202 Useful Excises For IELTS

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Useful Exercises IELTS INTERNATIONAL EDITION By GARRY ADAMS & TERRY PECK eB Practice Exercises for IELTS Listening / Reading / Writing Useful Exercises IELTS International Edition By GARRY ADAMS & TERRY PECK ADAMS & AUSTEN PRESS - SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA 202 Usefl Bxerises for IELTS By THe AuTHors: “101 Helpful Hints for IELTS - Academic Module" International Edition - Practice Book & Cassette Book: ISBN #0 9587604 6 2 Cassette: ISBN #0 9578980 02 *101 Helpful Hints for IELTS - General Training Module” Intemational Edition - Practice Book & Cassette Book: ISBN #0 9587604 97 Cassewe: ISBN # 0 9578980 02 202 Useful Exercises for IELTS" International Edition - Practice Book & Cassette Book ISBN #0 9587604 7 0 Cassete: ISBN #0 9578980 1 0 “202 Useful Exercises for IELTS" Australasian Edition - Practice Book & Cassette Book: — ISBN #0 9587604 5 4 Casserte: ISBN #0 9578980 29 AVAILABLE Soo! “101 Helpful Hints for IELTS - Academie Module” International Edition - Practice CD-ROM and Manual “101 Helpful Hints for IELTS - General Training Module’ International Edition - Practice CD-ROM and Manual “303 The Speaking Room for IELTS" Video!CD-ROM/Cassette and Manual “404 Practice Listening Tests for IELTS" Practice Book & Cassettes Book: ISBN #0 9587604 89 Cassettes: ISBN # 0 9578980 4 5 First published in Sydney, Australia 2001 ISBN 0 9587604 7 0 ‘Adams & Austen Press Pty. Ltd. 4.31, 96057873943 PO Box 509, Marrickville, New South Wales, Australia 1475 Tel/Fax: 612-9568-1768 Enail: aap @aapress.com.aw Copyright © 7. A. Peck 2000 wwrmaapress.comatt All rights eserved. No part of his publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission in wntng ftom the publisher. Iustratons by H. Piotrowski and T. Peck AUTHORS’ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ‘We would ike to acknowledge the support ofthe following people who assisted with the production of the easette tape Bruce Bel, Richard Bird, Elena Carapetis, Sandra Eldridge, Ron “Hladdrick, Julie Hamilton, Salvatore Lista, Loma Lesley, Nicola ‘Martin, Helen Piotrowski, Paul Vaughan, and Peter Whitford ABOUT THE AUTHORS Temy Peck and Gary Adams have extensive IELTS teaching experience, both being involved in the implementation and design ‘ofa number of IELTS coaching programmes. Terry Peck wes an IELTS examiner for many years in Sydney, Australia, Printed and bound in Australia by Southwood Press, Marrickville, NSW. 9876543

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