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Topic : Imagine that you had the ability to travel through time – When would it be and why ?

What can we learn

about that era ?

I. Story – telling :

Phúc :

The story was about Tu Duc the King and his rules.

Tu Duc was born in 1829 and passed away in 1883.

Hong Nham came to the throne at the age of 19, having taken the title of Tu Duc, the rise of Tu Duc's throne was
suspected by many people, so there were also people who resisted. Hong Bao (Tu Duc) conspired with some people to
find a way to regain the throne. Revealing, Hong Bao was imprisoned and sentenced to death. Tu Duc tha died for him
but gave him a restraining order, but somehow Hong Bao tied his neck to death in prison (a book was written that he
was forced to drink poison). Hong Bao's death became a suspect.

In Tu Duc’s managing time, life in VN was very disturbed.

N Tu Duc 9th, there was a boat "Catinat" in the door of Da Nang and then gave him a letter to blame the Vietnamese
court for the killing of Christianity. Unanswered, French troops bombarded strongholds and left. There was Bishop
Pellerin who escaped aboard. Bishop Pellerin of France recounted to the court the scene of Christian clergy being
brutally suppressed in Vietnam, and said that only if there was a rebellion would Christians rise to help, and there would
be a woman. French Queen Eugénie was very religious, so she also helped Mr. Pellerin. The new Emperor decided to go
to Vietnam.

Hà Minh :

In July 11th Tu Duc (1858), French Lieutenant General Rigault de Genouilly brought French ships and Y-phase-grape ships
(Espagne) with all 14 ships to Da Nang's door and bombarded An Hai and Thanh Ton. Hai. According to the plan,
Lieutenant General Rigault de Genouilly planned to attack Hue after lowering Da Nang but waiting forever without
seeing the rebellious Christians see our troops pouring more and more, the French army was unfamiliar with the
climate, so they fell. The disease is also many. Lieutenant General Rigault de Genouilly interfered with Bishop Pellerin
and wrote to the French about the situation, Bishop Pellerin was angry about Malaysia. Noticing that Hue was
unpopular, the French general general changed his mind, turned to beat Gia Dinh because it was easier to obtain and a
richer place.

First after Lieutenant General Rigault de Genouilly led the French and Y-Grape troops into Can Gio gate, beating Gia Dinh
citadel, in just 2 days it became a play. Judge-governor Vu Duy Ninh committed suicide. The French soldiers flattened the
castle into a ground. After that, Lieutenant General France brought his troops back to Da Nang to fight a battle at Phuc
Ninh Fort, and Nguyen Tri Phuong's troops lost to withdraw to Nai-Troi Fort and Lien-Maintenance Station. Lieutenant
General Rigault de Genouilly was also sick, so he asked to come back to France to think, General Page sang instead. He
suggested the reconciliation, only to be free to preach Christianity and to trade with our country but the Hue court at
that time and the old mandarins, who only knew that the Confucian religion would die to keep the country, refused to
be humiliated, were not soft people in matters of diplomacy, so the King had to listen.

Quang :

By 1862 the French had occupied Bien Hoa and Vinh Long. The new imperial court sent Mr. Phan Thanh Gian and Mr.
Lam Duy Tiep to the South to reconcile with the French on May 9, the year of the tiger (1862).

In that treaty (12 months) there are the following:

- The country of Vietnam must allow the missionary of Christianity in France and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia to freely
preach and let the people be free to follow the lead .
N wishes our country to cede to France in Bien Hoa province, Gia Dinh province and Dinh Tuong province and to let the
French ships go in and out freely in the Mekong River (Cuu Long).

Tu Duc King was forced to make three Southern provinces for France but still wanted to get it back because it was the
Nguyen's occupation land, so he sent Mr. Phan Thanh Gian, Mr. Pham Phu Thu and Mr. Wei Khac Dan to bring their
belongings. France and the state of Yugoslavia to redeem 3 southern provinces. The French King promised to think again
and answer later, but the French Minister of the Navy and colonial Chasseloup-Laubat refused to pay the land to
Vietnam, so he said, the King of France listened.

Phương Trần :

Trieu Hue also think that France will not stop there so wrong Phan Thanh Gian to defending South. In Tu Duc 20 th year
(1867), Major General De la Grandiere pulled troops to fight Vinh Long, An Giang and Ha Tien. Mr. Phan Thanh Gian
knew that he could not stand it, so he asked the strong officials to give blood and drink self-suicide poison. The whole
land of Nam Ky belonged to France , taxes, what was decided by France. France temporarily suspended the conquest

The second treaty:Giap Tuat(15/3/1874).:The Nguyen dynasty official recognized the southern province for France.

The third treaty:Qui Mui(28/8/1883):The court officially recognized the French protection rights in the northein

It was the treaties of the Nguyen Dynasty that ended the existence of an independent period that until now still have a
lot of confusion about the true history of Nguyen Dynasty and the cause of the war with France.

II. Introduction :

Mai Linh :

Time-travelling has always been a mysterious concept that humanity had not yet been able to perform. But imagine if in
another dimension, time-travelling was possible – What would be the best era to travel back to ? Me and my teamates
have all agreed that if we were able to travel back to time, we would prefer to travel to two of the most significant ages
of Vietnamese history : the age of Nguyen Dynasty and during the war against the Governers-General of French

Phan Anh :

III. The age of Nguyen Dynasty.

This age is the last monarchy in Vietnamese history. The Nguyen Dynasty was established after Gia Long - the emperor -
who came to the throne in 1802 and ended completely when Bao Dai Emperor abdicated in 1945, having lasted for a
total of 143 years. The Nguyen Dynasty was a dynasty that marked many ups and downs of history, especially the French
invasion during the mid-19th century. Today we’ll be focusing on the second stage of this dynasty : from the year 1858
to 1945 : the period of time when our country was invaded by the French governers.

1. Cutural features

a) Cultural heritages :

During the Nguyen Dynasty, many cultural heritages were created for the Vietnamese people, some of which have been
recognized by UNESCO as world heritage sites such as Hue royal court music, Hue Citadel vestiges or Nguyen Dynasty

b) Clothing :

- The costumes of the royalty were all made from luxurious types of silk and fabric which had to be purchased from
- The Royal Family prefered their clothing to be decorated with precious rubies and they also fancied extravagant
jewelries and accessories to match their outfits.

2. Educational features

Confucianism was more consolidated yet the moral of education was taken for granted because the main content only
focused on poetry and antiquated works, which can not be applied in real life when it comes to ruling a kingdom. Many
people study just to take the examinations in order to come to the throne.

Phạm Minh Phương :

3. Literature and popular works :

- The French invasion had a great influence to laterary conceptions. Poets and writers dedicated most of their works to
this period of time; some of the representative authors during this period of time are : Nguyễn Tư Giản, Nguyễn Thông,
Nguyễn Khuyến, Dương Lâm and Nguyễn Thượng Hiền.

- One of the most well-known novels – published at the end of the second stage of the age of Nguyen Dynasty is “Lão
Hạc”. The novel was firrst published in 1941. This novel circulates the life of a farmer during this period of time. He had
to went through a series of hardships throughout his life which eventually and now we will show you a short scene of
the film adaption : *chèn vid*

=> As you can see, this novel reflects the miserable lives of the people and the status of our society before the August

Ngô Minh Phương :


*như Ngô Minh Phương đã chuẩn bị*

IV. The war against the Governers-General of French Indochina.

The war lasted for a total of 8 years : starting from 1946 to 1954. This was a war that took place in three Indochinese
countries including Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, and on one side were French expeditionary forces along with
indigenous allied forces.

Trâm Anh :

During this period of time, the most oustanding and beloved leader is Ho Chi Minh. As you all have already known by
now, Ho Chi Minh – born on the 19th of May, 1890 and passed on September 2, 1969, whose birthname is Nguyen Sinh
Cung – was a revolutionary, founder of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the leader of the revolution fighting for
independence and territorial integrity for Vietnam in the twentieth century and an international communist fighter who
followed Marxism – Leninism. He was the composer and the was also the one who read the Declaration of
Independence that founded the Democratic Republic of Vietnam on September 2, 1945 in Ba Dinh Square, Hanoi, as the
President of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam during 1945– 1969, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Vietnam
Labor Party during 1951-1969.

Mai Linh :

V. Outro :

A trip going back to time to reflect what our ancestors have achieved is the mighty motivation for each individual to
continue thriving everyday in order to develop our country, contribute to the nation’s unity and strengthen the bond
between countries.

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