision. If you want to rotate and object at some specific angles or distance, then you
use servo motor. It is just made up of simple motor which run through servo mechanism.
If motor is used is DC powered then it is called DC servo motor, and if it is AC powered
motor then it is called AC servo motor. We can get a very high torque servo motor in a
small and light weight packages. Doe to these features they are being used in many
applications like toy car, RC helicopters and planes, Robotics, Machine etc. Servo
motors are rated in kg/cm (kilogram per centimetre) most hobby servo motors are rated
at 3kg/cm or 6kg/cm or 12kg/cm. This kg/cm tells you how much weight your servo
motor can lift at a particular distance. For example: A 6kg/cm Servo motor should be
able to lift 6kg if the load is suspended 1cm away from the motors shaft, the greater the
distance the lesser the weight carrying capacity. The position of a servo motor is
decided by electrical pulse and its circuitry is placed beside the motor.

c) IR Sensor:

An infrared sensor is an electronic device that emits in order to sense some aspects of
the surroundings. An IR sensor can measure the heat of an object as well as detects the
motion. These types of sensors measures only infrared radiation, rather than emitting it
that is called as a passive IR sensor. Usually in the infrared spectrum, all the objects
radiate some form of thermal radiations. These types of radiations are invisible to our
eyes that can be detected by an infrared sensor. The emitter is simply an IR LED (Light
Emitting Diode) and the detector is simply an IR photodiode which is sensitive to IR
light of the same wavelength as that emitted by the IR LED. When IR light falls on the
photodiode, the resistances and these output voltages, change in proportion to the
magnitude of the IR light received.

d) Mobile application
The mobile application is designed specifically for the user to view their transactions
and also help in location tracking. The application requires the user to sign in with email
address and password once they have registered. In an event where the registration has

not taken place, the user is required to enter details such as name, email address, postal
address, phone number, chassis number and a password. Once logged in, the user can
view the profile which provides 3 options: settings, map or view transaction. The map
option can be used for location tracking, the settings option allow the user to change
banking details and profile information. The view transaction allows the user to view
the previous transaction.

Chapter 3

With increasing number of vehicles on roads, it is getting difficult to manually enforce

laws and traffic rules for smooth traffic flow. Toll-booths are constructed on freeways
and parking structures, where the car has to stop to pay the toll or parking fees. Also,
Traffic Management systems are installed on freeways to check for vehicles
moving at speeds not permitted by law. All these processes have a scope of
improvement. In the center of all these systems lies a vehicle. In order to automate these
processes and make them more effective, a system is required to easily identify a
vehicle. The important question here is how to identify a particular vehicle? The
obvious answer to this question is by using the vehicle’s number plate.

Vehicles in each country have a unique license number, which is written on its license
plate. This number distinguishes one vehicle from the other, which is useful especially
when both are of same make and model. An automated system can be implemented to
identify the license plate of a vehicle and extract the characters from the region
containing a license plate. The license plate number can be used to retrieve more
information about the vehicle and its owner, which can be used for further processing.
Such an automated system should be small in size, and portable. Various license plate
detection algorithms have been developed in past few years. Each of these algorithms
has their own advantages and disadvantages.

This project described the method in which license plate is detected using confidence
related predictions. As multiple detections are available for single license plate, post-
processing methods are applied to merge all detected regions. In addition, trackers are
used to limit the search region to certain areas in an image. It suggests a different
approach of detection using binarization and elimination of unnecessary regions from
an image. In this approach, initial image processing and binarization of an image is
carried out based on the contrast between characters and background in license plate.
After binarizing the image, it is divided into different black and white regions. These
regions are passed through elimination stage to get the final region having most
probability of containing a number platform.

The main aim of this project to get rid of the manually e-toll system which causes a lot
of traffic near the toll system. By this system the system will automatically check all
the aspects of the tax and provide him a reliable way to getting rid of high traffic.

3.1 Automatic Vehicle Identification:

The automatic vehicle identification (AVI) component of this system refers to the
technologies that determine the identification or ownership of the vehicle so that the
toll will be charged to the corresponding customer.

3.2 Automatic Vehicle Classification:

Vehicle type and class may have differentiated toll amount. The vehicle type may
include light vehicles like the passenger car or heavy vehicles like recreational vehicles.
A vehicle’s class can be determined by the physical attributes of the vehicle, the number
of occupants in the vehicle, the number of axles in the vehicles and the purpose for
which the vehicle is being used at the time of classification

3.3 Video Enforcement System:

When used for electronic toll collection, the video enforcement system (VES) captures
images of the license plates of vehicles that pass through an electronic tollbooth without
a valid electronic tag. Although the deployment of these technologies makes the initial
cost of installation very high, but there exits huge benefits accompanied with such high
investment. These benefits are discussed in the upcoming section.

Chapter 4


 Arduino
 Servo Motor
 IR Sensor
 Camera

4.1.1 Arduino
Arduino Uno (Figure 4.1) is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328. It has
14 digital input output pin (of which 6 can be used as PWM output) 6 analog inputs, a
16 MHz ceramic resonator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header and a reset
button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it
to a computer with a USB cable or power it with an AC to DC adopter or battery to get
started. The Uno differs from all preceding boards in that it does not use the FTDI USB
to serial driver chip.

In order to control all the components of the system, an Arduino as a micro controller
was chosen. Arduino is a programmable circuit board with an easy to use hardware and
software. The board named Arduino Uno was chosen and it has 14 digital inputs and

Figure 4.1: Arduino Uno

Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P (datasheet).

It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6
analog inputs, a 16 MHz quartz crystal, a USB connection, a power j ack, an
ICSP header and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the
microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it
with an AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. You can tinker with your
UNO without working too much about doing something wrong, worst case
scenario you can replace the chip for a few dollars and start over again. "Uno"
means one in Italian and was chosen to mark the release of Arduino Software
(IDE) 1.0. The Uno board and version 1.0 of Ard uino Software (IDE) were the
reference versions of Arduino, now evolved to newer releases. The Uno board
is the first in a series of USB Arduino boards, and the reference model for the
Arduino platform; for an extensive list of current, past or outdated bo ards
shown in the Arduino index of boards. Table 4.1 shows the specification sheet
of Arduino Uno.

Table 4.1 Arduino Uno specification sheet

a) Technical specification

Microcontroller ATmega328P

Operating Voltage 5V

Input Voltage (recommended) 7-12V

Input Voltage (limit) 6-20V

Digital I/O Pins 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)

PWM Digital I/O Pins 6

Analog Input Pins 6

DC Current per I/O Pin 20 mA

DC Current for 3.3V Pin 50 mA

32 KB (ATmega328P) of which 0.5 KB

Flash Memory
used by boot loader

SRAM 2 KB (ATmega328P)

EEPROM 1 KB (ATmega328P)

Clock Speed 16 MHz


Length 68.6 mm

Width 53.4 mm

Weight 25 g

b) Programming

The Arduino Uno can be programmed with the (Arduino Software (IDE). Select
"Arduino/Genuine Uno from the Tools > Board menu (according to the microcontroller
on your board). For details, see the reference and tutorials.

The ATmega328 on the Arduino Uno comes preprogrammed with a bootloader that
allows you to upload new code to it without the use of an external hardware
programmer. It communicates using the original STK500 protocol (reference, C header

You can also bypass the bootloader and program the microcontroller through the ICSP
(In-Circuit Serial Programming) header using Arduino ISP or similar; see these
instructions for details.

The ATmega16U2 (or 8U2 in the rev1 and rev2 boards) firmware source code is
available in the Arduino repository. The ATmega16U2/8U2 is loaded with a DFU
bootloader, which can be activated by:

On Rev1 boards: connecting the solder jumper on the back of the board (near the map
of Italy) and then reseing the 8U2.

On Rev2 or later boards: there is a resistor that pulling the 8U2/16U2 HWB line to
ground, making it easier to put into DFU mode.

You can then use Atmel's FLIP software (Windows) or the DFU
programmer (Mac OS X and Linux) to load a new firmware. Or you can use
the ISP header with an external programmer (overwriting the DFU bootloader).

c) Power

The Arduino Uno board can be powered via the USB connection or with an
external power supply. The power source is selected automatically.

External (non-USB) power can come either from an AC-to-DC adapter (wall-
wart) or battery. The adapter can be connected by plugging a 2.1mm center -
positive plug into the board's power jack. Leads from a battery can be inserted
in the GND and Vin pin headers of the power connector.

The board can operate on an external supply from 6 to 20 volts. If supplied

with less than 7V, however, the 5V pin may supply less than five volts and the
board may become unstable. If using more than 12V, the voltage regulator may
overheat and damage the board. The recommended range is 7 to 12 volts.

The power pins are as follows:

 Vin. The input voltage to the Arduino/Genuino board when it's using an
external power source (as opposed to 5 volts from the USB connection or
other regulated power source). You can supply voltage through this pin, or,
if supplying voltage via the power jack, access it through this pin.

 5V.This pin outputs a regulated 5V from the regulator on the board. The
board can be supplied with power either from the DC power jack (7 - 12V),
the USB connector (5V), or the VIN pin of the board (7 -12V). Supplying
voltage via the 5V or 3.3V pins bypasses the regulator, and can damage
your board. We don't advise it.

 3V3. A 3.3 volt supply generated by the on-board regulator. Maximum

current draw is 50 mA.

 GND. Ground pins.

 IOREF. This pin on the Arduino/Genuino board provides the voltage

reference with which the microcontroller operates. A properly con Figured
shield can read the IOREF pin voltage and select the appropriate power
source or enable voltage translators on the outputs to work with the 5V or

d) Memory

The ATmega328 has 32 KB (with 0.5 KB occupied by the bootloader). It also has 2 KB
of SRAM and 1 KB of EEPROM (which can be read and written with the EEPROM

e) Input and Output

The mapping is shown in Figure 4.2 between Arduino pins and ATmega328P ports.
The mapping for the Atmega8, 168, and 328 is identical.

f) Pin mapping:

Figure 4.2: Arduino Uno pin diagram

Each of the 14 digital pins on the Uno can be used as an input or output,
using pinMode(), digitalWrite(), and digitalRead() functions. They operate at
5 volts. Each pin can provide or receive 20 mA as recommended operating I/O
pin to avoid permanent damage to the microcontroller. Condition and has an
internal pull-up resistor (disconnected by default) of 20-50k ohm. A maximum
of 40mA is the value that must not be exceeded.

In addition, some pins have specialized functions:

 Serial: 0 (RX) and 1 (TX). Used to receive (RX) and transmit (TX) TTL
serial data. These pins are connected to the corresponding pins of the
ATmega8U2 USB-to-TTL Serial chip.

 External Interrupts: 2 and 3. These pins can be con Figured to trigger an

interrupt on a low value, a rising or falling edge, or a change in value. See
the attachInterrupt() function for details.

 PWM: 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11. Provide 8-bit PWM output with the
analogWrite() function

 SPI: 10 (SS), 11 (MOSI), 12 (MISO), 13 (SCK). These pins support SPI

communication using the SPI library.

 LED: 13. There is a built-in LED driven by digital pin 13. When the pin is
HIGH value, the LED is on, when the pin is LOW, it's off.

 TWI: A4 or SDA pin and A5 or SCL pin. Support TWI communication

using the Wire library.

The Uno has 6 analog inputs, labeled A0 through A5, each of which provide
10 bits of resolution (i.e. 1024 different values). By default they measure from
ground to 5 volts, though is it possible to change the upper end of their range
using the AREF pin and the analogReference() function. There are a couple of
other pins on the board:

 AREF. Reference voltage for the analog inputs. Used with analog

 Reset. Bring this line LOW to reset the microcontroller. Typically used to
add a reset button to shields which block the one on the board.

f) Communication

Arduino/Genuino Uno has a number of facilities for communicating with a

computer, another Arduino/Genuino board, or other microcontrollers. The
ATmega328 provides UART TTL (5V) serial communication, which is
available on digital pins 0 (RX) and 1 (TX). An ATmega16U2 on the board

channels this serial communication over USB and appears as a virtual com port
to software on the computer. The 16U2 firmware uses the standard USB COM
drivers, and no external driver is needed. However, on Windows, an .inf file is
required. The Arduino Software (IDE) includes a serial monitor which allows
simple textual data to be sent to and from the board. The RX and TX LEDs on
the board will flash when data is being transmitted via the USB-to-serial chip
and USB connection to the computer (but not for serial communication on pins
0 and 1).

A Software Serial library allows serial communication on any of the Uno's

digital pins.

The ATmega328 also supports I2C (TWI) and SPI comm unication. The
Arduino Software (IDE) includes a Wire library to simplify use of the I2C bus;
see the documentation for details. For SPI communication, use the SPI library.

g) Automatic (Software) Reset

Rather than requiring a physical press of the reset b utton before an upload, the
Arduino/Genuino Uno board is designed in a way that allows it to be reset by
software running on a connected computer. One of the hardware flow control
lines (DTR) of the ATmega8U2/16U2 is connected to the reset line of the
ATmega328 via a 100 Nano farad capacitor. When this line is asserted (taken
low), the reset line drops long enough to reset the chip. The Arduino Software
(IDE) uses this capability to allow you to upload code by simply pressing the
upload button in the interface toolbar. This means that the bootloader can have
a shorter timeout, as the lowering of DTR can be well -coordinated with the
start of the upload.

This setup has other implications. When the Uno is connected to either a
computer running Mac OS X or Linux, it resets each time a connection is made
to it from software (via USB). For the following half -second or so, the
bootloader is running on the Uno. While it is programmed to ignore malformed
data (i.e. anything besides an upload of new code), it will intercept the first
few bytes of data sent to the board after a connection is opened. If a sketch

running on the board receives one-time configuration or other data when it
first starts, make sure that the software with which it communicates waits a
second after opening the connection and before sending this data.

The Uno board contains a trace that can be cut to disable the auto -reset. The
pads on either side of the trace can be soldered together to re-enable it. It's
labeled "RESET-EN". You may also be able to disable the auto-reset by
connecting a 110 ohm resistor from 5V to the reset line.

4.1.2 Servo Motor

A servomotor is a rotary actuator or linear actuator that allows for precise control of
angular or linear position, velocity and acceleration.[1] It consists of a suitable motor
coupled to a sensor for position feedback. It also requires a relatively sophisticated
controller, often a dedicated module designed specifically for use with servomotors.

Servomotors are not a specific class of motor although the term servomotor is often
used to refer to a motor suitable for use in a closed-loop control system.

Figure 4.3: Servo Motor

Servomotors are used in applications such as robotics, CNC machinery or automated

manufacturing. The type of motor is not critical to a servomotor and different types may
be used as show in the Figure 4.3. At the simplest, brushed permanent magnet DC
motors are used, owing to their simplicity and low cost. Small industrial servomotors
are typically electronically commutated brushless motors. For large industrial
servomotors, AC induction motors are typically used, often with variable frequency

drives to allow control of their speed. For ultimate performance in a compact package,
brushless AC motors with permanent magnet fields are used, effectively large versions
of Brushless DC electric motors.

Drive modules for servomotors are a standard industrial component. Their design is a
branch of power electronics, usually based on a three-phase MOSFET or IGBT H-
bridge. These standard modules accept a single direction and pulse count (rotation
distance) as input. They may also include over-temperature monitoring, over-torque
and stall detection features. As the encoder type, gearhead ratio and overall system
dynamics are application specific, it is more difficult to produce the overall controller
as an off-the-shelf module and so these are often implemented as part of the main

4.1.3 IR Sensor

IR sensors works by using a specific light sensor to detect a select wavelength

in the Infra-Red (IR) spectrum shown in the figure (4.4). By using an LED
which produces light at the same wavelength as what the intensity of received
light. When an object is close to the sensor, the light from the

Figure 4.4: IR Module

LED bounces off the object and into the light sensor. This result in a large
jump in the intensity, which we already know can be detected using threshold.

a) Principles of Operation

We have already discussed how a light sensor work show in the Figure (4.5a). IR
Sensors work by using a specific light sensor to detect a select light wavelength in the
Infra-Red (IR) spectrum.

Figure. 4.5 a: No object present – no IR light detected by sensor

Figure 4.5 b: Depiction of the operation of an IR Sensor

By using an LED which produces light at the same wavelength as what the sensor is
looking for, you can look at the intensity of the received light. When an object is close
to the sensor, the light from the LED bounces off the object and into the light sensor as
show in the Figure (4.6a). This results in a large jump in the intensity, which we already
know can be detected using a threshold as shown in Figure (4.6b).

Figure 4.6 a: Lightly colored objects reflect more IR light

Figure 4.6b: Darker colored object reflect less IR light

b) Detecting Brightness
Since the sensor works by looking for reflected light, it is possible to have a sensor that
can return the value of the reflected light. This type of sensor can then be used to
measure how "bright" the object is. This is useful for tasks like line tracking.

4.1.4 Camera

A camera is an optical instrument to capture still images or to record moving images,

which are stored in a physical medium such as in a digital system or on photographic
film. A camera consists of a lens which focuses light from the scene, and a camera
body which holds the image capture mechanism.

The still image camera is the main instrument in the art of photography and captured
images may be reproduced later as a part of the process of photography, digital
imaging, and photographic printing. The similar artistic fields in the moving image
camera domain are film, videography, and cinematography.


 Android Studio

4.2.1 MAT LAB

MATLAB (matrix laboratory) is a multi-paradigm numerical computing environment

and proprietary programming language developed by MathWorks. MATLAB
allows matrix manipulations, plotting of functions and data, implementation
of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing with programs written in other
languages, including C, C++, C#, Java, Fortran and Python.

Although MATLAB is intended primarily for numerical computing, an optional

toolbox uses the MuPAD symbolic engine, allowing access to symbolic computing
abilities. An additional package, Simulink, adds graphical multi-domain simulation and
model-based design for dynamic and embedded systems.

As of 2018, MATLAB has more than 3 million users worldwide. MATLAB users come
from various backgrounds of engineering, science, and economics.

4.2.2 Android studio

Android Studio is the official integrated development environment (IDE)

for Google's Android operating system, built on JetBrains' Intellijence IDEA software
and designed specifically for Android development.[8] It is available for download
on Windows, macOS and Linux based operating systems. It is a replacement for
the Eclipse Android Development Tools (ADT) as the primary IDE for native Android
application development.

Android Studio was announced on May 16, 2013 at the Google I/O conference. It was
in early access preview stage starting from version 0.1 in May 2013, then entered beta
stage starting from version 0.8 which was released in June 2014. The first stable build
was released in December 2014, starting from version 1.0. The current stable version
is 3.3, which was released in January 2019.


The following features are provided in the current stable version :-

 Gradle-based build support

 Android-specific refactoring and quick fixes

 Lint tools to catch performance, usability, version compatibility and other
 ProGuard integration and app-signing capabilities
 Template-based wizards to create common Android designs and components
 A rich layout editor that allows users to drag-and-drop UI components, option
to preview layouts on multiple screen configuration
 Support for building Android Wear apps
 Built-in support for Google Cloud Platform, enabling integration with Firebase
Cloud Messaging (Earlier 'Google Cloud Messaging') and Google App Engine[17]
 Android Virtual Device (Emulator) to run and debug apps in the Android studio.

Android Studio supports all the same programming languages of IntelliJ (and CLion)
e.g. Java, C++, and more with extensions, Android Studio 3.0 or later
supports Kotlin and "Java 7 language features and a subset of Java 8 language features
that vary by platform version." External projects backport some Java 9 features. While
IntelliJ that Android Studio is built on supports all released Java versions, and Java 12,
it's not clear to what level Android Studio supports Java versions up to Java 12 (the
documentation mentions partial Java 8 support). At least some new language features
up to Java 12 are usable in Android.

4.3 Methodology and Working

Flow of Application based toll tax are:

 Detection of vehicle
 Display of toll
 Payment through Application

Whenever any person buys a vehicle, first he/she need to do her vehicle registered at
the RTO office. RTO people will assign a number plate to it along with it they have a
standard number plate. They will also create an account for that particular vehicle and
maintain transaction history in database. Owner of the vehicle needs to deposit some
minimum amount to this account. Every time a registered vehicle approaches the toll
booth, first the Infrared sensors will detect the presence of the vehicle which in turn
activates the IR sensor circuit to read the motion of the vehicle. Transaction will begin,

depending upon the balance available toll will be deducted directly or the vehicle will
be directed towards another lane to pay tax manually. The software further updates the
details in the Centralized database server. It also triggers mechanism to generate the bill
and will be sent to user as a text message. On the other hand, whenever any vehicle
owner registers a complaint at the RTO office regarding theft of the vehicle respective
entry is made in the database. Now any vehicle arriving at toll booth with same ID as
already present in stolen vehicle category will be easily identified as the ID assigned
with it is unique. All the toll plazas will be connected to each other along with the
centralized server in the form of LAN. Updates of any sort of transaction will be
immediately updated to local database and centralized server.

The proposed approach for automatic number plate recognition system is represented
in this section. The existing ANPR method works well for dark and light images but it
does not work well for low contrast, blurred and noisy images. But the proposed
approach for ANPR works well for all these categories of images.

The flowchart of proposed approach for ANPR consists of following main steps:

 Image Acquisition
 RGB to Grayscale conversion
 Noise removal by Iterative Bilateral Filtering
 Contrast enhancement by using Adaptive Histogram Equalization (AHE)
 Morphological Opening and Image Subtraction Operations
 Image Binarization
 Edge detection by Sobel operator
 Candidate Plate Area Detection by Morphological Opening and Closing
 Actual Number Plate Area Extraction
 Enhancement of Extracted Plate Region using Morphological Operations
 Character Segmentation (CS)
 Character Recognition (CR)

4.3.1. Image Acquisition:

The first step of ANPR is image acquisition which means to acquire the input image of
vehicle. Image is acquired by digital camera as show in the Figure (4.7). Images are
taken in different background and illumination conditions and at various distances from
the camera. Due to poor illumination conditions the acquired image can be of low
contrast. Weather conditions (fog, snow, rain) are responsible for introducing "noise"
during camera capturing. Different types of images can be acquired during camera
capturing that is Light Images, Dark Images, Low Contrast Images, Blurred Images and
Noisy Images.

Figure 4.7: Input Vehicle Image

Pre-Processing: The basic aim of pre-processing is to improve the contrast of the input
image, to reduce the noise in the image, hence to enhance the processing speed, to
increase and improve the visibility and quality of input image. In the proposed approach
for ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition), in pre-processing step firstly the
RGB image is converted into gray level image and then the noise from the gray scale
image is removed by using iterative bilateral filtering and finally the filtered image is
enhanced by applying Adaptive Histogram Equalization (AHE) technique.

4.3.2. RGB to Grey Scale Conversion: The captured input image is RGB format. The
first step of pre-processing is to convert RGB image into grey-scale image. Figure. 4.8
shows the grey scale image.

Figure 4.8: Gray Scale Image

4.3.3. Noise Removal by Iterative Bilateral Filter:

: In the proposed method iterative bilateral filter is used for noise removal. Iterative
bilateral filter is non-linear filter. It provides the mechanism for noise reduction while
preserving edges more effectively than median filter. The iterative bilateral filter results
into less blurring effect while smoothing an image than the median filter. The image
reconstructed with iterative filter has high PSNR value as compared to the image
reconstructed with median filter show in the Figure (4.9). Hence the image filtered by
iterative bilateral filter has better quality than the image reconstructed with median
filter. The result of applying iterative bilateral filter on gray scale

Figure 4.9: Noise Removal by Iterative Bilateral Filter

4.3.4. Contrast Enhancement using Adaptive Histogram Equalization: Contrast is
defined as difference between lowest and highest intensity level. In the proposed
approach the contrast is enhanced by Adaptive histogram equalization (AHE). AHE
shows better contrast than histogram equalization (HE). This is because in AHE the test
functions according to which we enhance the contrast of input vehicle image depend
upon gray levels, local properties and spatial co-ordinates of pixels while in case of HE
the test function value depend only on the gray levels of pixel of image show in the
Figure (4.10) The image reconstructed with adaptive histogram equalization (AHE) has
high PSNR value as compared to the image reconstructed with histogram equalization
(HE). Hence the image enhanced by adaptive histogram equalization (AHE) has better
quality than the image enhanced with histogram equalization (HE).

Figure 4.10: Contrast Enhancement using Adaptive Histogram Equalization

4.3.5. Morphological Opening and Image Subtraction Operations:

In the proposed approach the opening operation firstly the disc shaped structuring
element (SE) is created and then the opening operation is performed on the adaptive
contrast enhanced gray scale image by using disc shaped structuring element (SE) and
then in the image subtraction operation, the morphological opened image is subtracted
from adaptive contrast enhanced gray scale image so that the number plate area get

highlighted. Figure. 4.12 shows the result of opening operation and shows the result of
image subtraction between the contrasts enhanced gray scale image and opened image.

Figure 4.11: Opening effect using disk

Figure 4.12: Image Subtraction

4.3.6. Image Binarization:

In image binarization step the image is converted to black and white format. The
purpose of applying color conversion is to reduce the number of range of the color scale
from (0-255) to (0-1). In the proposed approach the subtracted gray scale image is
converted into binary image in this step. Firstly the global threshold level is calculated
by Otsu's method and then according to the calculated threshold the subtracted gray
scale image is converted into black and white image shows binarized image.

Figure 4.13: Binarized Image

4.3.7. Edge Detection by Sobel Operator:

Edges are detected by sobel operator. Sobel operator consists of two types of masks.
One is horizontal sobel mask and vertical sobel mask.

Figure 4.14: Edge Detection by Sobel operator

4.3.8. Candidate Plate Area detection by Morphological Opening and Closing


In the proposed ANPR approach for the detection of candidate plate area, firstly dilation
operation is applied on sobel edge detected image and then the holes are filled in this
dilated image using MATLAB imfill function. After this the unwanted portion of image
is removed by using opening operation and finally the candidate plate area is detected
by using erosion operation. The result of applying dilation operation and filling holes
is shown in Figure. 4.11 and 4.12 respectively. Then morphological opening and erode
operations are used for exact detection of candidate plate

Figure 4.15: Image after filling holes

Figure 4.16: Number Plate Area Detection

4.3.9. Actual Number Plate Area Extraction:

After the detection of number plate area that area is extracted from the image. The
efficiency of number plate extraction depends on accurate detection of number plate
area. In the proposed approach, after the detection of candidate plate area, the row and
column indices of plate area plate area are found by Boundary Box Analysis (BBA)
and then that portion is extracted from the image.

Figure 4.17: Extracted True Number Plate

4.3.10. Extracted Plate Region Enhancement:

The extracted number plate may consist of various noise, unwanted holes, frames, bolts
etc. So enhancement of plate region is done. In the proposed approach the enhancement
of extracted plate region is done by using various morphological operations. Shows the
result of plate region enhancement by morphological dilation.

Figure 4.18: Enhanced Plate Region

4.3.11. Character Segmentation:

Character Segmentation (CS) step acts as bridge between the number plate extraction
and character recognition phase. In this phase the characters on number plate area are
segmented. There are many factors such as image noise, space mark, plate frame, plate
rotation and illumination variance etc. that make the character segmentation task
difficult. In the proposed approach the character segmentation is done by Connected
Component Analysis (CCA) and Boundary Box Analysis (BBA). Firstly labels are
assigned to connected components and the labeled characters are extracted using
boundary box analysis.

Figure 4.19: Output of Character Segmentation

4.3.12. Character Recognition:

Character recognition (CR) is the last phase of ANPR system. The inputs to this phase
are segmented characters and output of this phase is license plate number. Difficulties
are faced during character recognition. The character recognition is done by Template
Matching using Correlation. In the proposed approach for ANPR, in the character
recognition step firstly make template by taking 42 X 24 pixel A to Z alphabet and 0 to
9 number images. Read all image and store them in database and this result into 36
character templates. After this step character normalization is done. In character
normalization, all the segmented characters are resized to template size 42 X 24. The
main benefit of character normalization is that sometimes the segmented characters do

not have the same size. The better way to overcome this problem is to resize the
characters into one size before actual recognition starts. In last the segmented characters
are matched with template characters using correlation. The similarity between
characters and segmented characters is measured and the template that is most similar
to the character is recognized as target. The value of correlation is calculated by
comparing the normalized segmented character image with each template character
image and selecting the most relevant image and writes that character into text file.
Figure.4.20 shows the result of character recognition.

Figure 4.20: Output of character recognition

The existing ANPR method does not work well for Low Contrast, Blurred and Noisy
images. But the proposed ANPR approach works well for Low Contrast, Blurred and
Noisy images as well as for Dark and Light images. For example the input image as
shown in Figure.3 is of low contrast. When we applied the existing ANPR algorithm
on this low contrast image, the extracted plate is not actual number plate area. As a
result of this wrong extraction of number plate area, the character segmentation and
character recognition are not successful in this case because these two phases are also
depends on successful extraction of number plate area. But when we applied the
proposed approach for ANPR on this low contrast image, it properly extracts the actual
plate area. After the extraction of plate area, the extracted plate is enhanced by using
morphological operations to enhance the quality of extracted plate so that the
segmentation gives successful output.

Figure 4.21 Block Diagram of Proposed System

Figure 4.22: Circuit diagram of proposed system

The IR sensor must be powered by 3.3V and 5V can damage the on board components.
The IR Sensor works on SPI communication protocol while communicating with
Arduino. Rest of the circuit: The Arduino can be powered from 9V wall adapter. There
is a buzzer and LED to indicate that the card is detected. There are 4 buttons provided
for viewing the vehicle attendance, clearing the memory and “yes” and “no” buttons.

Now we have to set the correct time to RTC module to do this, follow the below steps
with completed hardware setup.

 Open the Arduino IDE.

 Navigate to File> Examples> DS1307RTC> SetTime.
 Upload the code. Once the code is uploaded to Arduino, open the serial monitor.
Now the RTC is synchronized with the time of your computer.

Now we have to find UID or unique identification number of all 12 RFID cards/tags.

UID, upload the below code and open the serial monitor.

 Open serial monitor.

 Scan the number plate of vehicle.
 Now you will see some hexadecimal code for each card.
 Write it down, we will be entering those data in the next program

4.4 Mobile app

Development of Application of E-toll for user using Android Studio:

To implement this idea of electronic tolling system using Arduino, Android Studio and
Arduino IDE has been used. Arduino IDE is a cross-platform application and it allows
the user to write code to enable the Arduino board and the connecting sensors/modules.
Once the connection is established it is linked to the server. On the other side Android
Studio is platform for building the android application. The android application is
linked to the server with the help of the mobile network connection. Now both the
device and the Arduino board is linked to an IoT cloud platform.

In this, we have designed an application for controlling the billing and other aspect of
the E-Toll.

This application is made on android studio which is basically a system which works on
drag and drop function. The application database is connected to the database of
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.

Figure 4.22: Application
Application looks like this. This is the opening page of the application. In this the user
has to create an account and then they have to sign up the app and after that they have
to add the type of vehicle and other detail regarding the travelling distance and he will
go to next page where there is an option of payment of all the taxes.

Chapter 5.
Results and Discussions

The Circuit module of RFID Automatic tollgate system designed could automatically
detect the identities of the vehicles and performed the billing in accordance to the
identity of each vehicle as prerecorded in the database. The system could automatically
open and close the gate as well as automatically emailing the owners of the vehicles.
These were the major achievements met in the project, among other objectives also
achieved, which include tracking of the vehicles and remote database connection.
However the proper demonstration of some of the objectives did not yield to the wanted
extent due to lack of resources.

5.1 Model of Proposed System

Figure 5.1 a: Gate View

Figure 5.1 b: Circutary View

Figure 5.1 c: Lane View

5.1.1 Mobile app
Application looks like this. This is the opening page of the application. In this the user
has to create an account and then they have to sign up the app and after that they have
to add the type of vehicle and other detail regarding the travelling distance and he will
go to next page where there is an option of payment of all the taxes. The further pages

Figure 5.2: Login Page

Figure 5.2 shows the login page where the user has to first register itself with the system
,after this they have to login via their verified user id and password.

Figure 5.3: Registration page

Figure 5.3 shows the registration page whenever they have to travel they have to
provide the necessary detail like car number, owner name and vehicle type. They also
have to provide the source and destination address.

Figure 5.4: Registration page (including Vehicle no. source & destination)

Figure 5.5: Payment Page

After submitting the necessary detail at registration page payment page will appear as
shown in fig it ask about which type of transaction we are going to do inform account,
wallet via cards the application will automatically collect the amount after we provide
the detail to it regarding source and destination it will count all the tolls and provide us
the data. After making payment we will get a confirmation page Figure 5.6

Figure 5.6: Payment Confirmation Page

Chapter 6.


The electronic tolling system using Arduino is therefore a much more cost effective
system than the ones in place and it also helps in reducing the need for slowing down
the traffic at certain junctions.

The Electronic Toll Collection system in expressway based on RFID, a design scheme
was put forward. It is low cost, high security, far communication and efficiency, etc. It
not only improves the passage ability of expressway but also improves the technology
level of charge. Electronic toll collection system using Application based is an effective
measure to reduce management costs and fees, at the same time, greatly reduce noise
and pollutant emission of toll station. In the design of the proposed Electronic toll
collection (ETC) system, real time toll collection and anti-theft solution system have
been designed. This reduces the manual labour and delays that often occur on roads.
This system of collecting tolls is ecofriendly and also results in increased toll lane
capacity. Also an anti-theft solution system module which prevents passing of any
defaulter vehicle is implemented, thus assuring security on the roadways.


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